Memory leak in prepare_dataset() when using phonemizing using espeak (included temporary solution) #218

opened 2023-04-28 11:13:02 +00:00 by arrivederci · 2 comments

When creating a dataset from already generated whisper.json I noticed ram usage kept rising, so much so that it was using 50GB of pagefile.

Apparently calling phonemize a lot of times using espeak is very expensive. This is because it initializes the espeak backend each time the function is called.

I fixed this by going into in my venv and keeping a global variable for the espeak backend, see below. This also has the side effect of making the process A LOT faster. On my 29h dataset this would've taken hours, now it takes minutes.

Also really appreciate all the work you have done here and how well documented it is. When using a finetuned model, this is pretty much as good as elevenlabs.

import os
import sys
from logging import Logger
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Pattern

from typing_extensions import Literal

from phonemizer.backend import BACKENDS
from phonemizer.backend.base import BaseBackend
from phonemizer.backend.espeak.language_switch import LanguageSwitch
from phonemizer.backend.espeak.words_mismatch import WordMismatch
from phonemizer.logger import get_logger
from phonemizer.punctuation import Punctuation
from phonemizer.separator import default_separator, Separator
from phonemizer.utils import list2str, str2list

Backend = Literal['espeak', 'espeak-mbrola', 'festival', 'segments']
phonemizer = None

def phonemize(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        language: str = 'en-us',
        backend: Backend = 'espeak',
        separator: Optional[Separator] = default_separator,
        strip: bool = False,
        prepend_text: bool = False,
        preserve_empty_lines: bool = False,
        preserve_punctuation: bool = False,
        punctuation_marks: Union[str, Pattern] = Punctuation.default_marks(),
        with_stress: bool = False,
        tie: Union[bool, str] = False,
        language_switch: LanguageSwitch = 'keep-flags',
        words_mismatch: WordMismatch = 'ignore',
        njobs: int = 1,
        logger: Logger = get_logger()):
    """Multilingual text to phonemes converter

    Return a phonemized version of an input `text`, given its `language` and a
    phonemization `backend`.


    To improve the processing speed it is better to minimize the calls to this
    function: provide the input text as a list and call phonemize() a single
    time is much more efficient than calling it on each element of the list.
    Indeed the initialization of the phonemization backend can be expensive,
    especially for espeak. In one exemple,

    Do this:

    >>> text = [line1, line2, ...]
    >>> phonemize(text, ...)

    Not this:

    >>> for line in text:
    >>>     phonemize(line, ...)


    text: str or list of str
        The text to be phonemized. Any empty line will
        be ignored. If ``text`` is an str, it can be multiline (lines being
        separated by ``\\n``). If ``text`` is a list, each element is considered as a
        separated line. Each line is considered as a text utterance.

    language: str
        The language code of the input text, must be supported by
        the backend. If ``backend`` is 'segments', the language can be a file with
        a grapheme to phoneme mapping.

    backend: str, optional
        The software backend to use for phonemization,
        must be 'festival' (US English only is supported, coded 'en-us'),
        'espeak', 'espeak-mbrola' or 'segments'.

    separator: Separator
        string separators between phonemes, syllables and
        words, default to separator.default_separator. Syllable separator is
        considered only for the festival backend. Word separator is ignored by
        the 'espeak-mbrola' backend. Initialize it as follows:
            >>> from phonemizer.separator import Separator
            >>> separator = Separator(phone='-', word=' ')

    strip: bool, optional
        If True, don't output the last word and phone
        separators of a token, default to False.

    prepend_text: bool, optional
        When True, returns a pair (input utterance,
        phonemized utterance) for each line of the input text. When False,
        returns only the phonemized utterances. Default to False

    preserve_empty_lines: bool, optional
        When True, will keep the empty lines
        in the phonemized output. Default to False and remove all empty lines.

    preserve_punctuation: bool, optional
        When True, will keep the punctuation
        in the phonemized output. Not supported by the 'espeak-mbrola' backend.
        Default to False and remove all the punctuation.

    punctuation_marks: str or re.Pattern, optional
        The punctuation marks to consider when dealing with punctuation,
        either for removal or preservation.  Can be defined as a string or regular expression.
        Default to Punctuation.default_marks().

