2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
import pytest
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import math
import random
import time
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import torch
import bitsandbytes as bnb
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import einops
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from itertools import product
from bitsandbytes import functional as F
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torch.set_printoptions(precision=4, sci_mode=False, linewidth=120, edgeitems=20, threshold=10000)
k = 20
def assert_all_approx_close(a, b, rtol, atol, count):
idx = torch.isclose(a, b, rtol, atol)
sumval = (idx==0).sum().item()
if sumval > count:
print(f'Too many values not close: assert {sumval} < {count}')
torch.testing.assert_allclose(a, b, rtol, atol)
class FFN(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_features, hidden_size, bias=True):
super(FFN, self).__init__()
self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(input_features, hidden_size, bias=bias)
self.fc2 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, input_features, bias=bias)
with torch.no_grad():
def forward(self, x):
x = torch.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = self.fc2(x)
return x
class Timer(object):
def __init__(self):
self.starts = {}
self.ends = {}
self.agg = {}
def tick(self, name='default'):
if name not in self.starts:
self.starts[name] = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
self.ends[name] = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
ms = self.tock(name, evict=True, print_ms=False)
def tock(self, name='default', evict=True, print_ms=True):
if name in self.ends:
ms = self.starts[name].elapsed_time(self.ends[name])
if name not in self.agg: self.agg[name] = 0.0
self.agg[name] += ms
if evict:
if print_ms and name in self.agg:
print('{0} took: {1:.5f}s'.format(name, self.agg[name]/1000.0))
return self.agg[name]
def reset(self):
self.starts = {}
self.ends = {}
self.agg = {}
print('Resetting benchmark data')
2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
def setup():
def teardown():
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [torch.float32, torch.float16], ids=['float', 'half'])
def test_estimate_quantiles(dtype):
A = torch.rand(1024, 1024, device='cuda')
A = A.to(dtype)
code = F.estimate_quantiles(A)
percs = torch.linspace(1/512, 511/512, 256, device=A.device)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(percs, code, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-2)
A = torch.randn(1024, 1024, device='cuda')
A = A.to(dtype)
code = F.estimate_quantiles(A)
quantiles = torch.quantile(A.float(), percs)
diff = torch.abs(code-quantiles)
assert (diff > 5e-02).sum().item() == 0
def test_quantile_quantization():
for i in range(100):
A1 = torch.randn(1024, 1024, device='cuda')
code = F.estimate_quantiles(A1)
C = F.quantize_no_absmax(A1, code)
A2 = F.dequantize_no_absmax(C, code)
diff = torch.abs(A1-A2).mean().item()
assert diff < 0.0075
A1 = torch.rand(1024, 1024, device='cuda')
code = F.estimate_quantiles(A1)
C = F.quantize_no_absmax(A1, code)
A2 = F.dequantize_no_absmax(C, code)
diff = torch.abs(A1-A2).mean().item()
torch.testing.assert_allclose(A1, A2, atol=5e-3, rtol=0)
assert diff < 0.001
def test_dynamic_quantization():
diffs = []
reldiffs = []
for i in range(100):
A1 = torch.randn(1024, 1024, device='cuda')
C, S = F.quantize(A1)
A2 = F.dequantize(C, S)
diff = torch.abs(A1-A2)
reldiff = diff/torch.abs(A1+1e-8)
assert diff.mean().item() < 0.0135
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2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
for i in range(100):
A1 = torch.rand(1024, 1024, device='cuda')
C, S = F.quantize(A1)
A2 = F.dequantize(C, S)
diff = torch.abs(A1-A2).mean().item()
torch.testing.assert_allclose(A1, A2, atol=1e-2, rtol=0)
assert diff < 0.004
def test_dynamic_blockwise_quantization():
diffs = []
reldiffs = []
for i in range(100):
A1 = torch.randn(1024, 1024, device='cuda')
C, S = F.quantize_blockwise(A1)
A2 = F.dequantize_blockwise(C, S)
diff = torch.abs(A1-A2)
reldiff = diff/torch.abs(A1+1e-8)
assert diffs[-1] < 0.011
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2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
diffs = []
for i in range(100):
A1 = torch.rand(1024, 1024, device='cuda')
C, S = F.quantize_blockwise(A1)
A2 = F.dequantize_blockwise(C, S)
diff = torch.abs(A1-A2).mean().item()
assert diff < 0.0033
torch.testing.assert_allclose(A1, A2, atol=1e-2, rtol=0)
def test_dynamic_blockwise_stochastic_quantization():
diffs = []
reldiffs = []
rand = torch.rand(1024).cuda()
for i in range(100):
A1 = torch.randn(1024, 1024, device='cuda')
C1, S1 = F.quantize_blockwise(A1, rand=rand)
C2, S2 = F.quantize_blockwise(A1)
# a maximunm distance of quantized values of 1
torch.testing.assert_allclose(C1, C2, atol=1, rtol=0)
fraction_smaller = (C1<C2).float().sum()/C1.numel()
fraction_larger = (C1>C2).float().sum()/C1.numel()
torch.testing.assert_allclose(fraction_larger, fraction_smaller, atol=0.01, rtol=0)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("gtype", [torch.float32, torch.float16], ids=['float', 'half'])
def test_percentile_clipping(gtype):
gnorm_vec1 = torch.zeros(100, device='cuda')
gnorm_vec2 = torch.zeros(100, device='cuda')
n = 4
step = 0
2022-07-22 21:41:05 +00:00
for i in range(k):
2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
step += 1
g = torch.randn(n, n, dtype=gtype, device='cuda')
gnorm1, clip2, gnorm_scale = F.percentile_clipping(g, gnorm_vec2, step, percentile=percentile)
assert gnorm_scale == 1.0 if gnorm1 < clip2 else clip2/gnorm1
gnorm2 = torch.norm(g.float())
if step == 1:
gnorm_vec1[:] = gnorm2
gnorm_vec1[step % 100] = gnorm2
vals, idx = torch.sort(gnorm_vec1)
clip1 = vals[percentile]
torch.testing.assert_allclose(gnorm_vec1, torch.sqrt(gnorm_vec2))
torch.testing.assert_allclose(clip1, clip2)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(gnorm1, gnorm2)
2022-07-22 21:41:05 +00:00
def quant(x):
max1 = torch.abs(x).max()
x = torch.round(x/max1*127)
return max1, x.to(torch.int8)
def dequant(c, maxC):
return c.float()*(maxC/127)
def mm_dequant(maxA, maxB, C):
return C.float()*(maxA/127)*(maxB/127)
def quant_multi(x, dim):
max1 = torch.amax(torch.abs(x), dim=dim, keepdim=True)
max1[max1==0] = 1.0
x = torch.round(x/max1*127)
return max1, x.to(torch.int8)
def quant_multi_chunk(x, dim, chunk_size=32):
if dim==1:
x_chunked = einops.rearrange(x, '(c a) b -> c a b', c=chunk_size)
max1 = torch.amax(torch.abs(x_chunked), dim=dim+1, keepdim=True)
max1 = torch.tile(max1, (1, 1, x.shape[1]))
max1 = max1.view(x.shape)
elif dim==0:
x_chunked = einops.rearrange(x, 'a (b c) -> a b c', c=chunk_size)
max1 = torch.amax(torch.abs(x_chunked), dim=dim, keepdim=True)
max1 = torch.tile(max1, (x.shape[0], 1, 1))
max1 = max1.view(x.shape)
max1[max1==0] = 1.0
x = torch.round(x/max1*127)
return max1, x.to(torch.int8)
def quant_minmax(A):
minA = A.min()
maxA = A.max()
def mean(xx):
return sum(xx)/float(len(xx))
#dim1 = torch.randint(1,1024*4, size=(4,)).tolist()
#dim2 = torch.randint(1,1024*4, size=(4,)).tolist()
dim1 = [1024*2]
dim2 = [1024*16]
methods = [(lambda x, dim: quant(x), lambda x, dim: quant(x), dequant, dequant, mm_dequant)]
methods.append((quant_multi, quant_multi, dequant, dequant, mm_dequant))
#methods.append((lambda x: quant_multi_chunk(x, dim=-1), lambda x: quant_multi_chunk(x, dim=0), dequant, dequant, mm_dequant))
