# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import ctypes as ct import itertools import operator import random import torch import itertools import math from scipy.stats import norm import numpy as np from functools import reduce # Required in Python 3 from typing import Tuple from torch import Tensor from .cextension import COMPILED_WITH_CUDA, lib # math.prod not compatible with python < 3.8 def prod(iterable): return reduce(operator.mul, iterable, 1) name2qmap = {} if COMPILED_WITH_CUDA: """C FUNCTIONS FOR OPTIMIZERS""" str2optimizer32bit = {} str2optimizer32bit["adam"] = (lib.cadam32bit_grad_fp32, lib.cadam32bit_grad_fp16, lib.cadam32bit_grad_bf16) str2optimizer32bit["momentum"] = ( lib.cmomentum32bit_grad_32, lib.cmomentum32bit_grad_16, ) str2optimizer32bit["rmsprop"] = ( lib.crmsprop32bit_grad_32, lib.crmsprop32bit_grad_16, ) str2optimizer32bit["lion"] = (lib.clion32bit_grad_fp32, lib.clion32bit_grad_fp16, lib.clion32bit_grad_bf16) str2optimizer32bit["adagrad"] = ( lib.cadagrad32bit_grad_32, lib.cadagrad32bit_grad_16, ) str2optimizer8bit = {} str2optimizer8bit["adam"] = ( lib.cadam_static_8bit_grad_32, lib.cadam_static_8bit_grad_16, ) str2optimizer8bit["momentum"] = ( lib.cmomentum_static_8bit_grad_32, lib.cmomentum_static_8bit_grad_16, ) str2optimizer8bit["rmsprop"] = ( lib.crmsprop_static_8bit_grad_32, lib.crmsprop_static_8bit_grad_16, ) str2optimizer8bit["lion"] = ( lib.clion_static_8bit_grad_32, lib.clion_static_8bit_grad_16, ) str2optimizer8bit["lamb"] = ( lib.cadam_static_8bit_grad_32, lib.cadam_static_8bit_grad_16, ) str2optimizer8bit["lars"] = ( lib.cmomentum_static_8bit_grad_32, lib.cmomentum_static_8bit_grad_16, ) str2optimizer8bit_blockwise = {} str2optimizer8bit_blockwise["adam"] = ( lib.cadam_8bit_blockwise_grad_fp32, lib.cadam_8bit_blockwise_grad_fp16, lib.cadam_8bit_blockwise_grad_bf16, ) str2optimizer8bit_blockwise["momentum"] = ( lib.cmomentum_8bit_blockwise_grad_fp32, lib.cmomentum_8bit_blockwise_grad_fp16, ) str2optimizer8bit_blockwise["rmsprop"] = ( lib.crmsprop_8bit_blockwise_grad_fp32, lib.crmsprop_8bit_blockwise_grad_fp16, ) str2optimizer8bit_blockwise["lion"] = ( lib.clion_8bit_blockwise_grad_fp32, lib.clion_8bit_blockwise_grad_fp16, lib.clion_8bit_blockwise_grad_bf16, ) str2optimizer8bit_blockwise["adagrad"] = ( lib.cadagrad_8bit_blockwise_grad_fp32, lib.cadagrad_8bit_blockwise_grad_fp16, ) class GlobalPageManager: _instance = None def __init__(self): raise RuntimeError("Call get_instance() instead") def initialize(self): self.paged_tensors = [] @classmethod def get_instance(cls): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = cls.__new__(cls) cls._instance.initialize() return cls._instance def prefetch_all(self, to_cpu=False): # assume the first added, will be hte # ones that are used first, so swap them in last # in the case they are evicted again for t in self.paged_tensors[::-1]: prefetch_tensor(t, to_cpu) class CUBLAS_Context: _instance = None def __init__(self): raise RuntimeError("Call get_instance() instead") def initialize(self): self.context = {} @classmethod def get_instance(cls): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = cls.__new__(cls) cls._instance.initialize() return cls._instance def get_context(self, device): if device.index not in self.context: prev_device = torch.cuda.current_device() torch.cuda.set_device(device) self.context[device.index] = ct.c_void_p(lib.get_context()) torch.cuda.set_device(prev_device) return self.context[device.index] class Cusparse_Context: _instance = None def __init__(self): raise RuntimeError("Call get_instance() instead") def initialize(self): self.context = ct.c_void_p(lib.get_cusparse()) @classmethod def get_instance(cls): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = cls.__new__(cls) cls._instance.initialize() return cls._instance dtype2bytes = {} dtype2bytes[torch.float32] = 4 dtype2bytes[torch.float16] = 2 dtype2bytes[torch.bfloat16] = 2 dtype2bytes[torch.uint8] = 1 dtype2bytes[torch.int8] = 1 def get_paged(*shape, dtype=torch.float32, device=torch.device('cuda', index=0)): num_bytes = dtype2bytes[dtype]*prod(shape) cuda_ptr = lib.cget_managed_ptr(ct.c_size_t(num_bytes)) c_ptr = ct.cast(cuda_ptr, ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)) new_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(c_ptr, shape=shape) out = torch.frombuffer(new_array, dtype=dtype, count=prod(shape)).view(shape) out.is_paged = True out.page_deviceid = device.index return out def prefetch_tensor(A, to_cpu=False): assert A.is_paged, 'Only paged tensors can be prefetched!' if to_cpu: deviceid = -1 else: deviceid = A.page_deviceid num_bytes = dtype2bytes[A.dtype]*A.numel() lib.cprefetch(get_ptr(A), ct.c_size_t(num_bytes), ct.c_int32(deviceid)) def elementwise_func(func_name, A, B, value, prefetch=True): func = None if A.dtype == torch.float32: func = getattr(lib, f'c{func_name}_fp32', None) cvalue = ct.c_float(value) elif A.dtype == torch.uint8: func = getattr(lib, f'c{func_name}_uint8', None) cvalue = ct.c_uint8(value) if func is None: raise NotImplementedError(f'Function not implemented: {func_name}') is_managed = getattr(A, 'is_managed', False) if is_managed and prefetch: prefetch_tensor(A) if B is not None: prefetch_tensor(B) func(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(B), cvalue, ct.c_int64(A.numel())) if A.is_paged or B.is_paged: # paged function are fully asynchronous # if we return from this function, we want to the tensor # to be in the correct state, that is the final state after the # operation occured. So we synchronize. torch.cuda.synchronize() def fill(A, value, device=None, prefetch=True): elementwise_func('fill', A, None, value) def arange(A, device=None): elementwise_func('arange', A, None, 0) def _mul(A, B, device=None): elementwise_func('_mul', A, B, 0) def create_linear_map(signed=True, total_bits=8, add_zero=True): sign = (-1.0 if signed else 0.0) total_values = 2**total_bits if add_zero or total_bits < 8: # add a zero # since we simulate less bits by having zeros in the data type, we # we need to center the quantization around zero and as such lose # a single value total_values = (2**total_bits if not signed else 2**total_bits-1) values = torch.linspace(sign, 1.0, total_values) gap = 256 - values.numel() if gap == 0: return values else: l = values.numel()//2 return torch.Tensor(values[:l].tolist() + [0]*gap + values[l:].tolist()) def create_normal_map(offset=0.9677083, use_extra_value=True): if use_extra_value: # one more positive value, this is an asymmetric type v1 = norm.ppf(torch.linspace(offset, 0.5, 9)[:-1]).tolist() v2 = [0]*(256-15) ## we have 15 non-zero values in this data type v3 = (-norm.ppf(torch.linspace(offset, 0.5, 8)[:-1])).tolist() v = v1 + v2 + v3 else: v1 = norm.ppf(torch.linspace(offset, 0.5, 8)[:-1]).tolist() v2 = [0]*(256-14) ## we have 14 non-zero values in this data type v3 = (-norm.ppf(torch.linspace(offset, 0.5, 8)[:-1])).tolist() v = v1 + v2 + v3 values = torch.Tensor(v) values = values.sort().values values /= values.max() assert values.numel() == 256 return values def create_fp8_map(signed=True, exponent_bits=5, precision_bits=2, total_bits=8): e = exponent_bits p = precision_bits has_sign = 1 if signed else 0 assert e+p == total_bits-has_sign # the exponent is biased to 2^(e-1) -1 == 0 evalues = [] pvalues = [] for i, val in enumerate(range(-((2**(exponent_bits-has_sign))), 2**(exponent_bits-has_sign), 1)): evalues.append(2**val) values = [] lst = list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=precision_bits)) #for ev in evalues: bias = 2**(exponent_bits-1) for evalue in range(2**(exponent_bits)): for bit_pattern in lst: value = (1 if evalue != 0 else 0) for i, pval in enumerate(list(bit_pattern)): value += pval*(2**-(i+1)) if evalue == 0: # subnormals value = value*2**-(bias) else: # normals value = value*2**-(evalue-bias-1) values.append(value) if signed: values.append(-value) assert len(values) == 2**total_bits values.sort() if total_bits < 8: gap = 256 - len(values) for i in range(gap): values.append(0) values.sort() code = torch.Tensor(values) code /= code.max() return code def create_dynamic_map(signed=True, max_exponent_bits=7, total_bits=8): """ Creates the dynamic quantiztion map. The dynamic data type is made up of a dynamic exponent and fraction. As the exponent increase from 0 to -7 the number of bits available for the fraction shrinks. This is a generalization of the dynamic type where a certain number of the bits and be reserved for the linear quantization region (the fraction). n determines the maximum number of exponent bits. For more details see (8-Bit Approximations for Parallelism in Deep Learning)[https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.04561] """ data = [] # these are additional items that come from the case # where all the exponent bits are zero and no # indicator bit is present non_sign_bits = total_bits - (1 if signed else 0) additional_items = 2 ** (non_sign_bits - max_exponent_bits) - 1 if not signed: additional_items = 2 * additional_items for i in range(max_exponent_bits): fraction_items = int((2 ** (i + non_sign_bits - max_exponent_bits) + 1 if signed else 2 ** (i + non_sign_bits - max_exponent_bits + 1) + 1)) boundaries = torch.linspace(0.1, 1, fraction_items) means = (boundaries[:-1] + boundaries[1:]) / 2.0 data += ((10 ** (-(max_exponent_bits - 1) + i)) * means).tolist() if signed: data += (-(10 ** (-(max_exponent_bits - 1) + i)) * means).tolist() if additional_items > 0: boundaries = torch.linspace(0.1, 1, additional_items + 1) means = (boundaries[:-1] + boundaries[1:]) / 2.0 data += ((10 ** (-(max_exponent_bits - 1) + i)) * means).tolist() if signed: data += (-(10 ** (-(max_exponent_bits - 1) + i)) * means).tolist() data.append(0) data.append(1.0) gap = 256 - len(data) for i in range(gap): data.append(0) data.sort() return Tensor(data) def create_quantile_map(A, total_bits=8): q = estimate_quantiles(A, num_quantiles=2**total_bits-1) q = q.tolist() q.append(0) gap = 256 - len(q) for i in range(gap): q.append(0) q.sort() q = Tensor(q) q = q/q.abs().max() return q def get_special_format_str(): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): return 'col_turing' major, _minor = torch.cuda.get_device_capability() if major <= 7: return "col_turing" if major == 8: return "col_ampere" return "col_turing" def is_on_gpu(tensors): on_gpu = True gpu_ids = set() for t in tensors: if t is None: continue # NULL pointers are fine is_paged = getattr(t, 'is_paged', False) on_gpu &= (t.device.type == 'cuda' or is_paged) if not is_paged: gpu_ids.add(t.device.index) if not on_gpu: raise TypeError(f'All input tensors need to be on the same GPU, but found some tensors to not be on a GPU:\n {[(t.shape, t.device) for t in tensors]}') if len(gpu_ids) > 1: raise TypeError(f'Input tensors need to be on the same GPU, but found the following tensor and device combinations:\n {[(t.shape, t.device) for t in tensors]}') return on_gpu def get_ptr(A: Tensor) -> ct.c_void_p: """ Get the ctypes pointer from a PyTorch Tensor. Parameters ---------- A : torch.tensor The PyTorch tensor. Returns ------- ctypes.c_void_p """ if A is None: return None else: return ct.c_void_p(A.data.data_ptr()) def pre_call(device): prev_device = torch.cuda.current_device() torch.cuda.set_device(device) return prev_device def post_call(prev_device): torch.cuda.set_device(prev_device) def get_transform_func(dtype, orderA, orderOut, transpose=False): name = f'ctransform_{(8 if dtype == torch.int8 else 32)}_{orderA}_to_{orderOut}_{"t" if transpose else "n"}' if not hasattr(lib, name): print(name) raise ValueError( f"Transform function not supported: {orderA} to {orderOut} for data type {dtype} and transpose={transpose}" ) else: return getattr(lib, name) def get_transform_buffer( shape, dtype, device, to_order, from_order="row", transpose=False ): # init_func = torch.empty init_func = torch.zeros dims = len(shape) if dims == 2: rows = shape[0] elif dims == 3: rows = shape[0] * shape[1] cols = shape[-1] state = (shape, to_order) if transpose: # swap dims tmp = rows rows = cols cols = tmp state = (shape[::-1], to_order) if to_order == "row" or to_order == "col": return init_func(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device), state elif to_order == "col32": # blocks of 32 columns (padded) cols = 32 * ((cols + 31) // 32) return init_func((rows, cols), dtype=dtype, device=device), state elif to_order == "col_turing": # blocks of 32 columns and 8 rows cols = 32 * ((cols + 31) // 32) rows = 8 * ((rows + 7) // 8) return init_func((rows, cols), dtype=dtype, device=device), state elif to_order == "col_ampere": # blocks of 32 columns and 32 rows cols = 32 * ((cols + 31) // 32) rows = 32 * ((rows + 31) // 32) return init_func((rows, cols), dtype=dtype, device=device), state else: raise NotImplementedError(f"To_order not supported: {to_order}") def nvidia_transform( A, to_order, from_order="row", out=None, transpose=False, state=None, ld=None, ): if state is None: state = (A.shape, from_order) else: from_order = state[1] if out is None: out, new_state = get_transform_buffer( state[0], A.dtype, A.device, to_order, state[1] ) else: new_state = (state[1], to_order) func = get_transform_func(A.dtype, from_order, to_order, transpose) shape = state[0] if len(shape) == 2: dim1 = ct.c_int32(shape[0]) dim2 = ct.c_int32(shape[1]) elif ld is not None: n = prod(shape) dim1 = prod([shape[i] for i in ld]) dim2 = ct.c_int32(n // dim1) dim1 = ct.c_int32(dim1) else: dim1 = ct.c_int32(shape[0] * shape[1]) dim2 = ct.c_int32(shape[2]) ptr = CUBLAS_Context.get_instance().get_context(A.device) func(ptr, get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), dim1, dim2) return out, new_state def estimate_quantiles(A: Tensor, out: Tensor = None, offset: float = 1 / 512, num_quantiles=256) -> Tensor: ''' Estimates 256 equidistant quantiles on the input tensor eCDF. Uses SRAM-Quantiles algorithm to quickly estimate 256 equidistant quantiles via the eCDF of the input tensor `A`. This is a fast but approximate algorithm and the extreme quantiles close to 0 and 1 have high variance / large estimation errors. These large errors can be avoided by using the offset variable which trims the distribution. The default offset value of 1/512 ensures minimum entropy encoding -- it trims 1/512 = 0.2% from each side of the distrivution. An offset value of 0.01 to 0.02 usually has a much lower error but is not a minimum entropy encoding. Given an offset of 0.02 equidistance points in the range [0.02, 0.98] are used for the quantiles. Parameters ---------- A : torch.Tensor The input tensor. Any shape. out : torch.Tensor Tensor with the 256 estimated quantiles. offset : float The offset for the first and last quantile from 0 and 1. Default: 1/(2*num_quantiles) num_quantiles : int The number of equally spaced quantiles. Returns ------- torch.Tensor: The 256 quantiles in float32 datatype. ''' if A.numel() < 256: raise NotImplementedError(f'Quantile estimation needs at least 256 values in the Tensor, but Tensor had only {A.numel()} values.') if num_quantiles > 256: raise NotImplementedError(f"Currently only a maximum of 256 equally spaced quantiles are supported, but the argument num_quantiles={num_quantiles}") if num_quantiles < 256 and offset == 1/(512): # override default arguments offset = 1/(2*num_quantiles) if out is None: out = torch.zeros((256,), dtype=torch.float32, device=A.device) is_on_gpu([A, out]) device = pre_call(A.device) if A.dtype == torch.float32: lib.cestimate_quantiles_fp32(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), ct.c_float(offset), ct.c_int(A.numel())) elif A.dtype == torch.float16: lib.cestimate_quantiles_fp16(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), ct.c_float(offset), ct.c_int(A.numel())) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Not supported data type {A.dtype}") post_call(device) if num_quantiles < 256: step = round(256/num_quantiles) idx = torch.linspace(0, 255, num_quantiles).long().to(A.device) out = out[idx] return out def quantize_blockwise(A: Tensor, code: Tensor = None, absmax: Tensor = None, out: Tensor = None, blocksize=4096, nested=False) -> Tensor: """ Quantize tensor