import json

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from x_transformers import Encoder, XTransformer, TransformerWrapper

from models.gpt_voice.unet_diffusion_tts6 import CheckpointedLayer
from models.gpt_voice.unified_voice2 import ConditioningEncoder
from models.tacotron2.text.cleaners import english_cleaners
from trainer.networks import register_model
from utils.util import opt_get

def clustered_mask(probability, shape, dev, lateral_expansion_radius_max=3):
    Produces a masking vector of the specified shape where each element has probability to be zero.
    lateral_expansion_radius_max neighbors of any element that is zero also have a 50% chance to be zero.
    Effectively, this produces clusters of masks tending to be lateral_expansion_radius_max wide.

    Note: This means the algorithm has a far higher output probability for zeros then <probability>.
    mask = torch.rand(shape, device=dev)
    mask = (mask < probability).float()
    kernel = torch.tensor([.5 for _ in range(lateral_expansion_radius_max)] + [1] + [.5 for _ in range(lateral_expansion_radius_max)], device=dev)
    mask = F.conv1d(mask.unsqueeze(1), kernel.view(1,1,2*lateral_expansion_radius_max+1), padding=lateral_expansion_radius_max).squeeze(1)
    return torch.bernoulli(torch.clamp(mask, 0, 1)) == 0  # ==0 logically inverts the mask.

class CheckpointedTransformerWrapper(nn.Module):
    Wraps a ContinuousTransformerWrapper and applies CheckpointedLayer to each layer and permutes from channels-mid
    to channels-last that XTransformer expects.
    def __init__(self, **xtransformer_kwargs):
        self.transformer = TransformerWrapper(**xtransformer_kwargs)

        for i in range(len(self.transformer.transformer.attn_layers.layers)):
            n, b, r = self.transformer.transformer.attn_layers.layers[i]
            self.transformer.transformer.attn_layers.layers[i] = nn.ModuleList([n, CheckpointedLayer(b), r])

    def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.transformer(*args, **kwargs)

class CtcCodeGenerator(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, model_dim=512, layers=10, num_heads=8, dropout=.1, ctc_codes=36, max_pad=121, max_repeat=30, mask_probability=.1):
        self.max_pad = max_pad
        self.max_repeat = max_repeat
        self.mask_probability = mask_probability
        self.conditioning_encoder = ConditioningEncoder(80, model_dim, num_attn_heads=num_heads, mean=True)
        self.initial_embedding = nn.Embedding(ctc_codes, model_dim)
        self.combiner = nn.Linear(model_dim*2, model_dim)
        self.transformer = TransformerWrapper(
            max_seq_len=-1,  # Unneeded for rotary embeddings.
        self.transformer.token_emb = nn.Identity()  # This class handles the initial embeddings.
        self.transformer.to_logits = nn.Identity()
        self.ctc_head = nn.Linear(model_dim, max_pad*max_repeat+1)
        self.inp_head = nn.Linear(model_dim, ctc_codes)

    def forward(self, conditioning_input, codes, separators, repeats, unpadded_lengths):
        max_len = unpadded_lengths.max()
        codes = codes[:, :max_len]
        loss_mask = torch.ones_like(codes)
        for i, l in enumerate(unpadded_lengths):
            loss_mask[i, l:] = 0
            codes = clustered_mask(self.mask_probability, codes.shape, codes.device) * codes

        if separators.max() > self.max_pad:
            print(f"Got unexpectedly long separators. Max: {separators.max()}, {separators}")
            separators = torch.clip(separators, 0, self.max_pad)
        separators = separators[:, :max_len]
        if repeats.max() > self.max_repeat:
            print(f"Got unexpectedly long repeats. Max: {repeats.max()}, {repeats}")
            repeats = torch.clip(repeats, 1, self.max_repeat)
        repeats = repeats[:, :max_len]
        repeats = repeats - 1  # min(repeats) is 1; make it 0 to avoid wasting a prediction slot.
        labels = separators + repeats * self.max_pad

