#include "../containers/aligned_vector.h" #include "private.h" static PolyList OP_LIST; static PolyList PT_LIST; static PolyList TR_LIST; /** Don't fully comply to the GL standard to make some performance * gains. Specifically glDepthRange will be ignored, and the final * Z coordinate will be invW and not between 0 and 1. * * Defaults to TRUE set to FALSE if you experience issues. **/ #define FAST_MODE GL_TRUE PolyList* _glActivePolyList() { if(_glIsBlendingEnabled()) { return &TR_LIST; } else if(_glIsAlphaTestEnabled()) { return &PT_LIST; } else { return &OP_LIST; } } PolyList* _glOpaquePolyList() { return &OP_LIST; } PolyList* _glPunchThruPolyList() { return &PT_LIST; } PolyList *_glTransparentPolyList() { return &TR_LIST; } void APIENTRY glFlush() { } void APIENTRY glFinish() { } void APIENTRY glKosInitConfig(GLdcConfig* config) { config->autosort_enabled = GL_FALSE; config->fsaa_enabled = GL_FALSE; config->initial_op_capacity = 1024 * 3; config->initial_pt_capacity = 512 * 3; config->initial_tr_capacity = 1024 * 3; config->initial_immediate_capacity = 1024 * 3; config->internal_palette_format = GL_RGBA4; } void APIENTRY glKosInitEx(GLdcConfig* config) { TRACE(); printf("\nWelcome to GLdc! Git revision: %s\n\n", GLDC_VERSION); InitGPU(config->autosort_enabled, config->fsaa_enabled); _glInitMatrices(); _glInitAttributePointers(); _glInitContext(); _glInitLights(); _glInitImmediateMode(config->initial_immediate_capacity); _glInitFramebuffers(); _glSetInternalPaletteFormat(config->internal_palette_format); _glInitTextures(); OP_LIST.list_type = GPU_LIST_OP_POLY; PT_LIST.list_type = GPU_LIST_PT_POLY; TR_LIST.list_type = GPU_LIST_TR_POLY; aligned_vector_init(&OP_LIST.vector, sizeof(Vertex)); aligned_vector_init(&PT_LIST.vector, sizeof(Vertex)); aligned_vector_init(&TR_LIST.vector, sizeof(Vertex)); aligned_vector_reserve(&OP_LIST.vector, config->initial_op_capacity); aligned_vector_reserve(&PT_LIST.vector, config->initial_pt_capacity); aligned_vector_reserve(&TR_LIST.vector, config->initial_tr_capacity); } void APIENTRY glKosInit() { GLdcConfig config; glKosInitConfig(&config); glKosInitEx(&config); } #define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1) #define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0) GL_FORCE_INLINE bool glIsVertex(const float flags) { return flags == GPU_CMD_VERTEX_EOL || flags == GPU_CMD_VERTEX; } GL_FORCE_INLINE void glPerspectiveDivideStandard(void* src, uint32_t n) { TRACE(); /* Perform perspective divide on each vertex */ Vertex* vertex = (Vertex*) src; const float h = GetVideoMode()->height; while(n--) { __asm__("pref @%0" : : "r"(vertex + 1)); if(likely(glIsVertex(vertex->flags))) { const float f = MATH_Fast_Invert(vertex->w); /* Convert to NDC and apply viewport */ vertex->xyz[0] = MATH_fmac( VIEWPORT.hwidth, vertex->xyz[0] * f, VIEWPORT.x_plus_hwidth ); vertex->xyz[1] = h - MATH_fmac( VIEWPORT.hheight, vertex->xyz[1] * f, VIEWPORT.y_plus_hheight ); /* FIXME: Apply depth range */ vertex->xyz[2] = MAX( 1.0f - MATH_fmac(vertex->xyz[2] * f, 0.5f, 0.5f), PVR_MIN_Z ); } ++vertex; } } GL_FORCE_INLINE void glPerspectiveDivideFastMode(void* src, uint32_t n) { TRACE(); /* Perform perspective divide on each vertex */ Vertex* vertex = (Vertex*) src; const float h = GetVideoMode()->height; while(n--) { __asm__("pref @%0" : : "r"(vertex + 1)); if(likely(glIsVertex(vertex->flags))) { const float f = MATH_Fast_Invert(vertex->w); /* Convert to NDC and apply viewport */ vertex->xyz[0] = MATH_fmac( VIEWPORT.hwidth, vertex->xyz[0] * f, VIEWPORT.x_plus_hwidth ); vertex->xyz[1] = h - MATH_fmac( VIEWPORT.hheight, vertex->xyz[1] * f, VIEWPORT.y_plus_hheight ); vertex->xyz[2] = f; } ++vertex; } } GL_FORCE_INLINE void glPerspectiveDivide(void* src, uint32_t n) { #if FAST_MODE glPerspectiveDivideFastMode(src, n); #else glPerspectiveDivideStandard(src, n); #endif } void APIENTRY glKosSwapBuffers() { TRACE(); SceneBegin(); SceneListBegin(GPU_LIST_OP_POLY); glPerspectiveDivide(OP_LIST.vector.data, OP_LIST.vector.size); SceneListSubmit(OP_LIST.vector.data, OP_LIST.vector.size); SceneListFinish(); SceneListBegin(GPU_LIST_PT_POLY); glPerspectiveDivide(PT_LIST.vector.data, PT_LIST.vector.size); SceneListSubmit(PT_LIST.vector.data, PT_LIST.vector.size); SceneListFinish(); SceneListBegin(GPU_LIST_TR_POLY); glPerspectiveDivide(TR_LIST.vector.data, TR_LIST.vector.size); SceneListSubmit(TR_LIST.vector.data, TR_LIST.vector.size); SceneListFinish(); SceneFinish(); aligned_vector_clear(&OP_LIST.vector); aligned_vector_clear(&PT_LIST.vector); aligned_vector_clear(&TR_LIST.vector); _glApplyScissor(true); }