method_names = ['linear', 'vectorwise']
batched = [False, True]
values = list(product(dim1,dim2, methods, batched))
values_names = list(product(dim1,dim2, method_names, batched))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_quant_{2}_batched_{3}'.format(*vals) for vals in values_names]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, quant_methods, batched", values, ids=names)
def test_approx_igemm(dim1, dim2, quant_methods, batched):
dim1 = dim1 - (dim1 % 32)
dim2 = dim2 - (dim2 % 32)
errors = []
relerrors = []
for i in range(5):
if batched:
A = torch.normal(0, 0.5, size=(32, dim1, dim2//32), device='cuda')
B = torch.normal(0, 0.5, size=(32, dim2//32, dim1), device='cuda')
maxA, Ac = quant_methods[0](A, 2)
maxB, Bc = quant_methods[1](B, 1)
A = torch.normal(0, 0.5, size=(dim1, dim2), device='cuda')
B = torch.normal(0, 0.5, size=(dim2, dim1), device='cuda')
maxA, Ac = quant_methods[0](A, 1)
maxB, Bc = quant_methods[1](B, 0)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(quant_methods[2](maxA, Ac), A, atol=0.025, rtol=0.05)
if batched:
out2 = torch.bmm(A, B)
C = torch.bmm(Ac.float(), Bc.float())
out2 = torch.mm(A, B)
C = F.igemm(Ac, Bc)
out = quant_methods[4](maxA, maxB, C)
std = out2.std()
out/= std
out2/= std
err = torch.abs(out-out2)
relerr = err/torch.abs(out2)
2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
def test_stable_embedding():
layer = bnb.nn.StableEmbedding(1024, 1024)
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n = 2
hidden_dim = torch.randint(32,256, size=(n,)).tolist()
batch_dim = torch.randint(16,256, size=(n,)).tolist()
seq_dim = torch.randint(16,256, size=(n,)).tolist()
transpose = [(False, False), (False, True), (True, False), (True, True)]
values = list(product(hidden_dim,batch_dim, transpose, seq_dim))
names = ['hidden_dim_{0}_batch_dim_{1},transpose_{2}_seq_dim_{3}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("hidden_dim, batch_dim, transpose, seq_dim", values, ids=names)
def test_igemm(hidden_dim, batch_dim, transpose, seq_dim):
hidden_dim = hidden_dim - (hidden_dim % 32)
batch_dim = batch_dim - (batch_dim % 16)
seq_dim = seq_dim - (seq_dim % 16)
for i in range(k):
shapeA = (batch_dim, hidden_dim) if not transpose[0] else (hidden_dim, batch_dim)
shapeB = ((32*random.randint(1, 4), hidden_dim) if transpose[1] else (hidden_dim, 32*random.randint(1, 4)))
A = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=shapeA, device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
B = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=shapeB, device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
if not transpose[0] and not transpose[1]:
out2 = torch.matmul(A.float(), B.float())
out = F.igemm(A, B)
elif not transpose[0] and transpose[1]:
out2 = torch.matmul(A.float(), B.t().float())
out = F.igemm(A, B.t())
elif transpose[0] and not transpose[1]:
out2 = torch.matmul(A.t().float(), B.float())
out = F.igemm(A.t(), B)
elif transpose[0] and transpose[1]:
out2 = torch.matmul(A.t().float(), B.t().float())
out = F.igemm(A.t(), B.t())
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2022-07-22 21:41:05 +00:00
torch.testing.assert_allclose(out.float(), out2)
2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
2022-07-22 21:41:05 +00:00
for i in range(k):
shapeA = (batch_dim, seq_dim, hidden_dim)
shapeB = ((32*random.randint(1, 4), hidden_dim) if transpose[1] else (hidden_dim, 32*random.randint(1, 4)))
A = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=shapeA, device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
B = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=shapeB, device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
if not transpose[0] and not transpose[1]:
out2 = torch.matmul(A.float(), B.float())
out = F.igemm(A, B)
elif not transpose[0] and transpose[1]:
out2 = torch.matmul(A.float(), B.t().float())
out = F.igemm(A, B.t())
torch.testing.assert_allclose(out.float(), out2)
n = 3
seq_dim = torch.randint(32,512, size=(n,)).tolist()
hidden_dim = torch.randint(32,1024*4, size=(n,)).tolist()
batch_dim = torch.randint(2,16, size=(n,)).tolist()
values = list(product(seq_dim,hidden_dim,batch_dim))
names = ['seq_dim{0}_hidden_dim{1}_batch_dim{2}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("seq_dim, hidden_dim, batch_dim", values, ids=names)
def test_dim3_igemm(seq_dim, hidden_dim, batch_dim):
seq_dim = seq_dim - (seq_dim % 32)
hidden_dim = hidden_dim - (hidden_dim % 32)
batch_dim = batch_dim - (batch_dim % 2)
for i in range(25):
A = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=(batch_dim, seq_dim, hidden_dim), device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
B = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=(batch_dim, seq_dim, 1024), device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
out2 = torch.einsum('bsi, bso->io', A.float(), B.float())
iout = torch.empty(A.shape[2], B.shape[2], dtype=torch.int32, device=A.device)
out = F.igemm(A, B, out=iout)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(out.float(), out2)
n = 2
seq_dim = torch.randint(32,512, size=(n,)).tolist()
hidden_dim = torch.randint(32,1024*4, size=(n,)).tolist()
batch_dim = torch.randint(2,16, size=(n,)).tolist()
transpose = [False, True]
values = list(product(seq_dim,hidden_dim,batch_dim, transpose))
names = ['seq_dim={0}_hidden_dim={1}_batch_dim={2}_transpose{3}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("seq_dim, hidden_dim, batch_dim, transpose", values, ids=names)
def test_minmax_igemm(seq_dim, hidden_dim, batch_dim, transpose):
def min_max(x):
maxA = torch.amax(x, dim=2, keepdim=True)
minA = torch.amin(x, dim=2, keepdim=True)
scale = (maxA-minA)/2.0
return (127*(x-minA-scale)/scale).to(torch.int8), minA, scale
seq_dim = seq_dim - (seq_dim % 16)
hidden_dim = hidden_dim - (hidden_dim % 16)
batch_dim = batch_dim - (batch_dim % 2)
errs = []
relerrs = []
errs2 = []
relerrs2 = []
for i in range(k):
A = torch.normal(0.0, 0.5, size=(batch_dim, seq_dim, hidden_dim), device='cuda')
if transpose:
B = torch.normal(0, 0.5, size=(256, hidden_dim), device='cuda')
B = torch.normal(0, 0.5, size=(hidden_dim, 256), device='cuda')
Ac, minA, scale = min_max(A)
if transpose:
maxB, Bc = quant_multi(B, dim=(1 if transpose else 0))
out = F.igemm(Ac, Bc.t())
out2 = torch.matmul(A,B.t())
offset = B.t().sum(0)*(minA+scale)
out = out.float()
out = (out*maxB.t()*scale/(127*127))+offset
maxA, Ac = quant_multi(A, dim=2)
out3 = F.igemm(Ac, Bc.t())
out3 = mm_dequant(maxA, maxB.t(), out3)
maxB, Bc = quant_multi(B, dim=0)
offset = B.sum(0)*(minA+scale)
out = F.igemm(Ac, Bc)
out2 = torch.matmul(A,B)
out = out.float()
out = (out*maxB*scale/(127*127))+offset
maxA, Ac = quant_multi(A, dim=2)
out3 = F.igemm(Ac, Bc)
out3 = mm_dequant(maxA, maxB, out3)
std = out2.std()
out2 /= std
out /= std
out3 /= std
err = torch.abs(out-out2)
relerr = err/(torch.abs(out2)+1e-7)
err2 = torch.abs(out3-out2)
relerr2 = err2/(torch.abs(out2)+1e-7)
assert mean(errs) < 0.015
assert mean(relerrs) < 0.3
n = 2
dim1 = torch.randint(1,64, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim2 = torch.randint(32,128, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim3 = torch.randint(32,256, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim4 = torch.randint(32,256, size=(n,)).tolist()
transpose = [(False, False), (True, False), (False, True), (True, True)]
