Replace testPointInside() and raycast() methods for ConvexMeshShape (do not used GJK anymore) and some small refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Chappuis 2018-02-26 07:17:54 +01:00
parent f73e54bb6d
commit 4177044f74
12 changed files with 229 additions and 359 deletions

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@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ class PolyhedronMesh {
/// Return a vertex
Vector3 getVertex(uint index) const;
/// Return the number of faces
uint getNbFaces() const;
/// Return a face normal
Vector3 getFaceNormal(uint faceIndex) const;
@ -100,6 +103,11 @@ inline uint PolyhedronMesh::getNbVertices() const {
return mHalfEdgeStructure.getNbVertices();
// Return the number of faces
inline uint PolyhedronMesh::getNbFaces() const {
return mHalfEdgeStructure.getNbFaces();
// Return a face normal
inline Vector3 PolyhedronMesh::getFaceNormal(uint faceIndex) const {
assert(faceIndex < mHalfEdgeStructure.getNbFaces());

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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ bool ProxyShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) {
* @param ray Ray to use for the raycasting
* @param[out] raycastInfo Result of the raycasting that is valid only if the
* methods returned true
* @return True if the ray hit the collision shape
* @return True if the ray hits the collision shape
bool ProxyShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo) {

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@ -212,171 +212,3 @@ GJKAlgorithm::GJKResult GJKAlgorithm::testCollision(NarrowPhaseInfo* narrowPhase
// Use the GJK Algorithm to find if a point is inside a convex collision shape
bool GJKAlgorithm::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) {
Vector3 suppA; // Support point of object A
Vector3 w; // Support point of Minkowski difference A-B
decimal prevDistSquare;
const ConvexShape* shape = static_cast<const ConvexShape*>(proxyShape->getCollisionShape());
// Support point of object B (object B is a single point)
const Vector3 suppB(localPoint);
// Create a simplex set
VoronoiSimplex simplex;
// Initial supporting direction
Vector3 v(1, 1, 1);
// Initialize the upper bound for the square distance
decimal distSquare = DECIMAL_LARGEST;
do {
// Compute the support points for original objects (without margins) A and B
suppA = shape->getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(-v);
// Compute the support point for the Minkowski difference A-B
w = suppA - suppB;
// Add the new support point to the simplex
simplex.addPoint(w, suppA, suppB);
// If the simplex is affinely dependent
if (simplex.isAffinelyDependent()) {
return false;
// Compute the point of the simplex closest to the origin
// If the computation of the closest point fail
if (!simplex.computeClosestPoint(v)) {
return false;
// Store and update the squared distance of the closest point
prevDistSquare = distSquare;
distSquare = v.lengthSquare();
// If the distance to the closest point doesn't improve a lot
if (prevDistSquare - distSquare <= MACHINE_EPSILON * prevDistSquare) {
return false;
} while(!simplex.isFull() && distSquare > MACHINE_EPSILON *
// The point is inside the collision shape
return true;
// Ray casting algorithm agains a convex collision shape using the GJK Algorithm
/// This method implements the GJK ray casting algorithm described by Gino Van Den Bergen in
/// "Ray Casting against General Convex Objects with Application to Continuous Collision Detection".
bool GJKAlgorithm::raycast(const Ray& ray, ProxyShape* proxyShape, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo) {
const ConvexShape* shape = static_cast<const ConvexShape*>(proxyShape->getCollisionShape());
Vector3 suppA; // Current lower bound point on the ray (starting at ray's origin)
Vector3 suppB; // Support point on the collision shape
const decimal machineEpsilonSquare = MACHINE_EPSILON * MACHINE_EPSILON;
const decimal epsilon = decimal(0.0001);
// Convert the ray origin and direction into the local-space of the collision shape
Vector3 rayDirection = ray.point2 - ray.point1;
// If the points of the segment are two close, return no hit
if (rayDirection.lengthSquare() < machineEpsilonSquare) return false;
Vector3 w;
// Create a simplex set
VoronoiSimplex simplex;
Vector3 n(decimal(0.0), decimal(0.0), decimal(0.0));
decimal lambda = decimal(0.0);
suppA = ray.point1; // Current lower bound point on the ray (starting at ray's origin)
suppB = shape->getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(rayDirection);
Vector3 v = suppA - suppB;
decimal vDotW, vDotR;
decimal distSquare = v.lengthSquare();
int nbIterations = 0;
// GJK Algorithm loop
while (distSquare > epsilon && nbIterations < MAX_ITERATIONS_GJK_RAYCAST) {
// Compute the support points
suppB = shape->getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(v);
w = suppA - suppB;
vDotW =;
if (vDotW > decimal(0)) {
vDotR =;
if (vDotR >= -machineEpsilonSquare) {
return false;
else {
// We have found a better lower bound for the hit point along the ray
lambda = lambda - vDotW / vDotR;
suppA = ray.point1 + lambda * rayDirection;
w = suppA - suppB;
n = v;
// Add the new support point to the simplex
if (!simplex.isPointInSimplex(w)) {
simplex.addPoint(w, suppA, suppB);
// Compute the closest point
if (simplex.computeClosestPoint(v)) {
distSquare = v.lengthSquare();
else {
distSquare = decimal(0.0);
// If the current lower bound distance is larger than the maximum raycasting distance
if (lambda > ray.maxFraction) return false;
// If the origin was inside the shape, we return no hit
if (lambda < MACHINE_EPSILON) return false;
// Compute the closet points of both objects (without the margins)
Vector3 pointA;
Vector3 pointB;
simplex.computeClosestPointsOfAandB(pointA, pointB);
// A raycast hit has been found, we fill in the raycast info
raycastInfo.hitFraction = lambda;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = pointB;
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
if (n.lengthSquare() >= machineEpsilonSquare) { // The normal vector is valid
raycastInfo.worldNormal = n;
else { // Degenerated normal vector, we return a zero normal vector
raycastInfo.worldNormal = Vector3(decimal(0), decimal(0), decimal(0));
return true;

