Add capsule/capsule and capsule/sphere collision algorithm
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,8 +30,122 @@
// We want to use the ReactPhysics3D namespace
using namespace reactphysics3d;
bool CapsuleVsCapsuleAlgorithm::testCollision(const NarrowPhaseInfo* narrowPhaseInfo,
ContactPointInfo& contactPointInfo) {
bool CapsuleVsCapsuleAlgorithm::testCollision(const NarrowPhaseInfo* narrowPhaseInfo, ContactPointInfo& contactPointInfo) {
const decimal parallelEpsilon = decimal(0.001);
// Get the capsule collision shapes
const CapsuleShape* capsuleShape1 = static_cast<const CapsuleShape*>(narrowPhaseInfo->collisionShape1);
const CapsuleShape* capsuleShape2 = static_cast<const CapsuleShape*>(narrowPhaseInfo->collisionShape2);
// Get the transform from capsule 1 local-space to capsule 2 local-space
const Transform capsule1ToCapsule2SpaceTransform = narrowPhaseInfo->shape1ToWorldTransform * narrowPhaseInfo->shape2ToWorldTransform.getInverse();
// Compute the end-points of the inner segment of the first capsule
Vector3 capsule1SegA(0, -capsuleShape1->getHeight() * decimal(0.5), 0);
Vector3 capsule1SegB(0, capsuleShape1->getHeight() * decimal(0.5), 0);
capsule1SegA = capsule1ToCapsule2SpaceTransform * capsule1SegA;
capsule1SegB = capsule1ToCapsule2SpaceTransform * capsule1SegB;
// Compute the end-points of the inner segment of the second capsule
const Vector3 capsule2SegA(0, -capsuleShape2->getHeight() * decimal(0.5), 0);
const Vector3 capsule2SegB(0, capsuleShape2->getHeight() * decimal(0.5), 0);
// The two inner capsule segments
const Vector3 seg1 = capsule1SegB - capsule1SegA;
const Vector3 seg2 = capsule2SegB - capsule2SegA;
// Compute the sum of the radius of the two capsules (virtual spheres)
decimal sumRadius = capsuleShape2->getRadius() + capsuleShape1->getRadius();
// If the two capsules are parallel (we create two contact points)
if (seg1.cross(seg2).lengthSquare() < parallelEpsilon * parallelEpsilon) {
// If the distance between the two segments is larger than the sum of the capsules radius (we do not have overlapping)
const decimal segmentsDistance = computeDistancePointToLineDistance(capsule1SegA, capsule1SegB, capsule2SegA);
if (segmentsDistance > sumRadius || segmentsDistance < MACHINE_EPSILON) {
// The capsule are parallel but their inner segment distance is larger than the sum of the capsules radius.
// Therefore, we do not have overlap. If the inner segments overlap, we do not report any collision.
