Removed a lot of legacy stuff I have no intent on using again. Plan is to shape this repo into something more extensible (get it? hah!)
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71 lines
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import torch
import numpy as np
from utils import options as option
from data import create_dataloader, create_dataset
import math
from tqdm import tqdm
from utils.fdpl_util import dct_2d, extract_patches_2d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from utils.colors import rgb2ycbcr
import torch.nn.functional as F
input_config = "../../options/train_imgset_pixgan_srg4_fdpl.yml"
output_file = ""
device = 'cuda'
if __name__ == '__main__':
opt = option.parse(input_config, is_train=True)
opt['dist'] = False
# Create a dataset to load from (this dataset loads HR/LR images and performs any distortions specified by the YML.
dataset_opt = opt['datasets']['train']
train_set = create_dataset(dataset_opt)
train_size = int(math.ceil(len(train_set) / dataset_opt['batch_size']))
total_iters = int(opt['train']['niter'])
total_epochs = int(math.ceil(total_iters / train_size))
train_loader = create_dataloader(train_set, dataset_opt, opt, None)
print('Number of train images: {:,d}, iters: {:,d}'.format(
len(train_set), train_size))
# calculate the perceptual weights
master_diff = np.zeros((patch_size, patch_size))
num_patches = 0
all_diff_patches = []
tq = tqdm(train_loader)
sampled = 0
for train_data in tq:
if sampled > 200:
sampled += 1
im = rgb2ycbcr(train_data['GT'].double())
im_LR = rgb2ycbcr(F.interpolate(train_data['LQ'].double(),
mode="bicubic", align_corners=False))
patches_hr = extract_patches_2d(img=im, patch_shape=(patch_size,patch_size), batch_first=True)
patches_hr = dct_2d(patches_hr, norm='ortho')
patches_lr = extract_patches_2d(img=im_LR, patch_shape=(patch_size,patch_size), batch_first=True)
patches_lr = dct_2d(patches_lr, norm='ortho')
b, p, c, w, h = patches_hr.shape
diffs = torch.abs(patches_lr - patches_hr) / ((torch.abs(patches_lr) + torch.abs(patches_hr)) / 2 + .00000001)
num_patches += b * p
all_diff_patches.append(torch.sum(diffs, dim=(0, 1)))
diff_patches = torch.stack(all_diff_patches, dim=0)
diff_means = torch.sum(diff_patches, dim=0) / num_patches
|, output_file)
for i in range(3):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05)
im = ax.imshow(diff_means[i].numpy())
ax.set_title("mean_diff for channel %i" % (i,))
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical')