/* KallistiGL for KOS ##version## glmisc.c (c)2001 Dan Potter */ #include #include #include "glinternal.h" #include "glmacros.h" #include #include #include /* Miscellaneous APIs */ /* Set the background clear color */ void glClearColor(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) { assert_msg(!gl_prim_type, "Not allowed within glBegin/glEnd pair."); gl_clear_color[0] = CLAMP01(red); gl_clear_color[1] = CLAMP01(green); gl_clear_color[2] = CLAMP01(blue); gl_clear_color[3] = CLAMP01(alpha); pvr_set_bg_color(gl_clear_color[0]*gl_clear_color[3], gl_clear_color[1]*gl_clear_color[3], gl_clear_color[2]*gl_clear_color[3]); } /* NOP: there's nothing to clear on the PVR2 */ void glClear(GLbitfield mask) { assert_msg(!gl_prim_type, "Not allowed within glBegin/glEnd pair."); } /* Set front face */ void glFrontFace(GLenum mode) { assert_msg(!gl_prim_type, "Not allowed within glBegin/glEnd pair."); switch(mode) { case GL_CW: case GL_CCW: gl_front_face = mode; gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; break; } } /* Set face culling mode */ void glCullFace(GLenum mode) { assert_msg(!gl_prim_type, "Not allowed within glBegin/glEnd pair."); switch(mode) { case GL_FRONT: case GL_BACK: gl_cull_mode = mode; gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; break; } } /* Enable / disable capabilities */ void glEnable(GLenum cap) { assert_msg(!gl_prim_type, "Not allowed within glBegin/glEnd pair."); switch(cap) { case GL_TEXTURE_2D: gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.txr.enable = PVR_TEXTURE_ENABLE; break; case GL_BLEND: if (gl_active_list != GL_LIST_TRANS_POLY) { dbglog(DBG_ERROR, "gl: invalid list to enable GL_BLEND inside"); return; } break; case GL_CULL_FACE: gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_cull_face = GL_TRUE; break; case GL_FOG: gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.gen.fog_type = PVR_FOG_TABLE; break; case GL_SCISSOR_TEST: gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.gen.clip_mode = PVR_USERCLIP_INSIDE; if (USERCLIP_OUTSIDE_ENABLED) gl_capabilities &= ~((GLbitfield)GL_KOS_USERCLIP_OUTSIDE); break; case GL_KOS_USERCLIP_OUTSIDE: gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.gen.clip_mode = PVR_USERCLIP_OUTSIDE; if (SCISSOR_ENABLED) gl_capabilities &= ~((GLbitfield)GL_SCISSOR_TEST); break; case GL_KOS_MODIFIER: assert_msg(0, "GL_KOS_MODIFER not implemented"); gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.fmt.modifier = PVR_MODIFIER_ENABLE; break; case GL_KOS_CHEAP_SHADOW: assert_msg(0, "GL_KOS_CHEAP_SHADOW not implemented"); gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.gen.modifier_mode = PVR_MODIFIER_CHEAP_SHADOW; break; case GL_KOS_NEARZ_CLIPPING: gl_matrix_dirty = GL_TRUE; break; case GL_LIGHT0: assert_msg(0, "GL_LIGHTi not implemented"); break; } gl_capabilities |= (GLbitfield)cap; } void glDisable(GLenum cap) { assert_msg(!gl_prim_type, "Not allowed within glBegin/glEnd pair."); switch(cap) { case GL_TEXTURE_2D: gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.txr.enable = PVR_TEXTURE_DISABLE; break; case GL_BLEND: if (gl_active_list == GL_LIST_TRANS_POLY) { dbglog(DBG_ERROR, "gl: invalid list to disable GL_BLEND inside"); return; } break; case GL_CULL_FACE: gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_cull_face = GL_FALSE; break; case GL_FOG: gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.gen.fog_type = PVR_FOG_DISABLE; break; case GL_SCISSOR_TEST: gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.gen.clip_mode = PVR_USERCLIP_DISABLE; if (USERCLIP_OUTSIDE_ENABLED) gl_capabilities &= ~((GLbitfield)GL_KOS_USERCLIP_OUTSIDE); break; case GL_KOS_USERCLIP_OUTSIDE: gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.gen.clip_mode = PVR_USERCLIP_DISABLE; if (SCISSOR_ENABLED) gl_capabilities &= ~((GLbitfield)GL_SCISSOR_TEST); break; case GL_KOS_MODIFIER: assert_msg(0, "GL_KOS_MODIFER not implemented"); gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.fmt.modifier = PVR_MODIFIER_DISABLE; break; case GL_KOS_CHEAP_SHADOW: assert_msg(0, "GL_KOS_CHEAP_SHADOW not implemented"); gl_pbuf_submitted = GL_FALSE; gl_poly_cxt.gen.modifier_mode = PVR_MODIFIER_NORMAL; break; case GL_KOS_NEARZ_CLIPPING: gl_matrix_dirty = GL_TRUE; break; case GL_LIGHT0: assert_msg(0, "GL_LIGHTi not implemented"); break; } gl_capabilities &= ~((GLbitfield)cap); } /* We have no rendering pipeline yet, so this is a NOP */ void glFlush() { assert_msg(!gl_prim_type, "Not allowed within glBegin/glEnd pair."); } /* There aren't any useful hints to set yet, so this is a NOP */ void glHint(GLenum target, GLenum mode) { assert_msg(!gl_prim_type, "Not allowed within glBegin/glEnd pair."); } void glPointSize(GLfloat size) { assert_msg(!gl_prim_type, "Not allowed within glBegin/glEnd pair."); gl_point_size = CLAMP(size, 0.0f, 100.0f); } /* These strings should go somewhere else */ const GLubyte *glGetString(GLenum name) { assert_msg(!gl_prim_type, "Not allowed within glBegin/glEnd pair."); switch(name) { case GL_VENDOR: return "Cryptic Allusions"; case GL_RENDERER: return "KallistiOS"; case GL_VERSION: return "1.1"; case GL_EXTENSIONS: return "GL_ARB_transpose_matrix "; } return ""; } /* A limited view into the guts of KGL - This will change! */ void glGetFloatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) { int i, j; matrix_t *pmat = (matrix_t*)params; switch(pname) { case GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX: for (i=0; i<4; i++) for (j=0; j<4; j++) (*pmat)[i][j] = gl_trans_mats[GL_MODELVIEW][i][j]; break; case GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX: for (i=0; i<4; i++) for (j=0; j<4; j++) (*pmat)[i][j] = gl_trans_mats[GL_PROJECTION][i][j]; break; case GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX: for (i=0; i<4; i++) for (j=0; j<4; j++) (*pmat)[i][j] = gl_trans_mats[GL_TEXTURE][i][j]; break; default: assert_msg(0, "not glGet param not implemented"); } }