forked from mrq/DL-Art-School
187 lines
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187 lines
8.3 KiB
from models.steps.losses import ConfigurableLoss, GANLoss, extract_params_from_state
from models.layers.resample2d_package.resample2d import Resample2d
from models.steps.recurrent import RecurrentController
from models.steps.injectors import Injector
import torch
import os
import os.path as osp
import torchvision
def create_teco_loss(opt, env):
type = opt['type']
if type == 'teco_generator_gan':
return TecoGanGeneratorLoss(opt, env)
elif type == 'teco_discriminator_gan':
return TecoGanDiscriminatorLoss(opt, env)
elif type == "teco_pingpong":
return PingPongLoss(opt, env)
return None
def create_teco_discriminator_sextuplet(input_list, index, flow_gen, resampler):
triplet = input_list[index:index+3]
first_flow = flow_gen(triplet[0], triplet[1])
last_flow = flow_gen(triplet[2], triplet[1])
flow_triplet = [resampler(triplet[0], first_flow), triplet[1], resampler(triplet[2], last_flow)]
return + flow_triplet, dim=1)
# Uses a generator to synthesize a sequence of images from [in] and injects the results into a list [out]
# Images are fed in sequentially forward and back, resulting in len([out])=2*len([in])-1 (last element is not repeated).
# All computation is done with torch.no_grad().
class RecurrentImageGeneratorSequenceInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(RecurrentImageGeneratorSequenceInjector, self).__init__(opt, env)
self.flow = opt['flow_network']
self.resample = Resample2d()
def forward(self, state):
gen = self.env['generators'][self.opt['generator']]
flow = self.env['generators'][self.flow]
results = []
recurrent_input = torch.zeros_like(state[self.input][0])
# Go forward in the sequence first.
first_step = True
for input in state[self.input]:
if first_step:
first_step = False
flowfield = flow(recurrent_input, input)
recurrent_input = self.resample(recurrent_input, flowfield)
recurrent_input = gen(input, recurrent_input)
recurrent_input = self.flow()
# Now go backwards, skipping the last element (it's already stored in recurrent_input)
it = reversed(range(len(results) - 1))
for i in it:
flowfield = flow(recurrent_input, results[i])
recurrent_input = self.resample(recurrent_input, flowfield)
recurrent_input = gen(results[i], recurrent_input)
return {self.output: results}
# This is the temporal discriminator loss from TecoGAN.
# It has a strict contact for 'real' and 'fake' inputs:
# 'real' - Must be a list of arbitrary images (len>3) drawn from the dataset
# 'fake' - The output of the RecurrentImageGeneratorSequenceInjector for the same set of images.
# This loss does the following:
# 1) Picks an image triplet, starting with the first '3' elements in 'real' and 'fake'.
# 2) Uses the image flow generator (specified with 'image_flow_generator') to create detached flow fields for the first and last images in the above sequence.
# 3) Warps the first and last images according to the flow field.
# 4) Composes the three base image and the 2 warped images and middle image into a tensor concatenated at the filter dimension for both real and fake, resulting in a bx18xhxw shape tensor.
