Remove all the special proxy shapes to keep only the ProxyShape class

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Chappuis 2014-08-04 22:46:58 +02:00
parent bd5668ed51
commit ab8656fc0b
27 changed files with 433 additions and 1127 deletions

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@ -62,14 +62,15 @@ CollisionBody::~CollisionBody() {
/// This method will return a pointer to the proxy collision shape that links the body with
/// the collision shape you have added.
ProxyShape* CollisionBody::addCollisionShape(const CollisionShape& collisionShape,
const Transform& transform) {
const Transform& transform) {
// Create an internal copy of the collision shape into the world (if it does not exist yet)
CollisionShape* newCollisionShape = mWorld.createCollisionShape(collisionShape);
// Create a new proxy collision shape to attach the collision shape to the body
ProxyShape* proxyShape = newCollisionShape->createProxyShape(mWorld.mMemoryAllocator,
this, transform, decimal(1.0));
ProxyShape* proxyShape = new (mWorld.mMemoryAllocator.allocate(
sizeof(ProxyShape))) ProxyShape(this, newCollisionShape,
transform, decimal(1));
// Add it to the list of proxy collision shapes of the body
if (mProxyCollisionShapes == NULL) {
@ -102,10 +103,9 @@ void CollisionBody::removeCollisionShape(const ProxyShape* proxyShape) {
if (current == proxyShape) {
mProxyCollisionShapes = current->mNext;
size_t sizeBytes = current->getSizeInBytes();
mWorld.mMemoryAllocator.release(current, sizeBytes);
mWorld.mMemoryAllocator.release(current, sizeof(ProxyShape));
@ -120,10 +120,9 @@ void CollisionBody::removeCollisionShape(const ProxyShape* proxyShape) {
ProxyShape* elementToRemove = current->mNext;
current->mNext = elementToRemove->mNext;
size_t sizeBytes = elementToRemove->getSizeInBytes();
mWorld.mMemoryAllocator.release(elementToRemove, sizeBytes);
mWorld.mMemoryAllocator.release(elementToRemove, sizeof(ProxyShape));
@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ void CollisionBody::removeAllCollisionShapes() {
// Remove the proxy collision shape
ProxyShape* nextElement = current->mNext;
mWorld.mMemoryAllocator.release(current, sizeof(ProxyShape));
@ -212,3 +211,15 @@ bool CollisionBody::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) const {
return false;
// Raycast method
bool CollisionBody::raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance) {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Raycast method with feedback information
bool CollisionBody::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, decimal distance) {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;

View File

@ -166,13 +166,11 @@ class CollisionBody : public Body {
bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) const;
/// Raycast method
// TODO : Implement this method
bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE);
/// Raycast method with feedback information
// TODO : Implement this method
bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE);
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //

View File

@ -184,8 +184,9 @@ ProxyShape* RigidBody::addCollisionShape(const CollisionShape& collisionShape,
CollisionShape* newCollisionShape = mWorld.createCollisionShape(collisionShape);
// Create a new proxy collision shape to attach the collision shape to the body
ProxyShape* proxyShape = newCollisionShape->createProxyShape(mWorld.mMemoryAllocator,
this, transform, mass);
ProxyShape* proxyShape = new (mWorld.mMemoryAllocator.allocate(
sizeof(ProxyShape))) ProxyShape(this, newCollisionShape,
transform, mass);
// Add it to the list of proxy collision shapes of the body
if (mProxyCollisionShapes == NULL) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
// Libraries
#include "ProxyShape.h"
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Constructor
ProxyShape::ProxyShape(CollisionBody* body, CollisionShape* shape, const Transform& transform,
decimal mass)
:mBody(body), mCollisionShape(shape), mLocalToBodyTransform(transform), mMass(mass),
mNext(NULL), mBroadPhaseID(-1), mCachedCollisionData(NULL) {
// Destructor
ProxyShape::~ProxyShape() {
// Release the cached collision data memory
if (mCachedCollisionData != NULL) {
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
bool ProxyShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) {
const Transform localToWorld = mBody->getTransform() * mLocalToBodyTransform;
const Vector3 localPoint = localToWorld.getInverse() * worldPoint;
return mCollisionShape->testPointInside(localPoint);

