New implementation for batch size 1.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2947,117 +2947,212 @@ template <int FORMAT> __global__ void kExtractOutliers(char *A, int *idx, char *
//// 9. write outputs to matmul output matrix
//// 9. write outputs to matmul output matrix
#define ROWS 2
#define ROWS 2
template <typename T, int ITEMS, int THREADS> __global__ void gemm_device(int M, int N, int K, T const* A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
template <typename T, int ITEMS, int THREADS> __global__ void gemm_device(int M, int N, int K, T * __restrict__ const A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
// 0. We want to fill a 8x128 tile for a thread block so we have 8x16 tile for each warp
// 1. Load dataB into register
// 2. Dequantize B
// 3. Fetch data from A and multiply
typedef cub::BlockLoad<T, THREADS , ITEMS, cub::BLOCK_LOAD_WARP_TRANSPOSE> LoadA;
//__shared__ typename LoadA::TempStorage loada;
typedef cub::BlockLoad<T, THREADS , ITEMS, cub::BLOCK_LOAD_WARP_TRANSPOSE> LoadB;
//__shared__ typename LoadB::TempStorage loadb;
typedef cub::BlockReduce<T, THREADS> BlockReduce;
typedef cub::BlockReduce<T, THREADS> BlockReduce;
// Allocate shared memory for BlockReduce
__shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage reduce;
//__shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage reduce;
int col_offset = blockIdx.x *8;
__shared__ union {
T local_A[8];
typename BlockReduce::TempStorage reduce;
T local_B[8];
typename LoadB::TempStorage loadb;
T local_C[8];
typename LoadA::TempStorage loada;
} temp_storage;
__shared__ T smem_C[8];
T dataA[ITEMS];
if(threadIdx.x < 8)
T local_B[ITEMS];
smem_C[threadIdx.x] = T(0);
T local_accC[ROWS];
int valid_items = 0;
const int col_offset = blockIdx.x * 8;
__shared__ T tileA[ROWS*THREADS*ITEMS];
__shared__ T accumulatorC[ROWS*8];
//#pragma unroll 8
//for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
// tileA[threadIdx.x + (i*256)] = 0.0f;
if(threadIdx.x < 64)
accumulatorC[threadIdx.x] = 0.0f;
#pragma unroll 8
for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
local_C[k] = T(0);
for(int inner_idx = 0; inner_idx < K; inner_idx+= THREADS*ITEMS)
valid_items = K - inner_idx > THREADS*ITEMS ? THREADS*ITEMS : K - inner_idx;
int baserow = 0;
for(int row = baserow; row < (baserow+ROWS) && row < N; row++)
LoadA(temp_storage.loada).Load(&(A[(row*K) + inner_idx]), dataA, valid_items, 0.0f);
#pragma unroll ITEMS
for(int idx = threadIdx.x*8; idx < K; idx+=blockDim.x*8)
for(int k = 0; k < ITEMS; k++)
tileA[row*THREADS*ITEMS + threadIdx.x + (k*THREADS)] = dataA[k];
if(idx + 8 <= K)
reinterpret_cast<float4(&)[8]>(local_A)[0] = reinterpret_cast<float4*>(A)[idx/8];
baserow += ROWS;
// load 16 columns from B at a time. B is transposed, so its like loading rows
// each warp loads one row
// each thread loads 128 byte
// col: inner_idx + warp_lane
// row: ldb*(offset + warp_id)
for(int col = 0; col < 8 && (col_offset + col) < M; col++)
int colB = col_offset + col;
for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
for(int k = 0; k < ROWS; k++)
local_accC[k] = 0.0f;
int base_idxB = ldb*colB;
valid_items = K - inner_idx > THREADS*ITEMS ? THREADS*ITEMS : K - inner_idx;
LoadB(temp_storage.loadb).Load(&(B[base_idxB + inner_idx]), local_B, valid_items, 0.0f);
for(int row = 0; row < ROWS && row < N; row++)
#pragma unroll ITEMS
if(idx + k < K)
for(int k = 0; k < ITEMS; k++)
local_A[k] = A[idx+k];
int idxA = row*THREADS*ITEMS + threadIdx.x + (THREADS*k);
local_A[k] = 0.0f;
local_accC[row] += tileA[idxA]*local_B[k];
local_accC[row] = BlockReduce(temp_storage.reduce).Reduce(local_accC[row], cub::Sum());
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
atomicAdd(&accumulatorC[row*8 + col], local_accC[row]);
for(int row = 0; row < ROWS && row < N; row++)
int out_idx = ldc*row + col_offset;
//if(threadIdx.x < 8)
for(int col = 0; col < 8; col++)
// if(accumulatorC[row*8 + threadIdx.x] != 0.0)
// printf("%i %i %i %i %f idx %i %i %i\n", row, col_offset, threadIdx.x, N, accumulatorC[row*8 + threadIdx.x], ldc, out_idx, blockIdx.x);
if(threadIdx.x < 8 && (col_offset + threadIdx.x) < M)
//printf("%i %i %i %i %f idx %i %i\n", row, col_offset, threadIdx.x, N, accumulatorC[row*8 + threadIdx.x], ldc, out_idx);
int offset_B = (col_offset+col)*ldb;
out[out_idx + threadIdx.x] = accumulatorC[row*8 + threadIdx.x];
if(idx + 8 <= K)
reinterpret_cast<float4(&)[8]>(local_B)[0] = reinterpret_cast<float4*>(B)[(offset_B+idx)/8];