return false;
// Compute the planes that goes through the extrem points of the inner segment of capsule 1
decimal d1 =;
decimal d2 =;
// Clip the inner segment of capsule 2 with the two planes that go through extreme points of inner
// segment of capsule 1
decimal t1 = computePlaneSegmentIntersection(capsule2SegB, capsule2SegA, d1, seg1);
decimal t2 = computePlaneSegmentIntersection(capsule2SegA, capsule2SegB, d2, -seg1);
bool isClipValid = false; // True if the segments were overlapping (the clip segment is valid)
// Clip the inner segment of capsule 2
Vector3 clipPointA, clipPointB;
if (t1 >= decimal(0.0)) {
if (t1 > decimal(1.0)) t1 = decimal(1.0);
clipPointA = capsule2SegB - t1 * seg2;
isClipValid = true;
if (t2 >= decimal(0.0) && t2 <= decimal(1.0)) {
if (t2 > decimal(1.0)) t2 = decimal(1.0);
clipPointB = capsule2SegA + t2 * seg2;
isClipValid = true;
// If we have a valid clip segment
if (isClipValid) {
Vector3 segment1ToSegment2 = (capsule2SegA - capsule1SegA);
Vector3 segment1ToSegment2Normalized = segment1ToSegment2.getUnit();
const Vector3 contactPointACapsule1Local = capsule1ToCapsule2SpaceTransform.getInverse() * (clipPointA - segment1ToSegment2 + segment1ToSegment2Normalized * capsuleShape1->getRadius());
const Vector3 contactPointBCapsule1Local = capsule1ToCapsule2SpaceTransform.getInverse() * (clipPointB - segment1ToSegment2 + segment1ToSegment2Normalized * capsuleShape1->getRadius());
const Vector3 contactPointACapsule2Local = clipPointA - segment1ToSegment2Normalized * capsuleShape2->getRadius();
const Vector3 contactPointBCapsule2Local = clipPointB - segment1ToSegment2Normalized * capsuleShape2->getRadius();
const Vector3 normalWorld = narrowPhaseInfo->shape2ToWorldTransform.getOrientation() * segment1ToSegment2Normalized;
decimal penetrationDepth = sumRadius - segmentsDistance;
// Create the contact info object
// TODO : Make sure we create two contact points at the same time (same method here)
contactPointInfo.init(normalWorld, penetrationDepth, contactPointACapsule1Local, contactPointBCapsule1Local);
contactPointInfo.init(normalWorld, penetrationDepth, contactPointACapsule2Local, contactPointBCapsule2Local);
// Compute the closest points between the two inner capsule segments
Vector3 closestPointCapsule1Seg;
Vector3 closestPointCapsule2Seg;
computeClosestPointBetweenTwoSegments(capsule1SegA, capsule1SegB, capsule2SegA, capsule2SegB,
closestPointCapsule1Seg, closestPointCapsule2Seg);
// Compute the distance between the sphere center and the closest point on the segment
Vector3 closestPointsSeg1ToSeg2 = (closestPointCapsule2Seg - closestPointCapsule1Seg);
const decimal closestPointsDistanceSquare = closestPointsSeg1ToSeg2.lengthSquare();
// If the collision shapes overlap
if (closestPointsDistanceSquare <= sumRadius * sumRadius && closestPointsDistanceSquare > MACHINE_EPSILON) {
decimal closestPointsDistance = std::sqrt(closestPointsDistanceSquare);
closestPointsSeg1ToSeg2 /= closestPointsDistance;
const Vector3 contactPointCapsule1Local = capsule1ToCapsule2SpaceTransform.getInverse() * (closestPointCapsule1Seg + closestPointsSeg1ToSeg2 * capsuleShape1->getRadius());
const Vector3 contactPointCapsule2Local = closestPointCapsule2Seg - closestPointsSeg1ToSeg2 * capsuleShape2->getRadius();
const Vector3 normalWorld = narrowPhaseInfo->shape2ToWorldTransform.getOrientation() * closestPointsSeg1ToSeg2;
decimal penetrationDepth = sumRadius - closestPointsDistance;
// Create the contact info object
contactPointInfo.init(normalWorld, penetrationDepth, contactPointCapsule1Local, contactPointCapsule2Local);
return true;
return false;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace reactphysics3d {
// Class CapsuleVsCapsuleAlgorithm
* This class is used to compute the narrow-phase collision detection
* between two capsule collision shapes.
* between two capsules collision shapes.
class CapsuleVsCapsuleAlgorithm : public NarrowPhaseAlgorithm {
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
// Libraries
#include "mathematics_functions.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
#include <cassert>
using namespace reactphysics3d;
@ -50,10 +51,152 @@ void reactphysics3d::computeBarycentricCoordinatesInTriangle(const Vector3& a, c
u = decimal(1.0) - v - w;
// Clamp a vector such that it is no longer than a given maximum length
/// Clamp a vector such that it is no longer than a given maximum length
Vector3 reactphysics3d::clamp(const Vector3& vector, decimal maxLength) {
if (vector.lengthSquare() > maxLength * maxLength) {
return vector.getUnit() * maxLength;
return vector;
/// Compute and return a point on segment from "segPointA" and "segPointB" that is closest to point "pointC"
Vector3 reactphysics3d::computeClosestPointOnSegment(const Vector3& segPointA, const Vector3& segPointB, const Vector3& pointC) {
const Vector3 ab = segPointB - segPointA;
decimal abLengthSquare = ab.lengthSquare();
// If the segment has almost zero length
if (abLengthSquare < MACHINE_EPSILON) {
// Return one end-point of the segment as the closest point
return segPointA;
// Project point C onto "AB" line
decimal t = (pointC - segPointA).dot(ab) / abLengthSquare;
// If projected point onto the line is outside the segment, clamp it to the segment
if (t < decimal(0.0)) t = decimal(0.0);
if (t > decimal(1.0)) t = decimal(1.0);
// Return the closest point on the segment
return segPointA + t * ab;
/// Compute the closest points between two segments
/// This method uses the technique described in the book Real-Time
/// collision detection by Christer Ericson.
void computeClosestPointBetweenTwoSegments(const Vector3& seg1PointA, const Vector3& seg1PointB,
const Vector3& seg2PointA, const Vector3& seg2PointB,
Vector3& closestPointSeg1, Vector3& closestPointSeg2) {
const Vector3 d1 = seg1PointB - seg1PointA;
const Vector3 d2 = seg2PointB - seg2PointA;
const Vector3 r = seg1PointA - seg2PointA;
decimal a = d1.lengthSquare();
decimal e = d2.lengthSquare();
decimal f =;
decimal s, t;
// If both segments degenerate into points
closestPointSeg1 = seg1PointA;
closestPointSeg2 = seg2PointA;
if (a <= MACHINE_EPSILON) { // If first segment degenerates into a point
s = decimal(0.0);
// Compute the closest point on second segment
t = clamp(f / e, decimal(0.0), decimal(1.0));
else {
decimal c =;
// If the second segment degenerates into a point
t = decimal(0.0);
s = clamp(-c / a, decimal(0.0), decimal(1.0));
else {
decimal b =;
decimal denom = a * e - b * b;
// If the segments are not parallel
if (denom != decimal(0.0)) {
// Compute the closest point on line 1 to line 2 and
// clamp to first segment.
s = clamp((b * f - c * e) / denom, decimal(0.0), decimal(1.0));
else {
// Pick an arbitrary point on first segment
s = decimal(0.0);
// Compute the point on line 2 closest to the closest point
// we have just found
t = (b * s + f) / e;
// If this closest point is inside second segment (t in [0, 1]), we are done.
// Otherwise, we clamp the point to the second segment and compute again the
// closest point on segment 1
if (t < decimal(0.0)) {
t = decimal(0.0);
s = clamp(-c / a, decimal(0.0), decimal(1.0));
else if (t > decimal(1.0)) {
t = decimal(1.0);
s = clamp((b - c) / a, decimal(0.0), decimal(1.0));
// Compute the closest points on both segments
closestPointSeg1 = seg1PointA + d1 * s;
closestPointSeg2 = seg2PointA + d2 * t;
/// Compute the intersection between a plane and a segment
// Let the plane define by the equation = planeD with X a point on the plane and "planeNormal" the plane normal. This method
// computes the intersection P between the plane and the segment (segA, segB). The method returns the value "t" such
// that P = segA + t * (segB - segA). Note that it only returns a value in [0, 1] if there is an intersection. Otherwise,
// there is no intersection between the plane and the segment.
