Removed a lot of legacy stuff I have no intent on using again. Plan is to shape this repo into something more extensible (get it? hah!)
412 lines
16 KiB
412 lines
16 KiB
"""Create lmdb files for [General images (291 images/DIV2K) | Vimeo90K | REDS] training datasets"""
import sys
import os.path as osp
import glob
import pickle
from multiprocessing import Pool
import numpy as np
import lmdb
import cv2
import data.util as data_util # noqa: E402
import utils.util as util # noqa: E402
def main():
dataset = 'DIV2K_demo' # vimeo90K | REDS | general (e.g., DIV2K, 291) | DIV2K_demo |test
mode = 'GT' # used for vimeo90k and REDS datasets
# vimeo90k: GT | LR | flow
# REDS: train_sharp, train_sharp_bicubic, train_blur_bicubic, train_blur, train_blur_comp
# train_sharp_flowx4
if dataset == 'vimeo90k':
elif dataset == 'REDS':
elif dataset == 'general':
opt = {}
opt['img_folder'] = '../../datasets/DIV2K/DIV2K800_sub'
opt['lmdb_save_path'] = '../../datasets/DIV2K/DIV2K800_sub.lmdb'
opt['name'] = 'DIV2K800_sub_GT'
elif dataset == 'DIV2K_demo':
opt = {}
## GT
opt['img_folder'] = '../../datasets/DIV2K/DIV2K800_sub'
opt['lmdb_save_path'] = '../../datasets/DIV2K/DIV2K800_sub.lmdb'
opt['name'] = 'DIV2K800_sub_GT'
## LR
opt['img_folder'] = '../../datasets/DIV2K/DIV2K800_sub_bicLRx4'
opt['lmdb_save_path'] = '../../datasets/DIV2K/DIV2K800_sub_bicLRx4.lmdb'
opt['name'] = 'DIV2K800_sub_bicLRx4'
elif dataset == 'test':
test_lmdb('../../datasets/REDS/train_sharp_wval.lmdb', 'REDS')
def read_image_worker(path, key):
img = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
return (key, img)
def general_image_folder(opt):
"""Create lmdb for general image folders
Users should define the keys, such as: '0321_s035' for DIV2K sub-images
If all the images have the same resolution, it will only store one copy of resolution info.
Otherwise, it will store every resolution info.
#### configurations
read_all_imgs = False # whether real all images to memory with multiprocessing
# Set False for use limited memory
BATCH = 5000 # After BATCH images, lmdb commits, if read_all_imgs = False
n_thread = 40
img_folder = opt['img_folder']
lmdb_save_path = opt['lmdb_save_path']
meta_info = {'name': opt['name']}
if not lmdb_save_path.endswith('.lmdb'):
raise ValueError("lmdb_save_path must end with \'lmdb\'.")
if osp.exists(lmdb_save_path):
print('Folder [{:s}] already exists. Exit...'.format(lmdb_save_path))
#### read all the image paths to a list
print('Reading image path list ...')
all_img_list = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(img_folder, '*')))
keys = []
for img_path in all_img_list:
if read_all_imgs:
#### read all images to memory (multiprocessing)
dataset = {} # store all image data. list cannot keep the order, use dict
print('Read images with multiprocessing, #thread: {} ...'.format(n_thread))
pbar = util.ProgressBar(len(all_img_list))
def mycallback(arg):
'''get the image data and update pbar'''
key = arg[0]
dataset[key] = arg[1]
pbar.update('Reading {}'.format(key))
pool = Pool(n_thread)
for path, key in zip(all_img_list, keys):
pool.apply_async(read_image_worker, args=(path, key), callback=mycallback)
print('Finish reading {} images.\nWrite lmdb...'.format(len(all_img_list)))
#### create lmdb environment
data_size_per_img = cv2.imread(all_img_list[0], cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED).nbytes
print('data size per image is: ', data_size_per_img)
data_size = data_size_per_img * len(all_img_list)
env =, map_size=data_size * 10)
#### write data to lmdb
pbar = util.ProgressBar(len(all_img_list))
txn = env.begin(write=True)
resolutions = []
for idx, (path, key) in enumerate(zip(all_img_list, keys)):
pbar.update('Write {}'.format(key))
key_byte = key.encode('ascii')
data = dataset[key] if read_all_imgs else cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
if data.ndim == 2:
H, W = data.shape
C = 1
H, W, C = data.shape
txn.put(key_byte, data)
resolutions.append('{:d}_{:d}_{:d}'.format(C, H, W))
if not read_all_imgs and idx % BATCH == 0:
txn = env.begin(write=True)
print('Finish writing lmdb.')
