import functools
import glob
import itertools
import random

import cv2
import kornia
import numpy as np
import pytorch_ssim
import torch
import os

import torchvision
from import DataLoader
from torchvision.transforms import Normalize, CenterCrop
from tqdm import tqdm

from data import util
# Builds a dataset created from a simple folder containing a list of training/test/validation images.
from data.image_corruptor import ImageCorruptor, kornia_color_jitter_numpy
from data.image_label_parser import VsNetImageLabeler
from utils.util import opt_get

def ndarray_center_crop(crop, img):
    y, x, c = img.shape
    startx = x // 2 - crop // 2
    starty = y // 2 - crop // 2
    return img[starty:starty + crop, startx:startx + crop, :]

class ImageFolderDataset:
    def __init__(self, opt):
        self.opt = opt
        self.corruptor = ImageCorruptor(opt)
        if 'center_crop_hq_sz' in opt.keys():
            self.center_crop = functools.partial(ndarray_center_crop, opt['center_crop_hq_sz'])
        self.target_hq_size = opt['target_size'] if 'target_size' in opt.keys() else None
        self.multiple = opt['force_multiple'] if 'force_multiple' in opt.keys() else 1
        self.scale = opt['scale']
        self.paths = opt['paths']
        self.corrupt_before_downsize = opt['corrupt_before_downsize'] if 'corrupt_before_downsize' in opt.keys() else False
        self.fetch_alt_image = opt['fetch_alt_image']  # If specified, this dataset will attempt to find a second image
                                                       # from the same video source. Search for 'fetch_alt_image' for more info.
        self.fetch_alt_tiled_image = opt['fetch_alt_tiled_image']  # If specified, this dataset will attempt to find anoter tile from the same source image
                                                                   #  Search for 'fetch_alt_tiled_image' for more info.
        assert not (self.fetch_alt_image and self.fetch_alt_tiled_image)  # These are mutually exclusive.
        self.skip_lq = opt_get(opt, ['skip_lq'], False)
        self.disable_flip = opt_get(opt, ['disable_flip'], False)
        self.rgb_n1_to_1 = opt_get(opt, ['rgb_n1_to_1'], False)
        self.force_square = opt_get(opt, ['force_square'], True)
        self.fixed_parameters = {k: torch.tensor(v) for k, v in opt_get(opt, ['fixed_parameters'], {}).items()}
        self.all_image_color_jitter = opt_get(opt, ['all_image_color_jitter'], 0)
        if 'normalize' in opt.keys():
            if opt['normalize'] == 'stylegan2_norm':
                self.normalize = Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), inplace=True)
            elif opt['normalize'] == 'imagenet':
                self.normalize = Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225), inplace=True)
                raise Exception('Unsupported normalize')
            self.normalize = None
        if self.target_hq_size is not None:
            assert (self.target_hq_size // self.scale) % self.multiple == 0  # If we dont throw here, we get some really obscure errors.
        if not isinstance(self.paths, list):
            self.paths = [self.paths]
            self.weights = [1]
            self.weights = opt['weights']

        if 'labeler' in opt.keys():
            if opt['labeler']['type'] == 'patch_labels':
                self.labeler = VsNetImageLabeler(opt['labeler']['label_file'])
            assert len(self.paths) == 1   # Only a single base-path is supported for labeled images.
            self.image_paths = self.labeler.get_labeled_paths(self.paths[0])
            self.labeler = None

            # Just scan the given directory for images of standard types.
            supported_types = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif']
            self.image_paths = []
            for path, weight in zip(self.paths, self.weights):
                cache_path = os.path.join(path, 'cache.pth')
                if os.path.exists(cache_path):
                    imgs = torch.load(cache_path)
                    print("Building image folder cache, this can take some time for large datasets..")
                    imgs = util.find_files_of_type('img', path)[0]
          , cache_path)
                for w in range(weight):
        self.len = len(self.image_paths)

    def get_paths(self):
        return self.image_paths

    # Given an HQ square of arbitrary size, resizes it to specifications from opt.
    def resize_hq(self, imgs_hq):
        # Enforce size constraints
        h, w, _ = imgs_hq[0].shape