for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if(idx + k < K)
local_B[k] = B[(offset_B+idx)+k];
local_B[k] = 0.0f;
#pragma unroll 8
for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
local_C[col] += local_A[k]*local_B[k];
//if((float)local_A[k] != 0.0 && (float)local_B[k] != 0.0)
// printf("%i %i %f %f %f\n", k, threadIdx.x, (float)local_A[k], (float)local_B[k], (float)local_C[col]);
#pragma unroll 8
for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
local_C[k] = BlockReduce(reduce).Reduce(local_C[k], cub::Sum());
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
#pragma unroll 8
for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
smem_C[k] = local_C[k];
else if(threadIdx.x >= 32)
// early return for unused warps
//for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
// if((float)local_C[k] != 0.0f)
// printf("%i %f\n", threadIdx.x, (float)local_C[k]);
if(threadIdx.x < 8 && col_offset + threadIdx.x < M)
out[col_offset + threadIdx.x ] = smem_C[threadIdx.x];
//#define ROWS 2
//template <typename T, int ITEMS, int THREADS> __global__ void gemm_device(int M, int N, int K, T const* A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
//// 0. We want to fill a 8x128 tile for a thread block so we have 8x16 tile for each warp
//// 1. Load dataB into register
//// 2. Dequantize B
//// 3. Fetch data from A and multiply
// typedef cub::BlockLoad<T, THREADS , ITEMS, cub::BLOCK_LOAD_WARP_TRANSPOSE> LoadA;
// //__shared__ typename LoadA::TempStorage loada;
// typedef cub::BlockLoad<T, THREADS , ITEMS, cub::BLOCK_LOAD_WARP_TRANSPOSE> LoadB;
// //__shared__ typename LoadB::TempStorage loadb;
// typedef cub::BlockReduce<T, THREADS> BlockReduce;
// // Allocate shared memory for BlockReduce
// //__shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage reduce;
// __shared__ union {
// typename BlockReduce::TempStorage reduce;
// typename LoadB::TempStorage loadb;
// typename LoadA::TempStorage loada;
// } temp_storage;
// T dataA[ITEMS];
// T local_B[ITEMS];
// T local_accC[ROWS];
// int valid_items = 0;
// const int col_offset = blockIdx.x * 8;
// __shared__ T tileA[ROWS*THREADS*ITEMS];
// __shared__ T accumulatorC[ROWS*8];
// //#pragma unroll 8
// //for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
// // tileA[threadIdx.x + (i*256)] = 0.0f;
// //__syncthreads();
// if(threadIdx.x < 64)
// accumulatorC[threadIdx.x] = 0.0f;
// __syncthreads();
// for(int inner_idx = 0; inner_idx < K; inner_idx+= THREADS*ITEMS)
// {
// valid_items = K - inner_idx > THREADS*ITEMS ? THREADS*ITEMS : K - inner_idx;
// int baserow = 0;
// for(int row = baserow; row < (baserow+ROWS) && row < N; row++)
// {
// LoadA(temp_storage.loada).Load(&(A[(row*K) + inner_idx]), dataA, valid_items, 0.0f);
// #pragma unroll ITEMS
// for(int k = 0; k < ITEMS; k++)
// tileA[row*THREADS*ITEMS + threadIdx.x + (k*THREADS)] = dataA[k];
// __syncthreads();
// }
// baserow += ROWS;
// // load 16 columns from B at a time. B is transposed, so its like loading rows
// // each warp loads one row
// // each thread loads 128 byte
// // col: inner_idx + warp_lane
// // row: ldb*(offset + warp_id)
// for(int col = 0; col < 8 && (col_offset + col) < M; col++)
// {
// int colB = col_offset + col;
// for(int k = 0; k < ROWS; k++)
// local_accC[k] = 0.0f;
// int base_idxB = ldb*colB;
// valid_items = K - inner_idx > THREADS*ITEMS ? THREADS*ITEMS : K - inner_idx;
// LoadB(temp_storage.loadb).Load(&(B[base_idxB + inner_idx]), local_B, valid_items, 0.0f);
// __syncthreads();
// for(int row = 0; row < ROWS && row < N; row++)
// {
// #pragma unroll ITEMS
// for(int k = 0; k < ITEMS; k++)
// {
// int idxA = row*THREADS*ITEMS + threadIdx.x + (THREADS*k);
// local_accC[row] += tileA[idxA]*local_B[k];
// }
// local_accC[row] = BlockReduce(temp_storage.reduce).Reduce(local_accC[row], cub::Sum());
// if(threadIdx.x == 0)
// atomicAdd(&accumulatorC[row*8 + col], local_accC[row]);
// }
// }
// }
// for(int row = 0; row < ROWS && row < N; row++)
// {
// int out_idx = ldc*row + col_offset;
// //if(threadIdx.x < 8)
// // if(accumulatorC[row*8 + threadIdx.x] != 0.0)
// // printf("%i %i %i %i %f idx %i %i %i\n", row, col_offset, threadIdx.x, N, accumulatorC[row*8 + threadIdx.x], ldc, out_idx, blockIdx.x);
// if(threadIdx.x < 8 && (col_offset + threadIdx.x) < M)
// {
// //printf("%i %i %i %i %f idx %i %i\n", row, col_offset, threadIdx.x, N, accumulatorC[row*8 + threadIdx.x], ldc, out_idx);
