2022-06-05 04:23:08 +00:00
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch . nn . functional as F
from transformers import GPT2Config , GPT2Model
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from models . arch_util import AttentionBlock
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from models . audio . music . music_quantizer import MusicQuantizer
from models . audio . music . music_quantizer2 import MusicQuantizer2
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from models . lucidrains . x_transformers import Encoder
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from trainer . networks import register_model
from utils . util import opt_get
2022-06-06 15:13:47 +00:00
class ConditioningEncoder ( nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self ,
spec_dim ,
embedding_dim ,
attn_blocks = 6 ,
num_attn_heads = 4 ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
attn = [ ]
self . init = nn . Conv1d ( spec_dim , embedding_dim , kernel_size = 3 , stride = 2 , padding = 1 )
for a in range ( attn_blocks ) :
attn . append ( AttentionBlock ( embedding_dim , num_attn_heads , do_activation = True ) )
self . attn = nn . Sequential ( * attn )
self . dim = embedding_dim
def forward ( self , x ) :
h = self . init ( x )
h = self . attn ( h )
return h . mean ( dim = 2 )
class GptMusicLower ( nn . Module ) :
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def __init__ ( self , dim , layers , dropout = 0 , num_target_vectors = 512 , num_target_groups = 2 , num_upper_vectors = 64 , num_upper_groups = 4 ) :
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super ( ) . __init__ ( )
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self . internal_step = 0
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self . num_groups = num_target_groups
self . config = GPT2Config ( vocab_size = 1 , n_positions = 8192 , n_embd = dim , n_layer = layers , n_head = dim / / 64 ,
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n_inner = dim * 2 , attn_pdrop = dropout , resid_pdrop = dropout , gradient_checkpointing = True , use_cache = False )
self . target_quantizer = MusicQuantizer2 ( inp_channels = 256 , inner_dim = [ 1024 ] , codevector_dim = 1024 , codebook_size = 256 ,
codebook_groups = 2 , max_gumbel_temperature = 4 , min_gumbel_temperature = .5 )
self . upper_quantizer = MusicQuantizer2 ( inp_channels = 256 , inner_dim = [ dim ,
max ( 512 , dim - 128 ) ,
max ( 512 , dim - 256 ) ,
max ( 512 , dim - 384 ) ,
max ( 512 , dim - 512 ) ,
max ( 512 , dim - 512 ) ] , codevector_dim = dim ,
codebook_size = num_upper_vectors , codebook_groups = num_upper_groups , expressive_downsamples = True )
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# Following are unused quantizer constructs we delete to avoid DDP errors (and to be efficient.. of course..)
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del self . target_quantizer . decoder
del self . target_quantizer . up
del self . upper_quantizer . up
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# Freeze the target quantizer.
for p in self . target_quantizer . parameters ( ) :
p . DO_NOT_TRAIN = True
p . requires_grad = False
self . upper_mixer = Encoder (
dim = dim ,
depth = 4 ,
heads = dim / / 64 ,
ff_dropout = dropout ,
attn_dropout = dropout ,
use_rmsnorm = True ,
ff_glu = True ,
rotary_emb_dim = True ,
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self . conditioning_encoder = ConditioningEncoder ( 256 , dim , attn_blocks = 4 , num_attn_heads = dim / / 64 )
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self . gpt = GPT2Model ( self . config )
del self . gpt . wte # Unused, we'll do our own embeddings.
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self . embeddings = nn . ModuleList ( [ nn . Embedding ( num_target_vectors , dim / / num_target_groups ) for _ in range ( num_target_groups ) ] )
self . heads = nn . ModuleList ( [ nn . Linear ( dim , num_target_vectors ) for _ in range ( num_target_groups ) ] )
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def forward ( self , mel , conditioning , return_latent = False ) :
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with torch . no_grad ( ) :
self . target_quantizer . eval ( )
codes = self . target_quantizer . get_codes ( mel )
upper_vector , upper_diversity = self . upper_quantizer ( mel , return_decoder_latent = True )
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upper_vector = self . upper_mixer ( upper_vector . permute ( 0 , 2 , 1 ) ) . permute ( 0 , 2 , 1 ) # Allow the upper vector to fully attend to itself (the whole thing is a prior.)
