Added paging.

This commit is contained in:
Tim Dettmers 2023-05-06 11:14:06 -07:00
parent 264a948539
commit ec38ba95b0
8 changed files with 167 additions and 90 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ try:
lib.get_context.restype = ct.c_void_p
lib.get_cusparse.restype = ct.c_void_p
lib.cget_managed_ptr.restype = ct.c_void_p
lib.cget_stream.restype = ct.c_void_p
except AttributeError:
warn("The installed version of bitsandbytes was compiled without GPU support. "

View File

@ -130,6 +130,61 @@ class Cusparse_Context:
return cls._instance
dtype2bytes = {}
dtype2bytes[torch.float32] = 4
dtype2bytes[torch.float16] = 2
dtype2bytes[torch.bfloat16] = 2
dtype2bytes[torch.uint8] = 1
dtype2bytes[torch.int8] = 1
def get_paged(*shape, dtype=torch.float32, device=torch.device('cuda', index=0)):
num_bytes = dtype2bytes[dtype]*prod(shape)
cuda_ptr = lib.cget_managed_ptr(ct.c_size_t(num_bytes))
c_ptr = ct.cast(cuda_ptr, ct.POINTER(ct.c_int))
new_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(c_ptr, shape=shape)
out = torch.frombuffer(new_array, dtype=dtype, count=prod(shape))
out.is_paged = True
out.page_deviceid = device.index
return out
def prefetch_tensor(A, to_cpu=False):
assert A.is_paged, 'Only paged tensors can be prefetched!'
if to_cpu:
deviceid = -1
deviceid = A.page_deviceid
num_bytes = dtype2bytes[A.dtype]*A.numel()
lib.cprefetch(get_ptr(A), ct.c_size_t(num_bytes), ct.c_int32(deviceid))
def elementwise_func(func_name, A, B, value, prefetch=True):
func = None
if A.dtype == torch.float32:
func = getattr(lib, f'c{func_name}_fp32', None)
cvalue = ct.c_float(value)
elif A.dtype == torch.uint8:
func = getattr(lib, f'c{func_name}_uint8', None)
cvalue = ct.c_uint8(value)
if func is None: raise NotImplementedError(f'Function not implemented: {func_name}')
is_managed = getattr(A, 'is_managed', False)
if is_managed and prefetch:
if B is not None: prefetch_tensor(B)
func(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(B), cvalue, ct.c_int64(A.numel()))
if A.is_paged or B.is_paged:
# paged function are fully asynchronous
# if we return from this function, we want to the tensor
# to be in the correct state, that is the final state after the
# operation occured. So we synchronize.
def fill(A, value, device=None, prefetch=True): elementwise_func('fill', A, None, value)
def arange(A, device=None): elementwise_func('arange', A, None, 0)
def _mul(A, B, device=None): elementwise_func('_mul', A, B, 0)
def create_linear_map(signed=True, total_bits=8, add_zero=True):
sign = (-1.0 if signed else 0.0)