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@ -96,12 +96,6 @@ class GJKAlgorithm {
/// Compute a contact info if the two bounding volumes collide.
GJKResult testCollision(NarrowPhaseInfo* narrowPhaseInfo, bool reportContacts);
/// Use the GJK Algorithm to find if a point is inside a convex collision shape
bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape);
/// Ray casting algorithm agains a convex collision shape using the GJK Algorithm
bool raycast(const Ray& ray, ProxyShape* proxyShape, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo);
/// Set the profiler

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@ -30,9 +30,6 @@
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// TODO : Check in every collision shape that localScalling is used correctly and even with SAT
// algorithm (not only in getLocalSupportPoint***() methods)
// Constructor to initialize with an array of 3D vertices.
/// This method creates an internal copy of the input vertices.
@ -58,14 +55,14 @@ ConvexMeshShape::ConvexMeshShape(PolyhedronMesh* polyhedronMesh)
/// runs in almost constant time.
Vector3 ConvexMeshShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const {
double maxDotProduct = DECIMAL_SMALLEST;
decimal maxDotProduct = DECIMAL_SMALLEST;
uint indexMaxDotProduct = 0;
// For each vertex of the mesh
for (uint i=0; i<mPolyhedronMesh->getNbVertices(); i++) {
// Compute the dot product of the current vertex
double dotProduct =>getVertex(i));
decimal dotProduct =>getVertex(i));
// If the current dot product is larger than the maximum one
if (dotProduct > maxDotProduct) {
@ -83,14 +80,11 @@ Vector3 ConvexMeshShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direct
// Recompute the bounds of the mesh
void ConvexMeshShape::recalculateBounds() {
// TODO : Only works if the local origin is inside the mesh
// => Make it more robust (init with first vertex of mesh instead)
mMinBounds = mPolyhedronMesh->getVertex(0);
mMaxBounds = mPolyhedronMesh->getVertex(0);
// For each vertex of the mesh
for (uint i=0; i<mPolyhedronMesh->getNbVertices(); i++) {
for (uint i=1; i<mPolyhedronMesh->getNbVertices(); i++) {
if (mPolyhedronMesh->getVertex(i).x > mMaxBounds.x) mMaxBounds.x = mPolyhedronMesh->getVertex(i).x;
if (mPolyhedronMesh->getVertex(i).x < mMinBounds.x) mMinBounds.x = mPolyhedronMesh->getVertex(i).x;
@ -105,14 +99,105 @@ void ConvexMeshShape::recalculateBounds() {
// Apply the local scaling factor
mMaxBounds = mMaxBounds * mScaling;
mMinBounds = mMinBounds * mScaling;
// Add the object margin to the bounds
mMaxBounds += Vector3(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin);
mMinBounds -= Vector3(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin);
// Raycast method with feedback information
/// This method implements the technique in the book "Real-time Collision Detection" by
/// Christer Ericson.
bool ConvexMeshShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