src/collision/ProxyShape.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
// Libraries
#include "body/CollisionBody.h"
#include "shapes/CollisionShape.h"
namespace reactphysics3d {
// Class ProxyShape
* The CollisionShape instances are supposed to be unique for memory optimization. For instance,
* consider two rigid bodies with the same sphere collision shape. In this situation, we will have
* a unique instance of SphereShape but we need to differentiate between the two instances during
* the collision detection. They do not have the same position in the world and they do not
* belong to the same rigid body. The ProxyShape class is used for that purpose by attaching a
* rigid body with one of its collision shape. A body can have multiple proxy shapes (one for
* each collision shape attached to the body).
class ProxyShape {
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Pointer to the parent body
CollisionBody* mBody;
/// Internal collision shape
CollisionShape* mCollisionShape;
/// Local-space to parent body-space transform (does not change over time)
const Transform mLocalToBodyTransform;
/// Mass (in kilogramms) of the corresponding collision shape
decimal mMass;
/// Pointer to the next proxy shape of the body (linked list)
ProxyShape* mNext;
/// Broad-phase ID (node ID in the dynamic AABB tree)
int mBroadPhaseID;
/// Cached collision data
void* mCachedCollisionData;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Private copy-constructor
ProxyShape(const ProxyShape& proxyShape);
/// Private assignment operator
ProxyShape& operator=(const ProxyShape& proxyShape);
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin.
Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return the collision shape margin
decimal getMargin() const;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ProxyShape(CollisionBody* body, CollisionShape* shape,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Destructor
/// Return the collision shape
const CollisionShape* getCollisionShape() const;
/// Return the parent body
CollisionBody* getBody() const;
/// Return the mass of the collision shape
decimal getMass() const;
/// Return the local to parent body transform
const Transform& getLocalToBodyTransform() const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint);
/// Raycast method
bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE);
/// Raycast method with feedback information
bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE);
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class OverlappingPair;
friend class CollisionBody;
friend class RigidBody;
friend class BroadPhaseAlgorithm;
friend class DynamicAABBTree;
friend class CollisionDetection;
friend class EPAAlgorithm;
friend class GJKAlgorithm;
/// Return the collision shape
inline const CollisionShape* ProxyShape::getCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the parent body
inline CollisionBody* ProxyShape::getBody() const {
return mBody;
// Return the mass of the collision shape
inline decimal ProxyShape::getMass() const {
return mMass;
// Return the local to parent body transform
inline const Transform& ProxyShape::getLocalToBodyTransform() const {
return mLocalToBodyTransform;
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxyShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(direction, &mCachedCollisionData);
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin.
inline Vector3 ProxyShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction, &mCachedCollisionData);
// Return the collision shape margin
inline decimal ProxyShape::getMargin() const {
return mCollisionShape->getMargin();
// Raycast method
inline bool ProxyShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance) {
return mCollisionShape->raycast(ray, distance);
// Raycast method with feedback information
inline bool ProxyShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, decimal distance) {
return mCollisionShape->raycast(ray, raycastInfo, distance);

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
// Libraries
#include <vector>
#include "../../body/CollisionBody.h"
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "DynamicAABBTree.h"
/// Namespace ReactPhysics3D

View File

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ BoxShape::BoxShape(const Vector3& extent, decimal margin)
assert(extent.x > decimal(0.0) && extent.x > margin);
assert(extent.y > decimal(0.0) && extent.y > margin);
assert(extent.z > decimal(0.0) && extent.z > margin);
assert(margin > decimal(0.0));
// Private copy-constructor
@ -79,27 +78,3 @@ bool BoxShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Constructor
ProxyBoxShape::ProxyBoxShape(BoxShape* shape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass)
:ProxyShape(body, transform, mass), mCollisionShape(shape){
// Destructor
ProxyBoxShape::~ProxyBoxShape() {
// Raycast method
bool ProxyBoxShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Raycast method with feedback information
bool ProxyBoxShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;

