import functools import random from math import cos, pi import cv2 import kornia import numpy as np import torch from kornia.augmentation import ColorJitter from data.util import read_img from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO # Get a rough visualization of the above distribution. (Y-axis is meaningless, just spreads data) from utils.util import opt_get ''' if __name__ == '__main__': import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = np.asarray([get_rand() for _ in range(5000)]) plt.plot(data, np.random.uniform(size=(5000,)), 'x') ''' def kornia_color_jitter_numpy(img, setting): if setting * 255 > 1: # I'm using Kornia's ColorJitter, which requires pytorch arrays in b,c,h,w format. img = torch.from_numpy(img).permute(2,0,1).unsqueeze(0) img = ColorJitter(setting, setting, setting, setting)(img) img = img.squeeze(0).permute(1,2,0).numpy() return img # Performs image corruption on a list of images from a configurable set of corruption # options. class ImageCorruptor: def __init__(self, opt): self.opt = opt self.reset_random() self.blur_scale = opt['corruption_blur_scale'] if 'corruption_blur_scale' in opt.keys() else 1 self.fixed_corruptions = opt['fixed_corruptions'] if 'fixed_corruptions' in opt.keys() else [] self.num_corrupts = opt['num_corrupts_per_image'] if 'num_corrupts_per_image' in opt.keys() else 0 self.cosine_bias = opt_get(opt, ['cosine_bias'], True) if self.num_corrupts == 0: return else: self.random_corruptions = opt['random_corruptions'] if 'random_corruptions' in opt.keys() else [] def reset_random(self): if 'random_seed' in self.opt.keys(): self.rand = random.Random(self.opt['random_seed']) else: self.rand = random.Random() # Feeds a random uniform through a cosine distribution to slightly bias corruptions towards "uncorrupted". # Return is on [0,1] with a bias towards 0. def get_rand(self): r = self.rand.random() if self.cosine_bias: return 1 - cos(r * pi / 2) else: return r def corrupt_images(self, imgs, return_entropy=False): if self.num_corrupts == 0 and not self.fixed_corruptions: if return_entropy: return imgs, [] else: return imgs if self.num_corrupts == 0: augmentations = [] else: augmentations = random.choices(self.random_corruptions, k=self.num_corrupts) # Sources of entropy corrupted_imgs = [] entropy = [] undo_fns = [] applied_augs = augmentations + self.fixed_corruptions for img in imgs: for aug in augmentations: r = self.get_rand() img, undo_fn = self.apply_corruption(img, aug, r, applied_augs) if undo_fn is not None: undo_fns.append(undo_fn) for aug in self.fixed_corruptions: r = self.get_rand() img, undo_fn = self.apply_corruption(img, aug, r, applied_augs) entropy.append(r) if undo_fn is not None: undo_fns.append(undo_fn) # Apply undo_fns after all corruptions are finished, in same order. for ufn in undo_fns: img = ufn(img) corrupted_imgs.append(img) if return_entropy: return corrupted_imgs, entropy else: return corrupted_imgs def apply_corruption(self, img, aug, rand_val, applied_augmentations): undo_fn = None if 'color_quantization' in aug: # Color quantization quant_div = 2 ** (int(rand_val * 10 / 3) + 2) img = img * 255 img = (img // quant_div) * quant_div img = img / 255 elif 'color_jitter' in aug: lo_end = 0 hi_end = .2 setting = rand_val * (hi_end - lo_end) + lo_end img = kornia_color_jitter_numpy(img, setting) elif 'gaussian_blur' in aug: img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (0,0), self.blur_scale*rand_val*1.5) elif 'motion_blur' in aug: # Motion blur intensity = self.blur_scale*rand_val * 3 + 1 angle = random.randint(0,360) k = np.zeros((intensity, intensity), dtype=np.float32) k[(intensity - 1) // 2, :] = np.ones(intensity, dtype=np.float32) k = cv2.warpAffine(k, cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((intensity / 2 - 0.5, intensity / 2 - 0.5), angle, 1.0), (intensity, intensity)) k = k * (1.0 / np.sum(k)) img = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, k) elif 'block_noise' in aug: # Large distortion blocks in part of an img, such as is used to mask out a face. pass elif 'lq_resampling' in aug: # Random mode interpolation HR->LR->HR if 'lq_resampling4x' == aug: scale = 4 else: if rand_val < .3: scale = 1 elif rand_val < .7: scale = 2 else: scale = 4 if scale > 1: interpolation_modes = [cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4] mode = random.randint(0,4) % len(interpolation_modes) # Downsample first, then upsample using the random mode. img = cv2.resize(img, dsize=(img.shape[1]//scale, img.shape[0]//scale), interpolation=mode) def lq_resampling_undo_fn(scale, img): return cv2.resize(img, dsize=(img.shape[1]*scale, img.shape[0]*scale), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) undo_fn = functools.partial(lq_resampling_undo_fn, scale) elif 'color_shift' in aug: # Color shift pass elif 'interlacing' in aug: # Interlacing distortion pass elif 'chromatic_aberration' in aug: # Chromatic aberration pass elif 'noise' in aug: # Random noise if 'noise-5' == aug: noise_intensity = 5 / 255.0 else: noise_intensity = (rand_val*6) / 255.0 img += np.random.rand(*img.shape) * noise_intensity elif 'jpeg' in aug: if 'noise' not in applied_augmentations and 'noise-5' not in applied_augmentations: if aug == 'jpeg': lo=10 range=20 elif aug == 'jpeg-low': lo=15 range=10 elif aug == 'jpeg-medium': lo=23 range=25 elif aug == 'jpeg-broad': lo=15 range=60 elif aug == 'jpeg-normal': lo=47 range=35 else: raise NotImplementedError("specified jpeg corruption doesn't exist") # JPEG compression qf = (int((1-rand_val)*range) + lo) # Use PIL to perform a mock compression to a data buffer, then swap back to cv2. img = (img * 255).astype(np.uint8) img = Image.fromarray(img) buffer = BytesIO(), "JPEG", quality=qf, optimize=True) jpeg_img_bytes = np.asarray(bytearray(, dtype="uint8") img = read_img("buffer", jpeg_img_bytes, rgb=True) elif 'saturation' in aug: # Lightening / saturation saturation = rand_val * .3 img = np.clip(img + saturation, a_max=1, a_min=0) elif 'greyscale' in aug: img = np.tile(np.mean(img, axis=2, keepdims=True), [1,1,3]) elif 'none' not in aug: raise NotImplementedError("Augmentation doesn't exist") return img, undo_fn