    with_stress: bool, optional
        This option is only valid for the 'espeak'
        backend. When True the stresses on phonemes are present (stresses
        characters are ˈ'ˌ). When False stresses are removed. Default to False.

    tie: bool or char, optional
        This option is only valid for the 'espeak'
        backend with espeak>=1.49. It is incompatible with phone separator. When
        not False, use a tie character within multi-letter phoneme names. When
        True, the char 'U+361' is used (as in d͡ʒ), 'z' means ZWJ character,
        default to False.

    language_switch: str, optional
        Espeak can output some words in another
        language (typically English) when phonemizing a text. This option setups
        the policy to use when such a language switch occurs. Three values are
        available : 'keep-flags' (the default), 'remove-flags' or
        'remove-utterance'. The 'keep-flags' policy keeps the language switching
        flags, for example "(en) or (jp)", in the output. The 'remove-flags'
        policy removes them and the 'remove-utterance' policy removes the whole
        line of text including a language switch. This option is only valid for
        the 'espeak' backend.

    words_mismatch: str, optional
        Espeak can join two consecutive words or
        drop some words, yielding a word count mismatch between orthographic and
        phonemized text. This option setups the policy to use when such a words
        count mismatch occurs. Three values are available: 'ignore' (the default)
        which do nothing, 'warn' which issue a warning for each mismatched line,
        and 'remove' which remove the mismatched lines from the output.

    njobs: int
        The number of parallel jobs to launch. The input text is split
        in ``njobs`` parts, phonemized on parallel instances of the backend and the
        outputs are finally collapsed.

    logger: logging.Logger
        the logging instance where to send messages. If
        not specified, use the default system logger.

    phonemized text: str or list of str
        The input ``text`` phonemized for the
        given ``language`` and ``backend``. The returned value has the same type of
        the input text (either a list or a string), excepted if ``prepend_input``
        is True where the output is forced as a list of pairs (input_text,
        phonemized text).

        if the ``backend`` is not valid or is valid but not installed,
        if the ``language`` is not supported by the ``backend``, if any incompatible options are used.

    global phonemizer
    # ensure we are using a compatible Python version
    if sys.version_info < (3, 6):  # pragma: nocover
            'Your are using python-%s which is unsupported by the phonemizer, '
            'please update to python>=3.6', ".".join(sys.version_info))

    # ensure the arguments are valid
        backend, with_stress, tie, separator, language_switch, words_mismatch)

    # preserve_punctuation and word separator not valid for espeak-mbrola
    if backend == 'espeak-mbrola' and preserve_punctuation:
        logger.warning('espeak-mbrola backend cannot preserve punctuation')
    if backend == 'espeak-mbrola' and separator.word:
        logger.warning('espeak-mbrola backend cannot preserve word separation')

    # initialize the phonemization backend
    if not phonemizer:
        print('loading espeak first time')
        if backend == 'espeak':
            phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend](
        elif backend == 'espeak-mbrola':
            phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend](
        else:  # festival or segments
            phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend](

    # do the phonemization
    return _phonemize(phonemizer, text, separator, strip, njobs, prepend_text, preserve_empty_lines)

def _check_arguments(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        backend: Backend,
        with_stress: bool,
        tie: Union[bool, str],
        separator: Separator,
        language_switch: LanguageSwitch,
        words_mismatch: WordMismatch):
    """Auxiliary function to phonemize()

    Ensures the parameters are compatible with each other, raises a
    RuntimeError the first encountered error.

