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2022-06-20 19:58:16 +00:00
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo Checking pre-requisites...
:: Check if CMake is installed
cmake --version > nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
echo Cannot find path to cmake. Is CMake installed? Exiting...
exit /b -1
) else (
echo CMake - Ready.
:: Check if submodule is initialized (first time) to avoid CMake file not found errors
if not exist ..\libs\cauldron\common.cmake (
echo File: common.cmake doesn't exist in '.\libs\cauldron\' - Initializing submodule...
:: attempt to initialize submodule
cd ..
git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd build
:: check if submodule initialized properly
if not exist ..\libs\cauldron\common.cmake (
echo '..\libs\cauldron\common.cmake is still not there.'
echo Could not initialize submodule. Make sure all the submodules are initialized and updated.
echo Exiting...
exit /b -1
) else (
echo Cauldron - Ready.
) else (
echo Cauldron - Ready.
:: Check if VULKAN_SDK is installed but don't bail out
if "%VULKAN_SDK%"=="" (
echo Vulkan SDK is not installed -Environment variable VULKAN_SDK is not defined- : Please install the latest Vulkan SDK from LunarG.
) else (
echo Vulkan SDK - Ready : %VULKAN_SDK%
:: Call CMake
mkdir DX12
cd DX12
cmake -A x64 ..\.. -DGFX_API=DX12 -DFSR2_BUILD_AS_DLL=1
cd ..
mkdir VK
cd VK
cmake -A x64 ..\.. -DGFX_API=VK -DFSR2_BUILD_AS_DLL=1
cd ..