return proxyShape->mBody->mWorld.mCollisionDetection.mNarrowPhaseGJKAlgorithm.raycast(
ray, proxyShape, raycastInfo);
// Ray direction
Vector3 direction = ray.point2 - ray.point1;
decimal tMin = decimal(0.0);
decimal tMax = ray.maxFraction;
Vector3 currentFaceNormal;
bool isIntersectionFound = false;
const HalfEdgeStructure& halfEdgeStructure = mPolyhedronMesh->getHalfEdgeStructure();
// For each face of the convex mesh
for (uint f=0; f < mPolyhedronMesh->getNbFaces(); f++) {
const HalfEdgeStructure::Face& face = halfEdgeStructure.getFace(f);
const Vector3 faceNormal = mPolyhedronMesh->getFaceNormal(f);
const HalfEdgeStructure::Vertex& faceVertex = halfEdgeStructure.getVertex(face.faceVertices[0]);
const Vector3 facePoint = mPolyhedronMesh->getVertex(faceVertex.vertexPointIndex);
decimal denom =;
decimal planeD =;
decimal dist = planeD -;
// If ray is parallel to the face
if (denom == decimal(0.0)) {
// If ray is outside the clipping face, we return no intersection
if (dist < decimal(0.0)) return false;
else {
// Compute the intersection between the ray and the current face plane
decimal t = dist / denom;
// Update the current ray intersection by clipping it with the current face plane
// If the place faces the ray
if (denom < decimal(0.0)) {
// Clip the current ray intersection as it enters the convex mesh
if (t > tMin) {
tMin = t;
currentFaceNormal = faceNormal;
isIntersectionFound = true;
else {
// Clip the current ray intersection as it exits the convex mesh
if (t < tMax) tMax = t;
// If the ray intersection with the convex mesh becomes empty, report no intersection
if (tMin > tMax) return false;
if (isIntersectionFound) {
// The ray intersects with the convex mesh
assert(tMin >= decimal(0.0));
assert(tMax <= ray.maxFraction);
assert(tMin <= tMax);
assert(currentFaceNormal.lengthSquare() > decimal(0.0));
// The ray intersects the three slabs, we compute the hit point
Vector3 localHitPoint = ray.point1 + tMin * direction;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = tMin;
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
raycastInfo.worldNormal = currentFaceNormal;
return true;
return false;
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
bool ConvexMeshShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
const HalfEdgeStructure& halfEdgeStructure = mPolyhedronMesh->getHalfEdgeStructure();
// For each face plane of the convex mesh
for (uint f=0; f < mPolyhedronMesh->getNbFaces(); f++) {
const HalfEdgeStructure::Face& face = halfEdgeStructure.getFace(f);
const Vector3 faceNormal = mPolyhedronMesh->getFaceNormal(f);
const HalfEdgeStructure::Vertex& faceVertex = halfEdgeStructure.getVertex(face.faceVertices[0]);
const Vector3 facePoint = mPolyhedronMesh->getVertex(faceVertex.vertexPointIndex);
// If the point is out of the face plane, it is outside of the convex mesh
if (computePointToPlaneDistance(localPoint, faceNormal, facePoint) > decimal(0.0)) return false;
return true;