        if self.target_hq_size is not None and self.target_hq_size != h:
            hqs_adjusted = []
            for hq in imgs_hq:
                # It is assumed that the target size is a square.
                target_size = (self.target_hq_size, self.target_hq_size)
                hqs_adjusted.append(cv2.resize(hq, target_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA))
            h, w = self.target_hq_size, self.target_hq_size
            hqs_adjusted = imgs_hq
        hq_multiple = self.multiple * self.scale  # Multiple must apply to LQ image.
        if h % hq_multiple != 0 or w % hq_multiple != 0:
            hqs_conformed = []
            for hq in hqs_adjusted:
                h, w = (h - h % hq_multiple), (w - w % hq_multiple)
                hqs_conformed.append(hq[:h, :w, :])
            return hqs_conformed
        return hqs_adjusted

    def synthesize_lq(self, hs):
        h, w, _ = hs[0].shape
        ls = []
        local_scale = self.scale
        if self.corrupt_before_downsize:
            # You can downsize to a specified scale, then corrupt, then continue the downsize further using this option.
            if 'corrupt_before_downsize_factor' in self.opt.keys():
                special_factor = self.opt['corrupt_before_downsize_factor']
                hs = [cv2.resize(h_, (h // special_factor, w // special_factor), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) for h_ in hs]
                local_scale = local_scale // special_factor
                hs = [h.copy() for h in hs]
            hs, ent = self.corruptor.corrupt_images(hs, return_entropy=True)
        for hq in hs:
            h, w, _ = hq.shape
            ls.append(cv2.resize(hq, (h // local_scale, w // local_scale), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA))
        # Corrupt the LQ image (only in eval mode)
        if not self.corrupt_before_downsize:
            ls, ent = self.corruptor.corrupt_images(ls, return_entropy=True)
        return ls, ent

    def reset_random(self):

    def __len__(self):
        return self.len

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        hq = util.read_img(None, self.image_paths[item], rgb=True)
        if hasattr(self, 'center_crop'):
            hq = self.center_crop(hq)
        if not self.disable_flip and random.random() < .5:
            hq = hq[:, ::-1, :]

        if self.force_square:
            h, w, _ = hq.shape
            dim = min(h, w)
            hq = hq[(h - dim) // 2:dim + (h - dim) // 2, (w - dim) // 2:dim + (w - dim) // 2, :]

        # Perform color jittering on the HQ image if specified. The given value should be between [0,1].
        if self.all_image_color_jitter > 0:
            hq = kornia_color_jitter_numpy(hq, self.all_image_color_jitter)

        if self.labeler:
            assert hq.shape[0] == hq.shape[1]  # This just has not been accomodated yet.
            dim = hq.shape[0]

        hs = self.resize_hq([hq])
        if not self.skip_lq:
            for_lq = [hs[0]]

        # Convert to torch tensor
        hq = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(hs[0], (2, 0, 1)))).float()

        out_dict = {'hq': hq, 'LQ_path': self.image_paths[item], 'HQ_path': self.image_paths[item], 'has_alt': False}

        if self.fetch_alt_image:
            # This works by assuming a specific filename structure as would produced by ffmpeg. ex:
            # 'Candied Walnutsxjktqhr_SYc.webm_00000478.jpg` and
            # 'Candied Walnutsxjktqhr_SYc.webm_00000479.jpg` and
            # 'Candied Walnutsxjktqhr_SYc.webm_00000480.jpg`
            # The basic format is `<anything>%08d.<extension>`. This logic parses off that 8 digit number. If it is
            # not found, the 'alt_image' returned is just the current image. If it is found, the algorithm searches for
            # an image one number higher. If it is found - it is returned in the 'alt_hq' and 'alt_lq' keys, else the
            # current image is put in those keys.