values = list(product(dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4,transpose))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_dim3_{2}_dim4_{3}_transpose_{4}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, transpose", values, ids=names)
def test_ibmm(dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, transpose):
dim2 = dim2 - (dim2 % 16)
dim3 = dim3 - (dim3 % 16)
dim4 = dim4 - (dim4 % 16)
for i in range(k):
shapeA = (dim1, dim3, dim2) if transpose[0] else (dim1, dim2, dim3)
shapeB = (dim1, dim4, dim3) if transpose[1] else (dim1, dim3, dim4)
A = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=shapeA, device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
B = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=shapeB, device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
if not transpose[0] and not transpose[1]:
out2 = torch.bmm(A.float(), B.float())
out = F.igemm(A, B)
elif not transpose[0] and transpose[1]:
out2 = torch.bmm(A.float(), B.permute([0, 2, 1]).float())
out = F.igemm(A, B.permute([0, 2, 1]))
elif transpose[0] and not transpose[1]:
out2 = torch.bmm(A.permute([0, 2, 1]).float(), B.float())
out = F.igemm(A.permute([0, 2, 1]), B)
elif transpose[0] and transpose[1]:
out2 = torch.bmm(A.permute([0, 2, 1]).float(), B.permute([0, 2, 1]).float())
out = F.igemm(A.permute([0, 2, 1]), B.permute([0, 2, 1]))
torch.testing.assert_allclose(out.float(), out2.float())
n = 1
dim1 = torch.randint(1,64, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim2 = torch.randint(32,128, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim3 = torch.randint(32,256, size=(n,)).tolist()
values = list(product(dim1,dim2,dim3))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_dim3_{2}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, dim3", values, ids=names)
def test_vector_quant(dim1, dim2, dim3):
dim2 = dim2 - (dim2 % 16)
dim3 = dim3 - (dim3 % 16)
for i in range(k):
A = torch.randn(size=(dim2, dim3), device='cuda')
qA, SA = F.vectorwise_quant(A, dim=0)
A1 = F.vectorwise_dequant(qA, SA)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(A1, A, atol=0.01, rtol=0.1)
n = 2
dim1 = torch.randint(2,256, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim2 = torch.randint(2,256, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim3 = torch.randint(2,256, size=(n,)).tolist()
#dim1, dim2 = (256,), (256,)
dtype = [torch.int8, torch.int32]
a_order = ['row']
out_order = ['col', 'row', 'col32']
transpose = [False]
dims = [2, 3]
values = list(product(dim1,dim2,dim3, dims,dtype, a_order, out_order, transpose))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_dim3_{2}_dims_{3}_dtype_{4}_orderA_{5}_orderOut_{6}_transpose_{7}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, dim3, dims, dtype, orderA, orderOut, transpose", values, ids=names)
def test_nvidia_transform(dim1, dim2, dim3, dims, dtype, orderA, orderOut, transpose):
if dims == 3 and out_order != 'col32': return
if dtype == torch.int32 and out_order != 'col32': return
func = F.get_transform_func(dtype, orderA, orderOut, transpose)
if dims == 2:
A = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=(dim1, dim2), device='cuda').to(dtype)
elif dims == 3:
A = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=(dim1, dim2, dim3), device='cuda').to(dtype)
out, S = F.nvidia_transform(A, to_order=orderOut)
if orderOut == 'row':
torch.testing.assert_allclose(A.flatten(), out.flatten())
elif orderOut == 'col':
torch.testing.assert_allclose(A.t().flatten(), out.flatten())
elif orderOut == 'col32':
if dims == 2:
n = A.shape[0]*(A.shape[1] + (32 - (A.shape[1]%32)))
elif dims == 3:
n = A.shape[0]*A.shape[1]*(A.shape[2] + (32 - (A.shape[2]%32)))
assert out.numel() == n
elif orderOut == 'col_turing':
# 32 col 8 row tiles
n = (A.shape[0]+(8- A.shape[0]%8))*(A.shape[1] + (32 - (A.shape[1]%32)))
assert out.numel() == n
total_coltile = (A.shape[1] // 32) + (1 if A.shape[1] % 32 != 0 else 0)
for row in range(A.shape[0]):
for col in range(A.shape[1]):
i = row*A.shape[1]
j = col
coltile = (col // 32) + (1 if col % 32 != 0 else 0)
rowtile = ((row // 8) + (1 if row % 8 != 0 else 0))*total_coltile
offset = 32*8*(rowtile+coltile)
col2 = col % 32
row2 = (row%8)*32
assert A.flatten()[i+j] == A[row, col]
#assert A.flatten()[i+j] == out.flatten()[row2+col2]
#torch.testing.assert_allclose(A.flatten()[i+j], A[row, col])
#torch.testing.assert_allclose(A.flatten()[i+j], out.flatten()[row2+ col2+block_offset])
if orderOut == 'col32':
out2, S = F.nvidia_transform(out, from_order=orderOut, to_order='row', state=S)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(A, out2)
n = 1
dim1 = torch.randint(1,256, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim2 = torch.randint(32,512, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim3 = torch.randint(32,1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim4 = torch.randint(32,1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
#dim1 = [2]
#dim2 = [2]
#dim3 = [2]
#dim4 = [2]
dims = (2,3)
ldb = [0]
#ldb = list(range(256, 1*1024, 256))
values = list(product(dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4,dims, ldb))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_dim3_{2}_dim4_{3}_dims_{4}_ldb_{5}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dims, ldb", values, ids=names)
def test_igemmlt_int(dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dims, ldb):
for i in range(k):
if dims == 2:
A = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=(dim1, dim3), device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
elif dims == 3:
A = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=(dim1, dim2, dim3), device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
B = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=(dim4, dim3), device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
C1 = torch.matmul(A.float(), B.t().float())
A2, SA = F.transform(A, 'col32')
B2, SB = F.transform(B, 'col_turing')
C2, SC = F.igemmlt(A2, B2, SA, SB)
C3, S = F.nvidia_transform(C2, 'row', state=SC)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(C1, C3.float())
# transpose
B = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=(dim3, dim4), device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
C1 = torch.matmul(A.float(), B.float())
B2t, SBt = F.transform(B, 'col_turing', transpose=True)
C2, SC = F.igemmlt(A2, B2t, SA, SBt)
C3, S = F.nvidia_transform(C2, 'row', state=SC)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(C1, C3.float())
dim1 = [32]
dim2 = [32]
dim3 = [32]
dim4 = [32]
dims = (2,)
#ldb = list(range(256, 1*1024, 256))
values = list(product(dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4,dims))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_dim3_{2}_dim4_{3}_dims_{4}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dims", values, ids=names)
def test_igemmlt_half(dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dims):
formatB = F.get_special_format_str()
for i in range(k):
if dims == 2:
A = torch.normal(0, 0.5, size=(dim1, dim3), device='cuda').half()
elif dims == 3:
A = torch.normal(0, 0.5, size=(dim1, dim2, dim3), device='cuda').half()
B = torch.randn((dim4, dim3), device='cuda').half()
C1 = torch.matmul(A, B.t())
C2 = bnb.matmul(A, B.t())
A = A.view(-1, A.shape[-1])
CA, CAt, statsA, statsAt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A)
CB, CBt, statsB, statsBt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(B)
C32A, SA = F.transform(CA, 'col32')
CxB, SB = F.transform(CB, to_order=formatB)