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upper_vector = F . interpolate ( upper_vector , size = codes . shape [ 1 ] , mode = ' linear ' )
upper_vector = upper_vector . permute ( 0 , 2 , 1 )
inputs = codes [ : , : - 1 ]
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targets = codes
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upper_vector = upper_vector [ : , : - 1 ]
h = [ embedding ( inputs [ : , : , i ] ) for i , embedding in enumerate ( self . embeddings ) ]
h = torch . cat ( h , dim = - 1 ) + upper_vector
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2022-06-07 23:52:36 +00:00
with torch . autocast ( mel . device . type ) :
# Stick the conditioning embedding on the front of the input sequence.
# The transformer will learn how to integrate it.
# This statement also serves to pre-pad the inputs by one token, which is the basis of the next-token-prediction task. IOW: this is the "START" token.
cond_emb = self . conditioning_encoder ( conditioning ) . unsqueeze ( 1 )
h = torch . cat ( [ cond_emb , h ] , dim = 1 )
h = self . gpt ( inputs_embeds = h , return_dict = True ) . last_hidden_state
if return_latent :
return h . float ( )
losses = 0
for i , head in enumerate ( self . heads ) :
logits = head ( h ) . permute ( 0 , 2 , 1 )
loss = F . cross_entropy ( logits , targets [ : , : , i ] )
losses = losses + loss
return losses / self . num_groups , upper_diversity
def get_grad_norm_parameter_groups ( self ) :
groups = {
' gpt ' : list ( self . gpt . parameters ( ) ) ,
' conditioning ' : list ( self . conditioning_encoder . parameters ( ) ) ,
' upper_mixer ' : list ( self . upper_mixer . parameters ( ) ) ,
' upper_quant_down ' : list ( self . upper_quantizer . down . parameters ( ) ) ,
' upper_quant_encoder ' : list ( self . upper_quantizer . encoder . parameters ( ) ) ,
' upper_quant_codebook ' : [ self . upper_quantizer . quantizer . codevectors ] ,
return groups
def get_debug_values ( self , step , __ ) :
if self . upper_quantizer . total_codes > 0 :
return { ' histogram_upper_codes ' : self . upper_quantizer . codes [ : self . upper_quantizer . total_codes ] }
else :
return { }
def update_for_step ( self , step , * args ) :
self . internal_step = step
self . upper_quantizer . quantizer . temperature = max (
self . upper_quantizer . max_gumbel_temperature * self . upper_quantizer . gumbel_temperature_decay * * self . internal_step ,
self . upper_quantizer . min_gumbel_temperature ,
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2022-06-06 15:13:47 +00:00
def register_music_gpt_lower ( opt_net , opt ) :
return GptMusicLower ( * * opt_get ( opt_net , [ ' kwargs ' ] , { } ) )
2022-06-05 04:23:08 +00:00
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
2022-06-07 23:52:36 +00:00
from models . audio . music . transformer_diffusion8 import TransformerDiffusionWithQuantizer
base_diff = TransformerDiffusionWithQuantizer ( in_channels = 256 , out_channels = 512 , model_channels = 2048 , block_channels = 1024 ,
prenet_channels = 1024 , prenet_layers = 6 , num_layers = 16 , input_vec_dim = 1024 ,
dropout = .1 , unconditioned_percentage = 0 , freeze_quantizer_until = 6000 )
base_diff . load_state_dict ( torch . load ( ' x:/dlas/experiments/train_music_diffusion_tfd8/models/28000_generator.pth ' , map_location = torch . device ( ' cpu ' ) ) )
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model = GptMusicLower ( 512 , 12 )
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model . target_quantizer . load_state_dict ( base_diff . quantizer . state_dict ( ) , strict = False )
torch . save ( model . state_dict ( ) , " sample.pth " )
2022-06-05 04:23:08 +00:00
mel = torch . randn ( 2 , 256 , 400 )
2022-06-07 23:52:36 +00:00
model ( mel , mel )
model . get_grad_norm_parameter_groups ( )