// out[out_idx + threadIdx.x] = accumulatorC[row*8 + threadIdx.x];
// }
// }
__device__ void compute(float* global_out, float const* shared_in)
__device__ void compute(float* global_out, float const* shared_in)
@ -3122,10 +3217,8 @@ __global__ void with_staging_unified(float const* global_in, float * global_out,
// TB const* B, BStride dB, BBlockLayout blockB, BThreadLayout tB,
// TB const* B, BStride dB, BBlockLayout blockB, BThreadLayout tB,
// TC * out, CStride dC, CBlockLayout , CThreadLayout tC,
// TC * out, CStride dC, CBlockLayout , CThreadLayout tC,
// half alpha, half beta);
// half alpha, half beta);
template __global__ void gemm_device<float, 4, 256>(int M, int N, int K, float const* A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template __global__ void gemm_device<float, 16, 128>(int M, int N, int K, float * __restrict__ const A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template __global__ void gemm_device<half, 4, 256>(int M, int N, int K, half const* A, half* B, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template __global__ void gemm_device<half, 16, 128>(int M, int N, int K, half * __restrict__ const A, half* B, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template __global__ void gemm_device<float, 8, 256>(int M, int N, int K, float const* A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template __global__ void gemm_device<half, 8, 256>(int M, int N, int K, half const* A, half* B, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
//template __global__ void kMatmul_inference_4bit<NF4, half, half, half>(half *A, unsigned char *B, half *out, int lda, int ldb, int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB);
//template __global__ void kMatmul_inference_4bit<NF4, half, half, half>(half *A, unsigned char *B, half *out, int lda, int ldb, int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB);
@ -138,6 +138,6 @@ template <int FORMAT> __global__ void kExtractOutliers(char *A, int *idx, char *
template <size_t stages_count /* Pipeline with stages_count stages */>
template <size_t stages_count /* Pipeline with stages_count stages */>
__global__ void with_staging_unified(float const* global_in, float * global_out, size_t size, size_t batch_sz);
__global__ void with_staging_unified(float const* global_in, float * global_out, size_t size, size_t batch_sz);
template <typename T, int ITEMS, int THREADS> __global__ void gemm_device(int M, int N, int K, T const* A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template <typename T, int ITEMS, int THREADS> __global__ void gemm_device(int M, int N, int K, T * __restrict__ const A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
@ -675,10 +675,10 @@ void pipeline_test(float *A, float *B, size_t n, size_t batch_size)
template <typename T> void gemm_host(int m, int n, int k, T const* A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
template <typename T> void gemm_host(int m, int n, int k, T * A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
dim3 dimBlock(256);
dim3 dimBlock(128);
int num_blocks = (m+7)/8;
int num_blocks = (m+7)/8;
cout << num_blocks << endl;
cout << num_blocks << endl;
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ template <typename T> void gemm_host(int m, int n, int k, T const* A, T* B, T
cout << m << endl;
cout << m << endl;
cout << n << endl;
cout << n << endl;
cout << k << endl;
cout << k << endl;
gemm_device<T, 8, 256>
gemm_device<T, 16, 128>
<<< num_blocks, dimBlock, 0, 0 >>>
<<< num_blocks, dimBlock, 0, 0 >>>
(m, n, k,
(m, n, k,
@ -701,8 +701,8 @@ template <typename T> void gemm_host(int m, int n, int k, T const* A, T* B, T
template void gemm_host<float>(int m, int n, int k, float const* A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template void gemm_host<float>(int m, int n, int k, float * A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template void gemm_host<half>(int m, int n, int k, half const* A, half* B, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template void gemm_host<half>(int m, int n, int k, half * A, half* B, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template void extractOutliers<COL_TURING>(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rows, int cols);
template void extractOutliers<COL_TURING>(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rows, int cols);
template void extractOutliers<COL_AMPERE>(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rows, int cols);