#### create meta information
# check whether all the images are the same size
assert len(keys) == len(resolutions)
if len(set(resolutions)) <= 1:
meta_info['resolution'] = [resolutions[0]]
meta_info['keys'] = keys
print('All images have the same resolution. Simplify the meta info.')
meta_info['resolution'] = resolutions
meta_info['keys'] = keys
print('Not all images have the same resolution. Save meta info for each image.')
pickle.dump(meta_info, open(osp.join(lmdb_save_path, 'meta_info.pkl'), "wb"))
print('Finish creating lmdb meta info.')
def vimeo90k(mode):
"""Create lmdb for the Vimeo90K dataset, each image with a fixed size
GT: [3, 256, 448]
Now only need the 4th frame, e.g., 00001_0001_4
LR: [3, 64, 112]
1st - 7th frames, e.g., 00001_0001_1, ..., 00001_0001_7
Use the folder and subfolder names, w/o the frame index, e.g., 00001_0001
flow: downsampled flow: [3, 360, 320], keys: 00001_0001_4_[p3, p2, p1, n1, n2, n3]
Each flow is calculated with GT images by PWCNet and then downsampled by 1/4
Flow map is quantized by mmcv and saved in png format
#### configurations
read_all_imgs = False # whether real all images to memory with multiprocessing
# Set False for use limited memory
BATCH = 5000 # After BATCH images, lmdb commits, if read_all_imgs = False
if mode == 'GT':
img_folder = '../../datasets/vimeo90k/vimeo_septuplet/sequences'
lmdb_save_path = '../../datasets/vimeo90k/vimeo90k_train_GT.lmdb'
txt_file = '../../datasets/vimeo90k/vimeo_septuplet/sep_trainlist.txt'
H_dst, W_dst = 256, 448
elif mode == 'LR':
img_folder = '../../datasets/vimeo90k/vimeo_septuplet_matlabLRx4/sequences'
lmdb_save_path = '../../datasets/vimeo90k/vimeo90k_train_LR7frames.lmdb'
txt_file = '../../datasets/vimeo90k/vimeo_septuplet/sep_trainlist.txt'
H_dst, W_dst = 64, 112
elif mode == 'flow':
img_folder = '../../datasets/vimeo90k/vimeo_septuplet/sequences_flowx4'
lmdb_save_path = '../../datasets/vimeo90k/vimeo90k_train_flowx4.lmdb'
txt_file = '../../datasets/vimeo90k/vimeo_septuplet/sep_trainlist.txt'
H_dst, W_dst = 128, 112
raise ValueError('Wrong dataset mode: {}'.format(mode))
n_thread = 40
if not lmdb_save_path.endswith('.lmdb'):
raise ValueError("lmdb_save_path must end with \'lmdb\'.")
if osp.exists(lmdb_save_path):
print('Folder [{:s}] already exists. Exit...'.format(lmdb_save_path))
#### read all the image paths to a list
print('Reading image path list ...')
with open(txt_file) as f:
train_l = f.readlines()
train_l = [v.strip() for v in train_l]
all_img_list = []
keys = []
for line in train_l:
folder = line.split('/')[0]
sub_folder = line.split('/')[1]
all_img_list.extend(glob.glob(osp.join(img_folder, folder, sub_folder, '*')))
if mode == 'flow':
for j in range(1, 4):
keys.append('{}_{}_4_n{}'.format(folder, sub_folder, j))
keys.append('{}_{}_4_p{}'.format(folder, sub_folder, j))
for j in range(7):
keys.append('{}_{}_{}'.format(folder, sub_folder, j + 1))
all_img_list = sorted(all_img_list)
keys = sorted(keys)
if mode == 'GT': # only read the 4th frame for the GT mode
print('Only keep the 4th frame.')