out1_32, Sout1_32 = F.igemmlt(C32A, CxB, SA, SB)
output = F.mm_dequant(out1_32, Sout1_32, statsAt, statsBt)
#torch.testing.assert_allclose(C1.view(-1, C1.shape[-1]), output, atol=0.025, rtol=0.05)
# transpose
#B = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=(dim3, dim4), device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
#C1 = torch.matmul(A.float(), B.float())
#B2t, SBt = F.transform2(B, 'col_turing', transpose=True)
#C2, SC = F.igemmlt(A2, B2t, SA, SBt)
#C3, S = F.transform(C2, 'row', state=SC)
#torch.testing.assert_allclose(C1, C3.float())
batch_size = 2
seqdim = 512
#values = [(batch_size, seqdim, 4*1024, 16*1024),(batch_size, seqdim, 5120, 4*5120),(batch_size, seqdim, 12*1024, 4*12*1024)]
values = [(batch_size, seqdim, 4*1024, 3*4*1024),(batch_size, seqdim, 5120, 3*5120),(batch_size, seqdim, 12*1024, 4*12*1024)]
#values = list(product(batch, seq, model, hidden))
names = ['batch_{0}_seq_{1}_model_{2}_hidden_{3}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("batch, seq, model, hidden", values, ids=names)
def test_bench_8bit_training(batch, seq, model, hidden):
formatB = F.get_special_format_str()
A = torch.randn(batch, seq, model, device='cuda').half()
grad = torch.randn(batch, seq, model, device='cuda').half()
w1 = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=(hidden, model), device='cuda').half()
w2 = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=(model, hidden), device='cuda').half()
## warmup
#for i in range(100):
# torch.matmul(A, w1.t())
dtype = torch.int8
A = A.view(-1, A.shape[-1]).contiguous()
grad = grad.view(-1, grad.shape[-1]).contiguous()
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(k):
out1 = torch.matmul(A, w1.t()) # fc1
#out2 = torch.matmul(out1, w2.t())# fc2
#d1 = torch.matmul(grad, w2) # delta1
#d2 = torch.matmul(d1, w1) # delta2
#grad1 = torch.einsum('bo,bh->oh', out1, grad) # grad w2
#grad2 = torch.einsum('bh,bo->ho', A, d2) # grad w1
t16 = time.time() - t0
#Cw1, Cw1t, statsw1, statsw1t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(w1)
#Cw2, Cw2t, statsw2, statsw2t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(w2)
#CTw1, Sw1 = F.transform2(Cw1, formatB)
#CTw2, Sw2 = F.transform2(Cw2, formatB)
#CTw2t, Sw2t = F.transform2(Cw2t, formatB, transpose=True)
#CTw1t, Sw1t = F.transform2(Cw1t, formatB, transpose=True)
#CA, CAt, statsA, statsAt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A)
#C32A, SA = F.transform2(CA, 'col32')
## fc1
#out1_32, Sout1_32 = F.igemmlt(C32A, CTw1, SA, Sw1, dtype=dtype)
##out1 = F.mm_dequant(out1_32, Sout1_32, statsAt, statsw1t)
## fc2
#Cout1, Cout1t, statsout1, statsout1t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(out1)
#C32out1, Sout1 = F.transform2(Cout1, 'col32')
#out2_32, Sout2_32 = F.igemmlt(C32out1, CTw2, Sout1, Sw2, dtype=dtype)
##out2 = F.mm_dequant(out2_32, Sout2_32, statsout1t, statsw2t)
## delta1
#Cgrad, Cgradt, statsgrad, statsgradt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(grad)
#C32grad, Sgrad = F.transform2(Cgrad, 'col32')
##d1_32, Sd1_32 = F.igemmlt(C32grad, CTw2t, Sgrad, Sw2t, dtype=dtype)
##d1 = F.mm_dequant(d1_32, Sd1_32, statsgradt, statsw2)
## delta2
#Cd1, Cd1t, statsd1, statsd1t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(d1)
#C32d1, Sd1 = F.transform2(Cd1, 'col32')
##d2_32, Sd2_32 = F.igemmlt(C32d1, CTw1t, Sd1, Sw1t, dtype=dtype)
##d2 = F.mm_dequant(d2_32, Sd2_32, statsd1t, statsw1)
## grad1
#C32out1t, Sout1t = F.transform2(Cout1t, 'col32', transpose=True)
#CTgradt, Sgradt = F.transform2(Cgradt, formatB, transpose=True)
##grad1_32, Sgrad1_32 = F.igemmlt(C32out1t, CTgradt, Sout1t, Sgradt, dtype=dtype)
##grad1 = F.mm_dequant(grad1_32, Sgrad1_32, statsout1, statsgrad)
## grad2
#C32At, SAt = F.transform2(CAt, 'col32', transpose=True)
#CTd1t, Sd1t = F.transform2(Cd1t, formatB, transpose=True)
##grad2_32, Sgrad2_32 = F.igemmlt(C32At, CTd1t, SAt, Sd1t, dtype=dtype)
##grad2 = F.mm_dequant(grad2_32, Sgrad2_32, statsA, statsd1)
#Cw2, Cw2t, statsw2, statsw2t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(w2)
#Cw1, Cw1t, statsw1, statsw1t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(w1)
#Cw2, Cw2t, statsw2, statsw2t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(w2)
#CTw1, Sw1 = F.transform2(Cw1, formatB)
#CTw1t, Sw1t = F.transform2(Cw1t, formatB, transpose=True)
#CTw2, Sw2 = F.transform2(Cw2, formatB)
#CTw2t, Sw2t = F.transform2(Cw2t, formatB, transpose=True)
#t0 = time.time()
#for i in range(k):
# #Cw1, Cw1t, statsw1, statsw1t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(w1)
# #CTw1, Sw1 = F.transform2(Cw1, formatB)
# #Cw1, Cw1t, statsw1, statsw1t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(w1)
# #CTw1, Sw1 = F.transform2(Cw1, formatB)
# #CA, CAt, statsA, statsAt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A, threshold=3.5)
# CA, CAt, statsA, statsAt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A)
# #CTw1t, Sw1t = F.transform2(Cw1t, formatB, transpose=True)
# #CTw2, Sw2 = F.transform2(Cw2, formatB)
# #CTw2t, Sw2t = F.transform2(Cw2t, formatB, transpose=True)
# C32A, SA = F.transform2(CA, 'col32')
# # fc1
# out1_32, Sout1_32 = F.igemmlt(C32A, CTw1, SA, Sw1, dtype=dtype)
# #out1dn = F.mm_dequant(out1_32, Sout1_32, statsA, statsw1)
# #print(coo_tensor.nnz)
# #out1sp = F.spmm_coo(coo_tensor, w1.t())
# #print(w1.t().shape)
# #out1 = out1dn + out1sp
# # fc2
# Cout1, Cout1t, statsout1, statsout1t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(out1)
# C32out1, Sout1 = F.transform2(Cout1, 'col32')
# out2_32, Sout2_32 = F.igemmlt(C32out1, CTw2, Sout1, Sw2, dtype=dtype)
# #out2 = F.mm_dequant(out2_32, Sout2_32, statsout1, statsw2)
# # delta1
# Cgrad, Cgradt, statsgrad, statsgradt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(grad)
# C32grad, Sgrad = F.transform2(Cgrad, 'col32')
# d1_32, Sd1_32 = F.igemmlt(C32grad, CTw2t, Sgrad, Sw2t, dtype=dtype)
# #d1 = F.mm_dequant(d1_32, Sd1_32, statsgrad, statsw2t)
# # delta2
# Cd1, Cd1t, statsd1, statsd1t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(d1)
# C32d1, Sd1 = F.transform2(Cd1, 'col32')
# d2_32, Sd2_32 = F.igemmlt(C32d1, CTw1t, Sd1, Sw1t, dtype=dtype)
# #d2 = F.mm_dequant(d2_32, Sd2_32, statsd1, statsw1t)
# # grad1
# #C32out1t, Sout1t = F.transform2(Cout1t, 'col32', transpose=True)
# #CTgradt, Sgradt = F.transform2(Cgradt, formatB, transpose=True)
# #grad1_32, Sgrad1_32 = F.igemmlt(C32out1t, CTgradt, Sout1t, Sgradt, dtype=dtype)
# #grad1 = F.mm_dequant(grad1_32, Sgrad1_32, statsout1t, statsgradt)
# ## grad2
# #C32At, SAt = F.transform2(CAt, 'col32', transpose=True)
# #CTd1t, Sd1t = F.transform2(Cd1t, formatB, transpose=True)
# #grad2_32, Sgrad2_32 = F.igemmlt(C32At, CTd1t, SAt, Sd1t, dtype=dtype)
# #grad2 = F.mm_dequant(grad2_32, Sgrad2_32, statsAt, statsd1t)
#t8 = time.time() - t0
n = 2
dim1 = torch.randint(64,256, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim4 = torch.randint(64,1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
#dim1 = [2*1024]
#dim4 = [2*1024]
#dim1 = [4]
#dim4 = [4]
dims = (2,)
#ldb = list(range(256, 1*1024, 256))
formatB = ['col_turing', 'col_ampere']
values = list(product(dim1,dim4,dims, formatB))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim4_{1}_dims_{2}_formatB_{3}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim4, dims, formatB", values, ids=names)
def test_dequant_mm(dim1, dim4, dims, formatB):
inner = torch.randint(1, 128, size=(1,)).item()
formatB = F.get_special_format_str()
for i in range(k):
