forked from mrq/DL-Art-School
Removed a lot of legacy stuff I have no intent on using again. Plan is to shape this repo into something more extensible (get it? hah!)
263 lines
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263 lines
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import torch.nn
from models.archs.SPSR_arch import ImageGradientNoPadding
from utils.weight_scheduler import get_scheduler_for_opt
#from models.steps.recursive_gen_injectors import ImageFlowInjector
from models.steps.losses import extract_params_from_state
# Injectors are a way to sythesize data within a step that can then be used (and reused) by loss functions.
def create_injector(opt_inject, env):
type = opt_inject['type']
if 'teco_' in type:
from models.steps.tecogan_losses import create_teco_injector
return create_teco_injector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'generator':
return ImageGeneratorInjector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'discriminator':
return DiscriminatorInjector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'scheduled_scalar':
return ScheduledScalarInjector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'img_grad':
return ImageGradientInjector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'add_noise':
return AddNoiseInjector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'greyscale':
return GreyInjector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'interpolate':
return InterpolateInjector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'imageflow':
return ImageFlowInjector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'image_patch':
return ImagePatchInjector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'concatenate':
return ConcatenateInjector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'margin_removal':
return MarginRemoval(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'foreach':
return ForEachInjector(opt_inject, env)
elif type == 'constant':
return ConstantInjector(opt_inject, env)
raise NotImplementedError
class Injector(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(Injector, self).__init__()
self.opt = opt
self.env = env
if 'in' in opt.keys():
self.input = opt['in']
self.output = opt['out']
# This should return a dict of new state variables.
def forward(self, state):
raise NotImplementedError
# Uses a generator to synthesize an image from [in] and injects the results into [out]
# Note that results are *not* detached.
class ImageGeneratorInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(ImageGeneratorInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
def forward(self, state):
gen = self.env['generators'][self.opt['generator']]
if isinstance(self.input, list):
params = extract_params_from_state(self.input, state)
results = gen(*params)
results = gen(state[self.input])
new_state = {}
if isinstance(self.output, list):
# Only dereference tuples or lists, not tensors.
assert isinstance(results, list) or isinstance(results, tuple)
for i, k in enumerate(self.output):
new_state[k] = results[i]
new_state[self.output] = results
return new_state
# Injects a result from a discriminator network into the state.
class DiscriminatorInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(DiscriminatorInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
def forward(self, state):
d = self.env['discriminators'][self.opt['discriminator']]
if isinstance(self.input, list):
params = [state[i] for i in self.input]
results = d(*params)
results = d(state[self.input])
new_state = {}
if isinstance(self.output, list):
# Only dereference tuples or lists, not tensors.
assert isinstance(results, list) or isinstance(results, tuple)
for i, k in enumerate(self.output):
new_state[k] = results[i]
new_state[self.output] = results
return new_state
# Creates an image gradient from [in] and injects it into [out]
class ImageGradientInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(ImageGradientInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
self.img_grad_fn = ImageGradientNoPadding().to(env['device'])
def forward(self, state):
return {self.opt['out']: self.img_grad_fn(state[self.opt['in']])}
# Injects a scalar that is modulated with a specified schedule. Useful for increasing or decreasing the influence
# of something over time.
class ScheduledScalarInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(ScheduledScalarInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
self.scheduler = get_scheduler_for_opt(opt['scheduler'])
def forward(self, state):
return {self.opt['out']: self.scheduler.get_weight_for_step(self.env['step'])}
# Adds gaussian noise to [in], scales it to [0,[scale]] and injects into [out]
class AddNoiseInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(AddNoiseInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
def forward(self, state):
# Scale can be a fixed float, or a state key (e.g. from ScheduledScalarInjector).
if isinstance(self.opt['scale'], str):
scale = state[self.opt['scale']]
scale = self.opt['scale']
noise = torch.randn_like(state[self.opt['in']], device=self.env['device']) * scale
