import os.path as osp import logging import random import argparse import audio2numpy from munch import munchify import utils import utils.options as option import utils.util as util from import save_mel_buffer_to_file from import hparams from import TacotronSTFT from import sequence_to_text from import Vocoder from trainer.ExtensibleTrainer import ExtensibleTrainer import torch import numpy as np from import wavfile def forward_pass(model, data, output_dir, opt, b): with torch.no_grad(): model.feed_data(data, 0) model.test() if 'real_text' in opt['eval'].keys(): real = data[opt['eval']['real_text']][0] print(f'{b} Real text: "{real}"') pred_seq = model.eval_state[opt['eval']['gen_text']][0] pred_text = [sequence_to_text(ts) for ts in pred_seq] audio = model.eval_state[opt['eval']['audio']][0].cpu().numpy() wavfile.write(osp.join(output_dir, f'{b}_clip.wav'), 22050, audio) for i, text in enumerate(pred_text): print(f'{b} Predicted text {i}: "{text}"') if __name__ == "__main__": input_file = "E:\\audio\\books\\Roald Dahl Audiobooks\\Roald Dahl - The BFG\\(Roald Dahl) The BFG - 07.mp3" config = "../options/train_gpt_stop_libritts.yml" cutoff_pred_percent = .2 # Set seeds torch.manual_seed(5555) random.seed(5555) np.random.seed(5555) #### options torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True want_metrics = False parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-opt', type=str, help='Path to options YAML file.', default=config) opt = option.parse(parser.parse_args().opt, is_train=False) opt = option.dict_to_nonedict(opt) utils.util.loaded_options = opt hp = munchify(hparams.create_hparams()) util.mkdirs( (path for key, path in opt['path'].items() if not key == 'experiments_root' and 'pretrain_model' not in key and 'resume' not in key)) util.setup_logger('base', opt['path']['log'], 'test_' + opt['name'], level=logging.INFO, screen=True, tofile=True) logger = logging.getLogger('base') model = ExtensibleTrainer(opt) assert len(model.networks) == 1 model = model.networks[next(iter(model.networks.keys()))]'cuda') model.eval() vocoder = Vocoder() audio, sr = audio2numpy.audio_from_file(input_file) if len(audio.shape) == 2: audio = audio[:, 0] audio = torch.tensor(audio, device='cuda').unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) audio = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(audio, scale_factor=hp.sampling_rate/sr, mode='nearest').squeeze(1) stft = TacotronSTFT(hp.filter_length, hp.hop_length, hp.win_length, hp.n_mel_channels, hp.sampling_rate, hp.mel_fmin, hp.mel_fmax).to('cuda') mels = stft.mel_spectrogram(audio) with torch.no_grad(): sentence_number = 0 last_detection_start = 0 start = 0 clip_size = model.max_mel_frames while start+clip_size < mels.shape[-1]: clip = mels[:, :, start:start+clip_size] pred_starts, pred_ends = model(clip) pred_ends = torch.nn.functional.sigmoid(pred_ends).squeeze(-1).squeeze(0) # Squeeze off the batch and sigmoid dimensions, leaving only the sequence dimension. indices = torch.nonzero(pred_ends > cutoff_pred_percent) for i in indices: i = i.item() sentence = mels[0, :, last_detection_start:start+i] if sentence.shape[-1] > 400 and sentence.shape[-1] < 1600: save_mel_buffer_to_file(sentence, f'{sentence_number}.npy') wav = vocoder.transform_mel_to_audio(sentence) wavfile.write(f'{sentence_number}.wav', 22050, wav[0].cpu().numpy()) sentence_number += 1 last_detection_start = start+i start += 4 if last_detection_start > start: start = last_detection_start