A = torch.randn(dim1, inner, device='cuda')
B = torch.randn(dim4, inner, device='cuda')
C1 = torch.matmul(A.half(), B.t().half())
A1, maxA = F.vectorwise_quant(A, dim=1)
B1, maxB = F.vectorwise_quant(B, dim=1)
A2, SA = F.nvidia_transform(A1, 'col32')
B2, SB = F.nvidia_transform(B1, formatB)
C2, SC = F.igemmlt(A2, B2, SA, SB)
C3, S = F.nvidia_transform(C2, 'row', state=SC)
C4 = F.vectorwise_mm_dequant(C3.float(), maxA, maxB.t())
count = (torch.isclose(C1, C4, atol=0.01, rtol=0.1) == 0).sum().item()
n = C1.numel()
p = 0.06
assert count/n < p, f'error in more than {p} of elements: {count}/{n}={count/n}'
C5 = F.mm_dequant(C2, SC, maxA.flatten(), maxB.flatten())
torch.testing.assert_allclose(C5, C4)
n = 2
dim1 = [1*1024]
dim2 = [1*1024]
#dim1 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
#dim2 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dims = (2,)
#ldb = list(range(256, 1*1024, 256))
values = list(product(dim1,dim2,dims))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_dims_{2}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, dims", values, ids=names)
def test_colrow_absmax(dim1, dim2, dims):
for i in range(k):
threshold = 3.0
A = torch.randn(dim1, dim2, device='cuda').half()
A_truncated = A.clone()
A_truncated[torch.abs(A_truncated) >= 3.0] = 0.0
if dims == 2:
row_stats1, _ = torch.abs(A.float()).max(1)
col_stats1, _ = torch.abs(A.float()).max(0)
row_stats1_trunc, _ = torch.abs(A_truncated.float()).max(1)
col_stats1_trunc, _ = torch.abs(A_truncated.float()).max(0)
assert False
row_stats2, col_stats2, nnz_block_ptr2 = F.get_colrow_absmax(A, threshold=threshold)
A_blocked = einops.rearrange(torch.abs(A), '(rows row_tiles) (cols block_size)-> rows cols row_tiles block_size', row_tiles=16, block_size=64*4)
nnz_rows1_counts = (torch.abs(A_blocked)>=threshold).sum(3).flatten()
nnz_block_ptr1 = torch.zeros(nnz_rows1_counts.shape[0]+1, dtype=nnz_rows1_counts.dtype, device=nnz_rows1_counts.device)
nnz_block_ptr1[1:] = nnz_rows1_counts.cumsum(0)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(col_stats1_trunc, col_stats2)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(row_stats1_trunc, row_stats2)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(nnz_block_ptr1, nnz_block_ptr2)
row_stats2, col_stats2, nnz_block_ptr2 = F.get_colrow_absmax(A, threshold=0.0)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(col_stats1, col_stats2)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(row_stats1, row_stats2)
assert nnz_block_ptr2 is None
n = 2
#dim1 = [8*1024]
#dim2 = [4*1024]
dim1 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim2 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
values = list(product(dim1,dim2))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2", values, ids=names)
def test_double_quant(dim1, dim2):
for i in range(k):
A = torch.randn(dim1, dim2, device='cuda').half()
out_col1, Scol = F.vectorwise_quant(A, dim=0)
out_row1, Srow = F.vectorwise_quant(A, dim=1)
CA, CAt, statsA, statsAt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A)
# max difference is 1 due to rounding differences
torch.testing.assert_allclose(CA, out_row1, atol=1, rtol=0)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(CAt, out_col1, atol=1, rtol=0)
n = CAt.numel()
num_not_close_rows = (torch.isclose(CA, out_row1, atol=1)==0).sum().item()
num_not_close_cols = (torch.isclose(CAt, out_col1, atol=1)==0).sum().item()
# allow for 1:500 error due to rounding differences
min_error = 1/500
if num_not_close_cols > (min_error*n):
print(f'Min error exceeded {num_not_close_cols} elements are different. Error: {num_not_close_cols/n:.4f}')
assert False
if num_not_close_rows > (min_error*n):
print(f'Min error exceeded {num_not_close_rows} elements are different. Error: {num_not_close_rows/n:.4f}')
assert False
torch.testing.assert_allclose(Srow.flatten(), statsA)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(Scol.flatten(), statsAt)
n = 4
dim1 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim4 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
inner = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim1 = [6]
dim4 = [4]
inner = [8]
values = list(zip(dim1, dim4, inner))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim4_{1}_inner_{2}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim4, inner", values, ids=names)
def test_integrated_igemmlt(dim1, dim4, inner):
for i in range(k):
A = torch.randn(dim1, inner, device='cuda').half()
B = torch.randn(dim4, inner, device='cuda').half()
out1 = torch.matmul(A.half(), B.t().half())
C1a, C1b, stats1a, stats1b, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A)
C2a, C2b, stats2a, stats2b, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(B)
A1, maxA = F.vectorwise_quant(A, dim=1)
B1, maxB = F.vectorwise_quant(B, dim=1)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(maxA.flatten(), stats1a)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(maxB.flatten(), stats2a)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(C1a, A1, rtol=0, atol=1)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(C2a, B1, rtol=0, atol=1)
A2, SA = F.nvidia_transform(C1a, 'col32')
B2, SB = F.nvidia_transform(C2a, 'col_turing')
outC32, SC = F.igemmlt(A2, B2, SA, SB)
out2 = F.mm_dequant(outC32, SC, stats1a, stats2a)
A2, SA = F.nvidia_transform(A1, 'col32')
B2, SB = F.nvidia_transform(B1, 'col_turing')
C2, SC = F.igemmlt(A2, B2, SA, SB)
C3, S = F.nvidia_transform(C2, 'row', state=SC)
out3 = F.vectorwise_mm_dequant(C3.float(), maxA, maxB.t())
err1 = torch.abs(out1-out2).mean().item()
err2 = torch.abs(out1-out3).mean().item()
assert err2 <= err1*1.01
n = 6
dim1 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim4 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
inner = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
values = list(zip(dim1, dim4, inner))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim4_{1}_inner_{2}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim4, inner", values, ids=names)
def test_igemmlt_row_scale(dim1, dim4, inner):
formatB = F.get_special_format_str()
err1, err2, err3 = [], [], []
relerr1, relerr2 = [], []
scale = 1
for i in range(k):
A = torch.randn(dim1, inner, device='cuda').half()
B = torch.randn(dim4, inner, device='cuda').half()
C1 = torch.matmul(A, B.t())
out1 = torch.matmul(A.half(), B.t().half())
C1a, C1b, stats1a, stats1b, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A)
CB, absmaxB = F.vectorwise_quant(B, quant_type='linear')
A2, SA = F.nvidia_transform(C1a, 'col32')
B2, SB = F.nvidia_transform(CB, formatB)
A1, maxA = F.vectorwise_quant(A, dim=1)
c = 10.0*inner*scale
row_scale = torch.ones_like(maxA)/c
outC32, SC = F.igemmlt(A2, B2, SA, SB, dtype=torch.int8, row_scale=row_scale)
C3, S = F.nvidia_transform(outC32, 'row', state=SC)
maxval = torch.abs(C3).max()
if maxval == 127:
scale = 1.5
scale = maxval/120
out3 = C3*maxA*absmaxB*c/(127*127)
C4 = torch.matmul(C1a.float(), CB.float().t())
C2a, C2b, stats2a, stats2b, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(B)
B2, SB = F.nvidia_transform(C2a, formatB)
outC32, SC = F.igemmlt(A2, B2, SA, SB)
out2 = F.mm_dequant(outC32, SC, stats1a, stats2a)
CA, SA = F.vectorwise_quant(A, dim=1, quant_type='vector')
CB, SB = F.vectorwise_quant(B, dim=1, quant_type='linear')
C = torch.matmul(CA.float(), CB.t().float())
out4 = C*SA*SB/(127*127)
#out4 = torch.clip(torch.round(C*SA/c), -127, 127)*c*SB/(127*127)
#assert_all_approx_close(C3.float(), torch.round(C4*row_scale), rtol=0, atol=0, count=10)
