2022-03-16 09:26:55 -06:00

190 lines
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import random
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchaudio
from trainer.inject import Injector
from utils.util import opt_get, load_model_from_config
TACOTRON_MEL_MAX = 2.3143386840820312
TACOTRON_MEL_MIN = -11.512925148010254
def normalize_tacotron_mel(mel):
def denormalize_tacotron_mel(norm_mel):
class MelSpectrogramInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super().__init__(opt, env)
from models.audio.tts.tacotron2 import TacotronSTFT
# These are the default tacotron values for the MEL spectrogram.
filter_length = opt_get(opt, ['filter_length'], 1024)
hop_length = opt_get(opt, ['hop_length'], 256)
win_length = opt_get(opt, ['win_length'], 1024)
n_mel_channels = opt_get(opt, ['n_mel_channels'], 80)
mel_fmin = opt_get(opt, ['mel_fmin'], 0)
mel_fmax = opt_get(opt, ['mel_fmax'], 8000)
sampling_rate = opt_get(opt, ['sampling_rate'], 22050)
self.stft = TacotronSTFT(filter_length, hop_length, win_length, n_mel_channels, sampling_rate, mel_fmin, mel_fmax)
self.do_normalization = opt_get(opt, ['do_normalization'], None) # This is different from the TorchMelSpectrogramInjector. This just normalizes to the range [-1,1]
def forward(self, state):
inp = state[self.input]
if len(inp.shape) == 3: # Automatically squeeze out the channels dimension if it is present (assuming mono-audio)
inp = inp.squeeze(1)
assert len(inp.shape) == 2
self.stft = self.stft.to(inp.device)
mel = self.stft.mel_spectrogram(inp)
if self.do_normalization:
mel = normalize_tacotron_mel(mel)
return {self.output: mel}
class TorchMelSpectrogramInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super().__init__(opt, env)
# These are the default tacotron values for the MEL spectrogram.
self.filter_length = opt_get(opt, ['filter_length'], 1024)
self.hop_length = opt_get(opt, ['hop_length'], 256)
self.win_length = opt_get(opt, ['win_length'], 1024)
self.n_mel_channels = opt_get(opt, ['n_mel_channels'], 80)
self.mel_fmin = opt_get(opt, ['mel_fmin'], 0)
self.mel_fmax = opt_get(opt, ['mel_fmax'], 8000)
self.sampling_rate = opt_get(opt, ['sampling_rate'], 22050)
norm = opt_get(opt, ['normalize'], False)
self.mel_stft = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram(n_fft=self.filter_length, hop_length=self.hop_length,
win_length=self.win_length, power=2, normalized=norm,
sample_rate=self.sampling_rate, f_min=self.mel_fmin,
f_max=self.mel_fmax, n_mels=self.n_mel_channels,
self.mel_norm_file = opt_get(opt, ['mel_norm_file'], None)
if self.mel_norm_file is not None:
self.mel_norms = torch.load(self.mel_norm_file)
self.mel_norms = None
def forward(self, state):
inp = state[self.input]
if len(inp.shape) == 3: # Automatically squeeze out the channels dimension if it is present (assuming mono-audio)
inp = inp.squeeze(1)
assert len(inp.shape) == 2
self.mel_stft = self.mel_stft.to(inp.device)
mel = self.mel_stft(inp)
# Perform dynamic range compression
mel = torch.log(torch.clamp(mel, min=1e-5))
if self.mel_norms is not None:
self.mel_norms = self.mel_norms.to(mel.device)
mel = mel / self.mel_norms.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-1)
return {self.output: mel}
class RandomAudioCropInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super().__init__(opt, env)
self.crop_sz = opt['crop_size']
self.lengths_key = opt['lengths_key']
def forward(self, state):
inp = state[self.input]
lens = state[self.lengths_key]
len = torch.min(lens)
margin = len - self.crop_sz
if margin < 0:
return {self.output: inp}
start = random.randint(0, margin)
return {self.output: inp[:, :, start:start+self.crop_sz]}
class AudioClipInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super().__init__(opt, env)
self.clip_size = opt['clip_size']
self.ctc_codes = opt['ctc_codes_key']
self.output_ctc = opt['ctc_out_key']
def forward(self, state):
inp = state[self.input]
ctc = state[self.ctc_codes]
len = inp.shape[-1]
if len > self.clip_size:
proportion_inp_remaining = self.clip_size/len
inp = inp[:, :, :self.clip_size]
ctc = ctc[:,:int(proportion_inp_remaining*ctc.shape[-1])]
return {self.output: inp, self.output_ctc: ctc}
class AudioResampleInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super().__init__(opt, env)
self.input_sr = opt['input_sample_rate']
self.output_sr = opt['output_sample_rate']
def forward(self, state):
inp = state[self.input]
return {self.output: torchaudio.functional.resample(inp, self.input_sr, self.output_sr)}
class DiscreteTokenInjector(Injector):
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super().__init__(opt, env)
cfg = opt_get(opt, ['dvae_config'], "../experiments/train_diffusion_vocoder_22k_level.yml")
dvae_name = opt_get(opt, ['dvae_name'], 'dvae')
self.dvae = load_model_from_config(cfg, dvae_name).cuda().eval()
def forward(self, state):
inp = state[self.input]
with torch.no_grad():
self.dvae = self.dvae.to(inp.device)
codes = self.dvae.get_codebook_indices(inp)
return {self.output: codes}
class GptVoiceLatentInjector(Injector):
This injector does all the legwork to generate latents out of a UnifiedVoice model, including encoding all audio
inputs into a MEL spectrogram and discretizing the inputs.
def __init__(self, opt, env):
super().__init__(opt, env)
# For discrete tokenization.
cfg = opt_get(opt, ['dvae_config'], "../experiments/train_diffusion_vocoder_22k_level.yml")
dvae_name = opt_get(opt, ['dvae_name'], 'dvae')
self.dvae = load_model_from_config(cfg, dvae_name).cuda().eval()
# The unified_voice model.
cfg = opt_get(opt, ['gpt_config'], "../experiments/train_gpt_tts_unified.yml")
model_name = opt_get(opt, ['gpt_name'], 'gpt')
pretrained_path = opt['gpt_path']
self.gpt = load_model_from_config(cfg, model_name=model_name,
also_load_savepoint=False, load_path=pretrained_path).cuda().eval()
# Mel converter
self.mel_inj = TorchMelSpectrogramInjector({'in': 'wav', 'out': 'mel', 'mel_norm_file': '../experiments/clips_mel_norms.pth'},{})
# Aux input keys.
self.conditioning_key = opt['conditioning_clip']
self.text_input_key = opt['text']
self.text_lengths_key = opt['text_lengths']
self.input_lengths_key = opt['input_lengths']
def to_mel(self, t):
return self.mel_inj({'wav': t})['mel']
def forward(self, state):
with torch.no_grad():
mel_inputs = self.to_mel(state[self.input])
mel_cond = self.to_mel(state[self.conditioning_key])
# Use the input as a conditioning input as well. This is fine because we are not actually training the GPT network so it can't learn to cheat.
max_mel_len = max(mel_inputs.shape[-1], mel_cond.shape[-1])
mel_cond = F.pad(mel_cond, (0, max_mel_len-mel_cond.shape[-1]))
mel_cond2 = F.pad(mel_inputs, (0, max_mel_len-mel_inputs.shape[-1]))
mel_cond = torch.cat([mel_cond.unsqueeze(1), mel_cond2.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)
self.dvae = self.dvae.to(mel_inputs.device)
codes = self.dvae.get_codebook_indices(mel_inputs)
self.gpt = self.gpt.to(codes.device)
latents = self.gpt.forward(mel_cond, state[self.text_input_key],
state[self.text_lengths_key], codes, state[self.input_lengths_key],
text_first=True, raw_mels=None, return_attentions=False, return_latent=True)
return {self.output: latents}