import torch import torchvision from PIL import Image from pytorch_wavelets import DWTForward, DWTInverse import torch.nn.functional as F def load_img(path): im ="RGB") return torchvision.transforms.ToTensor()(im) def save_img(t, path): torchvision.utils.save_image(t, path) img = load_img("pu.jpg") img = img.unsqueeze(0) # Reshape image to be multiple of 32 w, h = img.shape[2:] w = (w // 32) * 32 h = (h // 32) * 32 img = F.interpolate(img, size=(w, h)) print("Input shape:", img.shape) J_spec = 5 Yl, Yh = DWTForward(J=J_spec, mode='periodization', wave='db3')(img) print(Yl.shape, [h.shape for h in Yh]) imgLR = F.interpolate(img, scale_factor=.5) LQYl, LQYh = DWTForward(J=J_spec-1, mode='periodization', wave='db3')(imgLR) print(LQYl.shape, [h.shape for h in LQYh]) for i in range(J_spec): smd = torch.sum(Yh[i], dim=2).cpu() save_img(smd, "high_%i.png" % (i,)) save_img(Yl, "lo.png") ''' Following code reconstructs the image with different high passes cancelled out. ''' for i in range(J_spec): corrupted_im = [y for y in Yh] corrupted_im[i] = torch.zeros_like(corrupted_im[i]) im = DWTInverse(mode='periodization', wave='db3')((Yl, corrupted_im)) save_img(im, "corrupt_%i.png" % (i,)) im = DWTInverse(mode='periodization', wave='db3')((torch.full_like(Yl, fill_value=torch.mean(Yl)), Yh)) save_img(im, "corrupt_im.png") ''' Following code reconstructs a hybrid image with the first high pass from the HR and the rest of the data from the LR. highpass = [Yh[0]] + LQYh im = DWTInverse(mode='periodization', wave='db3')((LQYl, highpass)) save_img(im, "hybrid_lrhr.png") save_img(F.interpolate(imgLR, scale_factor=2), "upscaled.png") '''