# How to override config hyperparameters for particular weights/parameters
If you want to optimize some unstable parameters with 32-bit Adam and others with 8-bit Adam, you can use the `GlobalOptimManager`. With this, we can also configure specific hyperparameters for particular layers, such as embedding layers. To do that, we need two things: (1) register the parameter while they are still on the CPU, (2) override the config with the new desired hyperparameters (anytime, anywhere). See our [guide](howto_config_override.md) for more details
For overrides for particular layers we recommend overriding locally in each module. You can do this by passing the module, the parameter, and its attribute name to the GlobalOptimManager:
class MyModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(din, dout):
super(MyModule, self).__init__()
self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(din, dout)
# optimization will happen in 32-bit and
# learning rate will be set to 0.0001 independent of the main learning rate