            imname_parts = self.image_paths[item]
            while '.jpg.jpg' in imname_parts:
                imname_parts = imname_parts.replace(".jpg.jpg", ".jpg")  # Hack workaround to my own bug.
            imname_parts = imname_parts.split('.')
            if len(imname_parts) >= 2 and len(imname_parts[-2]) > 8:
                    imnumber = int(imname_parts[-2][-8:])
                    # When we're dealing with images in the 1M range, it's straight up faster to attempt to just open
                    # the file rather than searching the path list. Let the exception handler below do its work.
                    next_img = self.image_paths[item].replace(str(imnumber), str(imnumber+1))
                    alt_hq = util.read_img(None, next_img, rgb=True)
                    alt_hs = self.resize_hq([alt_hq])
                    alt_hq = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(alt_hs[0], (2, 0, 1)))).float()
                    out_dict['has_alt'] = True
                    if not self.skip_lq:
                    alt_hq = hq
                    if not self.skip_lq:
                alt_hq = hq
                if not self.skip_lq:
            out_dict['alt_hq'] = alt_hq
        if self.fetch_alt_tiled_image:
            # This assumes the output format generated by the tiled image generation scripts included with DLAS. Specifically,
            # all image read by this dataset are assumed to be in subfolders with other tiles from the same source image. When
            # this option is set, another random image from the same folder is selected and returned as the alt image.
            sel_path = os.path.dirname(self.image_paths[item])
            other_images = os.listdir(sel_path)
            # Assume that the directory contains at least <image>, <ref.jpg>, <>
                if len(other_images) <= 3:
                    alt_hq = hq  # This is a fallback in case an alt image can't be found.
                    for oi in other_images:
                        if oi == os.path.basename(self.image_paths[item]) or 'ref.' in oi or '' in oi:
                        alt_hq = util.read_img(None, os.path.join(sel_path, oi), rgb=True)
                        alt_hs = self.resize_hq([alt_hq])
                        alt_hq = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(alt_hs[0], (2, 0, 1)))).float()
                alt_hq = hq
                print(f"Error with {self.image_paths[item]}")
            out_dict['has_alt'] = True
            out_dict['alt_hq'] = alt_hq

        if not self.skip_lq:
            lqs, ent = self.synthesize_lq(for_lq)
            ls = lqs[0]
            out_dict['lq'] = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(ls, (2, 0, 1)))).float()
            out_dict['corruption_entropy'] = torch.tensor(ent)
            if len(lqs) > 1:
                alt_lq = lqs[1]
                out_dict['alt_lq'] = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(alt_lq, (2, 0, 1)))).float()

        if self.labeler:
            base_file = self.image_paths[item].replace(self.paths[0], "")
            while base_file.startswith("\\"):
                base_file = base_file[1:]
            assert dim % hq.shape[1] == 0
            lbls, lbl_masks, lblstrings = self.labeler.get_labels_as_tensor(hq, base_file, dim // hq.shape[1])
            out_dict['labels'] = lbls
            out_dict['labels_mask'] = lbl_masks
            out_dict['label_strings'] = lblstrings

        for k, v in out_dict.items():
            if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) and len(v.shape) == 3:
                if self.normalize:
                    v = self.normalize(v)
                if self.rgb_n1_to_1:
                    v = v * 2 - 1
                out_dict[k] = v

        return out_dict

if __name__ == '__main__':
    opt = {
        'name': 'amalgam',
        'paths': ['E:\\4k6k\\datasets\\ns_images\\imagesets\\256_only_humans_masked'],
        'weights': [1],
        'target_size': 256,
        'scale': 1,
        'corrupt_before_downsize': True,
        'fetch_alt_image': False,
        'fetch_alt_tiled_image': True,
        'disable_flip': True,
        'fixed_corruptions': ['lq_resampling', 'jpeg-medium', 'gaussian_blur', 'noise', 'color_jitter'],
        'num_corrupts_per_image': 0,
        'corruption_blur_scale': 1,
        'all_image_color_jitter': .1,

    ds = DataLoader(ImageFolderDataset(opt), shuffle=True, num_workers=0, batch_size=64)
    import os
    output_path = 'F:\\tmp'
    os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True)
    res = []
    for i, d in tqdm(enumerate(ds)):
        x = d['hq']
        b,c,h,w = x.shape
        x_c = x.view(c*b, h, w)
        x_c = torch.view_as_real(torch.fft.rfft(x_c))
        # Log-normalize spectrogram
        x_c = (x_c.abs() ** 2).clip(min=1e-8, max=1e16)
        x_c = torch.log(x_c)
        if i % 100 == 99:
            stacked =, dim=0)
            print(stacked.mean(dim=[0,1,2]), stacked.std(dim=[0,1,2]))

        for k, v in d.items():
            if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) and len(v.shape) >= 3:
                os.makedirs(f'{output_path}\\{k}', exist_ok=True)
                torchvision.utils.save_image(v, f'{output_path}\\{k}\\{i}.png')
        if i >= 200000: