117 lines
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117 lines
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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from models.gpt_voice.lucidrains_gpt import Transformer
from models.gpt_voice.min_gpt import GPT, GPTConfig
from models.tacotron2.taco_utils import get_mask_from_lengths
from models.tacotron2.text import symbols
from trainer.networks import register_model
class GptTts(nn.Module):
NUMBER_SYMBOLS = len(symbols)
def __init__(self):
model_dim = 512
max_mel_frames = 900 * 3 // 8 # 900 is the max number of MEL frames. The VQVAE outputs 3/8 of the input mel as tokens.
self.model_dim = model_dim
self.max_mel_frames = max_mel_frames
self.text_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.NUMBER_TEXT_TOKENS, model_dim)
self.mel_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.MEL_DICTIONARY_SIZE, model_dim)
self.text_pos_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.MAX_SYMBOLS_PER_PHRASE, model_dim)
self.mel_pos_embedding = nn.Embedding(max_mel_frames, model_dim)
#self.gpt = GPT(GPTConfig(1+self.MAX_SYMBOLS_PER_PHRASE+max_mel_frames, n_layer=8, n_embd=model_dim, n_head=8), do_pos_emb=False)
self.gpt = Transformer(dim=model_dim, depth=8, seq_len=1+self.MAX_SYMBOLS_PER_PHRASE+max_mel_frames, heads=8)
self.final_norm = nn.LayerNorm(model_dim)
self.text_head = nn.Linear(model_dim, self.NUMBER_TEXT_TOKENS)
self.mel_head = nn.Linear(model_dim, self.MEL_DICTIONARY_SIZE)
def forward(self, text_inputs, text_lengths, mel_targets, output_lengths):
text_emb = self.text_embedding(text_inputs)
text_emb = text_emb + self.text_pos_embedding(torch.arange(text_inputs.shape[1], device=text_inputs.device))
mel_emb = self.mel_embedding(mel_targets)
mel_emb = mel_emb + self.mel_pos_embedding(torch.arange(mel_targets.shape[1], device=mel_targets.device))
emb = torch.cat([text_emb, mel_emb], dim=1)
enc = self.gpt(emb)
# Compute logits for text and mel heads
text_logits = self.final_norm(enc[:, :text_emb.shape[1]])
mel_logits = self.final_norm(enc[:, text_emb.shape[1]:])
text_logits = self.text_head(text_logits)
mel_logits = self.mel_head(mel_logits)
# Compute loss
text_targets = text_inputs[:,1:]
text_logits = text_logits.permute(0,2,1)[:,:,:-1] # The last element of the logits is unneeded because the input to the transformer contains a <EOS> token for both text and mel.
loss_text = F.cross_entropy(text_logits, text_targets, reduction='none')
mel_targets = mel_targets[:,1:]
mel_logits = mel_logits.permute(0,2,1)[:,:,:-1]
loss_mel = F.cross_entropy(mel_logits, mel_targets, reduction='none')
# Fix up mel_logits so it can go into a VAE decoder as well.
mel_codes = torch.argmax(F.softmax(mel_logits, dim=1), dim=1)
mel_pad_mask = ~get_mask_from_lengths(output_lengths-1, mel_targets.shape[1])
mel_codes = mel_codes * torch.ones_like(mel_codes).masked_fill_(mel_pad_mask, 0)
mel_codes = mel_codes[:,:-1] # Strip off <EOS> token too (or padding). The important part is that the output sequence length is identical to the VAE input.
extra_mask = mel_codes < self.MEL_DICTIONARY_SIZE-3 # The VAE doesn't know about START/STOP/PAD
mel_codes = mel_codes * extra_mask
# This class also returns the mel_targets for validation purposes. Format those.
mel_targets = mel_targets[:,:-1]
mel_targets = mel_targets * (mel_targets < self.MEL_DICTIONARY_SIZE-3)
return loss_text.mean(), loss_mel.mean(), mel_codes, mel_targets
def inference(self, text_inputs):
text_emb = self.text_embedding(text_inputs)
text_emb = text_emb + self.text_pos_embedding(torch.arange(text_inputs.shape[1], device=text_inputs.device))
mel_seq = torch.full((text_emb.shape[0],1), fill_value=self.MEL_START_TOKEN, device=text_emb.device)
stop_encountered = torch.zeros((text_emb.shape[0],), device=text_emb.device)
while not torch.all(stop_encountered) and len(mel_seq) < self.max_mel_frames:
mel_emb = self.mel_embedding(mel_seq)
mel_emb = mel_emb + self.mel_pos_embedding(torch.arange(mel_emb.shape[1], device=mel_emb.device))
emb = torch.cat([text_emb, mel_emb], dim=1)
enc = self.gpt(emb)
mel_logits = self.final_norm(enc[:, text_emb.shape[1]:])
mel_logits = self.mel_head(mel_logits)
mel_codes = torch.argmax(F.softmax(mel_logits, dim=-1), dim=-1)
mel_seq = torch.cat([mel_seq, mel_codes[:, -1].unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)
stop_encountered = torch.logical_or(stop_encountered, mel_seq[:,-1] == self.MEL_STOP_TOKEN)
if len(mel_seq) >= self.max_mel_frames:
print("Warning! Encountered frame limit before a stop token. Output is likely wrong.")
# Prevent sending invalid tokens to the VAE. Also pad to a length of 3, which is required by the DVAE.
mel_seq = mel_seq * (mel_seq < 512)
padding_needed = 3-(mel_seq.shape[1]%3)
mel_seq = F.pad(mel_seq, (0,padding_needed))
return mel_seq
def register_gpt_tts(opt_net, opt):
return GptTts()
if __name__ == '__main__':
gpt = GptTts()
l1, l2, i = gpt(torch.randint(high=24, size=(2,60)),
torch.randint(high=512, size=(2,310)),
#o = gpt.infer(torch.randint(high=24, size=(2,60)))