
339 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import random
import numpy as np
import cv2
import torch
import torch.utils.data as data
import data.util as util
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from io import BytesIO
import torchvision.transforms.functional as F
# Reads full-quality images and pulls tiles from them. Also extracts LR renderings of the full image with cues as to
# where those tiles came from.
class FullImageDataset(data.Dataset):
Read LQ (Low Quality, e.g. LR (Low Resolution), blurry, etc) and GT image pairs.
If only GT images are provided, generate LQ images on-the-fly.
def get_lq_path(self, i):
which_lq = random.randint(0, len(self.paths_LQ)-1)
return self.paths_LQ[which_lq][i % len(self.paths_LQ[which_lq])]
def __init__(self, opt):
super(FullImageDataset, self).__init__()
self.opt = opt
self.data_type = 'img'
self.paths_LQ, self.paths_GT = None, None
self.sizes_LQ, self.sizes_GT = None, None
self.LQ_env, self.GT_env = None, None
self.force_multiple = self.opt['force_multiple'] if 'force_multiple' in self.opt.keys() else 1
self.paths_GT, self.sizes_GT = util.get_image_paths(self.data_type, opt['dataroot_GT'], opt['dataroot_GT_weights'])
if 'dataroot_LQ' in opt.keys():
self.paths_LQ = []
if isinstance(opt['dataroot_LQ'], list):
# Multiple LQ data sources can be given, in case there are multiple ways of corrupting a source image and
# we want the model to learn them all.
for dr_lq in opt['dataroot_LQ']:
lq_path, self.sizes_LQ = util.get_image_paths(self.data_type, dr_lq)
lq_path, self.sizes_LQ = util.get_image_paths(self.data_type, opt['dataroot_LQ'])
assert self.paths_GT, 'Error: GT path is empty.'
self.random_scale_list = [1]
def motion_blur(self, image, size, angle):
k = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=np.float32)
k[(size - 1) // 2, :] = np.ones(size, dtype=np.float32)
k = cv2.warpAffine(k, cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((size / 2 - 0.5, size / 2 - 0.5), angle, 1.0), (size, size))
k = k * (1.0 / np.sum(k))
return cv2.filter2D(image, -1, k)
# Selects the smallest dimension from the image and crops it randomly so the other dimension matches. The cropping
# offset from center is chosen on a normal probability curve.
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def get_square_image(self, images):
h, w, _ = images[0].shape
if h == w:
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return images
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offset = max(min(np.random.normal(scale=.3), 1.0), -1.0)
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res = []
for image in images:
if h > w:
diff = h - w
center = diff // 2
top = int(center + offset * (center - 2))
res.append(image[top:top+w, :, :])
diff = w - h
center = diff // 2
left = int(center + offset * (center - 2))
res.append(image[:, left:left+h, :])
return res
def pick_along_range(self, sz, r, dev):
margin_sz = sz - r
margin_center = margin_sz // 2
return min(max(int(min(np.random.normal(scale=dev), 1.0) * margin_sz + margin_center), 0), margin_sz)
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def resize_point(self, point, orig_dim, new_dim):
oh, ow = orig_dim
nh, nw = new_dim
dh, dw = float(nh) / float(oh), float(nw) / float(ow)
point[0] = int(dh * float(point[0]))
point[1] = int(dw * float(point[1]))
return point
# - Randomly extracts a square from image and resizes it to opt['target_size'].
# - Fills a mask with zeros, then places 1's where the square was extracted from. Resizes this mask and the source
# image to the target_size and returns that too.
# Notes:
# - When extracting a square, the size of the square is randomly distributed [target_size, source_size] along a
# half-normal distribution, biasing towards the target_size.
# - A biased normal distribution is also used to bias the tile selection towards the center of the source image.
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def pull_tile(self, images, lq=False):
if lq:
target_sz = self.opt['min_tile_size'] // self.opt['scale']
target_sz = self.opt['min_tile_size']
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h, w, _ = images[0].shape
possible_sizes_above_target = h - target_sz
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square_size = int(target_sz + possible_sizes_above_target * min(np.abs(np.random.normal(scale=.17)), 1.0))
# Pick the left,top coords to draw the patch from
left = self.pick_along_range(w, square_size, .3)
top = self.pick_along_range(w, square_size, .3)
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patches, ims, masks, centers = [], [], [], []
for image in images:
mask = np.zeros((h, w, 1), dtype=image.dtype)
mask[top:top+square_size, left:left+square_size] = 1
patch = image[top:top+square_size, left:left+square_size, :]
center = torch.tensor([top + square_size // 2, left + square_size // 2], dtype=torch.long)
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patches.append(cv2.resize(patch, (target_sz, target_sz), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR))
ims.append(cv2.resize(image, (target_sz, target_sz), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR))
masks.append(cv2.resize(mask, (target_sz, target_sz), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR))
centers.append(self.resize_point(center, (h, w), ims[-1].shape[:2]))
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return patches, ims, masks, centers
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def augment_tile(self, imgs_GT, imgs_LQ, strength=1):
scale = self.opt['scale']
GT_size = self.opt['target_size']
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H, W, _ = imgs_GT[0].shape
assert H >= GT_size and W >= GT_size
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# Establish random variables.