        # Perform conditioning encoder in FP32, with the transformer in FP16
        cond = self.conditioning_encoder(conditioning_input).unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,codes.shape[1],1)
        h =[cond, self.initial_embedding(codes)], dim=-1)
        h = self.combiner(h)
        with torch.autocast(codes.device.type):
            logits = self.transformer(h)
            ctc_pred = self.ctc_head(logits)
            code_pred = self.inp_head(logits)

        ctcloss = F.cross_entropy(ctc_pred.float().permute(0,2,1), labels, reduction='none')
        ctcloss = torch.mean(ctcloss * loss_mask)
        codeloss = F.cross_entropy(code_pred.float().permute(0,2,1), codes, reduction='none')
        codeloss = torch.mean(codeloss * loss_mask)
        return ctcloss, codeloss

    def generate(self, speech_conditioning_input, texts):
        codes = []
        max_seq = 50
        for text in texts:
            # First, generate CTC codes from the given texts.
            vocab = json.loads('{" ": 4, "E": 5, "T": 6, "A": 7, "O": 8, "N": 9, "I": 10, "H": 11, "S": 12, "R": 13, "D": 14, "L": 15, "U": 16, "M": 17, "W": 18, "C": 19, "F": 20, "G": 21, "Y": 22, "P": 23, "B": 24, "V": 25, "K": 26, "\'": 27, "X": 28, "J": 29, "Q": 30, "Z": 31}')
            text = english_cleaners(text)
            text = text.strip().upper()
            cd = []
            for c in text:
                if c not in vocab.keys():
            codes.append(torch.tensor(cd, device=speech_conditioning_input.device))
            max_seq = max(max_seq, codes[-1].shape[-1])
        # Collate
        for i in range(len(codes)):
            if codes[i].shape[-1] < max_seq:
                codes[i] = F.pad(codes[i], (0, max_seq-codes[i].shape[-1]))
        codes = torch.stack(codes, dim=0)

        cond = self.conditioning_encoder(speech_conditioning_input).unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,codes.shape[1],1)
        h =[cond, self.initial_embedding(codes)], dim=-1)
        h = self.combiner(h)
        with torch.autocast(codes.device.type):
            logits = self.transformer(h)
            ctc_pred = self.ctc_head(logits)
        generate = torch.argmax(ctc_pred, dim=-1)

        # De-compress the codes from the generated output
        pads = generate % self.max_pad
        repeats = (generate // self.max_pad) + 1
        ctc_batch = []
        max_seq = 0
        for bc, bp, br in zip(codes, pads, repeats):
            ctc = []
            for c, p, r in zip(bc, bp, br):
                for _ in range(p):
                for _ in range(r):
            ctc_batch.append(torch.tensor(ctc, device=speech_conditioning_input.device))
            max_seq = max(max_seq, ctc_batch[-1].shape[-1])

        # Collate the batch
        for i in range(len(ctc_batch)):
            if ctc_batch[i].shape[-1] < max_seq:
                ctc_batch[i] = F.pad(ctc_batch[i], (0, max_seq-ctc_batch[i].shape[-1]))
        return torch.stack(ctc_batch, dim=0)

def register_ctc_code_generator(opt_net, opt):
    return CtcCodeGenerator(**opt_get(opt_net, ['kwargs'], {}))

def inf():
    sd = torch.load('D:\\dlas\\experiments\\train_encoder_build_ctc_alignments_medium\\models\\24000_generator.pth', map_location='cpu')
    model = CtcCodeGenerator(model_dim=1024,layers=32).eval()
    with torch.no_grad():
        from import load_audio
        from import wav_to_mel
        ref_mel =[wav_to_mel(load_audio("D:\\tortoise-tts\\voices\\atkins\\1.wav", 22050))[:,:,:450],
                             wav_to_mel(load_audio("D:\\tortoise-tts\\voices\\kennard\\1.wav", 22050))[:,:,:450],
                             wav_to_mel(load_audio("D:\\tortoise-tts\\voices\\grace\\1.wav", 22050))[:,:,:450],
                             wav_to_mel(load_audio("D:\\tortoise-tts\\voices\\atkins\\1.wav", 22050))[:,:,:450]], dim=0)
        ctc = model.generate(ref_mel, (["i suppose though it's too early for them"] * 3) + ["i suppose though it's too early for them, dear"])

if __name__ == '__main__':

    mask = clustered_mask(.1, (4,100), 'cpu')

    model = CtcCodeGenerator()
    inps = torch.randint(0,36, (4, 300))
    pads = torch.randint(0,100, (4,300))
    repeats = torch.randint(1,20, (4,300))
    conds = torch.randn(4,80,600)
    loss1, loss2 = model(conds, inps, pads, repeats, torch.tensor([250, 300, 280, 30]))
    print(loss1.shape, loss2.shape)