Swapped to a much simpler way of formatting prompts given a finetune by recording prompts as system/user/assistant dicts, then combine them according to provided finetune
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain.schema import BaseLanguageModel
from .memory import GenerativeAgentMemory
from .prompts import PROMPTS
from .prompts import get_prompt
class GenerativeAgent(BaseModel):
"""A character with memory and innate characteristics."""
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class GenerativeAgent(BaseModel):
"""The memory object that combines relevance, recency, and 'importance'."""
llm: BaseLanguageModel
"""The underlying language model."""
verbose: bool = False
verbose: bool = True
summary: str = "" #: :meta private:
"""Stateful self-summary generated via reflection on the character's memory."""
@ -83,43 +83,58 @@ class GenerativeAgent(BaseModel):
def _get_entity_from_observation(self, observation: str) -> str:
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(PROMPTS['entity_from_observation'])
if self.verbose:
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(get_prompt('entity_from_observation'))
return self.chain(prompt).run(observation=observation).strip()
def _get_entity_action(self, observation: str, entity_name: str) -> str:
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(PROMPTS['entity_action'])
return (
self.chain(prompt).run(entity=entity_name, observation=observation).strip()
if self.verbose:
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(get_prompt('entity_action'))
return self.chain(prompt).run(entity=entity_name, observation=observation).strip()
def summarize_related_memories(self, observation: str) -> str:
if self.verbose:
"""Summarize memories that are most relevant to an observation."""
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(PROMPTS['summarize_related_memories'])
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(get_prompt('summarize_related_memories'))
entity_name = self._get_entity_from_observation(observation)
entity_action = self._get_entity_action(observation, entity_name)
q1 = f"What is the relationship between {self.name} and {entity_name}"
q2 = f"{entity_name} is {entity_action}"
return self.chain(prompt=prompt).run(q1=q1, queries=[q1, q2]).strip()
summary = self.chain(prompt=prompt).run(q1=q1, queries=[q1, q2]).strip()
return summary
#return self.chain(prompt=prompt).run(q1=q1, q2=q2).strip()
def _generate_reaction(self, observation: str, suffix: str) -> str:
if self.verbose:
"""React to a given observation or dialogue act."""
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(PROMPTS['generate_reaction_template'])
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(
get_prompt('generate_reaction').replace("{suffix}", suffix)
agent_summary_description = self.get_summary()
relevant_memories_str = self.summarize_related_memories(observation)
current_time_str = datetime.now().strftime("%B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p")
kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = dict(
consumed_tokens = self.llm.get_num_tokens(
prompt.format(most_recent_memories="", **kwargs)
formatted_prompt = prompt.format(most_recent_memories="", **kwargs)
consumed_tokens = self.llm.get_num_tokens(formatted_prompt)
kwargs[self.memory.most_recent_memories_token_key] = consumed_tokens
return self.chain(prompt=prompt).run(**kwargs).strip()
@ -127,15 +142,22 @@ class GenerativeAgent(BaseModel):
return re.sub(f"^{self.name} ", "", text.strip()).strip()
def generate_reaction(self, observation: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
if self.verbose:
"""React to a given observation."""
full_result = self._generate_reaction(observation, PROMPTS['generate_reaction'])
full_result = self._generate_reaction(observation, get_prompt('suffix_generate_reaction'))
result = full_result.strip().split("\n")[0]
response = f"reacted by {result}".strip()
if response == "reacted by":
response = f"did not react"
self.memory.add_memory_key: f"{self.name} observed "
f"{observation} and reacted by {result}"
self.memory.add_memory_key: f"{self.name} observed {observation} and {response}"
if "REACT:" in result:
@ -148,8 +170,11 @@ class GenerativeAgent(BaseModel):
return False, result
def generate_dialogue_response(self, observation: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
if self.verbose:
"""React to a given observation."""
