diff --git a/codes/multi_modal_train.py b/codes/multi_modal_train.py
index fd32ba17..3b4cf1cb 100644
--- a/codes/multi_modal_train.py
+++ b/codes/multi_modal_train.py
@@ -9,8 +9,13 @@
 #    models are shared. Your best bet is to have all models save state at the same time so that they all load ~ the same
 #    state when re-started.
 import argparse
+import yaml
 import train
 import utils.options as option
+from utils.util import OrderedYaml
 def main(master_opt, launcher):
     trainers = []
@@ -40,7 +45,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     #parser.add_argument('-opt', type=str, help='Path to option YAML file.', default='../options/train_exd_imgset_chained_structured_trans_invariance.yml')
     parser.add_argument('--launcher', choices=['none', 'pytorch'], default='none', help='job launcher')
     args = parser.parse_args()
-    opt = {
-        'trainer_options': ['../options/teco.yml', '../options/exd.yml']
-    }
-    main(opt, args.launcher)
\ No newline at end of file
+    Loader, Dumper = OrderedYaml()
+    with open(args.opt, mode='r') as f:
+        opt = yaml.load(f, Loader=Loader)
+        opt = {
+            'trainer_options': ['../options/teco.yml', '../options/exd.yml']
+        }
+        main(opt, args.launcher)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/codes/process_video.py b/codes/process_video.py
index 24a6181e..368e1785 100644
--- a/codes/process_video.py
+++ b/codes/process_video.py
@@ -155,6 +155,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         if recurrent_mode and first_frame:
             b, c, h, w = data['LQ'].shape
             recurrent_entry = torch.zeros((b,c,h*scale,w*scale), device=data['LQ'].device)
+            # Optionally swap out the 'generator' for the first frame to create a better image that the recurrent generator works off of.
+            if 'recurrent_hr_generator' in opt.keys():
+                recurrent_gen = model.env['generators']['generator']
+                model.env['generators']['generator'] = model.env['generators'][opt['recurrent_hr_generator']]
+            else:
+                model.env['generators']['generator'] = recurrent_gen
         first_frame = False
         if recurrent_mode:
             data['recurrent'] = recurrent_entry
diff --git a/codes/scripts/extract_subimages_with_ref.py b/codes/scripts/extract_subimages_with_ref.py
index cb6c4465..0e058369 100644
--- a/codes/scripts/extract_subimages_with_ref.py
+++ b/codes/scripts/extract_subimages_with_ref.py
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import torch
 def main():
-    mode = 'single'  # single (one input folder) | pair (extract corresponding GT and LR pairs)
     split_img = False
     opt = {}
     opt['n_thread'] = 2
@@ -19,75 +18,27 @@ def main():
     # CV_IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION from 0 to 9. A higher value means a smaller size and longer
     # compression time. If read raw images during training, use 0 for faster IO speed.
-    if mode == 'single':
-        opt['dest'] = 'file'
-        opt['input_folder'] = 'F:\\4k6k\\datasets\\images\\fullvideo\\full_images'
-        opt['save_folder'] = 'F:\\4k6k\\datasets\\images\\fullvideo\\256_tiled'
-        opt['crop_sz'] = [512, 1024]  # the size of each sub-image
-        opt['step'] = [512, 1024]  # step of the sliding crop window
-        opt['thres_sz'] = 128  # size threshold
-        opt['resize_final_img'] = [.5, .25]
-        opt['only_resize'] = False
+    opt['dest'] = 'file'
+    opt['input_folder'] = 'F:\\4k6k\\datasets\\ns_images\\vr\\images_sized'
+    opt['save_folder'] = 'F:\\4k6k\\datasets\\ns_images\\vr\\paired_images'
+    opt['crop_sz'] = [512, 1024]  # the size of each sub-image
+    opt['step'] = [512, 1024]  # step of the sliding crop window
+    opt['thres_sz'] = 128  # size threshold
+    opt['resize_final_img'] = [.5, .25]
+    opt['only_resize'] = False
+    opt['vertical_split'] = True
-        save_folder = opt['save_folder']
-        if not osp.exists(save_folder):
-            os.makedirs(save_folder)