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@ -173,15 +173,6 @@ inline void ConvexMeshShape::computeLocalInertiaTensor(Matrix3x3& tensor, decima
0.0, 0.0, factor * (xSquare + ySquare));
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
inline bool ConvexMeshShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint,
ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
// Use the GJK algorithm to test if the point is inside the convex mesh
return proxyShape->mBody->mWorld.mCollisionDetection.
mNarrowPhaseGJKAlgorithm.testPointInside(localPoint, proxyShape);
// Return the number of faces of the polyhedron
inline uint ConvexMeshShape::getNbFaces() const {
return mPolyhedronMesh->getHalfEdgeStructure().getNbFaces();

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@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ struct Ray {
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// First point of the ray (origin)
/// First point of the ray (origin) in world-space
Vector3 point1;
/// Second point of the ray
/// Second point of the ray in world-space
Vector3 point2;
/// Maximum fraction value

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@ -375,6 +375,11 @@ Vector3 reactphysics3d::projectPointOntoPlane(const Vector3& point, const Vector
return point - - planePoint) * unitPlaneNormal;
// Return the distance between a point and a plane (the plane normal must be normalized)
decimal reactphysics3d::computePointToPlaneDistance(const Vector3& point, const Vector3& planeNormal, const Vector3& planePoint) {
return - planePoint);
// Return true if the given number is prime
bool reactphysics3d::isPrimeNumber(int number) {

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@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ List<Vector3> clipPolygonWithPlanes(const List<Vector3>& polygonVertices, const
/// Project a point onto a plane that is given by a point and its unit length normal
Vector3 projectPointOntoPlane(const Vector3& point, const Vector3& planeNormal, const Vector3& planePoint);
/// Return the distance between a point and a plane (the plane normal must be normalized)
decimal computePointToPlaneDistance(const Vector3& point, const Vector3& planeNormal, const Vector3& planePoint);
/// Return true if the given number is prime
bool isPrimeNumber(int number);

