import math import torch import torch.nn as nn import switched_conv_cuda_naive from lambda_networks import LambdaLayer from torch.nn import init, Conv2d, MSELoss import torch.nn.functional as F from tqdm import tqdm class SwitchedConvHardRoutingFunction(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input, selector, weight, bias, stride=1): # Build hard attention mask from selector input b, s, h, w = selector.shape selector_mask = (selector.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0].repeat(1,s,1,1) == selector).float() mask = selector_mask.argmax(dim=1).int() # Compute the convolution using the mask. outputs = switched_conv_cuda_naive.forward(input, mask, weight, bias, stride) ctx.stride = stride ctx.breadth = s ctx.save_for_backward(*[input, mask, weight, bias]) return outputs @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad): input, mask, weight, bias = ctx.saved_tensors # Get the grads for the convolution. grad, grad_w, grad_b = switched_conv_cuda_naive.backward(input, grad.contiguous(), mask, weight, bias, ctx.stride) # Get the selector grads selector_mask = torch.eye(ctx.breadth, device=input.device)[mask.long()].permute(0,3,1,2).unsqueeze(2) # Note that this is not necessarily equivalent to the selector_mask from above, because under certain circumstances, two values could take on the value '1' in the above instance, whereas this is a true one-hot representation. grad_sel = ((grad * input).unsqueeze(1) * selector_mask).sum(2) return grad, grad_sel, grad_w, grad_b, None class SwitchedConvHardRouting(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_c, out_c, kernel_sz, breadth, stride=1, bias=True, dropout_rate=0.0, include_coupler: bool = False, # A 'coupler' is a latent converter which can make any bxcxhxw tensor a compatible switchedconv selector by performing a linear 1x1 conv, softmax and interpolate. coupler_mode: str = 'standard', coupler_dim_in: int = 0,): super().__init__() self.in_channels = in_c self.out_channels = out_c self.kernel_size = kernel_sz self.stride = stride self.has_bias = bias self.breadth = breadth self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate if include_coupler: if coupler_mode == 'standard': self.coupler = Conv2d(coupler_dim_in, breadth, kernel_size=1) elif coupler_mode == 'lambda': self.coupler = LambdaLayer(dim=coupler_dim_in, dim_out=breadth, r=23, dim_k=16, heads=2, dim_u=1) else: self.coupler = None self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(out_c, in_c, breadth, kernel_sz, kernel_sz)) if bias: self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(out_c)) else: self.bias = torch.zeros(out_c) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self) -> None: init.kaiming_uniform_(self.weight, a=math.sqrt(5)) if self.bias is not None: fan_in, _ = init._calculate_fan_in_and_fan_out(self.weight[:,:,0,:,:]) bound = 1 / math.sqrt(fan_in) init.uniform_(self.bias, -bound, bound) def load_weights_from_conv(self, cnv): sd = cnv.state_dict() sd['weight'] = sd['weight'].unsqueeze(2).repeat(1,1,self.breadth,1,1) self.load_state_dict(sd) def forward(self, input, selector=None): if self.bias.device != input.device: self.bias = # Because this bias can be a tensor that is not moved with the rest of the module. # If a coupler was specified, run that to convert selector into a softmax distribution. if self.coupler: if selector is None: # A coupler can convert from any input to a selector, so 'None' is allowed. selector = input selector = F.softmax(self.coupler(selector), dim=1) self.last_select = selector.detach().clone() assert selector is not None # Apply dropout at the batch level per kernel. if and self.dropout_rate > 0: b, c, h, w = selector.shape drop = torch.rand((b, c, 1, 1), device=input.device) > self.dropout_rate # Ensure that there is always at least one switch left un-dropped out fix_blank = (drop.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) == 0).repeat(1, c, 1, 1) drop = drop.logical_or(fix_blank) selector = drop * selector return SwitchedConvHardRoutingFunction.apply(input, selector, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride) # Given a state_dict and the module that that sd belongs to, strips out all Conv2d.weight parameters and replaces them # with the equivalent SwitchedConv.weight parameters. Does not create coupler params. def convert_conv_net_state_dict_to_switched_conv(module, switch_breadth, ignore_list=[]): state_dict = module.state_dict() for name, m in module.named_modules(): ignored = False for smod in ignore_list: if smod in name: ignored = True continue if ignored: continue if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): state_dict[f'{name}.weight'] = state_dict[f'{name}.weight'].unsqueeze(2).repeat(1,1,switch_breadth,1,1) return state_dict def test_net(): for j in tqdm(range(100)): base_conv = Conv2d(32, 64, 3, stride=2, padding=1, bias=True).to('cuda') mod_conv = SwitchedConvHardRouting(32, 64, 3, breadth=8, stride=2, bias=True, include_coupler=True, coupler_dim_in=32, dropout_rate=.2).to('cuda') mod_sd = convert_conv_net_state_dict_to_switched_conv(base_conv, 8) mod_conv.load_state_dict(mod_sd, strict=False) inp = torch.randn((128,32,128,128), device='cuda') out1 = base_conv(inp) out2 = mod_conv(inp, None) compare = (out2+torch.rand_like(out2)*1e-6).detach() MSELoss()(out2, compare).backward() assert(torch.max(torch.abs(out1-out2)) < 1e-5) if __name__ == '__main__': test_net()