-            print('mkdir [{:s}] ...'.format(save_folder))
+    save_folder = opt['save_folder']
+    if not osp.exists(save_folder):
+        os.makedirs(save_folder)
+        print('mkdir [{:s}] ...'.format(save_folder))
-        if opt['dest'] == 'lmdb':
-            writer = LmdbWriter(save_folder)
-        else:
-            writer = FileWriter(save_folder)
-        extract_single(opt, writer, split_img)
-    elif mode == 'pair':
-        GT_folder = '../../datasets/div2k/DIV2K_train_HR'
-        LR_folder = '../../datasets/div2k/DIV2K_train_LR_bicubic/X4'
-        save_GT_folder = '../../datasets/div2k/DIV2K800_sub'
-        save_LR_folder = '../../datasets/div2k/DIV2K800_sub_bicLRx4'
-        scale_ratio = 4
-        crop_sz = 480  # the size of each sub-image (GT)
-        step = 240  # step of the sliding crop window (GT)
-        thres_sz = 48  # size threshold
-        ########################################################################
-        # check that all the GT and LR images have correct scale ratio
-        img_GT_list = data_util._get_paths_from_images(GT_folder)
-        img_LR_list = data_util._get_paths_from_images(LR_folder)
-        assert len(img_GT_list) == len(img_LR_list), 'different length of GT_folder and LR_folder.'
-        for path_GT, path_LR in zip(img_GT_list, img_LR_list):
-            img_GT = Image.open(path_GT)
-            img_LR = Image.open(path_LR)
-            w_GT, h_GT = img_GT.size
-            w_LR, h_LR = img_LR.size
-            assert w_GT / w_LR == scale_ratio, 'GT width [{:d}] is not {:d}X as LR weight [{:d}] for {:s}.'.format(  # noqa: E501
-                w_GT, scale_ratio, w_LR, path_GT)
-            assert w_GT / w_LR == scale_ratio, 'GT width [{:d}] is not {:d}X as LR weight [{:d}] for {:s}.'.format(  # noqa: E501
-                w_GT, scale_ratio, w_LR, path_GT)
-        # check crop size, step and threshold size
-        assert crop_sz % scale_ratio == 0, 'crop size is not {:d}X multiplication.'.format(
-            scale_ratio)
-        assert step % scale_ratio == 0, 'step is not {:d}X multiplication.'.format(scale_ratio)
-        assert thres_sz % scale_ratio == 0, 'thres_sz is not {:d}X multiplication.'.format(
-            scale_ratio)
-        print('process GT...')
-        opt['input_folder'] = GT_folder
-        opt['save_folder'] = save_GT_folder
-        opt['crop_sz'] = crop_sz
-        opt['step'] = step
-        opt['thres_sz'] = thres_sz
-        extract_single(opt)
-        print('process LR...')
-        opt['input_folder'] = LR_folder
-        opt['save_folder'] = save_LR_folder
-        opt['crop_sz'] = crop_sz // scale_ratio
-        opt['step'] = step // scale_ratio
-        opt['thres_sz'] = thres_sz // scale_ratio
-        extract_single(opt)
-        assert len(data_util._get_paths_from_images(save_GT_folder)) == len(
-            data_util._get_paths_from_images(
-                save_LR_folder)), 'different length of save_GT_folder and save_LR_folder.'
+    if opt['dest'] == 'lmdb':
+        writer = LmdbWriter(save_folder)
-        raise ValueError('Wrong mode.')
+        writer = FileWriter(save_folder)
+    extract_single(opt, writer)
 class LmdbWriter:
@@ -182,26 +133,22 @@ class FileWriter:
 class TiledDataset(data.Dataset):
-    def __init__(self, opt, split_mode=False):
-        self.split_mode = split_mode
+    def __init__(self, opt):
+        self.split_mode = opt['vertical_split']
         self.opt = opt
         input_folder = opt['input_folder']
         self.images = data_util._get_paths_from_images(input_folder)
     def __getitem__(self, index):
         if self.split_mode:
-            return self.get(index, True, True).extend(self.get(index, True, False))
+            return (self.get(index, True, True), self.get(index, True, False))
-            return self.get(index, False, False)
-    def get_for_scale(self, img, split_mode, left_image, crop_sz, step, resize_factor, ref_resize_factor):
-        assert not left_image  # Split image not yet supported, False is the default value.
+            # Wrap in a tuple to align with split mode.
+            return (self.get(index, False, False), None)
+    def get_for_scale(self, img, crop_sz, step, resize_factor, ref_resize_factor):
         thres_sz = self.opt['thres_sz']
         h, w, c = img.shape
-        if split_mode:
-            w = w/2
         h_space = np.arange(0, h - crop_sz + 1, step)
         if h - (h_space[-1] + crop_sz) > thres_sz:
@@ -231,30 +178,41 @@ class TiledDataset(data.Dataset):
     def get(self, index, split_mode, left_img):
         path = self.images[index]
         img = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
-        # We must convert the image into a square. Crop the image so that only the center is left, since this is often
-        # the most salient part of the image.
-        if len(img.shape) == 2:  # Greyscale not supported.
-            return None
         h, w, c = img.shape
-        dim = min(h, w)
-        img = img[(h - dim) // 2:dim + (h - dim) // 2, (w - dim) // 2:dim + (w - dim) // 2, :]
-        h, w, c = img.shape
         # Uncomment to filter any image that doesnt meet a threshold size.
         if min(h,w) < 1024:
             return None
+        # Greyscale not supported.
+        if len(img.shape) == 2:
+            return None
+        # Handle splitting the image if needed.
         left = 0
         right = w
         if split_mode:
             if left_img:
                 left = 0
-                right = int(w/2)
+                right = w//2
-                left = int(w/2)
+                left = w//2
                 right = w
         img = img[:, left:right]
+        # We must convert the image into a square.
+        dim = min(h, w)
+        if split_mode:
+            # Crop the image towards the center, which makes more sense in split mode.
+            if left_img:
+                img = img[-dim:, -dim:, :]
+            else:
+                img = img[:dim, :dim, :]
+        else:
+            # Crop the image so that only the center is left, since this is often the most salient part of the image.
+            img = img[(h - dim) // 2:dim + (h - dim) // 2, (w - dim) // 2:dim + (w - dim) // 2, :]
+        h, w, c = img.shape
         tile_dim = int(self.opt['crop_sz'][0] * self.opt['resize_final_img'][0])
         dsize = (tile_dim, tile_dim)
         ref_resize_factor = h / tile_dim
@@ -266,7 +224,7 @@ class TiledDataset(data.Dataset):
         results = [(ref_buffer, (-1,-1), (-1,-1))]
         for crop_sz, resize_factor, step in zip(self.opt['crop_sz'], self.opt['resize_final_img'], self.opt['step']):
-            results.extend(self.get_for_scale(img, split_mode, left_img, crop_sz, step, resize_factor, ref_resize_factor))
+            results.extend(self.get_for_scale(img, crop_sz, step, resize_factor, ref_resize_factor))
         return results, path
     def __len__(self):
@@ -276,20 +234,25 @@ class TiledDataset(data.Dataset):
 def identity(x):
     return x
-def extract_single(opt, writer, split_img=False):
-    dataset = TiledDataset(opt, split_img)
+def extract_single(opt, writer):
+    dataset = TiledDataset(opt)
     dataloader = data.DataLoader(dataset, num_workers=opt['n_thread'], collate_fn=identity)
     tq = tqdm(dataloader)
-    for imgs in tq:
-        if imgs is None or imgs[0] is None:
+    for spl_imgs in tq:
+        if spl_imgs is None:
-        imgs, path = imgs[0]
-        if imgs is None or len(imgs) <= 1:
-            continue
-        ref_id = writer.write_reference_image(imgs[0], path)
-        for tile in imgs[1:]:
-            writer.write_tile_image(ref_id, tile)
-        writer.flush()
+        spl_imgs = spl_imgs[0]
+        for imgs, lbl in zip(list(spl_imgs), ['left', 'right']):
+            if imgs is None:
+                continue
+            imgs, path = imgs
+            if imgs is None or len(imgs) <= 1:
+                continue
+            path = path + "_" + lbl
+            ref_id = writer.write_reference_image(imgs[0], path)
+            for tile in imgs[1:]:
+                writer.write_tile_image(ref_id, tile)
+            writer.flush()