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@ -59,12 +59,17 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
CollisionBody* mCylinderBody;
CollisionBody* mCompoundBody;
Vector3 mConvexMeshCubeVertices[8];
int mConvexMeshCubeIndices[24];
PolygonVertexArray* mConvexMeshPolygonVertexArray;
PolyhedronMesh* mConvexMeshPolyhedronMesh;
PolygonVertexArray::PolygonFace* mConvexMeshPolygonFaces;
// Collision shapes
BoxShape* mBoxShape;
SphereShape* mSphereShape;
CapsuleShape* mCapsuleShape;
ConvexMeshShape* mConvexMeshShape;
ConvexMeshShape* mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo;
// Transform
Transform mBodyTransform;
@ -76,10 +81,7 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
ProxyShape* mBoxProxyShape;
ProxyShape* mSphereProxyShape;
ProxyShape* mCapsuleProxyShape;
ProxyShape* mConeProxyShape;
ProxyShape* mConvexMeshProxyShape;
ProxyShape* mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo;
ProxyShape* mCylinderProxyShape;
public :
@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
mConvexMeshBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
mCylinderBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
mConvexMeshBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
mCompoundBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
// Collision shape transform
@ -121,51 +124,44 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
mSphereShape = new SphereShape(3);
mSphereProxyShape = mSphereBody->addCollisionShape(mSphereShape, mShapeTransform);
mCapsuleShape = new CapsuleShape(2, 10);
mCapsuleShape = new CapsuleShape(3, 10);
mCapsuleProxyShape = mCapsuleBody->addCollisionShape(mCapsuleShape, mShapeTransform);
// TODO : Create convex mesh shape with new way (polyhedron mesh) to add test again
/*mConvexMeshShape = new ConvexMeshShape(0.0); // Box of dimension (2, 3, 4)
mConvexMeshShape->addVertex(Vector3(-2, -3, -4));
mConvexMeshShape->addVertex(Vector3(2, -3, -4));
mConvexMeshShape->addVertex(Vector3(2, -3, 4));
mConvexMeshShape->addVertex(Vector3(-2, -3, 4));
mConvexMeshShape->addVertex(Vector3(-2, 3, -4));
mConvexMeshShape->addVertex(Vector3(2, 3, -4));
mConvexMeshShape->addVertex(Vector3(2, 3, 4));
mConvexMeshShape->addVertex(Vector3(-2, 3, 4));
mConvexMeshProxyShape = mConvexMeshBody->addCollisionShape(mConvexMeshShape, mShapeTransform);
mConvexMeshCubeVertices[0] = Vector3(-2, -3, 4);
mConvexMeshCubeVertices[1] = Vector3(2, -3, 4);
mConvexMeshCubeVertices[2] = Vector3(2, -3, -4);
mConvexMeshCubeVertices[3] = Vector3(-2, -3, -4);
mConvexMeshCubeVertices[4] = Vector3(-2, 3, 4);
mConvexMeshCubeVertices[5] = Vector3(2, 3, 4);
mConvexMeshCubeVertices[6] = Vector3(2, 3, -4);
mConvexMeshCubeVertices[7] = Vector3(-2, 3, -4);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo = new ConvexMeshShape(0.0);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addVertex(Vector3(-2, -3, -4));
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addVertex(Vector3(2, -3, -4));
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addVertex(Vector3(2, -3, 4));
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addVertex(Vector3(-2, -3, 4));
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addVertex(Vector3(-2, 3, -4));
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addVertex(Vector3(2, 3, -4));
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addVertex(Vector3(2, 3, 4));
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addVertex(Vector3(-2, 3, 4));
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(0, 1);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(1, 2);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(2, 3);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(0, 3);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(4, 5);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(5, 6);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(6, 7);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(4, 7);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(0, 4);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(1, 5);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(2, 6);
mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo->addEdge(3, 7);
mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo = mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->addCollisionShape(
mConvexMeshCubeIndices[0] = 0; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[1] = 3; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[2] = 2; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[3] = 1;
mConvexMeshCubeIndices[4] = 4; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[5] = 5; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[6] = 6; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[7] = 7;
mConvexMeshCubeIndices[8] = 0; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[9] = 1; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[10] = 5; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[11] = 4;
mConvexMeshCubeIndices[12] = 1; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[13] = 2; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[14] = 6; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[15] = 5;
mConvexMeshCubeIndices[16] = 2; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[17] = 3; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[18] = 7; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[19] = 6;
mConvexMeshCubeIndices[20] = 0; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[21] = 4; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[22] = 7; mConvexMeshCubeIndices[23] = 3;
mConvexMeshPolygonFaces = new PolygonVertexArray::PolygonFace[6];
PolygonVertexArray::PolygonFace* face = mConvexMeshPolygonFaces;
for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++) {
face->indexBase = f * 4;
face->nbVertices = 4;
mConvexMeshPolygonVertexArray = new PolygonVertexArray(8, &(mConvexMeshCubeVertices[0]), sizeof(Vector3),
&(mConvexMeshCubeIndices[0]), sizeof(int), 6, mConvexMeshPolygonFaces,
mConvexMeshPolyhedronMesh = new PolyhedronMesh(mConvexMeshPolygonVertexArray);
mConvexMeshShape = new ConvexMeshShape(mConvexMeshPolyhedronMesh);
Transform convexMeshTransform(Vector3(10, 0, 0), Quaternion::identity());
mConvexMeshProxyShape = mConvexMeshBody->addCollisionShape(mConvexMeshShape, mShapeTransform);
// Compound shape is a capsule and a sphere
Vector3 positionShape2(Vector3(4, 2, -3));
Quaternion orientationShape2 = Quaternion::fromEulerAngles(-3 *PI / 8, 1.5 * PI/ 3, PI / 13);
Quaternion orientationShape2 = Quaternion::fromEulerAngles(-3 * PI / 8, 1.5 * PI/ 3, PI / 13);
Transform shapeTransform2(positionShape2, orientationShape2);
mLocalShape2ToWorld = mBodyTransform * shapeTransform2;
mCompoundBody->addCollisionShape(mCapsuleShape, mShapeTransform);
@ -177,8 +173,10 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
delete mBoxShape;
delete mSphereShape;
delete mCapsuleShape;
//delete mConvexMeshShape;
//delete mConvexMeshShapeBodyEdgesInfo;
delete mConvexMeshShape;
delete mConvexMeshPolygonFaces;
delete mConvexMeshPolygonVertexArray;
delete mConvexMeshPolyhedronMesh;
/// Run the tests
@ -328,24 +326,24 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
test(mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, 0.4)));
