
219 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import random
import torch
import torchvision
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from kornia import augmentation as augs
from kornia import filters
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
# Wrapper for a DLAS Dataset class that applies random augmentations from the BYOL paper to BOTH the 'lq' and 'hq'
# inputs. These are then outputted as 'aug1' and 'aug2'.
from data import create_dataset
from models.archs.arch_util import PixelUnshuffle
from utils.util import opt_get
class RandomApply(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, fn, p):
self.fn = fn
self.p = p
def forward(self, x):
if random.random() > self.p:
return x
return self.fn(x)
class ByolDatasetWrapper(Dataset):
def __init__(self, opt):
self.wrapped_dataset = create_dataset(opt['dataset'])
self.cropped_img_size = opt['crop_size']
augmentations = [ \
RandomApply(augs.ColorJitter(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.2), p=0.8),
RandomApply(filters.GaussianBlur2d((3, 3), (1.5, 1.5)), p=0.1),
augs.RandomResizedCrop((self.cropped_img_size, self.cropped_img_size))]
if opt['normalize']:
# The paper calls for normalization. Recommend setting true if you want exactly like the paper.
augmentations.append(augs.Normalize(mean=torch.tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]), std=torch.tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])))
self.aug = nn.Sequential(*augmentations)
def __getitem__(self, item):
item = self.wrapped_dataset[item]
item.update({'aug1': self.aug(item['hq']).squeeze(dim=0), 'aug2': self.aug(item['lq']).squeeze(dim=0)})
return item
def __len__(self):
return len(self.wrapped_dataset)
def no_batch_interpolate(i, size, mode):
i = i.unsqueeze(0)
i = F.interpolate(i, size=size, mode=mode)
return i.squeeze(0)
# Performs a 1-d translation of "other":
# If other<ref, returns 0.
# Else: return other-ref
def snap(ref, other):
if other < ref:
return 0
return other - ref
# Variation of RandomResizedCrop, which picks a region of the image that the two augments must share. The augments
# then propagate off random corners of the shared region, using the same scale.
# Operates in units of "multiple". The intent is that this multiple is equivalent to the compression multiple of the
# latent space being used so that each structural unit corresponds to a latent unit.
class RandomSharedRegionCrop(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, multiple, jitter_range=0):
self.multiple = multiple
self.jitter_range = jitter_range # When specified, images are shifted an additional random([-j,j]) pixels where j=jitter_range
def forward(self, i1, i2):
assert i1.shape[-1] == i2.shape[-1]
# Outline of the general algorithm:
# 1. Assume the input is a square. Divide it by self.multiple to get working units.
# 2. Pick a random width, height and top corner location for the first patch.
# 3. Pick a random width, height and top corner location for the second patch.
# Note: All dims from (2) and (3) must contain at least half of the image, guaranteeing overlap.
# 6. Build patches from input images. Resize them appropriately. Apply translational jitter.
# 7. Compute the metrics needed to extract overlapping regions from the resized patches: top, left,
# original_height, original_width.
# 8. Compute the "shared_view" from the above data.
# Step 1
c, d, _ = i1.shape
assert d % self.multiple == 0 and d > (self.multiple*3)
d = d // self.multiple
# Step 2
base_w = random.randint(d//2, d-1)
base_l = random.randint(0, d-base_w)
base_h = random.randint(base_w-1, base_w+1)
base_t = random.randint(0, d-base_h)
base_r, base_b = base_l+base_w, base_t+base_h
# Step 3
im2_w = random.randint(d//2, d-1)
im2_l = random.randint(0, d-im2_w)
im2_h = random.randint(im2_w-1, im2_w+1)
im2_t = random.randint(0, d-im2_h)
im2_r, im2_b = im2_l+im2_w, im2_t+im2_h
# Step 6
m = self.multiple
jl, jt = random.randint(-self.jitter_range, self.jitter_range), random.randint(-self.jitter_range, self.jitter_range)
p1 = i1[:, base_t*m+jt:(base_t+base_h)*m+jt, base_l*m+jl:(base_l+base_w)*m+jl]
p1_resized = no_batch_interpolate(p1, size=(d*m, d*m), mode="bilinear")
jl, jt = random.randint(-self.jitter_range, self.jitter_range), random.randint(-self.jitter_range, self.jitter_range)
p2 = i2[:, im2_t*m+jt:(im2_t+im2_h)*m+jt, im2_l*m+jl:(im2_l+im2_w)*m+jl]
p2_resized = no_batch_interpolate(p2, size=(d*m, d*m), mode="bilinear")
# Step 7
i1_shared_t, i1_shared_l = snap(base_t, im2_t), snap(base_l, im2_l)
i2_shared_t, i2_shared_l = snap(im2_t, base_t), snap(im2_l, base_l)
ix_h = min(base_b, im2_b) - max(base_t, im2_t)
ix_w = min(base_r, im2_r) - max(base_l, im2_l)
recompute_package = (base_h, base_w, i1_shared_t, i1_shared_l, im2_h, im2_w, i2_shared_t, i2_shared_l, ix_h, ix_w)
# Step 8
mask1 = torch.full((1, base_h*m, base_w*m), fill_value=.5)
mask1[:, i1_shared_t*m:(i1_shared_t+ix_h)*m, i1_shared_l*m:(i1_shared_l+ix_w)*m] = 1
masked1 = p1 * mask1
mask2 = torch.full((1, im2_h*m, im2_w*m), fill_value=.5)
mask2[:, i2_shared_t*m:(i2_shared_t+ix_h)*m, i2_shared_l*m:(i2_shared_l+ix_w)*m] = 1
masked2 = p2 * mask2
mask = torch.full((1, d*m, d*m), fill_value=.33)