blur_det = random.randint(0, 100)
blur_magnitude = 3 if 'blur_magnitude' not in self.opt.keys() else self.opt['blur_magnitude']
blur_magnitude = max(1, int(blur_magnitude*strength))
blur_sig = int(random.randrange(0, int(blur_magnitude)))
blur_direction = random.randint(0, 360)
lqs, gts = [], []
for img_LQ, img_GT in zip(imgs_LQ, imgs_GT):
LQ_size = GT_size // scale
img_LQ = cv2.resize(img_LQ, (LQ_size, LQ_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
gts.append(cv2.resize(img_GT, (GT_size, GT_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR))
if self.opt['use_blurring']:
# Pick randomly between gaussian, motion, or no blur.
if blur_det < 40:
lqs.append(cv2.GaussianBlur(img_LQ, (blur_magnitude, blur_magnitude), blur_sig))
elif blur_det < 70:
lqs.append(self.motion_blur(img_LQ, random.randrange(1, int(blur_magnitude) * 3), blur_direction))
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return gts, lqs
# Converts img_LQ to PIL and performs JPG compression corruptions and grayscale on the image, then returns it.
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def pil_augment(self, imgs_LQ, strength=1):
# Compute random variables
do_jpg = random.random()
sub_lo = 90 * strength
sub_hi = 30 * strength
qf = random.randrange(100 - sub_lo, 100 - sub_hi)
ims_out = []
for img_LQ in imgs_LQ:
img_LQ = (img_LQ * 255).astype(np.uint8)
img_LQ = Image.fromarray(img_LQ)
if self.opt['use_compression_artifacts'] and do_jpg > .25:
corruption_buffer = BytesIO()
img_LQ.save(corruption_buffer, "JPEG", quality=qf, optimice=True)
img_LQ = Image.open(corruption_buffer)
if 'grayscale' in self.opt.keys() and self.opt['grayscale']:
img_LQ = ImageOps.grayscale(img_LQ).convert('RGB')
return ims_out
def __getitem__(self, index):
scale = self.opt['scale']
# get full size image
full_path = self.paths_GT[index % len(self.paths_GT)]
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LQ_path = full_path
img_full = util.read_img(None, full_path, None)
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img_full = util.channel_convert(img_full.shape[2], 'RGB', [img_full])[0]
if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
img_full = util.augment([img_full], self.opt['use_flip'], self.opt['use_rot'])[0]
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img_full = self.get_square_image([img_full])[0]
imgs_GT, gt_fullsize_refs, gt_masks, gt_centers = self.pull_tile([img_full])
img_GT, gt_fullsize_ref, gt_mask, gt_center = imgs_GT[0], gt_fullsize_refs[0], gt_masks[0], gt_centers[0]
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img_GT, gt_fullsize_ref = img_full, img_full
gt_mask = np.ones(img_full.shape[:2], dtype=gt_fullsize_ref.dtype)
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gt_center = torch.tensor([img_full.shape[0] // 2, img_full.shape[1] // 2], dtype=torch.long)
orig_gt_dim = gt_fullsize_ref.shape[:2]
# get LQ image
if self.paths_LQ:
LQ_path = self.get_lq_path(index)
img_lq_full = util.read_img(None, LQ_path, None)
img_lq_full = util.augment([img_lq_full], self.opt['use_flip'], self.opt['use_rot'])[0]
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img_lq_full = self.get_square_image([img_lq_full])[0]
imgs_LQ, lq_fullsize_refs, lq_masks, lq_centers = self.pull_tile([img_lq_full], lq=True)
img_LQ, lq_fullsize_ref, lq_mask, lq_center = imgs_LQ[0], lq_fullsize_refs[0], lq_masks[0], lq_centers[0]
else: # down-sampling on-the-fly
# randomly scale during training
if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
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GT_size = self.opt['target_size']
random_scale = random.choice(self.random_scale_list)
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if len(img_GT.shape) == 2:
H_s, W_s, _ = img_GT.shape
def _mod(n, random_scale, scale, thres):
rlt = int(n * random_scale)
rlt = (rlt // scale) * scale
return thres if rlt < thres else rlt
H_s = _mod(H_s, random_scale, scale, GT_size)
W_s = _mod(W_s, random_scale, scale, GT_size)
img_GT = cv2.resize(img_GT, (W_s, H_s), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
if img_GT.ndim == 2:
img_GT = cv2.cvtColor(img_GT, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
H, W, _ = img_GT.shape
# using matlab imresize
img_LQ = util.imresize_np(img_GT, 1 / scale, True)
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lq_fullsize_ref = util.imresize_np(gt_fullsize_ref, 1 / scale, True)
if img_LQ.ndim == 2:
img_LQ = np.expand_dims(img_LQ, axis=2)
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lq_mask, lq_center = gt_mask, self.resize_point(gt_center.clone(), orig_gt_dim, lq_fullsize_ref.shape[:2])
orig_lq_dim = lq_fullsize_ref.shape[:2]
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# Enforce force_resize constraints via clipping.