test(mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.3, 1, 1.5)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -7.1, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 7.1, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, 2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, -2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, 5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.5, 5, 1.6)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.5, 5, -1.7)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, 2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, -2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, -5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, -5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.5, -5, 1.6)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.5, -5, -1.7)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -13.1, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 13.1, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, 3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, -3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, 5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, 5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, 5, 2.6)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, 5, -2.7)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, 3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, -3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, -5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, -5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, -5, 2.6)));
test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, -5, -2.7)));
// Tests with ProxyCapsuleShape
test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
@ -375,33 +373,30 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, 0.4)));
test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.3, 1, 1.5)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -7.1, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 7.1, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, 2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, -2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, 5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.5, 5, 1.6)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.5, 5, -1.7)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, 2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, -2.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, -5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, -5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.5, -5, 1.6)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.5, -5, -1.7)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -13.1, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 13.1, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, 3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, -3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, 5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, 5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, 5, 2.6)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, 5, -2.7)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, 3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, -3.1)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, -5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, -5, 0)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, -5, 2.6)));
test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, -5, -2.7)));
/// Test the ProxyConvexMeshShape::testPointInside() and
/// CollisionBody::testPointInside() methods
void testConvexMesh() {
// ----- Tests without using edges information ----- //
// Tests with CollisionBody
test(mConvexMeshBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
test(mConvexMeshBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, 0, 0)));
@ -453,68 +448,12 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-10, -2, -1.5)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 4, -2.5)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 4.5)));
// ----- Tests using edges information ----- //
// Tests with CollisionBody
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, 0, 0)));
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 0, 0)));
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -2.9, 0)));
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 2.9, 0)));
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.9)));
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.9)));
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, -2.9, -3.9)));
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 2.9, 3.9)));
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, -2, -1.5)));
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, -2.5)));
test(mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 3.5)));
test(!mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -3.1, 0)));
test(!mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 3.1, 0)));
test(!mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -4.1)));
test(!mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 4.1)));
test(!mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, -3.1, -4.1)));
test(!mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 3.1, 4.1)));
test(!mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-10, -2, -1.5)));
test(!mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 4, -2.5)));
test(!mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 4.5)));
// Tests with ProxyConvexMeshShape
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, 0, 0)));
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 0, 0)));
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -2.9, 0)));
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 2.9, 0)));
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.9)));
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.9)));
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, -2.9, -3.9)));
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 2.9, 3.9)));
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, -2, -1.5)));
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, -2.5)));
test(mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 3.5)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 0, 0)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -3.1, 0)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 3.1, 0)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -4.1)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 4.1)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, -3.1, -4.1)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 3.1, 4.1)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-10, -2, -1.5)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 4, -2.5)));
test(!mConvexMeshProxyShapeEdgesInfo->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 4.5)));
/// Test the CollisionBody::testPointInside() method
void testCompound() {
// Points on the capsule
// TODO : Previous it was a cylinder (not a capsule). Maybe those tests are wrong now
test(mCompoundBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
test(mCompoundBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 3.9, 0)));
test(mCompoundBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -3.9, 0)));

