import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from munch import munchify from tqdm import tqdm from models.arch_util import ConvGnSilu from models.gpt_voice.pixelshuffle_1d import PixelUnshuffle1D, PixelShuffle1D from models.tacotron2 import hparams from models.tacotron2.taco_utils import get_mask_from_lengths from models.tacotron2.tacotron2 import Postnet from models.tacotron2.text import symbols from models.gpt_voice.min_gpt import GPT, GPTConfig from trainer.networks import register_model class GptTts(nn.Module): NUMBER_SYMBOLS = len(symbols)+3 TEXT_START_TOKEN = NUMBER_SYMBOLS-3 TEXT_STOP_TOKEN = NUMBER_SYMBOLS-2 TEXT_PAD_TOKEN = NUMBER_SYMBOLS-1 MEL_DICTIONARY_SIZE = 512+3 MEL_START_TOKEN = MEL_DICTIONARY_SIZE-3 MEL_STOP_TOKEN = MEL_DICTIONARY_SIZE-2 MEL_PAD_TOKEN = MEL_DICTIONARY_SIZE-1 def __init__(self): super().__init__() model_dim = 512 max_symbols_per_phrase = 200 max_mel_frames = 900 * 3 // 8 # The VQVAE outputs 3/8 of the input mel as tokens. mel_dim=80 self.model_dim = model_dim self.max_mel_frames = max_mel_frames self.text_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.NUMBER_SYMBOLS, model_dim) self.mel_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.MEL_DICTIONARY_SIZE, model_dim) # *_tags are additively applied to self.text_pos_embedding = nn.Embedding(max_symbols_per_phrase, model_dim) self.mel_pos_embedding = nn.Embedding(max_mel_frames, model_dim) self.gpt = GPT(GPTConfig(1+max_symbols_per_phrase+max_mel_frames, n_embd=model_dim, n_head=8), do_pos_emb=False) self.final_norm = nn.LayerNorm(model_dim) self.text_head = nn.Linear(model_dim, self.NUMBER_SYMBOLS) self.mel_head = nn.Linear(model_dim, self.MEL_DICTIONARY_SIZE) def forward(self, text_inputs, text_lengths, mel_targets, output_lengths): output_lengths = output_lengths * 3 // 8 # The data we are dealing with has been compressed by the vqvae. # Add the stop tokens to the end of the texts and mels. Theoretically this would be better done at the dataloader level. batch_range = torch.arange(0, text_inputs.shape[0]) text_inputs = F.pad(text_inputs, (0,1)) text_inputs.index_put_((batch_range, text_lengths), torch.tensor([self.TEXT_STOP_TOKEN], dtype=torch.long, device=text_inputs.device)) text_lengths = text_lengths + 1 mel_targets = F.pad(mel_targets, (0,1)) mel_targets.index_put_((batch_range, output_lengths), torch.tensor([self.MEL_STOP_TOKEN], dtype=torch.long, device=text_inputs.device)) output_lengths = output_lengths + 1 # Add the start tokens to the beginnings of the texts and mels. text_inputs = F.pad(text_inputs, (1,0), value=self.TEXT_START_TOKEN) text_lengths = text_lengths + 1 mel_targets = F.pad(mel_targets, (1,0), value=self.MEL_START_TOKEN) output_lengths = output_lengths + 1 # Add padding as well. This also should realistically be done at the dataloader level. text_pad_mask = ~get_mask_from_lengths(text_lengths, text_inputs.shape[1]), self.TEXT_PAD_TOKEN) mel_pad_mask = ~get_mask_from_lengths(output_lengths, mel_targets.shape[1]), self.MEL_PAD_TOKEN) text_emb = self.text_embedding(text_inputs) text_emb = text_emb + self.text_pos_embedding(torch.arange(text_inputs.shape[1], device=text_inputs.device)) mel_emb = self.mel_embedding(mel_targets) mel_emb = mel_emb + self.mel_pos_embedding(torch.arange(mel_targets.shape[1], device=mel_targets.device)) emb =[text_emb, mel_emb], dim=1) enc = self.gpt(emb) # Compute logits for text and mel heads text_logits = self.final_norm(enc[:, :text_emb.shape[1]]) text_logits = self.text_head(text_logits) mel_logits = self.final_norm(enc[:, text_emb.shape[1]:]) mel_logits = self.mel_head(mel_logits) # Compute loss loss_text = F.cross_entropy(text_logits.permute(0,2,1)[:,:,1:], text_inputs[:,1:], reduction='none') loss_mel = F.cross_entropy(mel_logits.permute(0,2,1)[:,:,1:], mel_targets[:,1:], reduction='none') # Apply a reduction factor across MEL_PAD and TEXT_PAD tokens. pad_loss_reduction_factor = .01 loss_text = loss_text * torch.ones_like(loss_text).masked_fill_(text_pad_mask[:,1:], pad_loss_reduction_factor) loss_mel = loss_mel * torch.ones_like(loss_mel).masked_fill_(mel_pad_mask[:,1:], pad_loss_reduction_factor) # Fix up mel_logits so it can go into a VAE decoder as well. mel_codes = torch.argmax(F.softmax(mel_logits, dim=-1), dim=-1) mel_codes = mel_codes[:,1:] mel_codes = mel_codes * torch.ones_like(mel_codes).masked_fill_(mel_pad_mask[:,1:], 0) mel_codes = mel_codes[:,:-1] extra_mask = mel_codes < self.MEL_DICTIONARY_SIZE-3 # The VAE doesn't know about START/STOP/PAD mel_codes = mel_codes * extra_mask return loss_text.mean(), loss_mel.mean(), mel_codes def inference(self, text_inputs, mel_guide): MEL_HEAD_EXPANSION = 2 GATE_THRESHOLD = .95 text_emb = self.text_embedding(text_inputs) text_emb = self.text_preprocess_xformer(text_emb, text_emb.shape[1]) text_emb = text_emb + self.text_tags b,s,c = text_emb.shape emb =[text_emb, self.separator.repeat(text_emb.shape[0],1,1),], dim=1) #self.test_guide(mel_guide)], dim=1) completed = torch.zeros((b,), device=text_inputs.device, dtype=torch.bool) output = None for i in tqdm(range(self.max_mel_frames)): enc = self.gpt(emb, text_emb.shape[1]) inferred = enc[:,s:,:].permute(0,2,1) # Create output frames. inferred_mel_frame = self.mel_head(inferred)[:,:,-MEL_HEAD_EXPANSION:] inferred_mel_frame = inferred_mel_frame * (~completed).float().view(b,1,1) if output is None: output = inferred_mel_frame else: output =[output, inferred_mel_frame], dim=2) # Test termination condition gate = F.sigmoid(self.gate_head(inferred)).max(dim=-1).values # TODO: accept single-frame terminations. completed = completed.logical_or((gate > GATE_THRESHOLD).squeeze(1)) # This comprises a latch - but that may not be wise. if torch.all(completed): break # Apply inferred mel_frames to emb for next pass. mel_emb = self.mel_encoder(output).permute(0,2,1) mel_emb = mel_emb + self.audio_tags emb =[text_emb, self.separator.repeat(text_emb.shape[0],1,1), mel_emb], dim=1) if i == self.max_mel_frames//2: print("Warning! Inference hit mel frame cap without encountering a stop token.") break return output @register_model def register_gpt_tts(opt_net, opt): return GptTts() if __name__ == '__main__': gpt = GptTts() l1, l2, i = gpt(torch.randint(high=24, size=(2,60)), torch.tensor([55,58]), torch.randint(high=512, size=(2,310)), torch.tensor([300,305])) print(i.shape) #o = gpt.infer(torch.randint(high=24, size=(2,60))) #print(o.shape)