forked from mrq/DL-Art-School

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2021-08-19 00:29:38 +00:00
# Combines all libriTTS WAV->text mappings into a single file
import os
import random
import audio2numpy
import torch
from scipy.io import wavfile
from tqdm import tqdm
from utils.audio_resampler import AudioResampler
def secs_to_frames(secs, sr):
return int(secs*sr)
def get_audio_clip(audio, sr, start, end):
start = secs_to_frames(start, sr)
end = secs_to_frames(end, sr)
assert end > start
if end >= audio.shape[0]:
return None
return audio[start:end]
# Produces an audio clip that would produce a MEL spectrogram of length mel_length by parsing parsed_sentences starting
# at starting_index and moving forwards until the full length is finished.
# Returns:
# On failure, returns tuple: (end_index, None, [], [])
# On success: returns tuple: (end_index, clip, start_points, end_points)
# clip.shape = (<mel_length*256>,)
# start_points = list(ints) where each sentence in the clip starts
# end_points = list(ints) where each sentence in the clip ends
def gather_clip(audio, parsed_sentences, starting_index, sr, mel_length):
audio_length = (mel_length * 256) / sr # This is technically a hyperparameter, but I have no intent of changing the MEL hop length.
starts = []
ends = []
start, end = parsed_sentences[starting_index][4:6]
start = float(start)
end = float(end)
clipstart = max(start - random.random() * 2, 0) # Offset start backwards by up to 2 seconds
clipend = start + audio_length
clip = get_audio_clip(audio, sr, clipstart, clipend)
if clip is not None:
# Fetch the start and endpoints that go along with this clip.
starts.append(secs_to_frames(start-clipstart, sr))
while end < clipend:
ends.append(secs_to_frames(end-clipstart, sr))
starting_index += 1
if starting_index >= len(parsed_sentences):
start, end = parsed_sentences[starting_index][4:6]
start = float(start)
end = float(end)
if start < clipend:
starts.append(secs_to_frames(start-clipstart, sr))
return starting_index+1, clip, starts, ends
if __name__ == '__main__':
full_book_root = 'D:\\data\\audio\\libritts\\full_books\\mp3'
libri_root = 'D:\\data\\audio\\libritts\\test-clean'
desired_mel_length = 2000
desired_audio_sample_rate = 22050
output_dir = 'D:\\data\\audio\\libritts\\stop_dataset_eval'
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
j = 0
readers = os.listdir(libri_root)
for it, reader_dir in enumerate(tqdm(readers)):
#if it <= 145: # Hey idiot! If you change this, change j too!
# continue
reader = os.path.join(libri_root, reader_dir)
if not os.path.isdir(reader):
for chapter_dir in os.listdir(reader):
chapter = os.path.join(reader, chapter_dir)
if not os.path.isdir(chapter):
id = f'{os.path.basename(reader)}_{os.path.basename(chapter)}'
book_file = os.path.join(chapter, f'{id}.book.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(book_file):
with open(book_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
full_chapter, sr = audio2numpy.open_audio(os.path.join(full_book_root, reader_dir, chapter_dir, f'{chapter_dir}.mp3'))
full_chapter = torch.tensor(full_chapter)
if len(full_chapter.shape) > 1:
full_chapter = full_chapter[:, 0] # Only use mono-audio.
resampler = AudioResampler(sr, desired_audio_sample_rate, dtype=torch.float)
full_chapter = resampler(full_chapter.unsqueeze(0)).squeeze(0)
parsed_sentences = [line.strip().split('\t') for line in f]
i = 0
while i < len(parsed_sentences):
i, clip, ns, ne = gather_clip(full_chapter, parsed_sentences, i, desired_audio_sample_rate, desired_mel_length)
if clip is not None:
wavfile.write(os.path.join(output_dir, f'{j}.wav'), desired_audio_sample_rate, clip.cpu().numpy())
torch.save((ns,ne), os.path.join(output_dir, f'{j}_se.pth'))
j += 1