return {self.opt['out']: state[self.opt['in']] + noise}
# Averages the channel dimension (1) of [in] and saves to [out]. Dimensions are
# kept the same, the average is simply repeated.
class GreyInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(GreyInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
def forward(self, state):
mean = torch.mean(state[self.opt['in']], dim=1, keepdim=True)
mean = mean.repeat(1, 3, 1, 1)
return {self.opt['out']: mean}
class InterpolateInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(InterpolateInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
if 'scale_factor' in opt.keys():
self.scale_factor = opt['scale_factor']
self.size = None
self.scale_factor = None
self.size = (opt['size'], opt['size'])
def forward(self, state):
scaled = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(state[self.opt['in']], scale_factor=self.opt['scale_factor'],
size=self.opt['size'], mode=self.opt['mode'])
return {self.opt['out']: scaled}
# Extracts four patches from the input image, each a square of 'patch_size'. The input images are taken from each
# of the four corners of the image. The intent of this loss is that each patch shares some part of the input, which
# can then be used in the translation invariance loss.
# This injector is unique in that it does not only produce the specified output label into state. Instead it produces five
# outputs for the specified label, one for each corner of the input as well as the specified output, which is the top left
# corner. See the code below to find out how this works.
# Another note: this injector operates differently in eval mode (e.g. when env['training']=False) - in this case, it
# simply sets all the output state variables to the input. This is so that you can feed the output of this injector
# directly into your generator in training without affecting test performance.
class ImagePatchInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(ImagePatchInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
self.patch_size = opt['patch_size']
self.resize = opt['resize'] if 'resize' in opt.keys() else None # If specified, the output is resized to a square with this size after patch extraction.
def forward(self, state):
im = state[self.opt['in']]
if self.env['training']:
res = { self.opt['out']: im[:, :3, :self.patch_size, :self.patch_size],
'%s_top_left' % (self.opt['out'],): im[:, :, :self.patch_size, :self.patch_size],
'%s_top_right' % (self.opt['out'],): im[:, :, :self.patch_size, -self.patch_size:],
'%s_bottom_left' % (self.opt['out'],): im[:, :, -self.patch_size:, :self.patch_size],
'%s_bottom_right' % (self.opt['out'],): im[:, :, -self.patch_size:, -self.patch_size:] }
res = { self.opt['out']: im,
'%s_top_left' % (self.opt['out'],): im,
'%s_top_right' % (self.opt['out'],): im,
'%s_bottom_left' % (self.opt['out'],): im,
'%s_bottom_right' % (self.opt['out'],): im }
if self.resize is not None:
res2 = {}
for k, v in res.items():
res2[k] = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(v, size=(self.resize, self.resize), mode="nearest")
res = res2
return res
# Concatenates a list of tensors on the specified dimension.
class ConcatenateInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(ConcatenateInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
self.dim = opt['dim']
def forward(self, state):
input = [state[i] for i in self.input]
return {self.opt['out']:, dim=self.dim)}
# Removes margins from an image.
class MarginRemoval(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(MarginRemoval, self).__init__(opt, env)
self.margin = opt['margin']
def forward(self, state):
input = state[self.input]
return {self.opt['out']: input[:, :, self.margin:-self.margin, self.margin:-self.margin]}
# Produces an injection which is composed of applying a single injector multiple times across a single dimension.
class ForEachInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(ForEachInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
o = opt.copy()
o['type'] = opt['subtype']
o['in'] = '_in'
o['out'] = '_out'
self.injector = create_injector(o, self.env)
def forward(self, state):
injs = []
st = state.copy()
inputs = state[self.opt['in']]
for i in range(inputs.shape[1]):
st['_in'] = inputs[:, i]
return {self.output: torch.stack(injs, dim=1)}
class ConstantInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(ConstantInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
self.constant_type = opt['constant_type']
| = opt['like'] # This injector uses this tensor to determine what batch size and device to use.
def forward(self, state):
like = state[]
if self.constant_type == 'zeroes':
out = torch.zeros_like(like)
raise NotImplementedError
return { self.opt['out']: out }