from itertools import permutations, product import pytest import torch import bitsandbytes as bnb n = 1 k = 25 dim1 = torch.randint(16, 64, size=(n,)).tolist() dim2 = torch.randint(32, 96, size=(n,)).tolist() dim3 = torch.randint(32, 96, size=(n,)).tolist() dim4 = torch.randint(32, 96, size=(n,)).tolist() funcs = [(torch.bmm, bnb.bmm_cublas), (torch.matmul, bnb.matmul_cublas)] str_funcs = ["bmm", "matmul"] req_grad = [(False, False), (True, False), (True, True), (False, True)] req_grad_str = ["FF", "TF", "TT", "FT"] transpose = [(False, False), (False, True), (True, True), (True, False)] str_transpose = ["FF", "FT", "TT", "TF"] dtype = [torch.float32, torch.float16] values = list( product(dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, funcs, dtype, req_grad, transpose) ) str_values = list( product( dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, str_funcs, dtype, req_grad_str, str_transpose ) ) names = [ "dim1_{}_dim2_{}_dim3_{}_dim4_{}_func_{}_dtype_{}_requires_grad_{}_transpose_{}".format( *vals ) for vals in str_values ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, funcs, dtype, req_grad, transpose", values, ids=names, ) def test_matmul(dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, funcs, dtype, req_grad, transpose): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): pytest.skip('No GPU found.') if dim2 > 0: dim2 = dim2 - (dim2 % 16) dim3 = dim3 - (dim3 % 16) dim4 = dim4 - (dim4 % 16) for i in range(k): # normal multiply if funcs[0] in [, torch.matmul]: dimA = (dim2, dim3) if not transpose[0] else (dim3, dim2) dimB = (dim3, dim4) if not transpose[1] else (dim4, dim3) A = torch.randn(size=dimA, device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[0]) B = torch.randn(size=dimB, device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[1]) target = torch.randn( size=(dim2, dim4), device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[1] ) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(B) if not transpose[0] and not transpose[1]: out_torch = funcs[0](A, B) out_bnb = funcs[1](A, B) elif not transpose[0] and transpose[1]: out_torch = funcs[0](A, B.t()) out_bnb = funcs[1](A, B.t()) elif transpose[0] and not transpose[1]: out_torch = funcs[0](A.t(), B) out_bnb = funcs[1](A.t(), B) elif transpose[0] and transpose[1]: out_torch = funcs[0](A.t(), B.t()) out_bnb = funcs[1](A.t(), B.t()) n = out_bnb.numel() idx = torch.isclose(out_bnb, out_torch, atol=0.01, rtol=0.1) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() < n * 0.0175 idx = torch.isclose(out_bnb, out_torch, atol=0.035, rtol=0.2) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() < n * 0.001 if any(req_grad): torch.cuda.synchronize() loss_bnb = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(out_bnb, target).mean() loss_bnb.backward() gradA1 = A.grad gradB1 = B.grad A.grad = None B.grad = None loss_torch = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss( out_torch, target ).mean() loss_torch.backward() gradA2 = A.grad gradB2 = B.grad A.grad = None B.grad = None if req_grad[0]: torch.testing.assert_allclose( gradA1, gradA2, atol=0.015, rtol=0.1 ) if req_grad[1]: n = gradB1.numel() idx = torch.isclose(gradB1, gradB2, atol=0.06, rtol=0.3) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() < n * 0.1 idx = torch.isclose(gradB1, gradB2, atol=0.10, rtol=0.3) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() < n * 0.02 torch.testing.assert_allclose( gradB1, gradB2, atol=0.18, rtol=0.3 ) # batched matrix multiply if funcs[0] in [torch.bmm, torch.matmul]: A = torch.randn( size=(dim1, dim2, dim3), device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[0], ) B = torch.randn( size=(dim1, dim3, dim4), device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[1], ) target = torch.randn( size=(dim1, dim2, dim4), device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[1], ) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(B) out_torch = funcs[0](A, B) out_bnb = funcs[1](A, B) n = out_bnb.numel() idx = torch.isclose(out_bnb, out_torch, atol=0.01, rtol=0.1) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() < n * 0.01 torch.testing.assert_allclose( out_bnb, out_torch, atol=0.027, rtol=0.2 ) if any(req_grad): torch.cuda.synchronize() loss_bnb = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(out_bnb, target).mean() loss_bnb.backward() gradA1 = A.grad gradB1 = B.grad A.grad = None B.grad = None loss_torch = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss( out_torch, target ).mean() loss_torch.backward() gradA2 = A.grad gradB2 = B.grad A.grad = None B.grad = None if req_grad[0]: torch.testing.assert_allclose( gradA1, gradA2, atol=0.015, rtol=0.1 ) if req_grad[1]: n = gradB1.numel() idx = torch.isclose(gradB1, gradB2, atol=0.06, rtol=0.3) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() < n * 0.1 idx = torch.isclose(gradB1, gradB2, atol=0.10, rtol=0.3) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() < n * 0.02 if funcs[0] in [torch.matmul]: dim1 = dim1 - (dim1 % 16) A = torch.randn( size=(dim1, dim2, dim3), device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[0], ) dimB = (dim4, dim3) if transpose[1] else (dim3, dim4) B = torch.randn(size=dimB, device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[1]) target = torch.randn( size=(dim1, dim2, dim4), device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[1], ) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(B) if transpose[1]: out_torch = funcs[0](A, B.t()) out_bnb = funcs[1](A, B.t()) else: out_torch = funcs[0](A, B) out_bnb = funcs[1](A, B) n = out_bnb.numel() idx = torch.isclose(out_bnb, out_torch, atol=0.01, rtol=0.1) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() < n * 0.0175 idx = torch.isclose(out_bnb, out_torch, atol=0.035, rtol=0.2) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() < n * 0.001 if any(req_grad): torch.cuda.synchronize() loss_bnb = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(out_bnb, target).mean() loss_bnb.backward() gradA1 = A.grad gradB1 = B.grad A.grad = None B.grad = None loss_torch = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss( out_torch, target ).mean() loss_torch.backward() gradA2 = A.grad gradB2 = B.grad A.grad = None B.grad = None if req_grad[0]: torch.testing.assert_allclose( gradA1, gradA2, atol=0.015, rtol=0.1 ) if req_grad[1]: n = gradB1.numel() idx = torch.isclose(gradB1, gradB2, atol=0.06, rtol=0.3) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() < n * 0.1 idx = torch.isclose(gradB1, gradB2, atol=0.10, rtol=0.3) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() < n * 0.02 n = 1 k = 3 dim1 = torch.randint(16, 64, size=(n,)).tolist() dim2 = torch.randint(32, 96, size=(n,)).tolist() dim3 = torch.randint(32, 96, size=(n,)).tolist() dim4 = torch.randint(32, 96, size=(n,)).tolist() dim2.append(0) decomp = [0.0, 6.0] funcs = [(torch.matmul, bnb.matmul)] str_funcs = ["matmul"] req_grad = [(False, False), (True, False), (True, True), (False, True)] req_grad = list(product([True, False], repeat=3)) req_grad_str = [] for c in req_grad: strval = '' for v in c: if v == True: strval += 'T' else: strval += 'F' req_grad_str.append(strval) transpose = [(False, True), (False, False)] str_transpose = ["NT", "NN"] dtype = [torch.float16, torch.bfloat16, torch.float32] has_fp16_weights = [True, False] has_bias = [True, False] values = list( product( dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, funcs, dtype, req_grad, transpose, decomp, has_fp16_weights, has_bias ) ) str_values = list( product( dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, str_funcs, dtype, req_grad_str, str_transpose, decomp, has_fp16_weights, has_bias ) ) names = ["dim1_{}_dim2_{}_dim3_{}_dim4_{}_func_{}_dtype_{}_requires_grad_{}_transpose_{}_decomp_{}_has_fp16_weights_{}_has_bias_{}".format(*vals) for vals in str_values] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, funcs, dtype, req_grad, transpose, decomp, has_fp16_weights, has_bias", values, ids=names, ) def test_matmullt( dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, funcs, dtype, req_grad, transpose, decomp, has_fp16_weights, has_bias ): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): pytest.skip('No GPU found.') dimA = (dim2, dim3) if not transpose[0] else (dim3, dim2) dimB = (dim3, dim4) if not transpose[1] else (dim4, dim3) outlier_dim = torch.randint(0, dimA[1], size=(dimA[1] // 8,), device="cuda") if has_bias == False: req_grad = list(req_grad) req_grad[2] = False for i in range(k): # normal multiply if funcs[0] in [, torch.matmul]: A = torch.randn( size=dimA, device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[0], dtype=dtype ) if decomp == 6.0: with torch.no_grad(): A[:, outlier_dim] = 6.0 B = torch.randn( size=dimB, device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[1], dtype=dtype ) target = torch.randn( size=(dim2, dim4), device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[1], dtype=dtype, ) bias = None bias2 = None if has_bias: bias = torch.randn(dim4, device='cuda', dtype=dtype, requires_grad=req_grad[2]) bias2 = bias.clone() torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(B) B2 = B.clone() state = bnb.MatmulLtState() state.threshold = decomp state.has_fp16_weights = has_fp16_weights if not has_fp16_weights: if not transpose[0] and not transpose[1]: B2 = B2.t().contiguous() ( state.CB, CBt, state.SCB, SCBt, coo_tensorB, ) = bnb.functional.double_quant( B2 = state.CB if not transpose[0] and transpose[1]: out_torch = funcs[0](A, B.t()) out_bnb = funcs[1](A, B2, state=state, bias=bias2) elif not transpose[0] and not transpose[1]: out_torch = funcs[0](A, B) out_bnb = funcs[1](A, B2.t(), state=state, bias=bias2) if has_bias: out_torch += bias assert out_bnb.dtype == A.dtype, f"bnb matmullt received {A.dtype} but returned {out_bnb.dtype}" n = out_bnb.numel() err = torch.abs(out_bnb - out_torch).mean().item() # print(f'abs error {err:.4f}') idx = torch.isclose(out_bnb, out_torch, atol=0.01, rtol=0.1) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() <= n * (0.0175 if dtype == torch.float16 else 0.021) idx = torch.isclose(out_bnb, out_torch, atol=0.035, rtol=0.2) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() <= n * 0.001 if has_fp16_weights: if any(req_grad): torch.cuda.synchronize() loss_bnb = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss( out_bnb, target ).mean() loss_bnb.backward() gradA1 = A.grad gradB1 = B.grad A.grad = None B.grad = None if has_bias: gradBias1 = bias.grad bias.grad = None loss_torch = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss( out_torch, target ).mean() loss_torch.backward() gradA2 = A.grad gradB2 = B.grad A.grad = None B.grad = None if has_bias: gradBias2 = bias.grad bias.grad = None if req_grad[0]: torch.testing.assert_allclose( gradA1, gradA2, atol=0.015, rtol=0.1 ) if req_grad[1]: n = gradB1.numel() if dim2 > 0: assert torch.abs(gradB1).sum() > 0.0 assert torch.abs(gradB2).sum() > 0.0 else: assert torch.abs(gradB1).sum() == 0.0 assert torch.abs(gradB2).sum() == 0.0 idx = torch.isclose(gradB1, gradB2, atol=0.06, rtol=0.3) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() <= n * 0.1 idx = torch.isclose(gradB1, gradB2, atol=0.10, rtol=0.3) assert (idx == 0).sum().item() <= n * 