# 5) Feeds the catted real and fake image sets into the discriminator, computes a loss, and backward().
# 6) Repeat from (1) until all triplets from the real sequence have been exhausted.
class TecoGanDiscriminatorLoss(ConfigurableLoss):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(TecoGanDiscriminatorLoss, self).__init__(opt, env)
self.opt = opt
self.criterion = GANLoss(opt['gan_type'], 1.0, 0.0).to(env['device'])
self.noise = None if 'noise' not in opt.keys() else opt['noise']
self.image_flow_generator = opt['image_flow_generator']
self.resampler = Resample2d()
def forward(self, net, state):
self.metrics = []
flow_gen = self.env['generators'][self.image_flow_generator]
real = state[self.opt['real']]
fake = state[self.opt['fake']]
l_total = 0
for i in range(len(real) - 2):
real_sext = create_teco_discriminator_sextuplet(real, i, flow_gen, self.resampler)
fake_sext = create_teco_discriminator_sextuplet(fake, i, flow_gen, self.resampler)
d_real = net(real_sext)
d_fake = net(fake_sext)
if self.opt['gan_type'] in ['gan', 'pixgan']:
self.metrics.append(("d_fake", torch.mean(d_fake)))
self.metrics.append(("d_real", torch.mean(d_real)))
l_real = self.criterion(d_real, True)
l_fake = self.criterion(d_fake, False)
l_total += l_real + l_fake
elif self.opt['gan_type'] == 'ragan':
d_fake_diff = d_fake - torch.mean(d_real)
self.metrics.append(("d_fake_diff", torch.mean(d_fake_diff)))
l_total += (self.criterion(d_real - torch.mean(d_fake), True) +
self.criterion(d_fake_diff, False))
raise NotImplementedError
return l_total
class TecoGanGeneratorLoss(ConfigurableLoss):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(TecoGanGeneratorLoss, self).__init__(opt, env)
self.criterion = GANLoss(opt['gan_type'], 1.0, 0.0).to(env['device'])
# TecoGAN parameters
self.image_flow_generator = opt['image_flow_generator']
self.resampler = Resample2d()
def forward(self, _, state):
flow_gen = self.env['generators'][self.image_flow_generator]
real = state[self.opt['real']]
fake = state[self.opt['fake']]
l_total = 0
for i in range(len(real) - 2):
real_sext = create_teco_discriminator_sextuplet(real, i, flow_gen, self.resampler)
fake_sext = create_teco_discriminator_sextuplet(fake, i, flow_gen, self.resampler)
d_fake = net(fake_sext)
if self.env['step'] % 100 == 0:
self.produce_teco_visual_debugs(fake_sext, 'fake', i)
self.produce_teco_visual_debugs(real_sext, 'real', i)
if self.opt['gan_type'] in ['gan', 'pixgan']:
self.metrics.append(("d_fake", torch.mean(d_fake)))
l_fake = self.criterion(d_fake, True)
l_total += l_fake
elif self.opt['gan_type'] == 'ragan':
d_real = net(real_sext)
d_fake_diff = d_fake - torch.mean(d_real)
self.metrics.append(("d_fake_diff", torch.mean(d_fake_diff)))
l_total += (self.criterion(d_real - torch.mean(d_fake), False) +
self.criterion(d_fake_diff, True))
raise NotImplementedError
return l_total
def produce_teco_visual_debugs(self, sext, lbl, it):
base_path = osp.join(self.env['base_path'], "visual_dbg", "teco_sext", str(self.env['step']), lbl)
os.makedirs(base_path, exist_ok=True)
lbls = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'first_flow', 'second_flow', 'third_flow']
for i in range(6):
torchvision.utils.save_image(sext[:, i*3:(i+1)*3-1, :, :], osp.join(base_path, "%s_%s.png" % (lbls[i], it)))
# This loss doesn't have a real entry - only fakes are used.
class PingPongLoss(ConfigurableLoss):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super(PingPongLoss, self).__init__(opt, env)
self.opt = opt
self.criterion = GANLoss(opt['gan_type'], 1.0, 0.0).to(env['device'])
def forward(self, _, state):
fake = state[self.opt['fake']]
l_total = 0
for i in range((len(fake) - 1) / 2):
early = fake[i]
late = fake[-i]
l_total += self.criterion(early, late)
if self.env['step'] % 100 == 0:
return l_total
def produce_teco_visual_debugs(self, imglist):
base_path = osp.join(self.env['base_path'], "visual_dbg", "teco_pingpong", str(self.env['step']))
os.makedirs(base_path, exist_ok=True)
assert isinstance(imglist, list)
for i, img in enumerate(imglist):
torchvision.utils.save_image(img, osp.join(base_path, "%s.png" % (i, ))) |