all_img_list = [v for v in all_img_list if v.endswith('im4.png')]
keys = [v for v in keys if v.endswith('_4')]
if read_all_imgs:
#### read all images to memory (multiprocessing)
dataset = {} # store all image data. list cannot keep the order, use dict
print('Read images with multiprocessing, #thread: {} ...'.format(n_thread))
pbar = util.ProgressBar(len(all_img_list))
def mycallback(arg):
"""get the image data and update pbar"""
key = arg[0]
dataset[key] = arg[1]
pbar.update('Reading {}'.format(key))
pool = Pool(n_thread)
for path, key in zip(all_img_list, keys):
pool.apply_async(read_image_worker, args=(path, key), callback=mycallback)
print('Finish reading {} images.\nWrite lmdb...'.format(len(all_img_list)))
#### write data to lmdb
data_size_per_img = cv2.imread(all_img_list[0], cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED).nbytes
print('data size per image is: ', data_size_per_img)
data_size = data_size_per_img * len(all_img_list)
env =, map_size=data_size * 10)
txn = env.begin(write=True)
pbar = util.ProgressBar(len(all_img_list))
for idx, (path, key) in enumerate(zip(all_img_list, keys)):
pbar.update('Write {}'.format(key))
key_byte = key.encode('ascii')
data = dataset[key] if read_all_imgs else cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
if 'flow' in mode:
H, W = data.shape
assert H == H_dst and W == W_dst, 'different shape.'
H, W, C = data.shape
assert H == H_dst and W == W_dst and C == 3, 'different shape.'
txn.put(key_byte, data)
if not read_all_imgs and idx % BATCH == 0:
txn = env.begin(write=True)
print('Finish writing lmdb.')
#### create meta information
meta_info = {}
if mode == 'GT':
meta_info['name'] = 'Vimeo90K_train_GT'
elif mode == 'LR':
meta_info['name'] = 'Vimeo90K_train_LR'
elif mode == 'flow':
meta_info['name'] = 'Vimeo90K_train_flowx4'
channel = 1 if 'flow' in mode else 3
meta_info['resolution'] = '{}_{}_{}'.format(channel, H_dst, W_dst)
key_set = set()
for key in keys:
if mode == 'flow':
a, b, _, _ = key.split('_')
a, b, _ = key.split('_')
key_set.add('{}_{}'.format(a, b))
meta_info['keys'] = list(key_set)
pickle.dump(meta_info, open(osp.join(lmdb_save_path, 'meta_info.pkl'), "wb"))
print('Finish creating lmdb meta info.')
def REDS(mode):
"""Create lmdb for the REDS dataset, each image with a fixed size
GT: [3, 720, 1280], key: 000_00000000
LR: [3, 180, 320], key: 000_00000000
key: 000_00000000
flow: downsampled flow: [3, 360, 320], keys: 000_00000005_[p2, p1, n1, n2]
Each flow is calculated with the GT images by PWCNet and then downsampled by 1/4
Flow map is quantized by mmcv and saved in png format
#### configurations
read_all_imgs = False # whether real all images to memory with multiprocessing
# Set False for use limited memory
BATCH = 5000 # After BATCH images, lmdb commits, if read_all_imgs = False
if mode == 'train_sharp':
img_folder = '../../datasets/REDS/train_sharp'
lmdb_save_path = '../../datasets/REDS/train_sharp_wval.lmdb'
H_dst, W_dst = 720, 1280
elif mode == 'train_sharp_bicubic':
img_folder = '../../datasets/REDS/train_sharp_bicubic'
lmdb_save_path = '../../datasets/REDS/train_sharp_bicubic_wval.lmdb'
H_dst, W_dst = 180, 320
elif mode == 'train_blur_bicubic':
img_folder = '../../datasets/REDS/train_blur_bicubic'
lmdb_save_path = '../../datasets/REDS/train_blur_bicubic_wval.lmdb'
H_dst, W_dst = 180, 320
elif mode == 'train_blur':
img_folder = '../../datasets/REDS/train_blur'
lmdb_save_path = '../../datasets/REDS/train_blur_wval.lmdb'
H_dst, W_dst = 720, 1280
elif mode == 'train_blur_comp':
img_folder = '../../datasets/REDS/train_blur_comp'
lmdb_save_path = '../../datasets/REDS/train_blur_comp_wval.lmdb'
H_dst, W_dst = 720, 1280
elif mode == 'train_sharp_flowx4':
img_folder = '../../datasets/REDS/train_sharp_flowx4'
lmdb_save_path = '../../datasets/REDS/train_sharp_flowx4.lmdb'
H_dst, W_dst = 360, 320
n_thread = 40
if not lmdb_save_path.endswith('.lmdb'):
raise ValueError("lmdb_save_path must end with \'lmdb\'.")
