import os from collections import OrderedDict import orjson as json # Given a JSON file produced by the image labeler utility, produces a dict where the keys are image file names # and the values are a list of object with the following properties: # [patch_top, patch_left, patch_height, patch_width, label] import torch class VsNetImageLabeler: def __init__(self, label_file): if not isinstance(label_file, list): label_file = [label_file] self.labeled_images = {} for lfil in label_file: with open(lfil, "r") as read_file: self.label_file = label_file # Format of JSON file: # "key_binding" { # "label": "<label>" # "index": <num> # "keyBinding": "key_binding" # "labeledImages": [ # { "path", "label", "patch_top", "patch_left", "patch_height", "patch_width" } # ] # } categories = json.loads( available_labels = {} label_value_dict = {} for cat in categories.values(): available_labels[cat['index']] = cat['label'] label_value_dict[cat['label']] = cat['index'] for lbli in cat['labeledImages']: pth = lbli['path'] if pth not in self.labeled_images.keys(): self.labeled_images[pth] = [] self.labeled_images[pth].append(lbli) # Insert "labelValue" for each entry. for v in self.labeled_images.values(): for l in v: l['labelValue'] = label_value_dict[l['label']] self.categories = categories self.str_labels = available_labels def get_labeled_paths(self, base_path): return [os.path.join(base_path, pth) for pth in self.labeled_images] def get_labels_as_tensor(self, hq, img_key, resize_factor): _, h, w = hq.shape labels = torch.zeros((1,h,w), dtype=torch.long) mask = torch.zeros((1,h,w), dtype=torch.float) lbl_list = self.labeled_images[img_key] for patch_lbl in lbl_list: t, l, h, w = patch_lbl['patch_top'] // resize_factor, patch_lbl['patch_left'] // resize_factor, \ patch_lbl['patch_height'] // resize_factor, patch_lbl['patch_width'] // resize_factor val = patch_lbl['labelValue'] labels[:,t:t+h,l:l+w] = val mask[:,t:t+h,l:l+w] = 1.0 return labels, mask, self.str_labels def add_label(self, binding, img_name, top, left, dim): lbl = {"path": img_name, "label": self.categories[binding]['label'], "patch_top": top, "patch_left": left, "patch_height": dim, "patch_width": dim} self.categories[binding]['labeledImages'].append(lbl) def save(self): with open(self.label_file[-1], "wb") as file: file.write(json.dumps(self.categories)) # A more compact format that is simpler to parse and understand. class CompactJsonLabeler: def __init__(self, lbl_files): if not isinstance(lbl_files, list): lbl_files = [lbl_files] self.label_files = lbl_files self.config, self.labels, self.label_map, self.images = None, None, None, None for lfil in lbl_files: with open(lfil, "r") as read_file: # Format: # { # 'config': { 'dim' } # 'labels': [{ 'label', 'key'}] <- ordered by label index. # 'images': {'file': [{ 'lid', 'top', 'left' }} # 'labelMap' {<mapping of string labels to ids>} # } parsed = json.loads( if self.config is None: self.config = parsed['config'] self.labels = parsed['labels'] self.images = parsed['images'] self.label_map = parsed['label_map'] self.binding_map = {} for i, lbl in enumerate(self.labels): self.binding_map[lbl['key']] = i else: assert self.config == parsed['config'] assert self.labels == parsed['labels'] assert self.label_map == parsed['label_map'] self.images.update(parsed['images']) # This will overwrite existing images, which is acceptable. def get_labeled_paths(self, base_path): return [os.path.join(base_path, pth) for pth in self.images.keys()] def get_labels_as_tensor(self, hq, img_key, resize_factor): _, h, w = hq.shape labels = torch.zeros((1,h,w), dtype=torch.long) mask = torch.zeros((1,h,w), dtype=torch.float) lbl_list = self.images[img_key] for patch_lbl in lbl_list: t, l, h, w = patch_lbl['top'] // resize_factor, patch_lbl['left'] // resize_factor, \ self.config['dim'] // resize_factor, self.config['dim'] // resize_factor val = patch_lbl['labelValue'] labels[:,t:t+h,l:l+w] = val mask[:,t:t+h,l:l+w] = 1.0 return labels, mask, self.str_labels def add_label(self, binding, img_name, top, left, dim): lbl = {'lid': self.binding_map[binding], 'top': top, 'left': left} if img_name not in self.images.keys(): self.images[img_name] = [] self.images[img_name].append(lbl) def save(self): with open(self.label_file[-1], "wb") as file: file.write(json.dumps(self.categories))