mask[:, base_t*m:(base_t+base_w)*m, base_l*m:(base_l+base_h)*m] += .33
mask[:, im2_t*m:(im2_t+im2_w)*m, im2_l*m:(im2_l+im2_h)*m] += .33
masked_dbg = i1 * mask
return p1_resized, p2_resized, recompute_package, masked1, masked2, masked_dbg
# Uses the recompute package returned from the above dataset to extract matched-size "similar regions" from two feature
# maps.
def reconstructed_shared_regions(fea1, fea2, recompute_package):
f1_h, f1_w, f1s_t, f1s_l, f2_h, f2_w, f2s_t, f2s_l, s_h, s_w = recompute_package
# Resize the input features to match
f1s = F.interpolate(fea1, (f1_h, f1_w), mode="bilinear")
f2s = F.interpolate(fea2, (f2_h, f2_w), mode="bilinear")
f1sh = f1s[:, :, f1s_t:f1s_t+s_h, f1s_l:f1s_l+s_w]
f2sh = f2s[:, :, f2s_t:f2s_t+s_h, f2s_l:f2s_l+s_w]
return f1sh, f2sh
# Follows the general template of BYOL dataset, with the following changes:
# 1. Flip() is not applied.
# 2. Instead of RandomResizedCrop, a custom Transform, RandomSharedRegionCrop is used.
# 3. The dataset injects two integer tensors alongside the augmentations, which are used to index image regions shared
# by the joint augmentations.
# 4. The dataset injects an aug_shared_view for debugging purposes.
class StructuredCropDatasetWrapper(Dataset):
def __init__(self, opt):
self.wrapped_dataset = create_dataset(opt['dataset'])
augmentations = [RandomApply(augs.ColorJitter(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.2), p=0.8),
RandomApply(filters.GaussianBlur2d((3, 3), (1.5, 1.5)), p=0.1)]
self.aug = nn.Sequential(*augmentations)
self.rrc = RandomSharedRegionCrop(opt['latent_multiple'], opt_get(opt, ['jitter_range'], 0))
def __getitem__(self, item):
item = self.wrapped_dataset[item]
a1 = item['hq'] #self.aug(item['hq']).squeeze(dim=0)
a2 = item['hq'] #self.aug(item['lq']).squeeze(dim=0)
a1, a2, sr_dim, m1, m2, db = self.rrc(a1, a2)
item.update({'aug1': a1, 'aug2': a2, 'similar_region_dimensions': sr_dim,
'masked1': m1, 'masked2': m2, 'aug_shared_view': db})
return item
def __len__(self):
return len(self.wrapped_dataset)
# For testing this dataset.
if __name__ == '__main__':
opt = {
'mode': 'imagefolder',
'name': 'amalgam',
'paths': ['F:\\4k6k\\datasets\\images\\flickr\\flickr-scrape\\filtered\carrot'],
'weights': [1],
'target_size': 256,
'force_multiple': 32,
'scale': 1,
'fixed_corruptions': ['jpeg-broad', 'gaussian_blur'],
'random_corruptions': ['noise-5', 'none'],
'num_corrupts_per_image': 1,
'corrupt_before_downsize': True,
'latent_multiple': 8,
'jitter_range': 0,
ds = StructuredCropDatasetWrapper(opt)
import os
os.makedirs("debug", exist_ok=True)
for i in range(0, len(ds)):
o = ds[random.randint(0, len(ds))]
for k, v in o.items():
# 'lq', 'hq', 'aug1', 'aug2',
if k in [ 'aug_shared_view', 'masked1', 'masked2']:
torchvision.utils.save_image(v.unsqueeze(0), "debug/%i_%s.png" % (i, k))
rcpkg = o['similar_region_dimensions']
pixun = PixelUnshuffle(8)
pixsh = nn.PixelShuffle(8)
rc1, rc2 = reconstructed_shared_regions(pixun(o['aug1'].unsqueeze(0)), pixun(o['aug2'].unsqueeze(0)), rcpkg)
torchvision.utils.save_image(pixsh(rc1), "debug/%i_rc1.png" % (i,))
torchvision.utils.save_image(pixsh(rc2), "debug/%i_rc2.png" % (i,))