0.02 torch.testing.assert_allclose( gradB1, gradB2, atol=0.18, rtol=0.3 ) if req_grad[2]: torch.testing.assert_allclose(gradBias1, gradBias2) n = 1 k = 3 dim1 = torch.randint(16, 64, size=(n,)).tolist() dim2 = torch.randint(32, 96, size=(n,)).tolist() dim3 = torch.randint(32, 96, size=(n,)).tolist() dim4 = torch.randint(32, 96, size=(n,)).tolist() dim2.append(0) funcs = [(torch.matmul, bnb.matmul_4bit)] str_funcs = ["matmul"] req_grad = list(product([True, False], repeat=3)) req_grad_str = [] for c in req_grad: strval = '' for v in c: if v == True: strval += 'T' else: strval += 'F' req_grad_str.append(strval) transpose = [(False, True), (False, False)] str_transpose = ["NT", "NN"] dtype = [torch.float16, torch.float32] compress_statistics = [False, True] has_fp16_weights = [True, False] has_bias = [True, False] quant_type = ['fp4', 'nf4'] values = list(product(dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, funcs, dtype, req_grad, transpose, has_bias, compress_statistics, quant_type)) str_values = list(product(dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, str_funcs, dtype, req_grad_str, str_transpose, has_bias, compress_statistics, quant_type)) names = ["dim1_{}_dim2_{}_dim3_{}_dim4_{}_func_{}_dtype_{}_requires_grad_{}_transpose_{}_has_bias_{}_compress_statistics_{}_quant_type_{}".format(*vals) for vals in str_values] @pytest.mark.skipif(not torch.cuda.is_available(), reason="this test requires a GPU") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, funcs, dtype, req_grad, transpose, has_bias, compress_statistics, quant_type", values, ids=names) def test_matmul_4bit( dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, funcs, dtype, req_grad, transpose, has_bias, compress_statistics, quant_type): dimA = (dim2, dim3) if not transpose[0] else (dim3, dim2) dimB = (dim3, dim4) if not transpose[1] else (dim4, dim3) if has_bias == False: req_grad = list(req_grad) req_grad[2] = False for i in range(k): # normal multiply if funcs[0] in [, torch.matmul]: A = torch.randn(size=dimA, device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[0], dtype=dtype) B = torch.randn(size=dimB, device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[1], dtype=dtype) target = torch.randn(size=(dim2, dim4), device="cuda", requires_grad=req_grad[1], dtype=dtype) bias = None bias2 = None if has_bias: bias = torch.randn(dim4, device='cuda', dtype=dtype, requires_grad=req_grad[2]) bias2 = bias.clone() torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(B) B2, quant_state = bnb.functional.quantize_4bit(B, compress_statistics=compress_statistics, quant_type=quant_type) if not transpose[0] and transpose[1]: out_torch = funcs[0](A, B.t()) out_bnb = funcs[1](A, B2.t(), quant_state, bias=bias2) elif not transpose[0] and not transpose[1]: out_torch = funcs[0](A, B) out_bnb = funcs[1](A, B2, quant_state, bias=bias2) if has_bias: out_torch += bias assert out_bnb.dtype == A.dtype, f"bnb matmullt received {A.dtype} but returned {out_bnb.dtype}" n = out_bnb.numel() err = torch.abs(out_bnb - out_torch).float().mean().item() if n > 0: assert err < 0.115 if any(req_grad): torch.cuda.synchronize() loss_bnb = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(out_bnb, target).mean() loss_bnb.backward() gradA1 = A.grad gradB1 = B.grad A.grad = None B.grad = None if has_bias: gradBias1 = bias.grad bias.grad = None loss_torch = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss( out_torch, target ).mean() loss_torch.backward() gradA2 = A.grad gradB2 = B.grad A.grad = None B.grad = None if has_bias: gradBias2 = bias.grad bias.grad = None if req_grad[0]: torch.testing.assert_allclose( gradA1, gradA2, atol=0.015, rtol=0.1) if req_grad[2]: torch.testing.assert_allclose(gradBias1, gradBias2)