    # ensure the backend is either espeak, festival or segments
    if backend not in ('espeak', 'espeak-mbrola', 'festival', 'segments'):
        raise RuntimeError(
            '{} is not a supported backend, choose in {}.'
                .format(backend, ', '.join(
                ('espeak', 'espeak-mbrola', 'festival', 'segments'))))

    # with_stress option only valid for espeak
    if with_stress and backend != 'espeak':
        raise RuntimeError(
            'the "with_stress" option is available for espeak backend only, '
            'but you are using {} backend'.format(backend))

    # tie option only valid for espeak
    if tie and backend != 'espeak':
        raise RuntimeError(
            'the "tie" option is available for espeak backend only, '
            'but you are using {} backend'.format(backend))

    # tie option incompatible with phone separator
    if tie and
        raise RuntimeError(
            'the "tie" option is incompatible with phone separator '
            f'(which is "{}")')

    # language_switch option only valid for espeak
    if language_switch != 'keep-flags' and backend != 'espeak':
        raise RuntimeError(
            'the "language_switch" option is available for espeak backend '
            'only, but you are using {} backend'.format(backend))

    # words_mismatch option only valid for espeak
    if words_mismatch != 'ignore' and backend != 'espeak':
        raise RuntimeError(
            'the "words_mismatch" option is available for espeak backend '
            'only, but you are using {} backend'.format(backend))

def _phonemize(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        backend: BaseBackend,
        text: Union[str, List[str]],
        separator: Separator,
        strip: bool,
        njobs: int,
        prepend_text: bool,
        preserve_empty_lines: bool):
    """Auxiliary function to phonemize()

    Does the phonemization and returns the phonemized text. Raises a
    RuntimeError on error.

    # remember the text type for output (either list or string)
    text_type = type(text)

    # force the text as a list
    text = [line.strip(os.linesep) for line in str2list(text)]

    # if preserving empty lines, note the index of each empty line
    if preserve_empty_lines:
        empty_lines = [n for n, line in enumerate(text) if not line.strip()]

    # ignore empty lines
    text = [line for line in text if line.strip()]

    if (text):
        # phonemize the text
        phonemized = backend.phonemize(
            text, separator=separator, strip=strip, njobs=njobs)
        phonemized = []

    # if preserving empty lines, reinsert them into text and phonemized lists
    if preserve_empty_lines:
        for i in empty_lines: # noqa
            if prepend_text:
                text.insert(i, '')
            phonemized.insert(i, '')

