import random import torch import torchvision from import Dataset from kornia import augmentation as augs from kornia import filters import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F # Wrapper for a DLAS Dataset class that applies random augmentations from the BYOL paper to BOTH the 'lq' and 'hq' # inputs. These are then outputted as 'aug1' and 'aug2'. from data import create_dataset from models.archs.arch_util import PixelUnshuffle from utils.util import opt_get class RandomApply(nn.Module): def __init__(self, fn, p): super().__init__() self.fn = fn self.p = p def forward(self, x): if random.random() > self.p: return x return self.fn(x) class ByolDatasetWrapper(Dataset): def __init__(self, opt): super().__init__() self.wrapped_dataset = create_dataset(opt['dataset']) self.cropped_img_size = opt['crop_size'] augmentations = [ \ RandomApply(augs.ColorJitter(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.2), p=0.8), augs.RandomGrayscale(p=0.2), augs.RandomHorizontalFlip(), RandomApply(filters.GaussianBlur2d((3, 3), (1.5, 1.5)), p=0.1), augs.RandomResizedCrop((self.cropped_img_size, self.cropped_img_size))] if opt['normalize']: # The paper calls for normalization. Recommend setting true if you want exactly like the paper. augmentations.append(augs.Normalize(mean=torch.tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]), std=torch.tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]))) self.aug = nn.Sequential(*augmentations) def __getitem__(self, item): item = self.wrapped_dataset[item] item.update({'aug1': self.aug(item['hq']).squeeze(dim=0), 'aug2': self.aug(item['lq']).squeeze(dim=0)}) return item def __len__(self): return len(self.wrapped_dataset) def no_batch_interpolate(i, size, mode): i = i.unsqueeze(0) i = F.interpolate(i, size=size, mode=mode) return i.squeeze(0) # Performs a 1-d translation of "other": # If other (self.multiple*3) d = d // self.multiple # Step 2 base_w = random.randint(d//2, d-1) base_l = random.randint(0, d-base_w) base_h = random.randint(base_w-1, base_w+1) base_t = random.randint(0, d-base_h) base_r, base_b = base_l+base_w, base_t+base_h # Step 3 im2_w = random.randint(d//2, d-1) im2_l = random.randint(0, d-im2_w) im2_h = random.randint(im2_w-1, im2_w+1) im2_t = random.randint(0, d-im2_h) im2_r, im2_b = im2_l+im2_w, im2_t+im2_h # Step 6 m = self.multiple jl, jt = random.randint(-self.jitter_range, self.jitter_range), random.randint(-self.jitter_range, self.jitter_range) p1 = i1[:, base_t*m+jt:(base_t+base_h)*m+jt, base_l*m+jl:(base_l+base_w)*m+jl] p1_resized = no_batch_interpolate(p1, size=(d*m, d*m), mode="bilinear") jl, jt = random.randint(-self.jitter_range, self.jitter_range), random.randint(-self.jitter_range, self.jitter_range) p2 = i2[:, im2_t*m+jt:(im2_t+im2_h)*m+jt, im2_l*m+jl:(im2_l+im2_w)*m+jl] p2_resized = no_batch_interpolate(p2, size=(d*m, d*m), mode="bilinear") # Step 7 i1_shared_t, i1_shared_l = snap(base_t, im2_t), snap(base_l, im2_l) i2_shared_t, i2_shared_l = snap(im2_t, base_t), snap(im2_l, base_l) ix_h = min(base_b, im2_b) - max(base_t, im2_t) ix_w = min(base_r, im2_r) - max(base_l, im2_l) recompute_package = (base_h, base_w, i1_shared_t, i1_shared_l, im2_h, im2_w, i2_shared_t, i2_shared_l, ix_h, ix_w) # Step 8 mask1 = torch.full((1, base_h*m, base_w*m), fill_value=.5) mask1[:, i1_shared_t*m:(i1_shared_t+ix_h)*m, i1_shared_l*m:(i1_shared_l+ix_w)*m] = 1 masked1 = p1 * mask1 mask2 = torch.full((1, im2_h*m, im2_w*m), fill_value=.5) mask2[:, i2_shared_t*m:(i2_shared_t+ix_h)*m, i2_shared_l*m:(i2_shared_l+ix_w)*m] = 1 masked2 = p2 * mask2 mask = torch.full((1, d*m, d*m), fill_value=.33) mask[:, base_t*m:(base_t+base_w)*m, base_l*m:(base_l+base_h)*m] += .33 mask[:, im2_t*m:(im2_t+im2_w)*m, im2_l*m:(im2_l+im2_h)*m] += .33 masked_dbg = i1 * mask return p1_resized, p2_resized, recompute_package, masked1, masked2, masked_dbg # Uses the recompute package returned from the above dataset to extract matched-size "similar regions" from two feature # maps. def reconstructed_shared_regions(fea1, fea2, recompute_package): f1_h, f1_w, f1s_t, f1s_l, f2_h, f2_w, f2s_t, f2s_l, s_h, s_w = recompute_package # Resize the input features to match f1s = F.interpolate(fea1, (f1_h, f1_w), mode="bilinear") f2s = F.interpolate(fea2, (f2_h, f2_w), mode="bilinear") f1sh = f1s[:, :, f1s_t:f1s_t+s_h, f1s_l:f1s_l+s_w] f2sh = f2s[:, :, f2s_t:f2s_t+s_h, f2s_l:f2s_l+s_w] return f1sh, f2sh # Follows the general template of BYOL dataset, with the following changes: # 1. Flip() is not applied. # 2. Instead of RandomResizedCrop, a custom Transform, RandomSharedRegionCrop is used. # 3. The dataset injects two integer tensors alongside the augmentations, which are used to index image regions shared # by the joint augmentations. # 4. The dataset injects an aug_shared_view for debugging purposes. class StructuredCropDatasetWrapper(Dataset): def __init__(self, opt): super().__init__() self.wrapped_dataset = create_dataset(opt['dataset']) augmentations = [RandomApply(augs.ColorJitter(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.2), p=0.8), augs.RandomGrayscale(p=0.2), RandomApply(filters.GaussianBlur2d((3, 3), (1.5, 1.5)), p=0.1)] self.aug = nn.Sequential(*augmentations) self.rrc = RandomSharedRegionCrop(opt['latent_multiple'], opt_get(opt, ['jitter_range'], 0)) def __getitem__(self, item): item = self.wrapped_dataset[item] a1 = item['hq'] #self.aug(item['hq']).squeeze(dim=0) a2 = item['hq'] #self.aug(item['lq']).squeeze(dim=0) a1, a2, sr_dim, m1, m2, db = self.rrc(a1, a2) item.update({'aug1': a1, 'aug2': a2, 'similar_region_dimensions': sr_dim, 'masked1': m1, 'masked2': m2, 'aug_shared_view': db}) return item def __len__(self): return len(self.wrapped_dataset) # For testing this dataset. if __name__ == '__main__': opt = { 'dataset': { 'mode': 'imagefolder', 'name': 'amalgam', 'paths': ['F:\\4k6k\\datasets\\images\\flickr\\flickr-scrape\\filtered\carrot'], 'weights': [1], 'target_size': 256, 'force_multiple': 32, 'scale': 1, 'fixed_corruptions': ['jpeg-broad', 'gaussian_blur'], 'random_corruptions': ['noise-5', 'none'], 'num_corrupts_per_image': 1, 'corrupt_before_downsize': True, }, 'latent_multiple': 8, 'jitter_range': 0, } ds = StructuredCropDatasetWrapper(opt) import os os.makedirs("debug", exist_ok=True) for i in range(0, len(ds)): o = ds[random.randint(0, len(ds))] for k, v in o.items(): # 'lq', 'hq', 'aug1', 'aug2', if k in [ 'aug_shared_view', 'masked1', 'masked2']: torchvision.utils.save_image(v.unsqueeze(0), "debug/%i_%s.png" % (i, k)) rcpkg = o['similar_region_dimensions'] pixun = PixelUnshuffle(8) pixsh = nn.PixelShuffle(8) rc1, rc2 = reconstructed_shared_regions(pixun(o['aug1'].unsqueeze(0)), pixun(o['aug2'].unsqueeze(0)), rcpkg) torchvision.utils.save_image(pixsh(rc1), "debug/%i_rc1.png" % (i,)) torchvision.utils.save_image(pixsh(rc2), "debug/%i_rc2.png" % (i,))