View File

@ -67,8 +67,16 @@ class BoxShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Private assignment operator
BoxShape& operator=(const BoxShape& shape);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
public :
@ -92,94 +100,18 @@ class BoxShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const;
/// Return the local inertia tensor of the collision shape
virtual void computeLocalInertiaTensor(Matrix3x3& tensor, decimal mass) const;
/// Test equality between two box shapes
virtual bool isEqualTo(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape) const;
/// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
virtual ProxyShape* createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class ProxyBoxShape;
// Class ProxyBoxShape
* The proxy collision shape for a box shape.
class ProxyBoxShape : public ProxyShape {
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Pointer to the actual collision shape
BoxShape* mCollisionShape;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Private copy-constructor
ProxyBoxShape(const ProxyBoxShape& proxyShape);
/// Private assignment operator
ProxyBoxShape& operator=(const ProxyBoxShape& proxyShape);
/// Return the non-const collision shape
virtual CollisionShape* getInternalCollisionShape() const;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ProxyBoxShape(BoxShape* shape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Destructor
/// Return the collision shape
virtual const CollisionShape* getCollisionShape() const;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return the current collision shape margin
virtual decimal getMargin() const;
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint);
// Allocate and return a copy of the object
@ -209,7 +141,8 @@ inline size_t BoxShape::getSizeInBytes() const {
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
inline Vector3 BoxShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) const {
inline Vector3 BoxShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
assert(mMargin > 0.0);
@ -219,7 +152,8 @@ inline Vector3 BoxShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the objec margin
inline Vector3 BoxShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const {
inline Vector3 BoxShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
return Vector3(direction.x < 0.0 ? -mExtent.x : mExtent.x,
direction.y < 0.0 ? -mExtent.y : mExtent.y,
@ -232,50 +166,6 @@ inline bool BoxShape::isEqualTo(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape) const
return (mExtent == otherShape.mExtent);
// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
inline ProxyShape* BoxShape::createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass) {
return new (allocator.allocate(sizeof(ProxyBoxShape))) ProxyBoxShape(this, body,
transform, mass);
// Return the non-const collision shape
inline CollisionShape* ProxyBoxShape::getInternalCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the collision shape
inline const CollisionShape* ProxyBoxShape::getCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
inline size_t ProxyBoxShape::getSizeInBytes() const {
return sizeof(ProxyBoxShape);
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxyBoxShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(direction);
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxyBoxShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction);
// Return the current object margin
inline decimal ProxyBoxShape::getMargin() const {
return mCollisionShape->getMargin();
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
inline bool ProxyBoxShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) {
const Transform localToWorld = mBody->getTransform() * mLocalToBodyTransform;
const Vector3 localPoint = localToWorld.getInverse() * worldPoint;
return mCollisionShape->testPointInside(localPoint);

View File

@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ CapsuleShape::~CapsuleShape() {
/// Therefore, in this method, we compute the support points of both top and bottom spheres of
/// the capsule and return the point with the maximum dot product with the direction vector. Note
/// that the object margin is implicitly the radius and height of the capsule.
Vector3 CapsuleShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) const {
Vector3 CapsuleShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
// If the direction vector is not the zero vector
if (direction.lengthSquare() >= MACHINE_EPSILON * MACHINE_EPSILON) {
@ -87,7 +88,8 @@ Vector3 CapsuleShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) c
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin.
Vector3 CapsuleShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const {
Vector3 CapsuleShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
// If the dot product of the direction and the local Y axis (dotProduct = direction.y)
// is positive
@ -141,27 +143,3 @@ bool CapsuleShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Constructor
ProxyCapsuleShape::ProxyCapsuleShape(CapsuleShape* shape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass)
:ProxyShape(body, transform, mass), mCollisionShape(shape){
// Destructor
ProxyCapsuleShape::~ProxyCapsuleShape() {
// Raycast method
bool ProxyCapsuleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Raycast method with feedback information
bool ProxyCapsuleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;