dim1 = [1024, 2048]
inner = [12288*4, 4096*4]
dim4 = [12288, 4096]
values = list(zip(dim1, dim4, inner))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim4_{1}_inner_{2}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim4, inner", values, ids=names)
def test_row_scale_bench(dim1, dim4, inner):
err1, err2, err3 = [], [], []
relerr1, relerr2 = [], []
scale = 1
A = torch.randn(dim1, inner, device='cuda').half()
B = torch.randn(dim4, inner, device='cuda').half()
# warmpup
for i in range(k):
C1 = torch.matmul(A, B.t())
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(k):
C1 = torch.matmul(A, B.t())
print('16', time.time()-t0)
C1a, C1b, stats1a, stats1b, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A)
CB, absmaxB = F.vectorwise_quant(B, quant_type='linear')
A2, SA = F.nvidia_transform(C1a, 'col32')
B2, SB = F.nvidia_transform(CB, formatB)
A1, maxA = F.vectorwise_quant(A, dim=1)
c = 10.0*inner*scale
row_scale = maxA/c
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(k):
outC32, SC = F.igemmlt(A2, B2, SA, SB, dtype=torch.int8, row_scale=row_scale)
print('row-wise', time.time()-t0)
C2a, C2b, stats2a, stats2b, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(B)
B2, SB = F.nvidia_transform(C2a, formatB)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(k):
outC32, SC = F.igemmlt(A2, B2, SA, SB)
print('vector-wise', time.time()-t0)
n = 2
dim1 = torch.randint(2,1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim2 = torch.randint(2,1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
#dim1 = [8*1024]
#dim2 = [4*1024]
dim3 = [0]
dtype = [torch.int8]
a_order = ['row']
out_order = ['col32', 'col_turing', 'col_ampere']
transpose = [False, True]
dims = [2]
values = list(product(dim1,dim2,dim3, dims,dtype, a_order, out_order, transpose))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_dim3_{2}_dims_{3}_dtype_{4}_orderA_{5}_orderOut_{6}_{7}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, dim3, dims, dtype, orderA, orderOut, transpose", values, ids=names)
def test_transform(dim1, dim2, dim3, dims, dtype, orderA, orderOut, transpose):
for i in range(k):
if dims == 2:
A = torch.randint(10, 99, size=(dim1, dim2), device='cuda').to(dtype)
elif dims == 3:
A = torch.randint(10, 99, size=(dim1, dim2, dim3), device='cuda').to(dtype)
A.view(-1)[-1] = -1
if transpose:
At = A.t().contiguous()
out1, S1 = F.nvidia_transform(At, to_order=orderOut)
out1, S1 = F.nvidia_transform(A, to_order=orderOut)
out2, S2 = F.transform(A, to_order=orderOut, transpose=transpose)
assert S1[0][0] == S2[0][0]
assert S1[0][1] == S2[0][1]
torch.testing.assert_allclose(out1, out2)
n = 2
#dim1 = torch.randint(2,1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
#dim2 = torch.randint(2,1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim1 = [1]
dim2 = [33]
dtype = [torch.int8]
#a_order = ['col_turing', 'col_ampere']
a_order = ['col_turing']
out_order = ['row']
values = list(product(dim1,dim2,dtype, a_order, out_order))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_dtype_{2}_orderA_{3}_orderOut_{4}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, dtype, orderA, orderOut", values, ids=names)
def test_transform_to_row(dim1, dim2, dtype, orderA, orderOut):
for i in range(1):
A = torch.randint(-127, 127, size=(dim1, dim2), device='cuda').to(dtype)
out2, S2 = F.transform(A, to_order=orderA)
A2, S3 = F.transform(out2, from_order=orderA, to_order='row', state=S2)
assert A2.shape[0] == A.shape[0]
assert A2.shape[1] == A.shape[1]
#torch.testing.assert_allclose(A, A2)
def test_overflow():
formatB = F.get_special_format_str()
for i in range(2):
a = torch.arange(5, 15).cuda().to(torch.int8).view(-1,1 )
b = torch.arange(5, 15).cuda().to(torch.int8).view(-1,1 )
Ca, Sa = F.nvidia_transform(a, 'col32')
Cb, Sb = F.nvidia_transform(b, formatB)
c = F.igemmlt(Ca, Cb, Sa, Sb, dtype=torch.int8)
c2 = torch.matmul(a.float(), b.float().t())
n = 2
dim1 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim2 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
#dim1 = [4]
#dim2 = [5]
values = list(product(dim1,dim2))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2", values, ids=names)
def test_coo_double_quant(dim1, dim2):
threshold = 3.00
for i in range(k):
A = torch.randn(dim1, dim2, device='cuda').half()
idx = (torch.abs(A) >= threshold)
CA2, CAt, statsA, statsAt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A)
CA, CAt, statsA, statsAt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A, threshold=threshold)
if coo_tensor is not None:
A1 = A*idx
A2 = torch.zeros_like(A)
A2[coo_tensor.rowidx.long(), coo_tensor.colidx.long()] = coo_tensor.values
torch.testing.assert_allclose(A1, A2)
A1 = A*(idx==0)
A2 = (CA.float()*statsA.unsqueeze(1)/127).half()
torch.testing.assert_allclose(A*(idx==0), A2, rtol=0.05, atol=1.5e-2)
n = 2
dim1 = torch.randint(1,1*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim2 = torch.randint(1,1*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
#dim1 = [7]
#dim2 = [11]
transposed_B = [False, True]
values = list(product(dim1,dim2, transposed_B))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_transposed_B_{2}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, transposed_B", values, ids=names)
def test_spmm_coo(dim1, dim2, transposed_B):
threshold = 1.5
dim3 = torch.randint(32, 128, size=(1,)).item()
#dim3 = 17
for i in range(k):
A = torch.randn(dim1, dim2).cuda().half()
if transposed_B:
B = torch.randn(dim3, dim2).cuda().half()
B = torch.randn(dim2, dim3).cuda().half()
idx = torch.abs(A) >= threshold
nnz = (idx == 1).sum().item()
rows, cols = torch.where(idx)
values = A[idx]
cooA = F.COOSparseTensor(A.shape[0], A.shape[1], nnz, rows.int(), cols.int(), values)
A2 = A*idx
if transposed_B:
out2 = F.spmm_coo(cooA, B.t())
out1 = torch.matmul(A2, B.t())
out2 = F.spmm_coo(cooA, B)
out1 = torch.matmul(A2, B)
assert_all_approx_close(out1, out2, rtol=0.01, atol=3.0e-2, count=30)
def test_spmm_bench():
batch = 2
model = 1024*1
hidden = model*4
seq = 1024
dim1 = batch*seq
dim2 = model
dim3 = hidden
threshold = 4
A = torch.randn(dim1, dim2, device='cuda').half()
B = torch.randn(dim2, dim3, device='cuda').half()
2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
for i in range(10):
2022-07-22 21:41:05 +00:00
C1 = bnb.matmul(A, B)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(k):
C1 = bnb.matmul(A, B)
t8 = time.time()-t0
idx = torch.abs(A) >= threshold
nnz = (idx == 1).sum().item()
rows, cols = torch.where(idx)
values = A[idx]
cooA = F.COOSparseTensor(A.shape[0], A.shape[1], nnz, rows.int(), cols.int(), values)
2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
for i in range(10):
2022-07-22 21:41:05 +00:00
out2 = F.spmm_coo(cooA, B)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(k):
out2 = F.spmm_coo(cooA, B)
tsp = time.time()-t0
print(tsp, t8)
n = 2
dim1 = torch.randint(256,1*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim2 = torch.randint(256,1*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
values = list(product(dim1,dim2))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2", values, ids=names)
def test_integrated_sparse_decomp(dim1, dim2):
threshold = 3.0
formatB = 'col_turing'
for i in range(k):
A = torch.randn(dim1, dim2).cuda().half()
w1 = torch.randn(dim1, dim2).cuda().half()
out1 = torch.matmul(A, w1.t())
Cw1, Cw1t, statsw1, statsw1t, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(w1)
CTw1, Sw1 = F.transform(Cw1, formatB)
CA, CAt, statsA, statsAt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A)
C32A, SA = F.transform(CA, 'col32')
out1_32, Sout1_32 = F.igemmlt(C32A, CTw1, SA, Sw1)
out2 = F.mm_dequant(out1_32, Sout1_32, statsA, statsw1)
CA, CAt, statsA, statsAt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(A, threshold=threshold)
C32A, SA = F.transform(CA, 'col32')
out1_32, Sout1_32 = F.igemmlt(C32A, CTw1, SA, Sw1)
out3 = F.mm_dequant(out1_32, Sout1_32, statsA, statsw1)
assert coo_tensor is not None
out4 = F.spmm_coo(coo_tensor, w1.t())
out5 = out3 + out4
err1 = torch.abs(out1-out2).mean().item()
err2 = torch.abs(out1-out5).mean().item()
assert err2 < err1
def test_matmuls():
a = torch.randn(256, 256).half().cuda()
b = torch.randn(256, 256).half().cuda()
c1 = torch.matmul(a, b)
c2 = bnb.matmul(a, b)
c3 = bnb.matmul(a, b)
err1 = torch.abs(c1-c2).mean().item()
err2 = torch.abs(c1-c3).mean().item()
assert err1 < 0.2
assert err2 < 0.2
n = 2
#dim1 = torch.randint(1,1*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
#dim2 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim1 = [1*2048]
dim2 = [12288]
#dim1 = [32]
#dim2 = [32]
#dtype = [torch.float16, torch.int8]
dtype = [torch.float16]
out_function = ['zeros', 'ones']
values = list(product(dim1,dim2, dtype, out_function))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_dtype_{2}_out_func_{3}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, dtype, out_func", values, ids=names)
def test_spmm_coo_very_sparse(dim1, dim2, dtype, out_func):
out_func = getattr(torch, out_func)
threshold = 3.3
#threshold = 2.8
#threshold = 0.0
A = torch.randn(dim1, dim2, device='cuda').half()
if dtype == torch.float16:
B = torch.randn(dim2, dim2*4, device='cuda').half()
B = torch.randn(dim2, dim2*4, device='cuda').half()
B, SB = F.vectorwise_quant(B, quant_type='linear')
#B = torch.randint(-127, 127, size=(dim2, dim2*4), device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
idx = torch.abs(A) >= threshold
nnz = (idx == 1).sum().item()
rows, cols = torch.where(idx)
values = A[idx]
cooA = F.COOSparseTensor(A.shape[0], A.shape[1], nnz, rows.int(), cols.int(), values)
A2 = A*idx
out1 = torch.matmul(A2.half(), B.half())
out = out_func(out1.shape, dtype=torch.float16, device=out1.device)
out1 += out.clone()
out2 = F.spmm_coo_very_sparse(cooA, B, out=out)
p = 200/(2048*12288*4)
n = out1.numel()
count = math.ceil(p*n)
std = out1.std()
out1 /= std
out2 /= std
assert_all_approx_close(out1, out2.half(), rtol=0.01, atol=3.0e-2, count=count)
#assert_all_approx_close(out1, out2.half(), rtol=0.05, atol=0.01, count=count)
idx_col = torch.randint(0, A2.shape[-1], size=(15,))
#torch.testing.assert_allclose(out1, out2.half(), rtol=0.05, atol=0.001)
#Bt = torch.randn(dim2*4, dim2, device='cuda').half()
#t0 = time.time()
#print(A2.shape, B.shape)
#for i in range(100):
# #out3 = F.spmm_coo(cooA, Bt.t())
# #out2 = F.spmm_coo(cooA, B)
# #out2 = F.spmm_coo_very_sparse(cooA, B)
# #out1 = torch.matmul(A, Bt.t())
#print(time.time() - t0)
def test_layout():
a1 = torch.rand(16, 64, device='cuda', dtype=torch.float16)
a1 = torch.arange(16* 64, device='cuda').reshape(16, 64).byte()
a2, s2 = F.transform(a1, 'col_turing')
for i in range(4):
print(a2.flatten()[i*8*32:i*8*32+32], 0)
def test_coo2csr():
threshold = 1
A = torch.randn(128, 128).half().cuda()
idx = torch.abs(A) >= threshold
nnz = (idx == 1).sum().item()
rows, cols = torch.where(idx)
values = A[idx]
cooA = F.COOSparseTensor(A.shape[0], A.shape[1], nnz, rows.int(), cols.int(), values)
A2 = A*idx
csrA = F.coo2csr(cooA)
counts = csrA.rowptr[1:] - csrA.rowptr[:-1]
assert counts.numel() == A.shape[0]
torch.testing.assert_allclose(counts, (A2!=0).sum(1))
idx = (A2!=0)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(A2[idx], csrA.values)
def test_coo2csc():
threshold = 1
A = torch.randn(128, 128).half().cuda()
idx = torch.abs(A) >= threshold
nnz = (idx == 1).sum().item()
rows, cols = torch.where(idx)
values = A[idx]
cooA = F.COOSparseTensor(A.shape[0], A.shape[1], nnz, rows.int(), cols.int(), values)
A2 = A*idx
cscA = F.coo2csc(cooA)
counts = cscA.colptr[1:] - cscA.colptr[:-1]
assert counts.numel() == A.shape[1]
torch.testing.assert_allclose(counts, (A2!=0).sum(0))
# torch uses row-major -> use transpose to transfer to col-major
idx = (A2.t()!=0)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(A2.t()[idx], cscA.values)
n = 2
#dim1 = torch.randint(1,1*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
#dim2 = torch.randint(1,4*1024, size=(n,)).tolist()
dim1 = [1*2048]
#dim2 = [12288]
dim2 = [2048]
#dim1 = [2]
#dim2 = [2]
dtype = [torch.int8]
values = list(product(dim1,dim2, dtype))
names = ['dim1_{0}_dim2_{1}_dtype_{2}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dim1, dim2, dtype", values, ids=names)
def test_spmm_coo_dequant(dim1, dim2, dtype):
threshold = 6.0
#threshold = 2.8
#threshold = 0.0
A = torch.randn(dim1, dim2, device='cuda').half()
B = torch.empty(dim2, dim2*4, device='cuda', dtype=torch.float16)
Bt = B.t().contiguous()
CB, CBt, statsB, statsBt, coo_tensor = F.double_quant(B)
rowidx = torch.randint(0, A.shape[-1], size=(15,))
A[:, rowidx] = 8.0
idx = torch.abs(A) >= threshold
nnz = (idx == 1).sum().item()
rows, cols = torch.where(idx)
values = A[idx]
cooA = F.COOSparseTensor(A.shape[0], A.shape[1], nnz, rows.int(), cols.int(), values)
A2 = A*idx
out2 = F.spmm_coo_very_sparse(cooA, CBt, dequant_stats=statsBt)
out1 = torch.matmul(A2, B.half())
out3 = F.spmm_coo_very_sparse(cooA, CBt.half())
out3 = out3*statsBt.half()/127
values, counts = torch.unique(cooA.rowidx, return_counts=True)
offset = counts.cumsum(0).int()
max_count, max_idx = torch.sort(counts, descending=True)
torch.testing.assert_allclose(out2, out3, rtol=0.05, atol=0.001)
p = 200/(2048*12288*4)
n = out1.numel()
count = math.ceil(p*n)
assert_all_approx_close(out1, out2, rtol=0.01, atol=3.0e-2, count=count)
#t0 = time.time()
#for i in range(100):
# out2 = F.spmm_coo_very_sparse(cooA, B)
#print('fp16', time.time() - t0)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
out2 = F.spmm_coo(cooA, B)
print('cusparse fp16', time.time() - t0)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
out2 = F.spmm_coo_very_sparse(cooA, CBt)
print('int8', time.time() - t0)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
out2 = F.spmm_coo_very_sparse(cooA, CBt, dequant_stats=statsBt)
print('int8+dequant', time.time() - t0)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
out2 = torch.matmul(A, B)
print('matmul', time.time() - t0)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
out1 = bnb.matmul(A, Bt)
out2 = F.spmm_coo_very_sparse(cooA, CBt, dequant_stats=statsBt)
out = out1+out2
print('sparse+ matmul', time.time() - t0)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
out1 = bnb.matmul(A, Bt)
torch.matmul(A[:, rowidx], Bt.t()[rowidx], out=out1)
print('partial matmul', time.time() - t0)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
out1 = bnb.matmul(A, Bt)
print('partial matmul', time.time() - t0)
batch_size = 1
seqdim = 2048
values = []
values.append((batch_size, seqdim, 768, 4*768))
#values.append((batch_size, seqdim, 1024, 4*1024))
#values.append((batch_size, seqdim, 1536, 4*1536))
#values.append((batch_size, seqdim, 2048, 4*2048))
#values.append((batch_size, seqdim, 2560, 4*2560))
#values.append((batch_size, seqdim, 4096, 4*4096))
#values.append((batch_size, seqdim, 5140, 4*5140))
#values.append((batch_size, seqdim, 12288, 4*12288))