    # at that point, the phonemized text is a list of str. Format it as
    # expected by the parameters
    if prepend_text:
        return list(zip(text, phonemized))
    if text_type == str:
        return list2str(phonemized)
    return phonemized
When creating a dataset from already generated whisper.json I noticed ram usage kept rising, so much so that it was using 50GB of pagefile. Apparently calling phonemize a lot of times using espeak is very expensive. This is because it initializes the espeak backend each time the function is called. I fixed this by going into in my venv and keeping a global variable for the espeak backend, see below. This also has the side effect of making the process A LOT faster. On my 29h dataset this would've taken hours, now it takes minutes. Also really appreciate all the work you have done here and how well documented it is. When using a finetuned model, this is pretty much as good as elevenlabs. ``` import os import sys from logging import Logger from typing import Optional, Union, List, Pattern from typing_extensions import Literal from phonemizer.backend import BACKENDS from phonemizer.backend.base import BaseBackend from phonemizer.backend.espeak.language_switch import LanguageSwitch from phonemizer.backend.espeak.words_mismatch import WordMismatch from phonemizer.logger import get_logger from phonemizer.punctuation import Punctuation from phonemizer.separator import default_separator, Separator from phonemizer.utils import list2str, str2list Backend = Literal['espeak', 'espeak-mbrola', 'festival', 'segments'] phonemizer = None def phonemize( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments text, language: str = 'en-us', backend: Backend = 'espeak', separator: Optional[Separator] = default_separator, strip: bool = False, prepend_text: bool = False, preserve_empty_lines: bool = False, preserve_punctuation: bool = False, punctuation_marks: Union[str, Pattern] = Punctuation.default_marks(), with_stress: bool = False, tie: Union[bool, str] = False, language_switch: LanguageSwitch = 'keep-flags', words_mismatch: WordMismatch = 'ignore', njobs: int = 1, logger: Logger = get_logger()): """Multilingual text to phonemes converter Return a phonemized version of an input `text`, given its `language` and a phonemization `backend`. Note ---- To improve the processing speed it is better to minimize the calls to this function: provide the input text as a list and call phonemize() a single time is much more efficient than calling it on each element of the list. Indeed the initialization of the phonemization backend can be expensive, especially for espeak. In one exemple, Do this: >>> text = [line1, line2, ...] >>> phonemize(text, ...) Not this: >>> for line in text: >>> phonemize(line, ...) Parameters ---------- text: str or list of str The text to be phonemized. Any empty line will be ignored. If ``text`` is an str, it can be multiline (lines being separated by ``\\n``). If ``text`` is a list, each element is considered as a separated line. Each line is considered as a text utterance. language: str The language code of the input text, must be supported by the backend. If ``backend`` is 'segments', the language can be a file with a grapheme to phoneme mapping. backend: str, optional The software backend to use for phonemization, must be 'festival' (US English only is supported, coded 'en-us'), 'espeak', 'espeak-mbrola' or 'segments'. separator: Separator string separators between phonemes, syllables and words, default to separator.default_separator. Syllable separator is considered only for the festival backend. Word separator is ignored by the 'espeak-mbrola' backend. Initialize it as follows: >>> from phonemizer.separator import Separator >>> separator = Separator(phone='-', word=' ') strip: bool, optional If True, don't output the last word and phone separators of a token, default to False. prepend_text: bool, optional When True, returns a pair (input utterance, phonemized utterance) for each line of the input text. When False, returns only the phonemized utterances. Default to False preserve_empty_lines: bool, optional When True, will keep the empty lines in the phonemized output. Default to False and remove all empty lines. preserve_punctuation: bool, optional When True, will keep the punctuation in the phonemized output. Not supported by the 'espeak-mbrola' backend. Default to False and remove all the punctuation. punctuation_marks: str or re.Pattern, optional The punctuation marks to consider when dealing with punctuation, either for removal or preservation. Can be defined as a string or regular expression. Default to Punctuation.default_marks(). with_stress: bool, optional This option is only valid for the 'espeak' backend. When True the stresses on phonemes are present (stresses characters are ˈ'ˌ). When False stresses are removed. Default to False. tie: bool or char, optional This option is only valid for the 'espeak' backend with espeak>=1.49. It is incompatible with phone separator. When not False, use a tie character within multi-letter phoneme names. When True, the char 'U+361' is used (as in d͡ʒ), 'z' means ZWJ character, default to False. language_switch: str, optional Espeak can output some words in another language (typically English) when phonemizing a text. This option setups the policy to use when such a language switch occurs. Three values are available : 'keep-flags' (the default), 'remove-flags' or 'remove-utterance'. The 'keep-flags' policy keeps the language switching flags, for example "(en) or (jp)", in the output. The 'remove-flags' policy removes them and the 'remove-utterance' policy removes the whole line of text including a language switch. This option is only valid for the 'espeak' backend. words_mismatch: str, optional Espeak can join two consecutive words or drop some words, yielding a word count mismatch between orthographic and phonemized text. This option setups the policy to use when such a words count mismatch occurs. Three values are available: 'ignore' (the default) which do nothing, 'warn' which issue a warning for each mismatched line, and 'remove' which remove the mismatched