View File

@ -64,8 +64,16 @@ class CapsuleShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Private assignment operator
CapsuleShape& operator=(const CapsuleShape& shape);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin.
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
public :
@ -89,12 +97,6 @@ class CapsuleShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin.
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const;
/// Return the local bounds of the shape in x, y and z directions
virtual void getLocalBounds(Vector3& min, Vector3& max) const;
@ -104,82 +106,12 @@ class CapsuleShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Test equality between two capsule shapes
virtual bool isEqualTo(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape) const;
/// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
virtual ProxyShape* createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class ProxyCapsuleShape;
// Class ProxyCapsuleShape
* The proxy collision shape for a capsule shape.
class ProxyCapsuleShape : public ProxyShape {
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Pointer to the actual collision shape
CapsuleShape* mCollisionShape;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Private copy-constructor
ProxyCapsuleShape(const ProxyCapsuleShape& proxyShape);
/// Private assignment operator
ProxyCapsuleShape& operator=(const ProxyCapsuleShape& proxyShape);
/// Return the non-const collision shape
virtual CollisionShape* getInternalCollisionShape() const;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ProxyCapsuleShape(CapsuleShape* shape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Destructor
/// Return the collision shape
virtual const CollisionShape* getCollisionShape() const;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return the current collision shape margin
virtual decimal getMargin() const;
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint);
/// Allocate and return a copy of the object
@ -223,50 +155,6 @@ inline bool CapsuleShape::isEqualTo(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape) c
return (mRadius == otherShape.mRadius && mHalfHeight == otherShape.mHalfHeight);
// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
inline ProxyShape* CapsuleShape::createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass) {
return new (allocator.allocate(sizeof(ProxyCapsuleShape))) ProxyCapsuleShape(this, body,
transform, mass);
// Return the non-const collision shape
inline CollisionShape* ProxyCapsuleShape::getInternalCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the collision shape
inline const CollisionShape* ProxyCapsuleShape::getCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
inline size_t ProxyCapsuleShape::getSizeInBytes() const {
return sizeof(ProxyCapsuleShape);
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxyCapsuleShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(direction);
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxyCapsuleShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction);
// Return the current object margin
inline decimal ProxyCapsuleShape::getMargin() const {
return mCollisionShape->getMargin();
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
inline bool ProxyCapsuleShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) {
const Transform localToWorld = mBody->getTransform() * mLocalToBodyTransform;
const Vector3 localPoint = localToWorld.getInverse() * worldPoint;
return mCollisionShape->testPointInside(localPoint);

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
// Libraries
#include "CollisionShape.h"
#include "../../engine/Profiler.h"
#include "body/CollisionBody.h"
// We want to use the ReactPhysics3D namespace
using namespace reactphysics3d;
@ -75,15 +76,3 @@ void CollisionShape::computeAABB(AABB& aabb, const Transform& transform) const {
// Constructor
ProxyShape::ProxyShape(CollisionBody* body, const Transform& transform, decimal mass)
:mBody(body), mLocalToBodyTransform(transform), mMass(mass), mNext(NULL),
mBroadPhaseID(-1) {
// Destructor
ProxyShape::~ProxyShape() {