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@ -3522,48 +3522,22 @@ template <typename T, int THREADS> __global__ void kgemm_4bit_inference(int M, i
__device__ void compute(float* global_out, float const* shared_in)
template <typename T, int FUNC> __global__ void kfunc(T *A, T *B, T value, long n)
template <size_t stages_count /* Pipeline with stages_count stages */>
__global__ void with_staging_unified(float const* global_in, float * global_out, size_t size, size_t batch_sz) {
auto grid = cooperative_groups::this_grid();
auto block = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();
assert(size == batch_sz * grid.size()); // Assume input size fits batch_sz * grid_size
extern __shared__ float shared[]; // stages_count * block.size() * sizeof(int) bytes
size_t shared_offset[stages_count];
for (int s = 0; s < stages_count; ++s) shared_offset[s] = s * block.size();
__shared__ cuda::pipeline_shared_state<
> shared_state;
auto pipeline = cuda::make_pipeline(block, &shared_state);
auto block_batch = [&](size_t batch) -> int {
return block.group_index().x * block.size() + grid.size() * batch;
// compute_batch: next batch to process
// fetch_batch: next batch to fetch from global memory
for (size_t compute_batch = 0, fetch_batch = 0; compute_batch < batch_sz; ++compute_batch) {
// The outer loop iterates over the computation of the batches
for (; fetch_batch < batch_sz && fetch_batch < (compute_batch + stages_count); ++fetch_batch) {
// This inner loop iterates over the memory transfers, making sure that the pipeline is always full
size_t shared_idx = fetch_batch % stages_count;
size_t batch_idx = fetch_batch;
size_t block_batch_idx = block_batch(batch_idx);
cuda::memcpy_async(block, shared + shared_offset[shared_idx], global_in + block_batch_idx, sizeof(float) * block.size(), pipeline);
for(long i = (blockDim.x*blockIdx.x) + threadIdx.x; i < n; i+=(blockDim.x*gridDim.x))
case FILL:
A[i] = (T)value;
case ARANGE:
A[i] = (T)i;
case _MUL:
A[i] = A[i]*B[i];
int shared_idx = compute_batch % stages_count;
int batch_idx = compute_batch;
compute(global_out + block_batch(batch_idx), shared + shared_offset[shared_idx]);
@ -3572,19 +3546,10 @@ __global__ void with_staging_unified(float const* global_in, float * global_out,
//template <class MShape, class NShape, class KShape,
// class TA, class AStride, class ABlockLayout, class AThreadLayout,
// class TB, class BStride, class BBlockLayout, class BThreadLayout,
// class TC, class CStride, class CBlockLayout, class CThreadLayout,
// class Alpha, class Beta>
//__global__ static
//gemm_device(MShape M, NShape N, KShape K,
// TA const* A, AStride dA, ABlockLayout blockA, AThreadLayout tA,
// TB const* B, BStride dB, BBlockLayout blockB, BThreadLayout tB,
// TC * out, CStride dC, CBlockLayout , CThreadLayout tC,
// half alpha, half beta);
template __global__ void kfunc<float, FILL>(float *A, float *B, float value, long n);
template __global__ void kfunc<unsigned char, FILL>(unsigned char *A, unsigned char *B, unsigned char value, long n);
template __global__ void kfunc<float, ARANGE>(float *A, float *B, float value, long n);
template __global__ void kfunc<float, _MUL>(float *A, float *B, float value, long n);
// these are not used and make no sense, but the compiler needs them
//template __global__ void gemm_device<float, 16, 128>(int M, int N, int K, float * __restrict__ const A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
@ -3611,9 +3576,6 @@ template __global__ void gemm_device<half, 16, 96>(int M, int N, int K, half * _
template __global__ void kgemm_4bit_inference<half, 128>(int M, int N, int K, half * __restrict__ const A, unsigned char *B, float *absmax, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc, int blocksize);
template __global__ void kgemm_4bit_inference<half, 160>(int M, int N, int K, half * __restrict__ const A, unsigned char *B, float *absmax, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc, int blocksize);
//template __global__ void kMatmul_inference_4bit<NF4, half, half, half>(half *A, unsigned char *B, half *out, int lda, int ldb, int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB);
template __global__ void with_staging_unified<2>(float const* global_in, float * global_out, size_t size, size_t batch_sz);
template __global__ void kExtractOutliers<COL_TURING>(char *A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rowsA, int colsA, int tiledRowsA, int tiledColsA);
template __global__ void kExtractOutliers<COL_AMPERE>(char *A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rowsA, int colsA, int tiledRowsA, int tiledColsA);