call_to_action_template = (PROMPTS['generate_dialogue_response'])
call_to_action_template = (get_prompt('suffix_generate_dialogue_response'))
full_result = self._generate_reaction(observation, call_to_action_template)
result = full_result.strip().split("\n")[0]
if "GOODBYE:" in result:
@ -182,16 +207,19 @@ class GenerativeAgent(BaseModel):
# updated periodically through probing its memories #
def _compute_agent_summary(self) -> str:
if self.verbose:
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(PROMPTS['compute_agent_summary'])
# The agent seeks to think about their core characteristics.
return (
.run(name=self.name, queries=[f"{self.name}'s core characteristics"])
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(get_prompt('compute_agent_summary'))
summary = self.chain(prompt).run(name=self.name, queries=[f"{self.name}'s core characteristics"]).strip()
return summary
def get_summary(self, force_refresh: bool = False) -> str:
if self.verbose:
"""Return a descriptive summary of the agent."""
current_time = datetime.now()
since_refresh = (current_time - self.last_refreshed).seconds
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ from langchain.schema import BaseLanguageModel, BaseMemory, Document
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from .prompts import PROMPTS
from .prompts import get_prompt
class GenerativeAgentMemory(BaseMemory):
llm: BaseLanguageModel
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class GenerativeAgentMemory(BaseMemory):
memory_retriever: TimeWeightedVectorStoreRetriever
"""The retriever to fetch related memories."""
verbose: bool = False
verbose: bool = True
reflection_threshold: Optional[float] = None
"""When aggregate_importance exceeds reflection_threshold, stop to reflect."""
@ -80,16 +80,22 @@ class GenerativeAgentMemory(BaseMemory):
return [re.sub(r"^\s*\d+\.\s*", "", line).strip() for line in lines]
def _get_topics_of_reflection(self, last_k: int = 50) -> List[str]:
if self.verbose:
"""Return the 3 most salient high-level questions about recent observations."""
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(PROMPTS["topic_of_reflection"])
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(get_prompt("topic_of_reflection"))
observations = self.memory_retriever.memory_stream[-last_k:]
observation_str = "\n".join([o.page_content for o in observations])
result = self.chain(prompt).run(observations=observation_str)
return self._parse_list(result)
def _get_insights_on_topic(self, topic: str) -> List[str]:
if self.verbose:
"""Generate 'insights' on a topic of reflection, based on pertinent memories."""
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(PROMPTS["insights_on_topic"])
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(get_prompt("insights_on_topic"))
related_memories = self.fetch_memories(topic)
related_statements = "\n".join(
@ -104,6 +110,9 @@ class GenerativeAgentMemory(BaseMemory):
return self._parse_list(result)
def pause_to_reflect(self) -> List[str]:
if self.verbose:
"""Reflect on recent observations and generate 'insights'."""
if self.verbose:
logger.info("Character is reflecting")
@ -117,8 +126,11 @@ class GenerativeAgentMemory(BaseMemory):
return new_insights
def _score_memory_importance(self, memory_content: str) -> float:
if self.verbose:
"""Score the absolute importance of the given memory."""
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(PROMPTS["memory_importance"])
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(get_prompt("memory_importance"))
score = self.chain(prompt).run(memory_content=memory_content).strip()
if self.verbose:
logger.info(f"Importance score: {score}")
@ -131,6 +143,9 @@ class GenerativeAgentMemory(BaseMemory):
return 0.0
def add_memory(self, memory_content: str) -> List[str]:
if self.verbose:
"""Add an observation or memory to the agent's memory."""
importance_score = self._score_memory_importance(memory_content)
self.aggregate_importance += importance_score
@ -2,147 +2,152 @@ import os
LLM_PROMPT_TUNE = os.environ.get('LLM_PROMPT_TUNE', "vicuna") # oai, vicuna
if LLM_PROMPT_TUNE == "vicuna":
"context": (
"" # insert your JB here
"entity_from_observation": {
"system": (
"What is the observed entity in the following observation?"
" ONLY report one object."
" Write `END` when you are done."
"entity_from_observation": (
"USER: What is the observed entity in the following observation (Write 'END' when you are done.)? {observation}"
"\nASSISTANT: Entity="
"user": (
"Observation: {observation}"
"entity_action": (
"USER: What is the {entity} doing in the following observation (Write 'END' when you are done.)? {observation}"
"\nASSISTANT: The {entity} is"
"assistant": "Entity=",
"entity_action": {
"system": (
"What is the {entity} doing in the following observation?"
" ONLY report one object."
" Write `END` when you are done."
"summarize_related_memories": (
"USER: {q1}? Write 'END' when you are done."
"\nContext from memory:"
"\nRelevant context: "
"user": (
"Observation: {observation}"
"generate_reaction_template": (
"\nUSER: {agent_summary_description}"
"\nIt is {current_time}."
"\n{agent_name}'s status: {agent_status}"
"\nSummary of relevant context from {agent_name}'s memory:"
"\nMost recent observations: {most_recent_memories}"
"\nObservation: {observation}"
"assistant": "The {entity} is ",
"summarize_related_memories": {
"system": (
"Given the following context, {q1}?"
"Write `END` when you are done."
"generate_reaction": (
"Should {agent_name} react to the observation, and if so,"
" what would be an appropriate reaction? Respond in one line."
' If the action is to engage in dialogue, write:\nSAY: "what to say"'
"\notherwise, write:\nREACT: {agent_name}'s reaction (if anything)."
"\nEither do nothing, react, or say something but not both. Write 'END' when you are done."
"user": (
"Context: {relevant_memories}"
"generate_dialogue_response": (
"What would {agent_name} say? To end the conversation, write:"
' GOODBYE: "what to say". Otherwise to continue the conversation,'
' write: SAY: "what to say next". Write "END" when you are done.'
"assistant": "Relevant context: ",
"compute_agent_summary": {
"system": (
"Given the following statements, how would you summarize {name}'s core characteristics?"
" (Do not embellish under any circumstances. Say 'END' when you are done):"
"compute_agent_summary": (
"USER: How would you summarize {name}'s core characteristics given the following statements (Do not embellish under any circumstances. Say 'END' when you are done):\n"
"\nASSISTANT: Summary: "
"user": (
"Statements: {relevant_memories}"
"topic_of_reflection": (
"USER: {observations}\n\n"
"Given only the information above, what are the 3 most salient"
" high-level questions we can answer about the subjects in"
" the statements? Provide each question on a new line.\n"
"assistant": "Summary: ",
"topic_of_reflection": {
"system": (
"Given only the following information, what are the 3 most salient"
" high-level questions we can answer about the subjects in the statements?"
" Provide each question on a new line."
"insights_on_topic": (
"USER: Statements about {topic}\n"
"What 5 high-level insights can you infer from the above statements?"
" (example format: insight (because of 1, 5, 3))"
"user": (
"Information: {observations}"
"memory_importance": (
"USER: On the scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is purely mundane"
" (e.g., brushing teeth, making bed) and 10 is"
" extremely poignant (e.g., a break up, college"
" acceptance), rate the likely poignancy of the"
" following piece of memory. Respond with only a single integer followed by 'END'."
"\nMemory: {memory_content}"
"\nASSISTANT: Rating: "
"context": (
"" # insert your JB here
"entity_from_observation": (
"What is the observed entity in the following observation? {observation}"
"entity_action": (
"What is the {entity} doing in the following observation? {observation}"
"\nThe {entity} is"
"summarize_related_memories": """
Context from memory:
Relevant context:
"generate_reaction_template": (
"\nIt is {current_time}."
"\n{agent_name}'s status: {agent_status}"
"\nSummary of relevant context from {agent_name}'s memory:"
"\nMost recent observations: {most_recent_memories}"
"\nObservation: {observation}"
"generate_reaction": (
"Should {agent_name} react to the observation, and if so,"
" what would be an appropriate reaction? Respond in one line."
' If the action is to engage in dialogue, write:\nSAY: "what to say"'
"\notherwise, write:\nREACT: {agent_name}'s reaction (if anything)."
"\nEither do nothing, react, or say something but not both.\n\n"
"generate_dialogue_response": (
"What would {agent_name} say? To end the conversation, write:"
' GOODBYE: "what to say". Otherwise to continue the conversation,'
' write: SAY: "what to say next"\n\n'
"compute_agent_summary": (
"How would you summarize {name}'s core characteristics given the"
" following statements:\n"
"\nDo not embellish under any circumstances."