View File

@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ namespace reactphysics3d {
// Declarations
class CollisionBody;
class ProxyShape;
class CollisionBody;
// Class CollisionShape
@ -74,6 +74,24 @@ class CollisionShape {
/// Private assignment operator
CollisionShape& operator=(const CollisionShape& shape);
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const=0;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const=0;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) const=0;
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const=0;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const=0;
public :
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
@ -120,115 +138,14 @@ class CollisionShape {
/// Test equality between two collision shapes of the same type (same derived classes).
virtual bool isEqualTo(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape) const=0;
/// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
virtual ProxyShape* createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass)=0;
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const=0;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const=0;
// Class ProxyShape
* The CollisionShape instances are supposed to be unique for memory optimization. For instance,
* consider two rigid bodies with the same sphere collision shape. In this situation, we will have
* a unique instance of SphereShape but we need to differentiate between the two instances during
* the collision detection. They do not have the same position in the world and they do not
* belong to the same rigid body. The ProxyShape class is used for that purpose by attaching a
* rigid body with one of its collision shape. A body can have multiple proxy shapes (one for
* each collision shape attached to the body).
class ProxyShape {
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Pointer to the parent body
CollisionBody* mBody;
/// Local-space to parent body-space transform (does not change over time)
const Transform mLocalToBodyTransform;
/// Mass (in kilogramms) of the corresponding collision shape
decimal mMass;
/// Pointer to the next proxy shape of the body (linked list)
ProxyShape* mNext;
/// Broad-phase ID (node ID in the dynamic AABB tree)
int mBroadPhaseID;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Private copy-constructor
ProxyShape(const ProxyShape& proxyShape);
/// Private assignment operator
ProxyShape& operator=(const ProxyShape& proxyShape);
/// Return the non-const collision shape
virtual CollisionShape* getInternalCollisionShape() const=0;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ProxyShape(CollisionBody* body, const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Destructor
/// Return the collision shape
virtual const CollisionShape* getCollisionShape() const=0;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const=0;
/// Return the parent body
CollisionBody* getBody() const;
/// Return the mass of the collision shape
decimal getMass() const;
/// Return the local to parent body transform
const Transform& getLocalToBodyTransform() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction)=0;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction)=0;
/// Return the current object margin
virtual decimal getMargin() const=0;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint)=0;
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const=0;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const=0;
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class OverlappingPair;
friend class CollisionBody;
friend class RigidBody;
friend class BroadPhaseAlgorithm;
friend class DynamicAABBTree;
friend class CollisionDetection;
friend class ProxyShape;
// Return the type of the collision shape
inline CollisionShapeType CollisionShape::getType() const {
return mType;
@ -271,21 +188,6 @@ inline bool CollisionShape::operator==(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape
return otherCollisionShape.isEqualTo(*this);
// Return the parent body
inline CollisionBody* ProxyShape::getBody() const {
return mBody;
// Return the mass of the collision shape
inline decimal ProxyShape::getMass() const {
return mMass;
// Return the local to parent body transform
inline const Transform& ProxyShape::getLocalToBodyTransform() const {
return mLocalToBodyTransform;

View File

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ ConeShape::ConeShape(decimal radius, decimal height, decimal margin)
: CollisionShape(CONE, margin), mRadius(radius), mHalfHeight(height * decimal(0.5)) {
assert(mRadius > decimal(0.0));
assert(mHalfHeight > decimal(0.0));
assert(margin > decimal(0.0));
// Compute the sine of the semi-angle at the apex point
mSinTheta = mRadius / (sqrt(mRadius * mRadius + height * height));
@ -54,10 +53,11 @@ ConeShape::~ConeShape() {
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
Vector3 ConeShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) const {
Vector3 ConeShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
// Compute the support point without the margin
Vector3 supportPoint = getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction);
Vector3 supportPoint = getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction, cachedCollisionData);
// Add the margin to the support point
Vector3 unitVec(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ Vector3 ConeShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) cons
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
Vector3 ConeShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const {
Vector3 ConeShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
const Vector3& v = direction;
decimal sinThetaTimesLengthV = mSinTheta * v.length();
@ -110,27 +111,3 @@ bool ConeShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Constructor
ProxyConeShape::ProxyConeShape(ConeShape* shape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass)
:ProxyShape(body, transform, mass), mCollisionShape(shape){
// Destructor
ProxyConeShape::~ProxyConeShape() {
// Raycast method
bool ProxyConeShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Raycast method with feedback information
bool ProxyConeShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;