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@ -122,23 +122,9 @@ template <int THREADS, int ITEMS_PER_THREAD, int TILE_ROWS, int TILE_COLS, int T
template <int FORMAT> __global__ void kExtractOutliers(char *A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rowsA, int colsA, int tiledRowsA, int tiledColsA);
//template <class MShape, class NShape, class KShape,
// class TA, class AStride, class ABlockLayout, class AThreadLayout,
// class TB, class BStride, class BBlockLayout, class BThreadLayout,
// class TC, class CStride, class CBlockLayout, class CThreadLayout,
// class Alpha, class Beta>
//__global__ static
//gemm_device(MShape M, NShape N, KShape K,
// TA const* A, AStride dA, ABlockLayout blockA, AThreadLayout tA,
// TB const* B, BStride dB, BBlockLayout blockB, BThreadLayout tB,
// TC * out, CStride dC, CBlockLayout , CThreadLayout tC,
// Alpha alpha, Beta beta);
template <size_t stages_count /* Pipeline with stages_count stages */>
__global__ void with_staging_unified(float const* global_in, float * global_out, size_t size, size_t batch_sz);
template <typename T, int BITS, int THREADS> __global__ void gemm_device(int M, int N, int K, T * __restrict__ const A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template <typename T, int THREADS> __global__ void kgemm_4bit_inference(int M, int N, int K, T * __restrict__ const A, unsigned char *B, float *absmax, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc, int blocksize);
template <typename T, int FUNC> __global__ void kfunc(T *A, T *B, T value, long n);

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@ -663,16 +663,6 @@ template <int FORMAT> void extractOutliers(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int id
void pipeline_test(float *A, float *B, size_t n, size_t batch_size)
int threads = 256;
int num_blocks = (n+(256*batch_size)+1)/(batch_size*256);
with_staging_unified<2><<<num_blocks, threads>>>(A, B, n, batch_size);
template <typename T> void gemm_host(int m, int n, int k, T * A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc, int bits)
@ -717,10 +707,25 @@ template <typename T> void gemm_4bit_inference(int m, int n, int k, T * A, unsi
//kgemm_4bit_inference<T, 32><<< num_blocks, 32, 0, 0 >>>(m, n, k, A, B, absmax, out, lda, ldb, ldc, blocksize);
template <typename T, int FUNC> void func(T *A, T *B, T value, long n)
int threads = 512;
int blocks = n/threads;
blocks = n % threads == 0 ? blocks : blocks + 1;
blocks = blocks > 65535 ? 65535 : blocks;
kfunc<T, FUNC><<<blocks, 512>>>(A, B, value, n);
template void func<float, FILL>(float *A, float *B, float value, long n);
template void func<unsigned char, FILL>(unsigned char *A, unsigned char *B, unsigned char value, long n);
template void func<float, ARANGE>(float *A, float *B, float value, long n);
template void func<float, _MUL>(float *A, float *B, float value, long n);
template void gemm_4bit_inference<half>(int m, int n, int k, half * A, unsigned char* B, float *absmax, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc, int blocksize);
//template void gemm_host<float>(int m, int n, int k, float * A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc, int bits);
template void gemm_host<half>(int m, int n, int k, half * A, half* B, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc, int bits);

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@ -93,6 +93,13 @@ typedef enum DataType_t
NF4 = 2,
} DataType_t;
typedef enum Funcs_t
FILL = 0,
_MUL = 2,
} Funcs_t;
class Context
@ -193,6 +200,6 @@ void matmul4bite(half *A, unsigned char *B, half*out, int lda, int ldb, int rows
template <typename T> void gemm_host(int m, int n, int k, T * A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc, int bits);
template <typename T> void gemm_4bit_inference(int m, int n, int k, T * A, unsigned char* B, float *absmax, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc, int blocksize);
template <typename T, int FUNC> void func(T *A, T *B, T value, long n);
void pipeline_test(float *A, float *B, size_t n, size_t batch_size);