decimal computePlaneSegmentIntersection(const Vector3& segA, const Vector3& segB, const decimal planeD, const Vector3& planeNormal) {
const decimal parallelEpsilon = decimal(0.0001);
decimal t = decimal(-1);
// Segment AB
const Vector3 ab = segB - segA;
decimal nDotAB =;
// If the segment is not parallel to the plane
if (nDotAB > parallelEpsilon) {
t = (planeD - / nDotAB;
return t;
/// Compute the distance between a point "point" and a line given by the points "linePointA" and "linePointB"
decimal computeDistancePointToLineDistance(const Vector3& linePointA, const Vector3& linePointB, const Vector3& point) {
decimal distAB = (linePointB - linePointA).length();
return (point - linePointA).length();
return ((point - linePointA).cross(point - linePointB)).length() / distAB;
@ -78,10 +78,26 @@ inline bool sameSign(decimal a, decimal b) {
/// Clamp a vector such that it is no longer than a given maximum length
Vector3 clamp(const Vector3& vector, decimal maxLength);
// Compute and return a point on segment from "segPointA" and "segPointB" that is closest to point "pointC"
Vector3 computeClosestPointOnSegment(const Vector3& segPointA, const Vector3& segPointB, const Vector3& pointC);
// Compute the closest points between two segments
void computeClosestPointBetweenTwoSegments(const Vector3& seg1PointA, const Vector3& seg1PointB,
const Vector3& seg2PointA, const Vector3& seg2PointB,
Vector3& closestPointSeg1, Vector3& closestPointSeg2);
/// Compute the barycentric coordinates u, v, w of a point p inside the triangle (a, b, c)
void computeBarycentricCoordinatesInTriangle(const Vector3& a, const Vector3& b, const Vector3& c,
const Vector3& p, decimal& u, decimal& v, decimal& w);
/// Compute the intersection between a plane and a segment
decimal computePlaneSegmentIntersection(const Vector3& segA, const Vector3& segB, const decimal planeD, const Vector3& planeNormal);
/// Compute the distance between a point and a line
decimal computeDistancePointToLineDistance(const Vector3& linePointA, const Vector3& linePointB, const Vector3& point);
@ -124,6 +124,52 @@ class TestMathematicsFunctions : public Test {
computeBarycentricCoordinatesInTriangle(a, b, c, testPoint, u, v, w);
test(approxEqual(u + v + w, 1.0, 0.000001));
// Test computeClosestPointBetweenTwoSegments()
Vector3 closestSeg1, closestSeg2;
computeClosestPointBetweenTwoSegments(Vector3(4, 0, 0), Vector3(6, 0, 0), Vector3(8, 0, 0), Vector3(8, 6, 0), closestSeg1, closestSeg2);
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.x, 6.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.y, 0.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.z, 0.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.x, 8.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.y, 0.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.z, 0.0, 0.000001));
computeClosestPointBetweenTwoSegments(Vector3(4, 6, 5), Vector3(4, 6, 5), Vector3(8, 3, -9), Vector3(8, 3, -9), closestSeg1, closestSeg2);
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.x, 4.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.y, 6.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.z, 5.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.x, 8.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.y, 3.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.z, -9.0, 0.000001));
computeClosestPointBetweenTwoSegments(Vector3(0, -5, 0), Vector3(0, 8, 0), Vector3(6, 3, 0), Vector3(10, -3, 0), closestSeg1, closestSeg2);
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.x, 0.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.y, 3.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.z, 0.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.x, 6.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.y, 3.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.z, 0.0, 0.000001));
computeClosestPointBetweenTwoSegments(Vector3(1, -4, -5), Vector3(1, 4, -5), Vector3(-6, 5, -5), Vector3(6, 5, -5), closestSeg1, closestSeg2);