View File

@ -72,8 +72,16 @@ class ConeShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Private assignment operator
ConeShape& operator=(const ConeShape& shape);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
public :
@ -97,12 +105,6 @@ class ConeShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const;
/// Return the local bounds of the shape in x, y and z directions
virtual void getLocalBounds(Vector3& min, Vector3& max) const;
@ -112,82 +114,12 @@ class ConeShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Test equality between two cone shapes
virtual bool isEqualTo(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape) const;
/// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
virtual ProxyShape* createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class ProxyConeShape;
// Class ProxyConeShape
* The proxy collision shape for a cone shape.
class ProxyConeShape : public ProxyShape {
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Pointer to the actual collision shape
ConeShape* mCollisionShape;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Private copy-constructor
ProxyConeShape(const ProxyConeShape& proxyShape);
/// Private assignment operator
ProxyConeShape& operator=(const ProxyConeShape& proxyShape);
/// Return the non-const collision shape
virtual CollisionShape* getInternalCollisionShape() const;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ProxyConeShape(ConeShape* shape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Destructor
/// Return the collision shape
virtual const CollisionShape* getCollisionShape() const;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return the current collision shape margin
virtual decimal getMargin() const;
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision body
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint);
// Allocate and return a copy of the object
@ -239,50 +171,6 @@ inline bool ConeShape::isEqualTo(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape) cons
return (mRadius == otherShape.mRadius && mHalfHeight == otherShape.mHalfHeight);
// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
inline ProxyShape* ConeShape::createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass) {
return new (allocator.allocate(sizeof(ProxyConeShape))) ProxyConeShape(this, body,
transform, mass);
// Return the non-const collision shape
inline CollisionShape* ProxyConeShape::getInternalCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the collision shape
inline const CollisionShape* ProxyConeShape::getCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
inline size_t ProxyConeShape::getSizeInBytes() const {
return sizeof(ProxyConeShape);
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxyConeShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(direction);
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxyConeShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction);
// Return the current object margin
inline decimal ProxyConeShape::getMargin() const {
return mCollisionShape->getMargin();
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
inline bool ProxyConeShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) {
const Transform localToWorld = mBody->getTransform() * mLocalToBodyTransform;
const Vector3 localPoint = localToWorld.getInverse() * worldPoint;
return mCollisionShape->testPointInside(localPoint);

View File

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ ConvexMeshShape::ConvexMeshShape(const decimal* arrayVertices, uint nbVertices,
mMaxBounds(0, 0, 0), mIsEdgesInformationUsed(false) {
assert(nbVertices > 0);
assert(stride > 0);
assert(margin > decimal(0.0));
const unsigned char* vertexPointer = (const unsigned char*) arrayVertices;
@ -59,7 +58,7 @@ ConvexMeshShape::ConvexMeshShape(const decimal* arrayVertices, uint nbVertices,
ConvexMeshShape::ConvexMeshShape(decimal margin)
: CollisionShape(CONVEX_MESH, margin), mNbVertices(0), mMinBounds(0, 0, 0),
mMaxBounds(0, 0, 0), mIsEdgesInformationUsed(false) {
assert(margin > decimal(0.0));
// Private copy-constructor
@ -79,10 +78,10 @@ ConvexMeshShape::~ConvexMeshShape() {
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
Vector3 ConvexMeshShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
uint& cachedSupportVertex) const {
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
// Get the support point without the margin
Vector3 supportPoint = getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction, cachedSupportVertex);
Vector3 supportPoint = getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction, cachedCollisionData);
// Get the unit direction vector
Vector3 unitDirection = direction;
@ -104,16 +103,23 @@ Vector3 ConvexMeshShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction
/// will be in most of the cases very close to the previous one. Using hill-climbing, this method
/// runs in almost constant time.
Vector3 ConvexMeshShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
uint& cachedSupportVertex) const {
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
assert(mNbVertices == mVertices.size());
assert(cachedCollisionData != NULL);
// