2022-04-20 06:27:49 +00:00
M aster script that processes all MP3 files found in an input directory . Splits those files up into sub - files of a
predetermined duration .
import argparse
import functools
import os
from multiprocessing . pool import ThreadPool
import torch
import torchaudio
from tqdm import tqdm
2022-05-20 17:01:17 +00:00
from data . util import find_audio_files , find_files_of_type
2022-04-20 06:27:49 +00:00
from utils . util import load_audio
def report_progress ( progress_file , file ) :
with open ( progress_file , ' a ' , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' { file } \n ' )
def process_file ( file , base_path , output_path , progress_file , duration_per_clip , sampling_rate = 22050 ) :
2022-07-01 06:44:20 +00:00
lp = os . path . basename ( file ) . lower ( )
if ' live ' in lp or ' concert ' in lp :
print ( f " Skipping file { file } because likely a live performance " )
report_progress ( progress_file , file )
2022-04-20 06:27:49 +00:00
try :
audio = load_audio ( file , sampling_rate )
except :
2022-05-19 19:39:32 +00:00
print ( f " Error loading file { file } " )
2022-04-20 06:27:49 +00:00
report_progress ( progress_file , file )
outdir = os . path . join ( output_path , f ' { os . path . relpath ( file , base_path ) [ : - 4 ] } ' ) . replace ( ' . ' , ' ' ) . strip ( )
os . makedirs ( outdir , exist_ok = True )
splits = torch . split ( audio , duration_per_clip * sampling_rate , dim = - 1 )
for i , spl in enumerate ( splits ) :
if spl . shape [ - 1 ] != duration_per_clip * sampling_rate :
continue # In general, this just means "skip the last item".
2022-05-16 03:50:38 +00:00
torchaudio . save ( f ' { outdir } / { i : 05d } .wav ' , spl . unsqueeze ( 0 ) , sampling_rate , encoding = " PCM_S " )
2022-04-20 06:27:49 +00:00
report_progress ( progress_file , file )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( )
2022-07-01 06:44:20 +00:00
parser . add_argument ( ' -path ' , type = str , help = ' Path to search for files ' , default = ' C: \\ Users \\ James \\ Downloads \\ soundcloud-dl \\ sc2 ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -progress_file ' , type = str , help = ' Place to store all files that have already been processed ' , default = ' C: \\ Users \\ James \\ Downloads \\ soundcloud-dl \\ sc2 \\ already_processed.txt ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -output_path ' , type = str , help = ' Path for output files ' , default = ' Y: \\ split \\ soundcloud_mixes \\ bigmix1 ' )
2022-06-20 21:37:48 +00:00
parser . add_argument ( ' -num_threads ' , type = int , help = ' Number of concurrent workers processing files. ' , default = 4 )
2022-04-20 06:27:49 +00:00
parser . add_argument ( ' -duration ' , type = int , help = ' Duration per clip in seconds ' , default = 30 )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
processed_files = set ( )
if os . path . exists ( args . progress_file ) :
with open ( args . progress_file , ' r ' , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as f :
for line in f . readlines ( ) :
processed_files . add ( line . strip ( ) )
2022-05-27 17:40:31 +00:00
files = set ( find_audio_files ( args . path , include_nonwav = True ) )
2022-04-20 06:27:49 +00:00
orig_len = len ( files )
files = files - processed_files
print ( f " Found { len ( files ) } files to process. Total processing is { 100 * ( orig_len - len ( files ) ) / orig_len } % complete. " )
with ThreadPool ( args . num_threads ) as pool :
list ( tqdm ( pool . imap ( functools . partial ( process_file , output_path = args . output_path , base_path = args . path ,
progress_file = args . progress_file , duration_per_clip = args . duration ) , files ) , total = len ( files ) ) )