Merge branch 'main' into bugfixes

This commit is contained in:
Tim Dettmers 2023-07-13 21:55:35 -07:00
commit ac155f7415
2 changed files with 5 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ class MatMul8bitLt(torch.autograd.Function):
# 1. Quantize A
if len(A.shape) == 3:
A = A.view(-1, A.shape[-1]).contiguous()
A = A.reshape(-1, A.shape[-1])
CA, CAt, SCA, SCAt, coo_tensorA = F.double_quant(, threshold=state.threshold)
if state.threshold > 0.0 and coo_tensorA is not None:

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@ -280,37 +280,11 @@ def determine_cuda_runtime_lib_path() -> Union[Path, None]:
return next(iter(cuda_runtime_libs)) if cuda_runtime_libs else None
def check_cuda_result(cuda, result_val):
# 3. Check for CUDA errors
if result_val != 0:
error_str = ct.c_char_p()
cuda.cuGetErrorString(result_val, ct.byref(error_str))
if error_str.value is not None:
CUDASetup.get_instance().add_log_entry(f"CUDA exception! Error code: {error_str.value.decode()}")
CUDASetup.get_instance().add_log_entry(f"Unknown CUDA exception! Please check your CUDA install. It might also be that your GPU is too old.")
def get_cuda_version(cuda, cudart_path):
if cuda is None: return None
cudart = ct.CDLL(cudart_path)
except OSError:
CUDASetup.get_instance().add_log_entry(f'ERROR: could not be read from path: {cudart_path}!')
return None
version = ct.c_int()
check_cuda_result(cuda, cudart.cudaRuntimeGetVersion(ct.byref(version)))
except AttributeError as e:
CUDASetup.get_instance().add_log_entry(f'ERROR: {str(e)}')
CUDASetup.get_instance().add_log_entry(f'CUDA SETUP: path is {cudart_path}')
CUDASetup.get_instance().add_log_entry(f'CUDA SETUP: Is seems that your cuda installation is not in your path. See for more information.')
version = int(version.value)
major = version//1000
minor = (version-(major*1000))//10
major, minor = map(int, torch.version.cuda.split("."))
if major < 11:
CUDASetup.get_instance().add_log_entry('CUDA SETUP: CUDA version lower than 11 are currently not supported for LLM.int8(). You will be only to use 8-bit optimizers and quantization routines!!')
@ -325,37 +299,15 @@ def get_cuda_lib_handle():
except OSError:
CUDASetup.get_instance().add_log_entry('CUDA SETUP: WARNING! not found! Do you have a CUDA driver installed? If you are on a cluster, make sure you are on a CUDA machine!')
return None
check_cuda_result(cuda, cuda.cuInit(0))
return cuda
def get_compute_capabilities(cuda):
1. find library (GPU driver) (/usr/lib)
init_device -> init variables -> call function by reference
2. call extern C function to determine CC
3. Check for CUDA errors
# bits taken from
nGpus = ct.c_int()
cc_major = ct.c_int()
cc_minor = ct.c_int()
device = ct.c_int()
check_cuda_result(cuda, cuda.cuDeviceGetCount(ct.byref(nGpus)))
ccs = []
for i in range(nGpus.value):
check_cuda_result(cuda, cuda.cuDeviceGet(ct.byref(device), i))
ref_major = ct.byref(cc_major)
ref_minor = ct.byref(cc_minor)
# 2. call extern C function to determine CC
check_cuda_result(cuda, cuda.cuDeviceComputeCapability(ref_major, ref_minor, device))
for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count()):
cc_major, cc_minor = torch.cuda.get_device_capability(torch.cuda.device(i))
return ccs