Initial template.
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ FILES_CPP := $(CSRC)/common.cpp $(CSRC)/cpu_ops.cpp $(CSRC)/pythonInterface.c
INCLUDE := -I $(CUDA_HOME)/include -I $(ROOT_DIR)/csrc -I $(CONDA_PREFIX)/include -I $(ROOT_DIR)/include
INCLUDE_10x := -I $(CUDA_HOME)/include -I $(ROOT_DIR)/csrc -I $(ROOT_DIR)/dependencies/cub -I $(ROOT_DIR)/include
INCLUDE_cutlass := -I $(ROOT_DIR)/dependencies/cutlass/include
LIB := -L $(CUDA_HOME)/lib64 -lcudart -lcublas -lcublasLt -lcurand -lcusparse -L $(CONDA_PREFIX)/lib
# NVIDIA NVCC compilation flags
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ CC_ADA_HOPPER += -gencode arch=compute_90,code=sm_90
all: $(BUILD_DIR) env
$(NVCC) $(CC_CUDA11x) -Xcompiler '-fPIC' --use_fast_math -Xptxas=-v -dc $(FILES_CUDA) $(INCLUDE) $(LIB) --output-directory $(BUILD_DIR)
$(NVCC) $(CC_CUDA11x) -Xcompiler '-fPIC' --use_fast_math -Xptxas=-v -dc $(FILES_CUDA) $(INCLUDE) $(LIB) --output-directory $(BUILD_DIR)
$(NVCC) $(CC_CUDA11x) -Xcompiler '-fPIC' -dlink $(BUILD_DIR)/ops.o $(BUILD_DIR)/kernels.o -o $(BUILD_DIR)/link.o
$(GPP) -std=c++14 -DBUILD_CUDA -shared -fPIC $(INCLUDE) $(BUILD_DIR)/ops.o $(BUILD_DIR)/kernels.o $(BUILD_DIR)/link.o $(FILES_CPP) -o ./bitsandbytes/libbitsandbytes_cuda$(CUDA_VERSION).so $(LIB)
@ -100,6 +101,11 @@ cuda11x: $(BUILD_DIR) env
$(NVCC) $(CC_cublasLt111) -Xcompiler '-fPIC' -dlink $(BUILD_DIR)/ops.o $(BUILD_DIR)/kernels.o -o $(BUILD_DIR)/link.o
$(GPP) -std=c++14 -DBUILD_CUDA -shared -fPIC $(INCLUDE) $(BUILD_DIR)/ops.o $(BUILD_DIR)/kernels.o $(BUILD_DIR)/link.o $(FILES_CPP) -o ./bitsandbytes/libbitsandbytes_cuda$(CUDA_VERSION).so $(LIB)
cuda11x_cutlass: $(BUILD_DIR) env cutlass
$(NVCC) $(CC_cublasLt111) -Xcompiler '-fPIC' --use_fast_math -Xptxas=-v -dc $(FILES_CUDA) $(INCLUDE) $(INCLUDE_cutlass) $(LIB) --output-directory $(BUILD_DIR)
$(NVCC) $(CC_cublasLt111) -Xcompiler '-fPIC' -dlink $(BUILD_DIR)/ops.o $(BUILD_DIR)/kernels.o -o $(BUILD_DIR)/link.o
$(GPP) -std=c++20 -DBUILD_CUDA -shared -fPIC $(INCLUDE) $(BUILD_DIR)/ops.o $(BUILD_DIR)/kernels.o $(BUILD_DIR)/link.o $(FILES_CPP) -o ./bitsandbytes/libbitsandbytes_cuda$(CUDA_VERSION).so $(LIB)
cuda12x: $(BUILD_DIR) env
$(NVCC) $(CC_cublasLt111) $(CC_ADA_HOPPER) -Xcompiler '-fPIC' --use_fast_math -Xptxas=-v -dc $(FILES_CUDA) $(INCLUDE) $(LIB) --output-directory $(BUILD_DIR)
$(NVCC) $(CC_cublasLt111) $(CC_ADA_HOPPER) -Xcompiler '-fPIC' -dlink $(BUILD_DIR)/ops.o $(BUILD_DIR)/kernels.o -o $(BUILD_DIR)/link.o
@ -121,6 +127,11 @@ env:
@echo "============================"
if [ ! -d "$(ROOT_DIR)/dependencies/cutlass" ]; then \
git clone $(ROOT_DIR)/dependencies/cutlass; \
fi \
mkdir -p build
mkdir -p dependencies
@ -2919,10 +2919,35 @@ template <int FORMAT> __global__ void kExtractOutliers(char *A, int *idx, char *
template <int QUANT_TYPE, typename INPT, typename COMPT, typename OUTT> __global__ void kMatmul_inference_4bit(INPT *A, unsigned char *B, OUTT *out, int lda, int ldb, int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB)
// element-wise kernel
// 1. Load batch x k into registers
// 2. Load k x k into registers