View File

@ -213,25 +213,26 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
mPolyhedronVertices[0] = Vector3(-2, -3, 4);
mPolyhedronVertices[1] = Vector3(2, -3, 4);
mPolyhedronVertices[2] = Vector3(2, 3, 4);
mPolyhedronVertices[3] = Vector3(-2, 3, 4);
mPolyhedronVertices[4] = Vector3(2, -3, -4);
mPolyhedronVertices[5] = Vector3(2, 3, -4);
mPolyhedronVertices[6] = Vector3(-2, 3, -4);
mPolyhedronVertices[7] = Vector3(-2, -3, -4);
mPolyhedronVertices[2] = Vector3(2, -3, -4);
mPolyhedronVertices[3] = Vector3(-2, -3, -4);
mPolyhedronVertices[4] = Vector3(-2, 3, 4);
mPolyhedronVertices[5] = Vector3(2, 3, 4);
mPolyhedronVertices[6] = Vector3(2, 3, -4);
mPolyhedronVertices[7] = Vector3(-2, 3, -4);
mPolyhedronIndices[0] = 0; mPolyhedronIndices[1] = 1; mPolyhedronIndices[2] = 2; mPolyhedronIndices[3] = 3;
mPolyhedronIndices[4] = 1; mPolyhedronIndices[5] = 4; mPolyhedronIndices[6] = 5; mPolyhedronIndices[7] = 2;
mPolyhedronIndices[8] = 4; mPolyhedronIndices[9] = 7; mPolyhedronIndices[10] = 6; mPolyhedronIndices[11] = 5;
mPolyhedronIndices[12] = 0; mPolyhedronIndices[13] = 3; mPolyhedronIndices[14] = 6; mPolyhedronIndices[15] = 7;
mPolyhedronIndices[16] = 2; mPolyhedronIndices[17] = 5; mPolyhedronIndices[18] = 6; mPolyhedronIndices[19] = 3;
mPolyhedronIndices[20] = 1; mPolyhedronIndices[21] = 0; mPolyhedronIndices[22] = 7; mPolyhedronIndices[23] = 4;
mPolyhedronIndices[0] = 0; mPolyhedronIndices[1] = 3; mPolyhedronIndices[2] = 2; mPolyhedronIndices[3] = 1;
mPolyhedronIndices[4] = 4; mPolyhedronIndices[5] = 5; mPolyhedronIndices[6] = 6; mPolyhedronIndices[7] = 7;
mPolyhedronIndices[8] = 0; mPolyhedronIndices[9] = 1; mPolyhedronIndices[10] = 5; mPolyhedronIndices[11] = 4;
mPolyhedronIndices[12] = 1; mPolyhedronIndices[13] = 2; mPolyhedronIndices[14] = 6; mPolyhedronIndices[15] = 5;
mPolyhedronIndices[16] = 2; mPolyhedronIndices[17] = 3; mPolyhedronIndices[18] = 7; mPolyhedronIndices[19] = 6;
mPolyhedronIndices[20] = 0; mPolyhedronIndices[21] = 4; mPolyhedronIndices[22] = 7; mPolyhedronIndices[23] = 3;
// Polygon faces descriptions for the polyhedron
for (int f=0; f < 8; f++) {
PolygonVertexArray::PolygonFace& face = mPolygonFaces[f];
face.indexBase = f * 4;
face.nbVertices = 4;
PolygonVertexArray::PolygonFace* face = mPolygonFaces;
for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++) {
face->indexBase = f * 4;
face->nbVertices = 4;
// Create the polygon vertex array
@ -1302,12 +1303,14 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
Vector3 point2 = mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, 2, -4);
Ray ray(point1, point2);
Vector3 hitPoint = mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, 2, 4);
Transform inverse = mLocalShapeToWorld.getInverse();
mCallback.shapeToTest = mConvexMeshProxyShape;
// CollisionWorld::raycast()
mWorld->raycast(ray, &mCallback);
Vector3 localTest = inverse * mCallback.raycastInfo.worldPoint;
test(mCallback.raycastInfo.body == mConvexMeshBody);
test(mCallback.raycastInfo.proxyShape == mConvexMeshProxyShape);

View File

@ -103,6 +103,16 @@ class TestMathematicsFunctions : public Test {
test(!sameSign(4, -7));
test(!sameSign(-4, 53));
// Test computePointToPlaneDistance()
Vector3 p(8, 4, 0);
Vector3 n1(1, 0, 0);
Vector3 n2(-1, 0, 0);
Vector3 q1(1, 54, 0);
Vector3 q2(8, 17, 0);
test(approxEqual(computePointToPlaneDistance(q1, n1, p), decimal(-7)));
test(approxEqual(computePointToPlaneDistance(q1, n2, p), decimal(7)));
test(approxEqual(computePointToPlaneDistance(q2, n2, p), decimal(0.0)));
// Test computeBarycentricCoordinatesInTriangle()
Vector3 a(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 b(5, 0, 0);