lines from the output. njobs: int The number of parallel jobs to launch. The input text is split in ``njobs`` parts, phonemized on parallel instances of the backend and the outputs are finally collapsed. logger: logging.Logger the logging instance where to send messages. If not specified, use the default system logger. Returns ------- phonemized text: str or list of str The input ``text`` phonemized for the given ``language`` and ``backend``. The returned value has the same type of the input text (either a list or a string), excepted if ``prepend_input`` is True where the output is forced as a list of pairs (input_text, phonemized text). Raises ------ RuntimeError if the ``backend`` is not valid or is valid but not installed, if the ``language`` is not supported by the ``backend``, if any incompatible options are used. """ global phonemizer # ensure we are using a compatible Python version if sys.version_info < (3, 6): # pragma: nocover logger.error( 'Your are using python-%s which is unsupported by the phonemizer, ' 'please update to python>=3.6', ".".join(sys.version_info)) # ensure the arguments are valid _check_arguments( backend, with_stress, tie, separator, language_switch, words_mismatch) # preserve_punctuation and word separator not valid for espeak-mbrola if backend == 'espeak-mbrola' and preserve_punctuation: logger.warning('espeak-mbrola backend cannot preserve punctuation') if backend == 'espeak-mbrola' and separator.word: logger.warning('espeak-mbrola backend cannot preserve word separation') # initialize the phonemization backend if not phonemizer: print('loading espeak first time') if backend == 'espeak': phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend]( language, punctuation_marks=punctuation_marks, preserve_punctuation=preserve_punctuation, with_stress=with_stress, tie=tie, language_switch=language_switch, words_mismatch=words_mismatch, logger=logger) elif backend == 'espeak-mbrola': phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend]( language, logger=logger) else: # festival or segments phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend]( language, punctuation_marks=punctuation_marks, preserve_punctuation=preserve_punctuation, logger=logger) # do the phonemization return _phonemize(phonemizer, text, separator, strip, njobs, prepend_text, preserve_empty_lines) def _check_arguments( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments backend: Backend, with_stress: bool, tie: Union[bool, str], separator: Separator, language_switch: LanguageSwitch, words_mismatch: WordMismatch): """Auxiliary function to phonemize() Ensures the parameters are compatible with each other, raises a RuntimeError the first encountered error. """ # ensure the backend is either espeak, festival or segments if backend not in ('espeak', 'espeak-mbrola', 'festival', 'segments'): raise RuntimeError( '{} is not a supported backend, choose in {}.' .format(backend, ', '.join( ('espeak', 'espeak-mbrola', 'festival', 'segments')))) # with_stress option only valid for espeak if with_stress and backend != 'espeak': raise RuntimeError( 'the "with_stress" option is available for espeak backend only, ' 'but you are using {} backend'.format(backend)) # tie option only valid for espeak if tie and backend != 'espeak': raise RuntimeError( 'the "tie" option is available for espeak backend only, ' 'but you are using {} backend'.format(backend)) # tie option incompatible with phone separator if tie and raise RuntimeError( 'the "tie" option is incompatible with phone separator ' f'(which is "{}")') # language_switch option only valid for espeak if language_switch != 'keep-flags' and backend != 'espeak': raise RuntimeError( 'the "language_switch" option is available for espeak backend ' 'only, but you are using {} backend'.format(backend)) # words_mismatch option only valid for espeak if words_mismatch != 'ignore' and backend != 'espeak': raise RuntimeError( 'the "words_mismatch" option is available for espeak backend ' 'only, but you are using {} backend'.format(backend)) def _phonemize( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments backend: BaseBackend, text: Union[str, List[str]], separator: Separator, strip: bool, njobs: int, prepend_text: bool, preserve_empty_lines: bool): """Auxiliary function to phonemize() Does the phonemization and returns the phonemized text. Raises a RuntimeError on error. """ # remember the text type for output (either list or string) text_type = type(text) # force the text as a list text = [line.strip(os.linesep) for line in str2list(text)] # if preserving empty lines, note the index of each empty line if preserve_empty_lines: empty_lines = [n for n, line in enumerate(text) if not line.strip()] # ignore empty lines text = [line for line in text if line.strip()] if (text): # phonemize the text phonemized = backend.phonemize( text, separator=separator, strip=strip, njobs=njobs) else: phonemized = [] # if preserving empty lines, reinsert them into text and phonemized lists if preserve_empty_lines: for i in empty_lines: # noqa if prepend_text: text.insert(i, '') phonemized.insert(i, '') # at that point, the phonemized text is a list of str. Format it as # expected by the parameters if prepend_text: return list(zip(text, phonemized)) if text_type == str: return list2str(phonemized) return phonemized ```

I swear I've already committed a fix for it. It might actually only live in mrq/vall-e but I'll double check.

I swear I've already committed a fix for it. It might actually only live in [mrq/vall-e]( but I'll double check.

Nope, seems I didn't. I backported my wrapper from it instead of relying on brandishing a fork with it (or injecting override functions).

Should be fixed in commit 99387920e1 (should, I haven't tested it yet).

Nope, seems I didn't. I backported my wrapper from it instead of relying on brandishing a fork with it (or injecting override functions). Should be fixed in commit 99387920e1c3d741a95b2edf823aa3eab95b9d15 (should, I haven't tested it yet).
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Reference: mrq/ai-voice-cloning#218
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