#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../types.h" #include "../private.h" #include "sh4_math.h" #ifndef NDEBUG #define PERF_WARNING(msg) printf("[PERF] %s\n", msg) #else #define PERF_WARNING(msg) (void) 0 #endif #ifndef GL_FORCE_INLINE #define GL_NO_INSTRUMENT inline __attribute__((no_instrument_function)) #define GL_INLINE_DEBUG GL_NO_INSTRUMENT __attribute__((always_inline)) #define GL_FORCE_INLINE static GL_INLINE_DEBUG #endif #define PREFETCH(addr) __asm__("pref @%0" : : "r"((addr))) GL_FORCE_INLINE void* memcpy_fast(void *dest, const void *src, size_t len) { if(!len) { return dest; } const uint8_t *s = (uint8_t *)src; uint8_t *d = (uint8_t *)dest; uint32_t diff = (uint32_t)d - (uint32_t)(s + 1); // extra offset because input gets incremented before output is calculated // Underflow would be like adding a negative offset // Can use 'd' as a scratch reg now asm volatile ( "clrs\n" // Align for parallelism (CO) - SH4a use "stc SR, Rn" instead with a dummy Rn ".align 2\n" "0:\n\t" "dt %[size]\n\t" // (--len) ? 0 -> T : 1 -> T (EX 1) "mov.b @%[in]+, %[scratch]\n\t" // scratch = *(s++) (LS 1/2) "bf.s 0b\n\t" // while(s != nexts) aka while(!T) (BR 1/2) " mov.b %[scratch], @(%[offset], %[in])\n" // *(datatype_of_s*) ((char*)s + diff) = scratch, where src + diff = dest (LS 1) : [in] "+&r" ((uint32_t)s), [scratch] "=&r" ((uint32_t)d), [size] "+&r" (len) // outputs : [offset] "z" (diff) // inputs : "t", "memory" // clobbers ); return dest; } /* We use sq_cpy if the src and size is properly aligned. We control that the * destination is properly aligned so we assert that. */ #define FASTCPY(dst, src, bytes) \ do { \ if(bytes % 32 == 0 && ((uintptr_t) src % 4) == 0) { \ gl_assert(((uintptr_t) dst) % 32 == 0); \ sq_cpy(dst, src, bytes); \ } else { \ memcpy_fast(dst, src, bytes); \ } \ } while(0) #define MEMCPY4(dst, src, bytes) memcpy_fast(dst, src, bytes) #define MEMSET4(dst, v, size) memset4((dst), (v), (size)) #define VEC3_NORMALIZE(x, y, z) vec3f_normalize((x), (y), (z)) #define VEC3_LENGTH(x, y, z, l) vec3f_length((x), (y), (z), (l)) #define VEC3_DOT(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, d) vec3f_dot((x1), (y1), (z1), (x2), (y2), (z2), (d)) GL_FORCE_INLINE void UploadMatrix4x4(const Matrix4x4* mat) { mat_load((matrix_t*) mat); } GL_FORCE_INLINE void DownloadMatrix4x4(Matrix4x4* mat) { mat_store((matrix_t*) mat); } GL_FORCE_INLINE void MultiplyMatrix4x4(const Matrix4x4* mat) { mat_apply((matrix_t*) mat); } GL_FORCE_INLINE void TransformVec3(float* x) { mat_trans_single4(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]); } /* Transform a 3-element vector using the stored matrix (w == 1) */ GL_FORCE_INLINE void TransformVec3NoMod(const float* xIn, float* xOut) { mat_trans_single3_nodiv_nomod(xIn[0], xIn[1], xIn[2], xOut[0], xOut[1], xOut[2]); } /* Transform a 3-element normal using the stored matrix (w == 0)*/ GL_FORCE_INLINE void TransformNormalNoMod(const float* in, float* out) { mat_trans_normal3_nomod(in[0], in[1], in[2], out[0], out[1], out[2]); } /* Transform a 4-element vector in-place by the stored matrix */ inline void TransformVec4(float* x) { } GL_FORCE_INLINE void TransformVertex(const float* xyz, const float* w, float* oxyz, float* ow) { register float __x __asm__("fr12") = (xyz[0]); register float __y __asm__("fr13") = (xyz[1]); register float __z __asm__("fr14") = (xyz[2]); register float __w __asm__("fr15") = (*w); __asm__ __volatile__( "fldi1 fr15\n" "ftrv xmtrx,fv12\n" : "=f" (__x), "=f" (__y), "=f" (__z), "=f" (__w) : "0" (__x), "1" (__y), "2" (__z), "3" (__w) ); oxyz[0] = __x; oxyz[1] = __y; oxyz[2] = __z; *ow = __w; } static inline void TransformVertices(Vertex* vertices, const int count) { Vertex* it = vertices; for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++it) { register float __x __asm__("fr12") = (it->xyz[0]); register float __y __asm__("fr13") = (it->xyz[1]); register float __z __asm__("fr14") = (it->xyz[2]); register float __w __asm__("fr15") = (it->w); __asm__ __volatile__( "fldi1 fr15\n" "ftrv xmtrx,fv12\n" : "=f" (__x), "=f" (__y), "=f" (__z), "=f" (__w) : "0" (__x), "1" (__y), "2" (__z), "3" (__w) ); it->xyz[0] = __x; it->xyz[1] = __y; it->xyz[2] = __z; it->w = __w; } } void InitGPU(_Bool autosort, _Bool fsaa); static inline size_t GPUMemoryAvailable() { return pvr_mem_available(); } static inline void* GPUMemoryAlloc(size_t size) { return pvr_mem_malloc(size); } static inline void GPUSetPaletteFormat(GPUPaletteFormat format) { pvr_set_pal_format(format); } static inline void GPUSetPaletteEntry(uint32_t idx, uint32_t value) { pvr_set_pal_entry(idx, value); } static inline void GPUSetBackgroundColour(float r, float g, float b) { pvr_set_bg_color(r, g, b); } #define PT_ALPHA_REF 0x011c static inline void GPUSetAlphaCutOff(uint8_t val) { PVR_SET(PT_ALPHA_REF, val); } static inline void GPUSetClearDepth(float v) { pvr_set_zclip(v); } static inline void GPUSetFogLinear(float start, float end) { pvr_fog_table_linear(start, end); } static inline void GPUSetFogExp(float density) { pvr_fog_table_exp(density); } static inline void GPUSetFogExp2(float density) { pvr_fog_table_exp2(density); } static inline void GPUSetFogColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) { pvr_fog_table_color(r, g, b, a); }