"\n\nSummary: "
"topic_of_reflection": (
"Given only the information above, what are the 3 most salient"
" high-level questions we can answer about the subjects in"
" the statements? Provide each question on a new line.\n\n"
"insights_on_topic": (
"Statements about {topic}\n"
"What 5 high-level insights can you infer from the above statements?"
"assistant": "",
"insights_on_topic": {
"system": (
"Given the following statements about {topic},"
" what 5 high-level insights can you infer?"
" (example format: insight (because of 1, 5, 3))"
"memory_importance": (
"user": (
"Statements: {related_statements}"
"assistant": "",
"memory_importance": {
"system": (
"On the scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is purely mundane"
" (e.g., brushing teeth, making bed) and 10 is"
" extremely poignant (e.g., a break up, college"
" acceptance), rate the likely poignancy of the"
" following piece of memory. Respond with a single integer."
"\nMemory: {memory_content}"
"\nRating: "
" (e.g., brushing teeth, making bed) and 10 is extremely poignant"
" (e.g., a break up, college acceptance),"
" rate the likely poignancy of the following piece of memory."
" Respond with only a single integer followed by 'END'."
"user": (
"Memory: {memory_content}"
"assistant": "Rating: ",
"generate_reaction": {
"system": (
"\nIt is {current_time}."
"\n{agent_name}'s status: {agent_status}"
"\nSummary of relevant context from {agent_name}'s memory: {relevant_memories}"
"\nMost recent observations: {most_recent_memories}"
"user": (
"\nObservation: {observation}"
"assistant": ""
"context": (
"" # insert your JB here
"suffix_generate_reaction": (
"Given the following observation, how would {agent_name} appropriately react?"
"\nRespond in one line. If the action is to engage in dialogue, write `SAY: \"what to say\"`."
"\nOtherwise, write `REACT: {agent_name}'s reaction`."
"\nEither react or say something, but not both. Write 'END' when you are done."
" (To reiterate, either start with \"SAY:\", or \"REACT:\", and end with \"END\")"
"suffix_generate_dialogue_response": (
"Given the following observation, what would {agent_name} say?"
"\nTo continue the conversation, write: `SAY: \"what to say\"`."
"\nOtherwise, to end the conversation, write: `GOODBYE: \"what to say\"`."
"\nWrite \"END\" when you are done."
" (To reiterate, either start with \"SAY:\", or \"GOODBYE:\", and end with \"END\")"
"default": "{query}",
"vicuna": "{ROLE}: {query}"
ROLES = [ "system", "user", "assistant" ]
def get_prompt( key, tune=LLM_PROMPT_TUNE ):
prompt = PROMPTS[key]
# is a suffix
if not isinstance( prompt, dict ):
return prompt
# Vicuna is finetuned for `USER: [query]\nASSISTANT:`
if tune not in PROMPT_TUNES:
tune = "default"
outputs = []
for role in ROLES:
if role not in prompt:
# implicitly add in our context as a system message
if role == "system" and PROMPTS["context"]:
query = PROMPTS["context"]
query = prompt[role]
output = f'{PROMPT_TUNES[tune]}'
output = output.replace("{role}", role.lower())
output = output.replace("{ROLE}", role.upper())
output = output.replace("{query}", query)
return "\n".join(outputs)
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def agent_observes_proxy( agents, observations ):
agent = AGENTS[agent]
observations = observations.split("\n")
results = agent_observes( agent, observations )
messages.append(f"[{agent.name} Observation noted. Importance score: {[ result[-1] for result in results ]}")
messages.append(f"[{agent.name}] Observation noted. Importance score: {[ result[0] for result in results ]}")
return "\n".join(messages)
def interview_agent_proxy( agents, message ):
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ def _create_new_memories():
def create_agent(**kwargs):
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ def interview_agent(agent: GenerativeAgent, message: str, username: str = "Perso
def run_conversation(agents: List[GenerativeAgent], initial_observation: str, limit: int = 0, p_reaction: float = 0.7 ) -> None:
"""Runs a conversation between agents."""
print(colored("[Conversation]", "magenta"), initial_observation)
_, observation = agents[1].generate_reaction(initial_observation)
_, observation = agents[0].generate_reaction(initial_observation)
print(colored("[Conversation]", "magenta"), observation)
dialogue = []
Reference in New Issue
Block a user