h, w, _ = img_LQ.shape
if h % self.force_multiple != 0 or w % self.force_multiple != 0:
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h, w = (h - h % self.force_multiple), (w - w % self.force_multiple)
img_LQ = img_LQ[:h, :w, :]
lq_fullsize_ref = lq_fullsize_ref[:h, :w, :]
h *= scale
w *= scale
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img_GT = img_GT[:h, :w]
gt_fullsize_ref = gt_fullsize_ref[:h, :w, :]
if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
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imgs_GT, imgs_LQ = self.augment_tile([img_GT], [img_LQ])
img_GT, img_LQ = imgs_GT[0], imgs_LQ[0]
gt_fullsize_refs, lq_fullsize_refs = self.augment_tile([gt_fullsize_ref], [lq_fullsize_ref], strength=.2)
gt_fullsize_ref, lq_fullsize_ref = gt_fullsize_refs[0], lq_fullsize_refs[0]
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# Scale masks.
lq_mask = cv2.resize(lq_mask, (lq_fullsize_ref.shape[1], lq_fullsize_ref.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
gt_mask = cv2.resize(gt_mask, (gt_fullsize_ref.shape[1], gt_fullsize_ref.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# Scale center coords
lq_center = self.resize_point(lq_center, orig_lq_dim, lq_fullsize_ref.shape[:2])
gt_center = self.resize_point(gt_center, orig_gt_dim, gt_fullsize_ref.shape[:2])
# BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
if img_GT.shape[2] == 3:
img_GT = cv2.cvtColor(img_GT, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img_LQ = cv2.cvtColor(img_LQ, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
lq_fullsize_ref = cv2.cvtColor(lq_fullsize_ref, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
gt_fullsize_ref = cv2.cvtColor(gt_fullsize_ref, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# LQ needs to go to a PIL image to perform the compression-artifact transformation.
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if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
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img_LQ = self.pil_augment([img_LQ])[0]
lq_fullsize_ref = self.pil_augment([lq_fullsize_ref], strength=.2)[0]
img_GT = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(img_GT, (2, 0, 1)))).float()
gt_fullsize_ref = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(gt_fullsize_ref, (2, 0, 1)))).float()
img_LQ = F.to_tensor(img_LQ)
lq_fullsize_ref = F.to_tensor(lq_fullsize_ref)
lq_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(lq_mask)).unsqueeze(dim=0)
gt_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(gt_mask)).unsqueeze(dim=0)
if 'lq_noise' in self.opt.keys():
lq_noise = torch.randn_like(img_LQ) * self.opt['lq_noise'] / 255
img_LQ += lq_noise
lq_fullsize_ref += lq_noise
# Apply the masks to the full images.
gt_fullsize_ref = torch.cat([gt_fullsize_ref, gt_mask], dim=0)
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lq_fullsize_ref = torch.cat([lq_fullsize_ref, lq_mask], dim=0)
d = {'LQ': img_LQ, 'GT': img_GT, 'gt_fullsize_ref': gt_fullsize_ref, 'lq_fullsize_ref': lq_fullsize_ref,
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'lq_center': lq_center, 'gt_center': gt_center,
'LQ_path': LQ_path, 'GT_path': full_path}
return d
def __len__(self):
return len(self.paths_GT)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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opt = {
'name': 'amalgam',
'dataroot_GT': ['F:\\4k6k\\datasets\\ns_images\\imagesets\\images'],
'dataroot_GT_weights': [1],
'use_flip': True,
'use_compression_artifacts': True,
'use_blurring': True,
'use_rot': True,
'lq_noise': 5,
'target_size': 128,
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'min_tile_size': 256,
'scale': 2,
'phase': 'train'
2020-08-25 17:56:59 +00:00
opt = {
'name': 'amalgam',
'dataroot_GT': ['F:\\4k6k\\datasets\\ns_images\\imagesets\\images'],
'dataroot_GT_weights': [1],
'force_multiple': 32,
'scale': 2,
'phase': 'test'
ds = FullImageDataset(opt)
import os
os.makedirs("debug", exist_ok=True)
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for i in range(300, len(ds)):
o = ds[i]
for k, v in o.items():
if 'path' not in k:
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#if 'full' in k:
#masked = v[:3, :, :] * v[3]
#torchvision.utils.save_image(masked.unsqueeze(0), "debug/%i_%s_masked.png" % (i, k))
#v = v[:3, :, :]
#import torchvision
#torchvision.utils.save_image(v.unsqueeze(0), "debug/%i_%s.png" % (i, k))