A in blocks of size 4096 values. Quantizes tensor A by dividing it into blocks of 4096 values. Then the absolute maximum value within these blocks is calculated for the non-linear quantization. Parameters ---------- A : torch.Tensor The input tensor. code : torch.Tensor The quantization map. absmax : torch.Tensor The absmax values. out : torch.Tensor The output tensor (8-bit). Returns ------- torch.Tensor: The 8-bit tensor. tuple(torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): The quantization state to undo the quantization. """ if code is None: if "dynamic" not in name2qmap: name2qmap["dynamic"] = create_dynamic_map().to(A.device) code = name2qmap["dynamic"] if absmax is None: n = A.numel() blocks = n // blocksize blocks += 1 if n % blocksize > 0 else 0 absmax = torch.zeros((blocks,), device=A.device) if out is None: out = torch.zeros_like(A, dtype=torch.uint8) if A.device.type != 'cpu': assert blocksize in [4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64] cblocksize = ct.c_int32(blocksize) prev_device = pre_call(A.device) code = code.to(A.device) is_on_gpu([code, A, out, absmax]) if A.dtype == torch.float32: lib.cquantize_blockwise_fp32(get_ptr(code), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), cblocksize, ct.c_int(A.numel())) elif A.dtype == torch.float16: lib.cquantize_blockwise_fp16(get_ptr(code), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), cblocksize, ct.c_int(A.numel())) else: raise ValueError(f"Blockwise quantization only supports 16/32-bit floats, but got {A.dtype}") post_call(A.device) else: # cpu code = code.cpu() lib.cquantize_blockwise_cpu_fp32(get_ptr(code), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), ct.c_longlong(blocksize), ct.c_longlong(A.numel())) if nested: offset = absmax.mean() absmax -= offset qabsmax, state2 = quantize_blockwise(absmax, blocksize=blocksize, nested=False) state = [qabsmax, code, blocksize, nested, offset, state2] else: state = [absmax, code, blocksize, nested, None, None] return out, state def dequantize_blockwise( A: Tensor, quant_state: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] = None, absmax: Tensor = None, code: Tensor = None, out: Tensor = None, blocksize: int = 4096, nested=False ) -> Tensor: """ Dequantizes blockwise quantized values. Dequantizes the tensor A with maximum absolute values absmax in blocks of size 4096. Parameters ---------- A : torch.Tensor The input 8-bit tensor. quant_state : tuple(torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) Tuple of code and absmax values. absmax : torch.Tensor The absmax values. code : torch.Tensor The quantization map. out : torch.Tensor Dequantized output tensor (default: float32) Returns ------- torch.Tensor: Dequantized tensor (default: float32) """ assert quant_state is not None or absmax is not None if code is None and quant_state is None: if "dynamic" not in name2qmap: name2qmap["dynamic"] = create_dynamic_map().to(A.device) code = name2qmap["dynamic"] if out is None: out = torch.zeros_like(A, dtype=torch.float32) if quant_state is None: quant_state = (absmax, code, blocksize) assert absmax is not None and out is not None else: absmax, code, blocksize, nested, offset, state2 = quant_state if nested: absmax = dequantize_blockwise(absmax, state2) absmax += offset if A.device.type != 'cpu': device = pre_call(A.device) code = code.to(A.device) if blocksize not in [2048, 4096, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64]: raise ValueError(f"The blockwise of {blocksize} is not supported. Supported values: [2048, 4096, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64]") is_on_gpu([A, absmax, out]) if out.dtype == torch.float32: lib.cdequantize_blockwise_fp32(get_ptr(code), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int(blocksize), ct.c_int(A.numel())) elif out.dtype == torch.float16: lib.cdequantize_blockwise_fp16(get_ptr(code), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int(blocksize), ct.c_int(A.numel())) else: raise ValueError(f"Blockwise quantization only supports 16/32-bit floats, but got {A.dtype}") post_call(A.device) else: code = code.cpu() lib.cdequantize_blockwise_cpu_fp32(get_ptr(quant_state[1]), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(quant_state[0]), get_ptr(out), ct.c_longlong(blocksize), ct.c_longlong(A.numel())) return out def quantize_fp4(A: Tensor, absmax: Tensor = None, out: Tensor = None, blocksize=64, compress_statistics=False): return quantize_4bit(A, absmax, out, blocksize, compress_statistics, 'fp4') def quantize_nf4(A: Tensor, absmax: Tensor = None, out: Tensor = None, blocksize=64, compress_statistics=False): return quantize_4bit(A, absmax, out, blocksize, compress_statistics, 'nf4') def quantize_4bit(A: Tensor, absmax: Tensor = None, out: Tensor = None, blocksize=64, compress_statistics=False, quant_type='fp4') -> Tensor: """ Quantize tensor A in blocks of 4-bit values. Quantizes tensor A by dividing it into blocks which are independently quantized to FP4. Parameters ---------- A : torch.Tensor The input tensor. absmax : torch.Tensor The absmax values. out : torch.Tensor The output tensor (8-bit). blocksize : int The blocksize used in quantization. quant_type : str The 4-bit quantization data type {fp4, nf4} Returns ------- torch.Tensor: The 8-bit tensor with packed 4-bit values. tuple(torch.Tensor, torch.Size, torch.dtype, int): The quantization state to undo the quantization. """ if A.device.type != 'cuda': raise NotImplementedError(f'Device type not supported for FP4 quantization: {A.device.type}') if quant_type not in ['fp4', 'nf4']: raise NotImplementedError(f'4-bit quantization data type {quant_type} is not implemented.') n = A.numel() input_shape = A.shape if absmax is None: blocks = n // blocksize blocks += 1 if n % blocksize > 0 else 0 absmax = torch.zeros((blocks,), device=A.device) if out is None: out = torch.zeros(((n+1)//2, 1), dtype=torch.uint8, device=A.device) assert blocksize in [4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64] prev_device = pre_call(A.device) is_on_gpu([A, out, absmax]) if A.dtype == torch.float32: if quant_type == 'fp4': lib.cquantize_blockwise_fp32_fp4(get_ptr(None), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int32(blocksize), ct.c_int(n)) else: lib.cquantize_blockwise_fp32_nf4(get_ptr(None), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int32(blocksize), ct.c_int(n)) elif A.dtype == torch.float16: if quant_type == 'fp4': lib.cquantize_blockwise_fp16_fp4(get_ptr(None), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int32(blocksize), ct.c_int(n)) else: lib.cquantize_blockwise_fp16_nf4(get_ptr(None), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int32(blocksize), ct.c_int(n)) else: raise ValueError(f"Blockwise quantization only supports 16/32-bit floats, but got {A.dtype}") post_call(A.device) if compress_statistics: offset = absmax.mean() absmax -= offset #code = create_custom_map().to(absmax.device) #qabsmax, state2 = quantize_blockwise(absmax, code=code, blocksize=256) qabsmax, state2 = quantize_blockwise(absmax, blocksize=256) del absmax state = [qabsmax, input_shape, A.dtype, blocksize, [offset, state2], quant_type] else: state = [absmax, input_shape, A.dtype, blocksize, None, quant_type] return out, state def dequantize_fp4(A: Tensor, quant_state: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] = None, absmax: Tensor = None, out: Tensor = None, blocksize: int = 64) -> Tensor: return dequantize_4bit(A, quant_state, absmax, out, blocksize, 'fp4') def dequantize_nf4(A: Tensor, quant_state: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] = None, absmax: Tensor = None, out: Tensor = None, blocksize: int = 64) -> Tensor: return dequantize_4bit(A, quant_state, absmax, out, blocksize, 'nf4') def dequantize_4bit(A: Tensor,quant_state: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] = None, absmax: Tensor = None, out: Tensor = None, blocksize: int = 64, quant_type='fp4') -> Tensor: """ Dequantizes FP4 blockwise quantized values. Dequantizes the tensor A with maximum absolute values absmax in blocks of size blocksize. Parameters ---------- A : torch.Tensor The input 8-bit tensor (packed 4-bit values). quant_state : tuple(torch.Tensor, torch.Size, torch.dtype) Tuple of absmax values, original tensor shape and original dtype. absmax : torch.Tensor The absmax values. out : torch.Tensor Dequantized output tensor. blocksize : int The blocksize used in quantization. quant_type : str The 4-bit quantization data type {fp4, nf4} Returns ------- torch.Tensor: Dequantized tensor. """ if blocksize not in [2048, 4096, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64]: raise ValueError(f"The blockwise of {blocksize} is not supported. Supported values: [2048, 4096, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64]") if quant_type not in ['fp4', 'nf4']: raise NotImplementedError(f'4-bit quantization data type {quant_type} is not implemented.') if quant_state is None: assert absmax is not None and out is not None shape = out.shape dtype = out.dtype else: absmax, shape, dtype, blocksize, compressed_stats, quant_type = quant_state if compressed_stats is not None: offset, state2 = compressed_stats absmax = dequantize_blockwise(absmax, state2) absmax += offset if out is None: out = torch.empty(shape, dtype=dtype, device=A.device) n = out.numel() device = pre_call(A.device) is_on_gpu([A, absmax, out]) if out.dtype == torch.float32: if quant_type == 'fp4': lib.cdequantize_blockwise_fp32_fp4(get_ptr(None), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int(blocksize), ct.c_int(n)) else: lib.cdequantize_blockwise_fp32_nf4(get_ptr(None), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int(blocksize), ct.c_int(n)) elif out.dtype == torch.float16: if quant_type == 'fp4': lib.cdequantize_blockwise_fp16_fp4(get_ptr(None), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int(blocksize), ct.c_int(n)) else: lib.cdequantize_blockwise_fp16_nf4(get_ptr(None), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(absmax), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int(blocksize), ct.c_int(n)) else: raise ValueError(f"Blockwise quantization only supports 16/32-bit floats, but got {A.dtype}") post_call(A.device) is_transposed = (True if A.shape[0] == 1 else False) if is_transposed: return out.t() else: return out def quantize(A: Tensor, code: Tensor = None, out: Tensor = None) -> Tensor: if code is None: if "dynamic" not in name2qmap: name2qmap["dynamic"] = create_dynamic_map().to(A.device) code = name2qmap["dynamic"] code = code.to(A.device) absmax = torch.abs(A).max() inp = A / absmax out = quantize_no_absmax(inp, code, out) return out, (absmax, code) def dequantize( A: Tensor, quant_state: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] = None, absmax: Tensor = None, code: Tensor = None, out: Tensor = None, ) -> Tensor: assert quant_state is not None or absmax is not None if code is None and quant_state is None: if "dynamic" not in name2qmap: name2qmap["dynamic"] = create_dynamic_map().to(A.device) code = name2qmap["dynamic"] code = code.to(A.device) if quant_state is None: quant_state = (absmax, code) out = dequantize_no_absmax(A, quant_state[1], out) return out * quant_state[0] def quantize_no_absmax(A: Tensor, code: Tensor, out: Tensor = None) -> Tensor: ''' Quantizes input tensor to 8-bit. Quantizes the 32-bit input tensor `A` to the 8-bit output tensor `out` using the quantization map `code`. Parameters ---------- A : torch.Tensor The input tensor. code : torch.Tensor The quantization map. out : torch.Tensor, optional The output tensor. Needs to be of type byte. Returns ------- torch.Tensor: Quantized 8-bit tensor. ''' prev_device = pre_call(A.device) if out is None: out = torch.zeros_like(A, dtype=torch.uint8) is_on_gpu([A, out]) lib.cquantize(get_ptr(code), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int(A.numel())) post_call(prev_device) return out def dequantize_no_absmax(A: Tensor, code: Tensor, out: Tensor = None) -> Tensor: ''' Dequantizes the 8-bit tensor to 32-bit. Dequantizes the 8-bit tensor `A` to the 32-bit tensor `out` via the quantization map `code`. Parameters ---------- A : torch.Tensor The 8-bit input tensor. code : torch.Tensor The quantization map. out : torch.Tensor The 32-bit output tensor. Returns ------- torch.Tensor: 32-bit output tensor. ''' prev_device = pre_call(A.device) if out is None: out = torch.zeros_like(A, dtype=torch.float32) is_on_gpu([code, A, out]) lib.cdequantize(get_ptr(code), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int(A.numel())) post_call(prev_device) return out def optimizer_update_32bit( optimizer_name: str, g: Tensor, p: Tensor, state1: Tensor, beta1: float, eps: float, step: int, lr: float, state2: Tensor = None, beta2: float = 0.0, weight_decay: float = 0.0, gnorm_scale: float = 1.0, unorm_vec: Tensor = None, max_unorm: float = 0.0, skip_zeros=False, ) -> None: """ Performs an inplace optimizer update with one or two optimizer states. Universal optimizer update for 32-bit state and 32/16-bit gradients/weights. Parameters ---------- optimizer_name : str The name of the optimizer: {adam}. g : torch.Tensor Gradient tensor. p : torch.Tensor Parameter tensor. state1 : torch.Tensor Optimizer state 1. beta1 : float Optimizer beta1. eps : float Optimizer epsilon. weight_decay : float Weight decay. step : int Current optimizer step. lr : float The learning rate. state2 : torch.Tensor Optimizer state 2. beta2 : float Optimizer beta2. gnorm_scale : float The factor to rescale the gradient to the max clip value. unorm_vec : torch.Tensor The tensor for the update norm. max_unorm : float The maximum update norm relative to the weight norm. skip_zeros : bool Whether to skip zero-valued gradients or not (default: False). """ param_norm = 0.0 if max_unorm > 0.0: param_norm = torch.norm(p.data.float()) optim_func = None if g.dtype == torch.float32: optim_func = str2optimizer32bit[optimizer_name][0] elif g.dtype == torch.float16: optim_func = str2optimizer32bit[optimizer_name][1] elif (g.dtype == torch.bfloat16 and len(str2optimizer32bit[optimizer_name])==3): optim_func = str2optimizer32bit[optimizer_name][2] else: raise ValueError(f"Gradient+optimizer bit data type combination not supported: grad {g.dtype}, optimizer {state1.dtype}") is_on_gpu([g, p, state1, state2, unorm_vec]) prev_device = pre_call(g.device) optim_func( get_ptr(g), get_ptr(p), get_ptr(state1), get_ptr(state2), get_ptr(unorm_vec), ct.c_float(max_unorm), ct.c_float(param_norm), ct.c_float(beta1), ct.c_float(beta2), ct.c_float(eps), ct.c_float(weight_decay), ct.c_int32(step), ct.c_float(lr), ct.c_float(gnorm_scale), ct.c_bool(skip_zeros), ct.c_int32(g.numel())) post_call(prev_device) def optimizer_update_8bit( optimizer_name: str, g: Tensor, p: Tensor, state1: Tensor, state2: Tensor, beta1: float, beta2: float, eps: float, step: int, lr: float, qmap1: Tensor, qmap2: Tensor, max1: Tensor, max2: Tensor, new_max1: Tensor, new_max2: Tensor, weight_decay: float = 0.0, gnorm_scale: float = 1.0, unorm_vec: Tensor = None, max_unorm: float = 0.0, ) -> None: """ Performs an inplace Adam update. Universal Adam update for 32/8-bit state and 32/16-bit gradients/weights. Uses AdamW formulation if weight decay > 0.0. Parameters ---------- optimizer_name : str The name of the optimizer. Choices {adam, momentum} g : torch.Tensor Gradient tensor. p : torch.Tensor Parameter tensor. state1 : torch.Tensor Adam state 1. state2 : torch.Tensor Adam state 2. beta1 : float Adam beta1. beta2 : float Adam beta2. eps : float Adam epsilon. weight_decay : float Weight decay. step : int Current optimizer step. lr : float The learning rate. qmap1 : torch.Tensor Quantization map for first Adam state. qmap2 : torch.Tensor Quantization map for second Adam state. max1 : torch.Tensor Max value for first Adam state update. max2 : torch.Tensor Max value for second Adam state update. new_max1 : torch.Tensor Max value for the next Adam update of the first state. new_max2 : torch.Tensor Max value for the next Adam update of the second state. gnorm_scale : float The factor to rescale the gradient to the max clip value. unorm_vec : torch.Tensor The tensor for the update norm. max_unorm : float The maximum update norm relative to the weight norm. """ param_norm = 0.0 if max_unorm > 0.0: param_norm = torch.norm(p.data.float()) prev_device = pre_call(g.device) is_on_gpu([g, p, state1, state2, unorm_vec, qmap1, qmap2, max1, max2, new_max1, new_max2]) if g.dtype == torch.float32 and state1.dtype == torch.uint8: str2optimizer8bit[optimizer_name][0]( get_ptr(p), get_ptr(g), get_ptr(state1), get_ptr(state2), get_ptr(unorm_vec), ct.c_float(max_unorm), ct.c_float(param_norm), ct.c_float(beta1), ct.c_float(beta2), ct.c_float(eps), ct.c_int32(step), ct.c_float(lr), get_ptr(qmap1), get_ptr(qmap2), get_ptr(max1), get_ptr(max2), get_ptr(new_max1), get_ptr(new_max2), ct.c_float(weight_decay), ct.c_float(gnorm_scale), ct.c_int32(g.numel()), ) elif g.dtype == torch.float16 and state1.dtype == torch.uint8: str2optimizer8bit[optimizer_name][1]( get_ptr(p), get_ptr(g), get_ptr(state1), get_ptr(state2), get_ptr(unorm_vec), ct.c_float(max_unorm), ct.c_float(param_norm), ct.c_float(beta1), ct.c_float(beta2), ct.c_float(eps), ct.c_int32(step), ct.c_float(lr), get_ptr(qmap1), get_ptr(qmap2), get_ptr(max1), get_ptr(max2), get_ptr(new_max1), get_ptr(new_max2), ct.c_float(weight_decay), ct.c_float(gnorm_scale), ct.c_int32(g.numel()), ) else: raise ValueError( f"Gradient+optimizer bit data type combination not supported: grad {g.dtype}, optimizer {state1.dtype}" ) post_call(prev_device) def optimizer_update_8bit_blockwise( optimizer_name: str, g: Tensor, p: Tensor, state1: Tensor, state2: Tensor, beta1: float, beta2: float, eps: float, step: int, lr: float, qmap1: Tensor, qmap2: Tensor, absmax1: Tensor, absmax2: Tensor, weight_decay: float = 0.0, gnorm_scale: float = 1.0, skip_zeros=False, ) -> None: optim_func = None prev_device = pre_call(g.device) is_on_gpu([g, p, state1, state2, qmap1, qmap2, absmax1, absmax2]) if g.dtype == torch.float32 and state1.dtype == torch.uint8: optim_func = str2optimizer8bit_blockwise[optimizer_name][0] elif g.dtype == torch.float16 and state1.dtype == torch.uint8: optim_func = str2optimizer8bit_blockwise[optimizer_name][1] elif (g.dtype == torch.bfloat16 and state1.dtype == torch.uint8 and len(str2optimizer8bit_blockwise[optimizer_name])==3): optim_func = str2optimizer8bit_blockwise[optimizer_name][2] else: raise ValueError( f"Gradient+optimizer bit data type combination not supported: grad {g.dtype}, optimizer {state1.dtype}" ) post_call(prev_device) is_on_gpu([p, g, state1, state2, qmap1, qmap2, absmax1, absmax2]) prev_device = pre_call(g.device) optim_func( get_ptr(p), get_ptr(g), get_ptr(state1), get_ptr(state2), ct.c_float(beta1), ct.c_float(beta2), ct.c_float(eps), ct.c_int32(step), ct.c_float(lr), get_ptr(qmap1), get_ptr(qmap2), get_ptr(absmax1), get_ptr(absmax2), ct.c_float(weight_decay), ct.c_float(gnorm_scale), ct.c_bool(skip_zeros), ct.c_int32(g.numel()), ) post_call(prev_device) def percentile_clipping( grad: Tensor, gnorm_vec: Tensor, step: int, percentile: int = 5 ): """Applies percentile clipping grad: torch.Tensor The gradient tensor. gnorm_vec: torch.Tensor Vector of gradient norms. 100 elements expected. step: int The current optimiation steps (number of past gradient norms). """ prev_device = pre_call(grad.device) is_on_gpu([grad, gnorm_vec]) if grad.dtype == torch.float32: lib.cpercentile_clipping_g32( get_ptr(grad), get_ptr(gnorm_vec), ct.c_int32(step), ct.c_int32(grad.numel()), ) elif grad.dtype == torch.float16: lib.cpercentile_clipping_g16( get_ptr(grad), get_ptr(gnorm_vec), ct.c_int32(step), ct.c_int32(grad.numel()), ) else: raise ValueError(f"Gradient type {grad.dtype} not supported!") post_call(prev_device) current_gnorm = torch.sqrt(gnorm_vec[step % 100]) vals, idx = torch.sort(gnorm_vec) clip_value = torch.sqrt(vals[percentile]) gnorm_scale = 1.0 if current_gnorm > clip_value: gnorm_scale = clip_value / current_gnorm return current_gnorm, clip_value, gnorm_scale def histogram_scatter_add_2d( histogram: Tensor, index1: Tensor, index2: Tensor, source: Tensor ): assert len(histogram.shape) == 2 assert histogram.dtype == torch.float32 assert source.dtype == torch.float32 assert index1.dtype == torch.int32 assert index2.dtype == torch.int32 assert histogram.device.type == "cuda" assert index1.device.type == "cuda" assert index2.device.type == "cuda" assert source.device.type == "cuda" maxdim1 = ct.c_int32(histogram.shape[0]) n = ct.c_int32(index1.numel()) is_on_gpu([histogram, index1, index2, source]) lib.chistogram_scatter_add_2d(get_ptr(histogram), get_ptr(index1), get_ptr(index2), get_ptr(source), maxdim1, n) def check_matmul(A, B, out, transposed_A, transposed_B, expected_type=torch.int8): if not torch.cuda.is_initialized(): torch.cuda.init() if A.dtype != expected_type or B.dtype != expected_type: raise TypeError( f"Expected torch.int8 input tensors A and B, but got {A.dtype} and {B.dtype}" ) sA = A.shape sB = B.shape tA = transposed_A tB = transposed_B correct = True if len(sA) == 2 and len(sB) == 2: if not tA and not tB and A.shape[1] != B.shape[0]: correct = False elif tA and not tB and A.shape[0] != B.shape[0]: correct = False elif tA and tB and A.shape[0] != B.shape[1]: correct = False elif not tA and tB and A.shape[1] != B.shape[1]: correct = False elif len(sA) == 3 and len(sB) == 2: if not tA and not tB and A.shape[2] != B.shape[0]: correct = False elif tA and not tB and A.shape[1] != B.shape[0]: correct = False elif tA and tB and A.shape[1] != B.shape[1]: correct = False elif not tA and tB and A.shape[2] != B.shape[1]: correct = False elif len(sA) == 3 and len(sB) == 3: if not tA and not tB and A.shape[2] != B.shape[1]: correct = False elif tA and not tB and A.shape[1] != B.shape[1]: correct = False elif tA and tB and A.shape[1] != B.shape[2]: correct = False elif not tA and tB and A.shape[2] != B.shape[2]: correct = False if out is not None: sout = out.shape # special case common in backprop if not correct and len(sA) == 3 and len(sB) == 3: if ( sout[0] == sA[2] and sout[1] == sB[2] and sA[0] == sB[0] and sA[1] == sB[1] ): correct = True else: if len(sA) == 2 and len(sB) == 2: if not tA and not tB: sout = (sA[0], sB[1]) elif tA and tB: sout = (sA[1], sB[0]) elif tA and not tB: sout = (sA[1], sB[1]) elif not tA and tB: sout = (sA[0], sB[0]) elif len(sA) == 3 and len(sB) == 2: if not tA and not tB: sout = (sA[0], sA[1], sB[1]) elif tA and tB: sout = (sA[0], sA[2], sB[0]) elif tA and not tB: sout = (sA[0], sA[2], sB[1]) elif not tA and tB: sout = (sA[0], sA[1], sB[0]) elif len(sA) == 3 and len(sB) == 3: if not tA and not tB: sout = (sA[0], sA[1], sB[2]) elif tA and tB: sout = (sA[0], sA[2], sB[1]) elif tA and not tB: sout = (sA[0], sA[2], sB[2]) elif not tA and tB: sout = (sA[0], sA[1], sB[1]) if not correct: raise ValueError( f"Tensor dimensions incorrect for matrix mulitiplication: A x B: {sA} x {sB} with transpose for A x B: {tA} x {tB}." ) return sout def cutlass3_gemm( A: Tensor, B: Tensor, out: Tensor = None, transposed_A=False, transposed_B=False, state=None ): #sout = check_matmul(A, B, out, transposed_A, transposed_B, expected_type=A.dtype) if state is None: Bshape = B.shape bout = Bshape[1] else: Bshape = state[1] bout = Bshape[0] if out is None: out = torch.zeros(size=(A.shape[0], bout), dtype=A.dtype, device=A.device) sA = A.shape sB = B.shape if transposed_A and len(sA) == 2: sA = (sA[1], sA[0]) elif transposed_A and len(sA) == 3: sA = (sA[0], sA[2], sA[0]) if transposed_B and len(sB) == 2: sB = (sB[1], sB[0]) elif transposed_B and len(sB) == 3: sB = (sB[0], sB[2], sB[0]) # this is a mess: cuBLAS expect column major, but PyTorch is row major. # So to perform the matrix multiplication, we have to treat A, B, and C matrices # (transpose of row major is column major) # This means we compute B^T A^T = C^T and we explicitly switch the dimensions of each of these # matrices in the input arguments for cuBLAS # column major: A @ B = C: [m, k] @ [k, n] = [m, n] # row major: B^T @ A^T = C^T: [m, k] @ [k, n] = [m, n] # column major with row major layout: B^T @ A^T = C^T: [k, m] @ [n, k] = [n, m] if len(sB) == 2: if B.stride()[0] == B.shape[1]: transposed_B = False elif B.stride()[1] == B.shape[0]: transposed_B = True if len(A.shape) == 2: if A.stride()[0] == A.shape[1]: transposed_A = False elif A.stride()[1] == A.shape[0]: transposed_A = True else: if A.stride()[1] == A.shape[2]: transposed_A = False elif A.stride()[2] == A.shape[1]: transposed_A = True if len(sA) == 2: n = sA[0] ldb = A.stride()[1 if transposed_A else 0] elif len(sA) == 3 and len(sB) == 2: n = sA[0] * sA[1] ldb = sA[2] m = sB[1] k = sB[0] lda = B.stride()[0] ldc = sB[1] elif len(sB) == 3: # special case assert len(sA) == 3 if not (sA[0] == sB[0] and sA[1] == sB[1]): raise ValueError( f"Only bsi,bso->io supported for tensor contractions, but dims for A x B were: {sA} x {sB}" ) transposed_A = True transposed_B = False m = sB[2] n = sA[2] k = sB[0] * sB[1] lda = n ldb = sA[2] ldc = m ptr = CUBLAS_Context.get_instance().get_context(A.device) # B^T @ A^T = C^T # [km, nk -> mn] #lda = ldb = ldc = 1 #lda = 1 if state is not None: m = Bshape[0] k = Bshape[1] lda = Bshape[0] ldc = Bshape[0] ldb = (ldb+1)//2 #print(m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldc) is_on_gpu([B, A, out]) m = ct.c_int32(m) n = ct.c_int32(n) k = ct.c_int32(k) lda = ct.c_int32(lda) ldb = ct.c_int32(ldb) ldc = ct.c_int32(ldc) if B.dtype == torch.uint8: lib.cgemm_4bit_inference(m, n, k, get_ptr(A), get_ptr(B), get_ptr(state[0]), get_ptr(out), lda, ldb, ldc, ct.c_int32(state[3])) elif A.dtype == torch.float32: lib.cgemm_host_fp32(m, n, k, get_ptr(A), get_ptr(B), get_ptr(out), lda, ldb, ldc) elif A.dtype == torch.float16: lib.cgemm_host_fp16(m, n, k, get_ptr(A), get_ptr(B), get_ptr(out), lda, ldb, ldc) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Matmul not implemented for data type {A.dtype}') return out def igemm( A: Tensor, B: Tensor, out: Tensor = None, transposed_A=False, transposed_B=False, ): sout = check_matmul(A, B, out, transposed_A, transposed_B) if out is None: out = torch.zeros(size=sout, dtype=torch.int32, device=A.device) if len(A.shape) == 3 and len(B.shape) == 3: if A.shape[0] == B.shape[0] and A.shape[2] == B.shape[1]: return batched_igemm(A, B, out) sA = A.shape sB = B.shape if transposed_A and len(sA) == 2: sA = (sA[1], sA[0]) elif transposed_A and len(sA) == 3: sA = (sA[0], sA[2], sA[0]) if transposed_B and len(sB) == 2: sB = (sB[1], sB[0]) elif transposed_B and len(sB) == 3: sB = (sB[0], sB[2], sB[0]) # this is a mess: cuBLAS expect column major, but PyTorch is row major. # So to perform the matrix multiplication, we have to treat A, B, and C matrices # (transpose of row major is column major) # This means we compute B^T A^T = C^T and we explicitly switch the dimensions of each of these # matrices in the input arguments for cuBLAS # column major: A @ B = C: [m, k] @ [k, n] = [m, n] # row major: B^T @ A^T = C^T: [m, k] @ [k, n] = [m, n] # column major with row major layout: B^T @ A^T = C^T: [k, m] @ [n, k] = [n, m] if len(sB) == 2: if B.stride()[0] == B.shape[1]: transposed_B = False elif B.stride()[1] == B.shape[0]: transposed_B = True if len(A.shape) == 2: if A.stride()[0] == A.shape[1]: transposed_A = False elif A.stride()[1] == A.shape[0]: transposed_A = True else: if A.stride()[1] == A.shape[2]: transposed_A = False elif A.stride()[2] == A.shape[1]: transposed_A = True if len(sA) == 2: n = sA[0] ldb = A.stride()[1 if transposed_A else 0] elif len(sA) == 3 and len(sB) == 2: n = sA[0] * sA[1] ldb = sA[2] m = sB[1] k = sB[0] lda = B.stride()[(1 if transposed_B else 0)] ldc = sB[1] elif len(sB) == 3: # special case assert len(sA) == 3 if not (sA[0] == sB[0] and sA[1] == sB[1]): raise ValueError( f"Only bsi,bso->io supported for tensor contractions, but dims for A x B were: {sA} x {sB}" ) transposed_A = True transposed_B = False m = sB[2] n = sA[2] k = sB[0] * sB[1] lda = m ldb = sA[2] ldc = m ptr = CUBLAS_Context.get_instance().get_context(A.device) # B^T @ A^T = C^T # [km, nk -> mn] is_on_gpu([B, A, out]) lib.cigemm(ptr, ct.c_bool(transposed_B), ct.c_bool(transposed_A), ct.c_int32(m), ct.c_int32(n), ct.c_int32(k), get_ptr(B), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int32(lda), ct.c_int32(ldb), ct.c_int32(ldc)) return out def batched_igemm( A: Tensor, B: Tensor, out: Tensor = None, transposed_A=False, transposed_B=False, ): if not len(A.shape) == 3 or not len(B.shape) == 3: raise ValueError( f"Expected 3-dimensional tensors for bmm, but got shapes A and B: {A.shape} and {B.shape}" ) sout = check_matmul(A, B, out, transposed_A, transposed_B) if out is None: out = torch.zeros(size=sout, dtype=torch.int32, device=A.device) if B.is_contiguous(): lda = B.stride()[1] transposed_A = False else: s = B.stride() if s[0] != B.shape[0]: B = B.contiguous() lda = B.stride()[1] elif s[2] == B.shape[1]: transposed_A = True lda = B.stride()[2] else: if s[2] == 1: B = B.contiguous() lda = B.stride()[1] elif s[1] == 1: B = B.contiguous() lda = B.stride()[1] else: B = B.contiguous() lda = B.stride()[1] if A.is_contiguous(): ldb = A.stride()[1] transposed_B = False else: s = A.stride() if s[0] != A.shape[0]: A = A.contiguous() ldb = A.stride()[1] transposed_B = False elif s[2] == A.shape[1]: ldb = A.stride()[2] transposed_B = True else: A = A.contiguous() ldb = A.stride()[1] transposed_B = False # this is a mess: cuBLAS expect column major, but PyTorch is row major. # So to perform the matrix multiplication, we have to treat A, B, and C matrices # (transpose of row major is column major) # This means we compute B^T A^T = C^T and we explicitly switch the dimensions of each of these # matrices in the input arguments for cuBLAS # column major: A @ B = C: [batch, m, k] @ [batch, k, n] = [batch, m, n] # row major: B^T @ A^T = C^T: [batch, m, k] @ [batch, k, n] = [batch, m, n] # column major with row major layout: B^T @ A^T = C^T: [batch, k, m] @ [batch, n, k] = [batch, n, m] num_batch = A.shape[0] n = A.shape[1] m = B.shape[2] k = B.shape[1] ldc = m strideA = B.shape[1] * B.shape[2] strideB = A.shape[1] * A.shape[2] strideC = A.shape[1] * B.shape[2] ptr = CUBLAS_Context.get_instance().get_context(A.device) is_on_gpu([B, A, out]) lib.cbatched_igemm(ptr, ct.c_bool(transposed_B), ct.c_bool(transposed_A), ct.c_int32(m), ct.c_int32(n), ct.c_int32(k), get_ptr(B), get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), ct.c_int32(lda), ct.c_int32(ldb), ct.c_int32(ldc), ct.c_long(strideA), ct.c_long(strideB), ct.c_long(strideC), ct.c_uint32(num_batch)) return out def igemmlt(A, B, SA, SB, out=None, Sout=None, dtype=torch.int32): shapeA = SA[0] shapeB = SB[0] dimsA = len(shapeA) dimsB = len(shapeB) assert dimsB == 2, 'Only two dimensional matrices are supported for argument B' if dimsA == 2: m = shapeA[0] elif dimsA == 3: m = shapeA[0] * shapeA[1] rows = n = shapeB[0] assert prod(list(shapeA)) > 0, f'Input tensor dimensions need to be > 0: {shapeA}' # if the tensor is empty, return a transformed empty tensor with the right dimensions if shapeA[0] == 0 and dimsA == 2: return torch.empty((0, shapeB[0]), device=A.device, dtype=torch.float16) elif shapeA[1] == 0 and dimsA == 3: return torch.empty(tuple(shapeA[:2] + [shapeB[0]]), device=A.device, dtype=torch.float16) if dimsA == 2 and out is None: out, Sout = get_transform_buffer( (shapeA[0], shapeB[0]), dtype, A.device, "col32", "row" ) elif dimsA == 3 and out is None: out, Sout = get_transform_buffer( (shapeA[0], shapeA[1], shapeB[0]), dtype, A.device, "col32", "row" ) assert dimsB != 3, "len(B.shape)==3 not supported" assert A.device.type == "cuda" assert B.device.type == "cuda" assert A.dtype == torch.int8 assert B.dtype == torch.int8 assert out.dtype == dtype assert SA[1] == "col32" assert SB[1] in ["col_turing", "col_ampere"] assert Sout[1] == "col32" assert ( shapeA[-1] == shapeB[-1] ), f"Matmullt only supports A @ B^T. Inner matrix dimensions do not match: A @ B = {shapeA} @ {shapeB}" formatB = SB[1] prev_device = A.device torch.cuda.set_device(A.device) ptr = CUBLAS_Context.get_instance().get_context(A.device) ptrA = get_ptr(A) ptrB = get_ptr(B) ptrC = get_ptr(out) k = shapeA[-1] lda = ct.c_int32(m * 32) if formatB == "col_turing": # turing: tiles with rows filled up to multiple of 8 rows by 32 columns # n = rows ldb = ct.c_int32(((rows + 7) // 8) * 8 * 32) else: # ampere: tiles with rows filled up to multiple of 32 rows by 32 columns # n = rows ldb = ct.c_int32(((rows + 31) // 32) * 32 * 32) ldc = ct.c_int32(m * 32) m = ct.c_int32(m) n = ct.c_int32(n) k = ct.c_int32(k) has_error = 0 ptrRowScale = get_ptr(None) is_on_gpu([A, B, out]) if formatB == 'col_turing': if dtype == torch.int32: has_error = lib.cigemmlt_turing_32( ptr, m, n, k, ptrA, ptrB, ptrC, ptrRowScale, lda, ldb, ldc ) else: has_error = lib.cigemmlt_turing_8( ptr, m, n, k, ptrA, ptrB, ptrC, ptrRowScale, lda, ldb, ldc ) elif formatB == "col_ampere": if dtype == torch.int32: has_error = lib.cigemmlt_ampere_32( ptr, m, n, k, ptrA, ptrB, ptrC, ptrRowScale, lda, ldb, ldc ) else: has_error = lib.cigemmlt_ampere_8( ptr, m, n, k, ptrA, ptrB, ptrC, ptrRowScale, lda, ldb, ldc ) if has_error == 1: print(f'A: {shapeA}, B: {shapeB}, C: {Sout[0]}; (lda, ldb, ldc): {(lda, ldb, ldc)}; (m, n, k): {(m, n, k)}') raise Exception('cublasLt ran into an error!') torch.cuda.set_device(prev_device) return out, Sout def mm_dequant( A, quant_state, row_stats, col_stats, out=None, new_row_stats=None, new_col_stats=None, bias=None ): assert A.dtype == torch.int32 if bias is not None: assert bias.dtype == torch.float16 out_shape = quant_state[0] if len(out_shape) == 3: out_shape = (out_shape[0] * out_shape[1], out_shape[2]) if out is None: out = torch.empty(out_shape, dtype=torch.float16, device=A.device) if new_row_stats is None: new_row_stats = torch.empty( out_shape[0], dtype=torch.float32, device=A.device ) if new_col_stats is None: new_col_stats = torch.empty( out_shape[1], dtype=torch.float32, device=A.device ) assert ( new_row_stats.shape[0] == row_stats.shape[0] ), f"{new_row_stats.shape} vs {row_stats.shape}" assert ( new_col_stats.shape[0] == col_stats.shape[0] ), f"{new_col_stats.shape} vs {col_stats.shape}" prev_device = pre_call(A.device) ptrA = get_ptr(A) ptrOut = get_ptr(out) ptrRowStats = get_ptr(row_stats) ptrColStats = get_ptr(col_stats) ptrNewRowStats = get_ptr(new_row_stats) ptrNewColStats = get_ptr(new_col_stats) ptrBias = get_ptr(bias) numRows = ct.c_int32(out_shape[0]) numCols = ct.c_int32(out_shape[1]) is_on_gpu([A, row_stats, col_stats, out, new_row_stats, new_col_stats, bias]) lib.cdequant_mm_int32_fp16(ptrA, ptrRowStats, ptrColStats, ptrOut, ptrNewRowStats, ptrNewColStats, ptrBias, numRows, numCols) post_call(prev_device) return out def get_colrow_absmax( A, row_stats=None, col_stats=None, nnz_block_ptr=None, threshold=0.0 ): assert A.dtype == torch.float16 device = A.device cols = A.shape[-1] if len(A.shape) == 3: rows = A.shape[0] * A.shape[1] else: rows = A.shape[0] col_tiles = (cols + 255) // 256 tiled_rows = ((rows + 15) // 16) * 16 if row_stats is None: row_stats = torch.empty( (rows,), dtype=torch.float32, device=device ).fill_(-50000.0) if col_stats is None: col_stats = torch.empty( (cols,), dtype=torch.float32, device=device ).fill_(-50000.0) if nnz_block_ptr is None and threshold > 0.0: nnz_block_ptr = torch.zeros( ((tiled_rows * col_tiles) + 1,), dtype=torch.int32, device=device ) ptrA = get_ptr(A) ptrRowStats = get_ptr(row_stats) ptrColStats = get_ptr(col_stats) ptrNnzrows = get_ptr(nnz_block_ptr) rows = ct.c_int32(rows) cols = ct.c_int32(cols) prev_device = pre_call(A.device) is_on_gpu([A, row_stats, col_stats, nnz_block_ptr]) lib.cget_col_row_stats(ptrA, ptrRowStats, ptrColStats, ptrNnzrows, ct.c_float(threshold), rows, cols) post_call(prev_device) if threshold > 0.0: nnz_block_ptr.cumsum_(0) return row_stats, col_stats, nnz_block_ptr class COOSparseTensor: def __init__(self, rows, cols, nnz, rowidx, colidx, values): assert rowidx.dtype == torch.int32 assert colidx.dtype == torch.int32 assert values.dtype == torch.float16 assert values.numel() == nnz assert rowidx.numel() == nnz assert colidx.numel() == nnz self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self.nnz = nnz self.rowidx = rowidx self.colidx = colidx self.values = values class CSRSparseTensor: def __init__(self, rows, cols, nnz, rowptr, colidx, values): assert rowptr.dtype == torch.int32 assert colidx.dtype == torch.int32 assert values.dtype == torch.float16 assert values.numel() == nnz assert colidx.numel() == nnz assert rowptr.numel() == rows + 1 self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self.nnz = nnz self.rowptr = rowptr self.colidx = colidx self.values = values class CSCSparseTensor: def __init__(self, rows, cols, nnz, colptr, rowidx, values): assert colptr.dtype == torch.int32 assert rowidx.dtype == torch.int32 assert values.dtype == torch.float16 assert values.numel() == nnz assert rowidx.numel() == nnz assert colptr.numel() == cols + 1 self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self.nnz = nnz self.colptr = colptr self.rowidx = rowidx self.values = values def coo2csr(cooA): values, counts = torch.unique(cooA.rowidx, return_counts=True) values.add_(1) rowptr = torch.zeros( (cooA.rows + 1,), dtype=torch.int32, device=cooA.rowidx.device ) rowptr.scatter_(index=values.long(), src=counts.int(), dim=0) rowptr.cumsum_(0) return CSRSparseTensor( cooA.rows, cooA.cols, cooA.nnz, rowptr, cooA.colidx, cooA.values ) def coo2csc(cooA): val, col2rowidx = torch.sort(cooA.colidx) rowidx = cooA.rowidx[col2rowidx] values = cooA.values[col2rowidx] colvalues, counts = torch.unique(val, return_counts=True) colvalues.add_(1) colptr = torch.zeros( (cooA.cols + 1,), dtype=torch.int32, device=cooA.colidx.device ) colptr.scatter_(index=colvalues.long(), src=counts.int(), dim=0) colptr.cumsum_(0) return CSCSparseTensor( cooA.rows, cooA.cols, cooA.nnz, colptr, rowidx, values ) def coo_zeros(rows, cols, nnz, device, dtype=torch.half): rowidx = torch.zeros((nnz,), dtype=torch.int32, device=device) colidx = torch.zeros((nnz,), dtype=torch.int32, device=device) values = torch.zeros((nnz,), dtype=dtype, device=device) return COOSparseTensor(rows, cols, nnz, rowidx, colidx, values) def double_quant( A, col_stats=None, row_stats=None, out_col=None, out_row=None, threshold=0.0 ): device = A.device assert A.dtype == torch.half assert device.type == "cuda" prev_device = pre_call(A.device) cols = A.shape[-1] if len(A.shape) == 3: rows = A.shape[0] * A.shape[1] else: rows = A.shape[0] if row_stats is None or col_stats is None: row_stats, col_stats, nnz_row_ptr = get_colrow_absmax( A, threshold=threshold ) if out_col is None: out_col = torch.zeros(A.shape, device=device, dtype=torch.int8) if out_row is None: out_row = torch.zeros(A.shape, device=device, dtype=torch.int8) coo_tensor = None ptrA = get_ptr(A) ptrColStats = get_ptr(col_stats) ptrRowStats = get_ptr(row_stats) ptrOutCol = get_ptr(out_col) ptrOutRow = get_ptr(out_row) is_on_gpu([A, col_stats, row_stats, out_col, out_row]) if threshold > 0.0: nnz = nnz_row_ptr[-1].item() if nnz > 0: coo_tensor = coo_zeros( A.shape[0], A.shape[1], nnz_row_ptr[-1].item(), device ) ptrRowIdx = get_ptr(coo_tensor.rowidx) ptrColIdx = get_ptr(coo_tensor.colidx) ptrVal = get_ptr(coo_tensor.values) ptrRowPtr = get_ptr(nnz_row_ptr) lib.cdouble_rowcol_quant( ptrA, ptrRowStats, ptrColStats, ptrOutCol, ptrOutRow, ptrRowIdx, ptrColIdx, ptrVal, ptrRowPtr, ct.c_float(threshold), ct.c_int32(rows), ct.c_int32(cols), ) val, idx = torch.sort(coo_tensor.rowidx) coo_tensor.rowidx = val coo_tensor.colidx = coo_tensor.colidx[idx] coo_tensor.values = coo_tensor.values[idx] else: lib.cdouble_rowcol_quant( ptrA, ptrRowStats, ptrColStats, ptrOutCol, ptrOutRow, None, None, None, None, ct.c_float(0.0), ct.c_int32(rows), ct.c_int32(cols), ) else: lib.cdouble_rowcol_quant( ptrA, ptrRowStats, ptrColStats, ptrOutCol, ptrOutRow, None, None, None, None, ct.c_float(threshold), ct.c_int32(rows), ct.c_int32(cols), ) post_call(prev_device) return out_row, out_col, row_stats, col_stats, coo_tensor def transform(A, to_order, from_order='row', out=None, transpose=False, state=None, ld=None): prev_device = pre_call(A.device) if state is None: state = (A.shape, from_order) else: from_order = state[1] if out is None: out, new_state = get_transform_buffer(state[0], A.dtype, A.device, to_order, state[1], transpose) else: new_state = (state[0], to_order) # (shape, order) shape = state[0] if len(shape) == 2: dim1 = ct.c_int32(shape[0]) dim2 = ct.c_int32(shape[1]) else: dim1 = ct.c_int32(shape[0] * shape[1]) dim2 = ct.c_int32(shape[2]) is_on_gpu([A, out]) if to_order == 'col32': if transpose: lib.ctransform_row2col32T(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), dim1, dim2) else: lib.ctransform_row2col32(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), dim1, dim2) elif to_order == "col_turing": if transpose: lib.ctransform_row2turingT(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), dim1, dim2) else: lib.ctransform_row2turing(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), dim1, dim2) elif to_order == "col_ampere": if transpose: lib.ctransform_row2ampereT(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), dim1, dim2) else: lib.ctransform_row2ampere(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), dim1, dim2) elif to_order == "row": if from_order == "col_turing": lib.ctransform_turing2row(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), dim1, dim2) elif from_order == "col_ampere": lib.ctransform_ampere2row(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), dim1, dim2) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Transform function not implemented: From {from_order} to {to_order}') post_call(prev_device) return out, new_state def spmm_coo(cooA, B, out=None): if out is None: out = torch.empty( (cooA.rows, B.shape[1]), device=B.device, dtype=B.dtype ) nnz = cooA.nnz assert cooA.rowidx.numel() == nnz assert cooA.colidx.numel() == nnz assert cooA.values.numel() == nnz assert cooA.cols == B.shape[0] transposed_B = False if B.is_contiguous() else True ldb = B.stride()[(1 if transposed_B else 0)] ldc = B.shape[1] ptr = Cusparse_Context.get_instance().context ptrRowidx = get_ptr(cooA.rowidx) ptrColidx = get_ptr(cooA.colidx) ptrValues = get_ptr(cooA.values) ptrB = get_ptr(B) ptrC = get_ptr(out) cnnz = ct.c_int32(cooA.nnz) crowsA = ct.c_int32(cooA.rows) ccolsA = ct.c_int32(cooA.cols) ccolsB = ct.c_int32(B.shape[1]) cldb = ct.c_int32(ldb) cldc = ct.c_int32(ldc) is_on_gpu([cooA.rowidx, cooA.colidx, cooA.values, B, out]) lib.cspmm_coo(ptr, ptrRowidx, ptrColidx, ptrValues, cnnz, crowsA, ccolsA, ccolsB, cldb, ptrB, cldc, ptrC, ct.c_bool(transposed_B)) return out def spmm_coo_very_sparse(cooA, B, dequant_stats=None, out=None): if out is None: out = torch.zeros( (cooA.rows, B.shape[1]), device=B.device, dtype=cooA.values.dtype ) nnz = cooA.nnz prev_device = pre_call(B.device) assert cooA.rowidx.numel() == nnz assert cooA.colidx.numel() == nnz assert cooA.values.numel() == nnz assert cooA.cols == B.shape[0], f"{cooA.cols} vs {B.shape}" transposed_B = False if B.is_contiguous() else True ldb = B.stride()[(1 if transposed_B else 0)] ldc = B.shape[1] values, counts = torch.unique(cooA.rowidx, return_counts=True) offset = counts.cumsum(0).int() max_count, max_idx = torch.sort(counts, descending=True) max_idx = max_idx.int() max_count = max_count.int() assert ( max_count[0] <= 32 ), f"Current max count per row is 8 but found {max_count[0]}." assert B.dtype in [torch.float16, torch.int8] ptrOffset = get_ptr(offset) ptrMaxCount = get_ptr(max_count) ptrMaxIdx = get_ptr(max_idx) ptrRowidx = get_ptr(cooA.rowidx) ptrColidx = get_ptr(cooA.colidx) ptrValues = get_ptr(cooA.values) ptrB = get_ptr(B) ptrC = get_ptr(out) ptrDequantStats = get_ptr(dequant_stats) cnnz_rows = ct.c_int32(counts.numel()) cnnz = ct.c_int32(cooA.nnz) crowsA = ct.c_int32(cooA.rows) ccolsA = ct.c_int32(cooA.cols) crowsB = ct.c_int32(B.shape[1]) ccolsB = ct.c_int32(B.shape[1]) cldb = ct.c_int32(ldb) cldc = ct.c_int32(ldc) is_on_gpu([cooA.rowidx, cooA.colidx, cooA.values, B, out, dequant_stats]) if B.dtype == torch.float16: lib.cspmm_coo_very_sparse_naive_fp16( ptrMaxCount, ptrMaxIdx, ptrOffset, ptrRowidx, ptrColidx, ptrValues, ptrB, ptrC, ptrDequantStats, cnnz_rows, cnnz, crowsA, crowsB, ccolsB, ) elif B.dtype == torch.int8: lib.cspmm_coo_very_sparse_naive_int8( ptrMaxCount, ptrMaxIdx, ptrOffset, ptrRowidx, ptrColidx, ptrValues, ptrB, ptrC, ptrDequantStats, cnnz_rows, cnnz, crowsA, crowsB, ccolsB, ) # else: assertion error post_call(prev_device) return out C = 127.0 def vectorwise_quant(x, dim=1, quant_type="vector"): if quant_type == "linear": max1 = torch.abs(x).max().float() xq = torch.round(x / max1 * 127).to(torch.int8) return xq, max1 elif quant_type in ["vector", "row"]: max1 = torch.amax(torch.abs(x), dim=dim, keepdim=True) xq = torch.round(x * (C / max1)).to(torch.int8) return xq, max1 elif quant_type == "zeropoint": dtype = x.dtype x = x.float() dyna = x.max() - x.min() if dyna == 0: dyna = 1 qx = 255.0 / dyna minx = x.min() zpx = torch.round(minx * qx) x = torch.round(qx * x - zpx) + zpx return x, qx elif quant_type in ["vector-zeropoint", "row-zeropoint"]: dtype = x.dtype x = x.float() dyna = torch.amax(x, dim=dim, keepdim=True) - torch.amin( x, dim=dim, keepdim=True ) dyna[dyna == 0] = 1 qx = 255.0 / dyna minx = torch.amin(x, dim=dim, keepdim=True) zpx = torch.round(minx * qx) x = torch.round(qx * x - zpx) + zpx return x, qx elif quant_type == "truncated-vector": with torch.no_grad(): absx = torch.abs(x) max1 = torch.amax(absx, dim=dim, keepdim=True) max1 = max1 * 0.7 idx = absx > max1.expand_as(absx) sign = torch.sign(x[idx]) x[idx] = max1.expand_as(absx)[idx] * sign xq = torch.round(x / max1 * C).to(torch.int8) return xq, max1 else: return None def vectorwise_dequant(xq, max1, quant_type="vector"): if quant_type == "vector": x = (xq / C * max1).to(torch.float32) return x else: return None def vectorwise_mm_dequant(xq, S1, S2, dtype=torch.half, quant_type="vector"): if quant_type == "linear": norm = S1 * S2 / (C * C) # double cast needed to prevent overflows return (xq.float() * norm).to(dtype) elif quant_type == "zeropoint": norm = 1.0 / (S1 * S2) return (xq.float() * norm).to(dtype) elif quant_type == "row-zeropoint": norm = 1.0 / (S1 * S2) x = xq.float() if len(S1.shape) == 3 and len(x.shape) == 2: S1 = S1.squeeze(0) if len(S2.shape) == 3 and len(x.shape) == 2: S2 = S2.squeeze(0) if len(S1.shape) == 2: x *= norm else: x *= norm return x.to(dtype) elif quant_type == "vector-zeropoint": x = xq.float() if len(S1.shape) == 3 and len(x.shape) == 2: S1 = S1.squeeze(0) if len(S2.shape) == 3 and len(x.shape) == 2: S2 = S2.squeeze(0) if len(S1.shape) == 2: x *= 1.0 / S1 else: x *= 1.0 / S1 x *= 1.0 / S2.t() return x.to(dtype) elif quant_type == "row": x = xq.float() if len(S1.shape) == 3 and len(x.shape) == 2: S1 = S1.squeeze(0) if len(S2.shape) == 3 and len(x.shape) == 2: S2 = S2.squeeze(0) if len(S1.shape) == 2: x *= S1 * S2 / (C * C) else: x *= S1 * S2 / (C * C) return x.to(dtype) elif quant_type in ["truncated-vector", "vector"]: x = xq.float() if len(S1.shape) == 3 and len(x.shape) == 2: S1 = S1.squeeze(0) if len(S2.shape) == 3 and len(x.shape) == 2: S2 = S2.squeeze(0) if len(S1.shape) == 2: x *= S1 / C else: x *= S1 / C x *= S2 / C return x.to(dtype) else: return None def dequant_min_max(xq, A, B, SA, SB, dtype=torch.half): offset = B.float().t().sum(0) * (SA[0] + SA[1]) x = xq.float() if len(xq.shape) == 2 and len(SB.shape) == 3: SB = SB.squeeze(0) if len(SB.shape) == 2: x *= SB.t() / 127 else: x *= SB / 127 x *= SA[1] / 127 x += offset return x.to(dtype) def extract_outliers(A, SA, idx): shapeA = SA[0] formatA = SA[1] assert formatA in ["col_turing", "col_ampere"] assert A.device.type == "cuda" out = torch.zeros( (shapeA[0], idx.numel()), dtype=torch.int8, device=A.device ) idx_size = ct.c_int32(idx.numel()) rows = ct.c_int32(shapeA[0]) cols = ct.c_int32(shapeA[1]) ptrA = get_ptr(A) ptrIdx = get_ptr(idx) ptrOut = get_ptr(out) prev_device = pre_call(A.device) if formatA == 'col_turing': lib.cextractOutliers_turing(ptrA, ptrIdx, ptrOut, idx_size, rows, cols) elif formatA == "col_ampere": lib.cextractOutliers_ampere(ptrA, ptrIdx, ptrOut, idx_size, rows, cols) post_call(prev_device) return out def pipeline_test(A, batch_size): out = torch.zeros_like(A) lib.cpipeline_test(get_ptr(A), get_ptr(out), ct.c_size_t(A.numel()), ct.c_size_t(batch_size)) return out