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@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ void gemm_host_fp16(int M, int N, int K, half * A, half* B, half * out, int l
void gemm_4bit_inference(int m, int n, int k, half * A, unsigned char* B, float *absmax, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc, int blocksize)
{ gemm_4bit_inference<half>(m, n, k, A, B, absmax, out, lda, ldb, ldc, blocksize); }
#define MAKE_ELEMENTWISE_FUNC(fname, type_name, ctype, FUNC) \
void fname##_##type_name(ctype *A, ctype *B, ctype value, long n){ func<ctype, FUNC>(A, B, value, n); } \
MAKE_ELEMENTWISE_FUNC(fill, fp32, float, FILL)
MAKE_ELEMENTWISE_FUNC(fill, uint8, unsigned char, FILL)
MAKE_ELEMENTWISE_FUNC(arange, fp32, float, ARANGE)
MAKE_ELEMENTWISE_FUNC(_mul, fp32, float, _MUL)
#define MAKE_FUNC32(fname, oname, gtype, gbits) \
void fname##32bit_g##gbits(gtype *g, gtype *p, \
@ -314,7 +322,6 @@ extern "C"
void cextractOutliers_turing(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rows, int cols){ extractOutliers_turing(A, idx, out, idx_size, rows, cols); }
void cextractOutliers_ampere(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rows, int cols){ extractOutliers_ampere(A, idx, out, idx_size, rows, cols); }
void cpipeline_test(float *A, float *B, size_t n, size_t batch_size){ pipeline_test(A, B, n, batch_size); }
//void cgemm_host_fp32(int M, int N, int K, float * A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
//{ gemm_host_fp32(M, N, K, A, B, out, lda, ldb, ldc); }
@ -325,6 +332,29 @@ extern "C"
void cgemm_4bit_inference(int m, int n, int k, half * A, unsigned char* B, float *absmax, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc, int blocksize)
{ gemm_4bit_inference(m, n, k, A, B, absmax, out, lda, ldb, ldc, blocksize); }
void *cget_managed_ptr(size_t bytes)
void *ptr;
CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(cudaMallocManaged(&ptr, bytes, cudaMemAttachHost));
return ptr;
void cprefetch(void *ptr, size_t bytes, int device)
CUDA_CHECK_RETURN(cudaMemPrefetchAsync(ptr, bytes, device, 0));
#define CMAKE_ELEMENTWISE_FUNC(fname, type_name, ctype, FUNC) \
void c##fname##_##type_name(ctype *A, ctype *B, ctype value, long n){ fname##_##type_name(A, B, value, n); } \
CMAKE_ELEMENTWISE_FUNC(fill, uint8, unsigned char, FILL)
CMAKE_ELEMENTWISE_FUNC(_mul, fp32, float, _MUL)
void cquantize_blockwise_cpu_fp32(float *code, float *A, float *absmax, unsigned char *out, long long blocksize, long long n){ quantize_cpu(code, A, absmax, out, blocksize, n); }
void cdequantize_blockwise_cpu_fp32(float *code, unsigned char *A, float *absmax, float *out, long long blocksize, long long n){ dequantize_cpu(code, A, absmax, out, blocksize, n); }

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@ -2489,8 +2489,38 @@ def test_gemm_4bit(dtype):
print(dim, sum(relerrs)/len(relerrs)/math.sqrt(dim))
print(dim, (max_err.item(), max_relerr.item()))
def test_pipeline_func():
a = torch.rand(2, 4).cuda()
out = F.pipeline_test(a, 2)
def test_managed():
n = 32*10
A = F.get_paged(n, n, dtype=torch.float32)
B = F.get_paged(n, n, dtype=torch.uint8)
B2 = F.get_paged(n, n, dtype=torch.float32)
assert A.is_paged
assert B.is_paged
assert A.page_deviceid==0
assert B.page_deviceid==0
F.fill(A, 17.0)
F.fill(B, 17)
F.fill(B2, 2)
assert (A==17).sum().item() == n*n
assert (B==17).sum().item() == n*n
C = A*B.float()
assert (C==289).sum().item() == n*n
F._mul(A, B2)
F._mul(A, B2)
F._mul(A, B2)
assert (A==17*(2**3)).sum().item() == n*n
# F.prefetch_tensor(A)
# F.prefetch_tensor(B)
# F.fill(B2, 17.0)
# F._mul(A, B2)
# F.prefetch_tensor(A, to_cpu=True)
# F.prefetch_tensor(B, to_cpu=True)
# F.prefetch_tensor(B2, to_cpu=True)
# torch.cuda.synchronize()
# assert (A==17).sum().item() == n*n
# torch.testing.assert_allclose(A, torch.ones(A.shape)*289)