if osp.exists(lmdb_save_path):
print('Folder [{:s}] already exists. Exit...'.format(lmdb_save_path))
#### read all the image paths to a list
print('Reading image path list ...')
all_img_list = data_util._get_paths_from_images(img_folder)
keys = []
for img_path in all_img_list:
split_rlt = img_path.split('/')
folder = split_rlt[-2]
img_name = split_rlt[-1].split('.png')[0]
keys.append(folder + '_' + img_name)
if read_all_imgs:
#### read all images to memory (multiprocessing)
dataset = {} # store all image data. list cannot keep the order, use dict
print('Read images with multiprocessing, #thread: {} ...'.format(n_thread))
pbar = util.ProgressBar(len(all_img_list))
def mycallback(arg):
'''get the image data and update pbar'''
key = arg[0]
dataset[key] = arg[1]
pbar.update('Reading {}'.format(key))
pool = Pool(n_thread)
for path, key in zip(all_img_list, keys):
pool.apply_async(read_image_worker, args=(path, key), callback=mycallback)
print('Finish reading {} images.\nWrite lmdb...'.format(len(all_img_list)))
#### create lmdb environment
data_size_per_img = cv2.imread(all_img_list[0], cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED).nbytes
print('data size per image is: ', data_size_per_img)
data_size = data_size_per_img * len(all_img_list)
env =, map_size=data_size * 10)
#### write data to lmdb
pbar = util.ProgressBar(len(all_img_list))
txn = env.begin(write=True)
for idx, (path, key) in enumerate(zip(all_img_list, keys)):
pbar.update('Write {}'.format(key))
key_byte = key.encode('ascii')
data = dataset[key] if read_all_imgs else cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
if 'flow' in mode:
H, W = data.shape
assert H == H_dst and W == W_dst, 'different shape.'
H, W, C = data.shape
assert H == H_dst and W == W_dst and C == 3, 'different shape.'
txn.put(key_byte, data)
if not read_all_imgs and idx % BATCH == 0:
txn = env.begin(write=True)
print('Finish writing lmdb.')
#### create meta information
meta_info = {}
meta_info['name'] = 'REDS_{}_wval'.format(mode)
channel = 1 if 'flow' in mode else 3
meta_info['resolution'] = '{}_{}_{}'.format(channel, H_dst, W_dst)
meta_info['keys'] = keys
pickle.dump(meta_info, open(osp.join(lmdb_save_path, 'meta_info.pkl'), "wb"))
print('Finish creating lmdb meta info.')
def test_lmdb(dataroot, dataset='REDS'):
env =, readonly=True, lock=False, readahead=False, meminit=False)
meta_info = pickle.load(open(osp.join(dataroot, 'meta_info.pkl'), "rb"))
print('Name: ', meta_info['name'])
print('Resolution: ', meta_info['resolution'])
print('# keys: ', len(meta_info['keys']))
# read one image
if dataset == 'vimeo90k':
key = '00001_0001_4'
key = '000_00000000'
print('Reading {} for test.'.format(key))
with env.begin(write=False) as txn:
buf = txn.get(key.encode('ascii'))
img_flat = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8)
C, H, W = [int(s) for s in meta_info['resolution'].split('_')]
img = img_flat.reshape(H, W, C)
cv2.imwrite('test.png', img)
if __name__ == "__main__":