import torch def has_dml(): """ # huggingface's transformer/GPT2 model will just lead to a long track of problems # I will suck off a wizard if he gets this remedied somehow """ """ # Note 1: # self.inference_model.generate will lead to this error in # RuntimeError: new(): expected key in DispatchKeySet(CPU, CUDA, HIP, XLA, MPS, IPU, XPU, HPU, Lazy, Meta) but got: PrivateUse1 # Patching "./venv/lib/site-packages/transformers/" with: # unfinished_sequences = input_ids.new_tensor(input_ids.shape[0], device=input_ids.device).fill_(1) # "fixes" it, but meets another error/crash about an unimplemented functions......... """ """ # Note 2: # torch.load() will gripe about something CUDA not existing # remedy this with passing map_location="cpu" """ """ # Note 3: # stft requires device='cpu' or it'll crash about some error about an unimplemented function I do not remember """ """ # Note 4: # 'Tensor.multinominal' and 'Tensor.repeat_interleave' throws errors about being unimplemented and falls back to CPU and crashes """ return False """ import importlib loader = importlib.find_loader('torch_directml') return loader is not None """ def get_device_name(): name = 'cpu' if has_dml(): name = 'dml' elif torch.cuda.is_available(): name = 'cuda' return name def get_device(verbose=False): name = get_device_name() if verbose: if name == 'cpu': print("No hardware acceleration is available, falling back to CPU...") else: print(f"Hardware acceleration found: {name}") if name == "dml": import torch_directml return torch_directml.device() return torch.device(name) def get_device_batch_size(): if torch.cuda.is_available(): _, available = torch.cuda.mem_get_info() availableGb = available / (1024 ** 3) if availableGb > 14: return 16 elif availableGb > 10: return 8 elif availableGb > 7: return 4 return 1