// 3. dequantize and store in second pair of k x k
// 4. matmul
// 5. sum with cub
// 6. store outputs
// TC kernel
// use k warps per thread block
// 1. threadblock use read-only cache to read in register tile for A into shared memory
// 2. each warp loops over shared memory tiles of A of size 8x16 and loads them into fragments
// 3. each warp reads a segment of values 16x32 from B
// 4. do dequantization from register of B into second pair of registers
// 5. store (4) into fragment
// 6. matmul aggregate into fragment C
// 7. aggreecate files of C into shared memroy block C
// 8. sum (7)
// 9. write outputs to matmul output matrix
template __global__ void kMatmul_inference_4bit<NF4, half, half, half>(half *A, unsigned char *B, half *out, int lda, int ldb, int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB);
template __global__ void kExtractOutliers<COL_TURING>(char *A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rowsA, int colsA, int tiledRowsA, int tiledColsA);
template __global__ void kExtractOutliers<COL_AMPERE>(char *A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rowsA, int colsA, int tiledRowsA, int tiledColsA);
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
#ifndef kernels
#define kernels
template <int QUANT_TYPE, typename INP_TYPE, typename COMP_TYPE, typename OUT_TYPE>__global__ void kMatmul_inference_4bit(INP_TYPE *A, unsigned char *B, OUT_TYPE *out, int lda, int ldb, int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB);
template<typename T>__global__ void kEstimateQuantiles(T *__restrict__ const A, float *code, const float offset, const T max_val, const int n);
__global__ void kQuantize(float * code, float * __restrict__ const A, unsigned char *out, const int n);
@ -90,6 +90,17 @@ template<typename T, int DATA_TYPE> void dequantizeBlockwise(float *code, unsign
void matmul4bite(half *A, unsigned char *B, half*out, int lda, int ldb, int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB)
int num_blocks = (colsB+32-1)/32;
kMatmul_inference_4bit<NF4, half, half, half><<<num_blocks, 256>>>(A, B, out, lda, ldb, rowsA, colsA, colsB);
template <int QUANT_TYPE, typename INP_TYPE, typename COMP_TYPE, typename OUT_TYPE>__global__ void kMatmul_inference_4bit(INP_TYPE *A, unsigned char *B, OUT_TYPE *C, int lda, int ldb, int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB);
template<typename T, int OPTIMIZER> void optimizer32bit(T* g, T* p,
float* state1, float* state2, float *unorm, float max_unorm, float param_norm,
const float beta1, const float beta2, const float eps, const float weight_decay,
@ -653,6 +664,7 @@ template <int FORMAT> void extractOutliers(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int id
@ -183,4 +183,6 @@ template <typename T, int BITS> void spmm_coo_very_sparse_naive(int *max_count,
template <int FORMAT> void extractOutliers(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rows, int cols);
void matmul4bite(half *A, unsigned char *B, half*out, int lda, int ldb, int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB);
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