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.x, 1.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.y, 5.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg1.z, -5.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.x, 1.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.y, 5.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(closestSeg2.z, -5.0, 0.000001));
// Test computePlaneSegmentIntersection();
test(approxEqual(computePlaneSegmentIntersection(Vector3(-6, 3, 0), Vector3(6, 3, 0), 0.0, Vector3(-1, 0, 0)), 0.5, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(computePlaneSegmentIntersection(Vector3(-6, 3, 0), Vector3(6, 3, 0), 0.0, Vector3(1, 0, 0)), 0.5, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(computePlaneSegmentIntersection(Vector3(5, 12, 0), Vector3(5, 4, 0), 6, Vector3(0, 1, 0)), 0.75, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(computePlaneSegmentIntersection(Vector3(5, 4, 8), Vector3(9, 14, 8), 4, Vector3(0, 1, 0)), 0.0, 0.000001));
decimal tIntersect = computePlaneSegmentIntersection(Vector3(5, 4, 0), Vector3(9, 4, 0), 4, Vector3(0, 1, 0));
test(tIntersect < 0.0 && tIntersect > 1.0);
// Test computeDistancePointToLineDistance()
test(approxEqual(computeDistancePointToLineDistance(Vector3(6, 0, 0), Vector3(14, 0, 0), Vector3(5, 3, 0)), 3.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(computeDistancePointToLineDistance(Vector3(6, -5, 0), Vector3(10, -5, 0), Vector3(4, 3, 0)), 8.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(computeDistancePointToLineDistance(Vector3(6, -5, 0), Vector3(10, -5, 0), Vector3(-43, 254, 0)), 259.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(computeDistancePointToLineDistance(Vector3(6, -5, 8), Vector3(10, -5, -5), Vector3(6, -5, 8)), 0.0, 0.000001));
test(approxEqual(computeDistancePointToLineDistance(Vector3(6, -5, 8), Vector3(10, -5, -5), Vector3(10, -5, -5)), 0.0, 0.000001));
@ -71,6 +71,17 @@ CollisionDetectionScene::CollisionDetectionScene(const std::string& name)
// ---------- Capsule 1 ---------- //
openglframework::Vector3 position3(4, 0, 0);
// Create a cylinder and a corresponding collision body in the dynamics world
mCapsule1 = new Capsule(CAPSULE_RADIUS, CAPSULE_HEIGHT, position3, mCollisionWorld, mMeshFolderPath);
// Set the color
// ---------- Cone ---------- //
//openglframework::Vector3 position4(0, 0, 0);
@ -93,16 +104,6 @@ CollisionDetectionScene::CollisionDetectionScene(const std::string& name)
// ---------- Capsule ---------- //
//openglframework::Vector3 position6(0, 0, 0);
// Create a cylinder and a corresponding collision body in the dynamics world
//mCapsule = new Capsule(CAPSULE_RADIUS, CAPSULE_HEIGHT, position6 ,
// mCollisionWorld, mMeshFolderPath);
// Set the color
// ---------- Convex Mesh ---------- //
//openglframework::Vector3 position7(0, 0, 0);
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ CollisionDetectionScene::CollisionDetectionScene(const std::string& name)
// Create the VBO and VAO to render the lines
@ -283,6 +284,7 @@ void CollisionDetectionScene::renderSinglePass(openglframework::Shader& shader,
// Render the shapes
if (mSphere1->getCollisionBody()->isActive()) mSphere1->render(shader, worldToCameraMatrix, mIsWireframeEnabled);
if (mSphere2->getCollisionBody()->isActive()) mSphere2->render(shader, worldToCameraMatrix, mIsWireframeEnabled);
if (mCapsule1->getCollisionBody()->isActive()) mCapsule1->render(shader, worldToCameraMatrix, mIsWireframeEnabled);
if (mBox->getCollisionBody()->isActive()) mBox->render(shader, worldToCameraMatrix);
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
#include "SceneDemo.h"
#include "Sphere.h"
#include "Box.h"
#include "Cone.h"
#include "Cylinder.h"
#include "Capsule.h"
#include "Line.h"
#include "ConvexMesh.h"
@ -136,6 +138,8 @@ class CollisionDetectionScene : public SceneDemo {
//Box* mBox;
Sphere* mSphere1;
Sphere* mSphere2;
Capsule* mCapsule1;
Capsule* mCapsule2;
//Cone* mCone;
//Cylinder* mCylinder;
//Capsule* mCapsule;
Reference in New Issue
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