names = ['batch_{0}_seq_{1}_model_{2}_hidden_{3}'.format(*vals) for vals in values]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("batch, seq, model, hidden", values, ids=names)
def test_bench_matmul(batch, seq, model, hidden):
formatB = F.get_special_format_str()
A = torch.randn(batch, seq, model, device='cuda').half()
B = torch.empty(hidden, model, dtype=torch.float16, device='cuda')
linear8bit = bnb.nn.Linear8bitLt(model, hidden, False).cuda().half()
outliers = torch.randint(0, model, size=(5,)).cuda()
A[:, :, outliers] = 8.0
linearMixedBit = bnb.nn.Linear8bitLt(model, hidden, False, threshold=6.0).cuda().half()
# warmup
for i in range(100):
torch.matmul(A, B.t())
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
torch.matmul(A, B.t())
print(f'pytorch: [{batch},{seq},{model}], [{model},{hidden}]->[{batch},{seq},{hidden}]: {time.time()-t0:.4f}s')
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
bnb.matmul(A, B)
print(f'bnb lt: [{batch},{seq},{model}], [{model},{hidden}]->[{batch},{seq},{hidden}]: {time.time()-t0:.4f}s')
CA, CAt, SCA, SCAt, coo_tensorA = F.double_quant(A, threshold=0.0)
C32A, SA = F.transform(CA, 'col32')
CB, CBt, SCB, SCBt, coo_tensorB = F.double_quant(B)
CxB, SB = F.transform(CB, to_order=formatB)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
out32, Sout32 = F.igemmlt(C32A, CxB, SA, SB)
print(f'igemmlt: [{batch},{seq},{model}], [{model},{hidden}]->[{batch},{seq},{hidden}]: {time.time()-t0:.4f}s')
BA, statsB = F.vectorwise_quant(B, dim=1)
CxB, SB = F.nvidia_transform(CB, to_order=formatB)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
A2 = A.view(-1, A.shape[-1]).contiguous()
CA, statsA = F.vectorwise_quant(A2, dim=1)
C32A, SA = F.nvidia_transform(CA, 'col32')
out32, Sout32 = F.igemmlt(C32A, CxB, SA, SB)
Cout, Sout = F.nvidia_transform(out32, 'row', state=Sout32)
F.vectorwise_mm_dequant(Cout, statsA, statsB.t())
print(f'vector pytorch + nvidia: [{batch},{seq},{model}], [{model},{hidden}]->[{batch},{seq},{hidden}]: {time.time()-t0:.4f}s')
BA, statsB = F.vectorwise_quant(B, dim=1, quant_type='linear')
CxB, SB = F.nvidia_transform(CB, to_order=formatB)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
A2 = A.view(-1, A.shape[-1]).contiguous()
CA, statsA = F.vectorwise_quant(A2, dim=1, quant_type='linear')
C32A, SA = F.nvidia_transform(CA, 'col32')
out32, Sout32 = F.igemmlt(C32A, CxB, SA, SB)
Cout, Sout = F.nvidia_transform(out32, 'row', state=Sout32)
out = Cout*statsB*statsA*(1.0/(127*127))
print(f'linear pytorch + nvidia: [{batch},{seq},{model}], [{model},{hidden}]->[{batch},{seq},{hidden}]: {time.time()-t0:.4f}s')
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
print(f'bnb linear8bitlt: [{batch},{seq},{model}], [{model},{hidden}]->[{batch},{seq},{hidden}]: {time.time()-t0:.4f}s')
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
print(f'bnb linear8bitlt with threshold: [{batch},{seq},{model}], [{model},{hidden}]->[{batch},{seq},{hidden}]: {time.time()-t0:.4f}s')
def test_zeropoint():
def min_max(x):
maxA = torch.amax(x, dim=1, keepdim=True)
minA = torch.amin(x, dim=1, keepdim=True)
midpoint = (maxA-minA)/2.0
dyna = 252/(maxA-minA)
#dyna *= 0.98
x = dyna*x
x = x - torch.round((dyna*(minA+midpoint)))
return x.to(torch.int8), minA, midpoint, dyna
batch = 2
seq = 2
model = 4
hidden = 2*model
#batch = 4
#seq = 2048
#model = 1024
#hidden = 8*model
A = torch.randn(batch*seq, model, device='cuda').half()-0.4
B = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(model, hidden, device='cuda').half())
#A[0] = 0
#B[:, 0] = 0
#A = A*(A>0)
#A[0, 0] = 0
#A[0, 0] = 6.0
Ac, minA, midpoint, dyna = min_max(A)
#print(Ac[0, 0], 'zero')
#print(Ac, Ac.min(), Ac.max())
Bc, maxB = F.vectorwise_quant(B, quant_type='linear')
out = F.igemm(Ac, Bc)
out2 = torch.matmul(A,B)
offset = B.sum(0)*torch.round(dyna*(minA+midpoint))/dyna
out = out.float()
#print(out.shape, maxB.shape, scale.shape, offset.shape)
norm1 = maxB/127
C4 = (out/dyna)*norm1+offset
B1 = torch.nn.Parameter(B.clone())
B2 = torch.nn.Parameter(B.clone())
B3 = torch.nn.Parameter(B.clone())
B4 = torch.nn.Parameter(B.clone())
C1 = torch.matmul(A, B1)
C2 = bnb.matmul_cublas(A, B2, None, 'linear')
C3 = bnb.matmul_cublas(A, B3, None, 'zeropoint')
C4 = bnb.matmul_cublas(A, B4, None, 'vector-zeropoint')
err1 = torch.abs(C1-C2).mean().item()
err2 = torch.abs(C1-C3).mean().item()
err3 = torch.abs(C1-C4).mean().item()
print(err1, err2, err3)
#assert err1 > err2
loss1 = C1.mean()
loss2 = C2.mean()
loss3 = C3.mean()
loss4 = C4.mean()
err1 = torch.abs(B1.grad-B2.grad).mean().item()
err2 = torch.abs(B1.grad-B3.grad).mean().item()
err3 = torch.abs(B1.grad-B4.grad).mean().item()
print(err1, err2, err3)
def test_zp():
def quant_zp(x):
dtype = x.dtype
x = x.float()
dyna = x.max() - x.min()
if dyna == 0: dyna = 1
qx = 254./dyna
minx = x.min()
#zpx = torch.round(minx* qx)
#zpx = 127 - torch.round(x.max()* qx)
zpx = torch.round(x.min()* qx) - 127
x = (qx*x) + zpx
return x, qx, zpx
batch = 2
seq = 512
model = 1024
hidden = 4*model
A = torch.randn(batch*seq, model, device='cuda').half()*0.1
B = torch.randn(model, hidden, device='cuda').half()*0.1
C0 = torch.matmul(A, B)
#A, SA = F.vectorwise_quant(A, quant_type='linear')
#B, SB = F.vectorwise_quant(B, quant_type='linear')
A = A.float()
B = B.float()
C1 = torch.matmul(A, B)
C3 = bnb.matmul(A.half(), B.t().contiguous().half())
zp = 1
#C2 = torch.matmul(A-zp, B)
#C2 += B.sum(0).view(1, -1)*zp
C2 = torch.matmul(A, B-zp)
C2 -= A.sum(1).view(-1, 1)*zp
ca, cqa, cza = quant_zp(A)
print(ca.min(), ca.max())
print((ca-cza).min(), (ca-cza).max())
zp = 1
scale = 2.0
C5 = torch.matmul((A*scale)-zp, B)
C5 += B.sum(0)*zp
C5 /= scale
CA, qa, zpa = quant_zp(A)
C4 = torch.matmul(CA, B)
C4 -= B.sum(0)*zpa
C4 /= qa
2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
2022-07-22 21:41:05 +00:00
zpb = 1
zpa = 1
qa = 2
qb = 2
C6 = torch.matmul((A*qa)+zpa, (B*qb)+zpb)
C6 -= (qb*B.sum(0).view(1, -1)*zpa) + (qa*A.sum(1).view(-1, 1)*zpb)
C6 -= zpa*zpb*A.shape[1]
C6 /= qa*qb
2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
2022-07-22 21:41:05 +00:00
CA, qa, zpa = quant_zp(A)
CB, qb, zpb = quant_zp(B)
C7 = torch.matmul(CA, CB)
C7 -= (qb*B.sum(0).view(1, -1)*zpa) + (qa*A.sum(1).view(-1, 1)*zpb)
C7 -= zpa*zpb*A.shape[1]
C7 /= qa*qb
2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
2022-07-22 21:41:05 +00:00
err1 = torch.abs(C1-C2).mean().item()
err2 = torch.abs(C1-C3).mean().item()
err3 = torch.abs(C1-C4).mean().item()
err4 = torch.abs(C1-C5).mean().item()
err5 = torch.abs(C1-C6).mean().item()
err6 = torch.abs(C1-C7).mean().item()
print(err1, err2, err3, err4, err5, err6)
2021-10-06 02:16:20 +00:00
2022-07-26 19:12:38 +00:00
def test_extract_outliers():
2022-07-27 00:39:30 +00:00
for i in range(k):
shapeA = (4096, 4*4096)
idx = torch.unique(torch.randint(0, shapeA[1], size=(10,)).int()).cuda()
#idx = torch.Tensor([32]).int().cuda()
A = torch.randint(-128, 127, size=shapeA, device='cuda').to(torch.int8)
outliers1 = A[:, idx.long()]
2022-07-26 19:12:38 +00:00
2022-07-27 00:39:30 +00:00
CA, SA = F.transform(A, 'col_turing')
2022-07-26 19:12:38 +00:00
2022-07-27 00:39:30 +00:00
outliers2 = F.extract_outliers(CA, SA, idx)
2022-07-26 19:12:38 +00:00
2022-07-27 00:39:30 +00:00
assert outliers2.shape[0] == shapeA[0]
assert outliers2.shape[1] == idx.numel()
2022-07-26 19:12:38 +00:00
2022-07-27 00:39:30 +00:00
2022-07-26 19:12:38 +00:00
2022-07-27 00:39:30 +00:00
torch.testing.assert_allclose(outliers1, outliers2)