template void extractOutliers<COL_AMPERE>(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rows, int cols);
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ template <int FORMAT> void extractOutliers(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int id
void matmul4bite(half *A, unsigned char *B, half*out, int lda, int ldb, int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB);
void matmul4bite(half *A, unsigned char *B, half*out, int lda, int ldb, int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB);
template <typename T> void gemm_host(int m, int n, int k, T const* A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
template <typename T> void gemm_host(int m, int n, int k, T * A, T* B, T * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc);
void pipeline_test(float *A, float *B, size_t n, size_t batch_size);
void pipeline_test(float *A, float *B, size_t n, size_t batch_size);
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ void estimateQuantiles_fp32(float *A, float *code, float offset, int n){ estimat
void estimateQuantiles_fp16(half *A, float *code, float offset, int n){ estimateQuantiles<half>(A, code, offset, n); }
void estimateQuantiles_fp16(half *A, float *code, float offset, int n){ estimateQuantiles<half>(A, code, offset, n); }
void gemm_host_fp32(int M, int N, int K, float const* A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
void gemm_host_fp32(int M, int N, int K, float * A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
{ gemm_host<float>(M, N, K, A, B, out, lda, ldb, ldc); }
{ gemm_host<float>(M, N, K, A, B, out, lda, ldb, ldc); }
void gemm_host_fp16(int M, int N, int K, half const* A, half* B, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
void gemm_host_fp16(int M, int N, int K, half * A, half* B, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
{ gemm_host<half>(M, N, K, A, B, out, lda, ldb, ldc); }
{ gemm_host<half>(M, N, K, A, B, out, lda, ldb, ldc); }
@ -313,10 +313,10 @@ extern "C"
void cextractOutliers_ampere(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rows, int cols){ extractOutliers_ampere(A, idx, out, idx_size, rows, cols); }
void cextractOutliers_ampere(char * A, int *idx, char *out, int idx_size, int rows, int cols){ extractOutliers_ampere(A, idx, out, idx_size, rows, cols); }
void cpipeline_test(float *A, float *B, size_t n, size_t batch_size){ pipeline_test(A, B, n, batch_size); }
void cpipeline_test(float *A, float *B, size_t n, size_t batch_size){ pipeline_test(A, B, n, batch_size); }
void cgemm_host_fp32(int M, int N, int K, float const* A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
void cgemm_host_fp32(int M, int N, int K, float * A, float* B, float * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
{ gemm_host_fp32(M, N, K, A, B, out, lda, ldb, ldc); }
{ gemm_host_fp32(M, N, K, A, B, out, lda, ldb, ldc); }
void cgemm_host_fp16(int M, int N, int K, half const* A, half* B, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
void cgemm_host_fp16(int M, int N, int K, half * A, half* B, half * out, int lda, int ldb, int ldc)
{ gemm_host_fp16(M, N, K, A, B, out, lda, ldb, ldc); }
{ gemm_host_fp16(M, N, K, A, B, out, lda, ldb, ldc); }
@ -2355,11 +2355,11 @@ def test_normal_map_tree():
#@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [torch.float32, torch.float16], ids=['fp32', 'fp16'])
#@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [torch.float32, torch.float16], ids=['fp32', 'fp16'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [torch.float16], ids=['fp16'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [torch.float16], ids=['fp16'])
def test_cutlass3_gemm(dtype):
def test_cutlass3_gemm(dtype):
for i in range(2):
for i in range(1):
A = torch.rand(2, 4092, dtype=dtype, device='cuda')
#A = torch.rand(2, 4092, dtype=dtype, device='cuda')
B = torch.rand(4*4092, 4092, dtype=dtype, device='cuda')
#B = torch.rand(4*4092, 4092, dtype=dtype, device='cuda')
#A = torch.rand(2, 4, dtype=dtype, device='cuda')
A = torch.rand(1, 4096, dtype=dtype, device='cuda')
#B = torch.rand(4, 4, dtype=dtype, device='cuda')
B = torch.rand(4*4096, 4096, dtype=dtype, device='cuda')
@ -2371,7 +2371,7 @@ def test_cutlass3_gemm(dtype):
#torch.testing.assert_close(C1, C2)
torch.testing.assert_close(C1, C2, atol=1e-05, rtol=0.005)
def test_pipeline_func():
def test_pipeline_func():
Reference in New Issue
Block a user