name: train_div2k_srflow model: extensibletrainer scale: 4 gpu_ids: [0] fp16: false start_step: -1 checkpointing_enabled: true # <-- Gradient checkpointing. Enable for huge GPU memory savings. Disable for distributed training. use_tb_logger: true wandb: false datasets: train: n_workers: 4 batch_size: 32 name: div2k mode: single_image_extensible paths: /content/div2k # <-- Put your path here. target_size: 160 force_multiple: 1 scale: 4 num_corrupts_per_image: 0 networks: generator: type: generator which_model_G: srflow nf: 64 nb: 23 K: 16 scale: 4 initial_stride: 1 flow_scale: 4 train_RRDB: false # <-- Start false. After some time, ~20k-50k steps, set to true. TODO: automate this. pretrain_rrdb: ../experiments/pretrained_rrdb.pth # <-- Insert path to your pretrained RRDB here. flow: patch_size: 160 K: 16 L: 3 noInitialInj: true coupling: CondAffineSeparatedAndCond additionalFlowNoAffine: 2 split: enable: true fea_up0: true fea_up-1: true stackRRDB: blocks: [ 1, 8, 15, 22 ] concat: true gaussian_loss_weight: 1 #### path path: #pretrain_model_generator: <insert pretrained model path if desired> strict_load: true #resume_state: ../experiments/train_div2k_srflow/training_state/0.state # <-- Set this to resume from a previous training state. steps: generator: training: generator optimizer_params: # Optimizer params lr: !!float 2e-4 weight_decay: 0 beta1: 0.9 beta2: 0.99 injectors: z_inj: type: generator generator: generator in: [hq, lq, None, None, False] out: [z, nll] # This is computed solely for visual_dbg - that is, to see what your model is actually doing. gen_inj: every: 50 type: generator generator: generator in: [None, lq, None, .4, True] out: [gen] losses: log_likelihood: type: direct key: nll weight: 1 train: niter: 500000 warmup_iter: -1 mega_batch_factor: 1 # <-- Gradient accumulation factor. If you are running OOM, increase this to [2,4,8]. val_freq: 1000 # Default LR scheduler options default_lr_scheme: MultiStepLR gen_lr_steps: [20000, 40000, 80000, 100000, 140000, 180000] lr_gamma: 0.5 eval: evaluators: # This is the best metric I have come up with for monitoring the training progress of srflow networks. You should # feed this evaluator a random set of images from your target distribution. gaussian: for: generator type: flownet_gaussian batch_size: 2 dataset: paths: /content/random_100_images target_size: 512 force_multiple: 1 scale: 4 eval: False num_corrupts_per_image: 0 corruption_blur_scale: 1 output_state: eval_gen logger: print_freq: 30 save_checkpoint_freq: 500 visuals: [gen, hq, lq] visual_debug_rate: 50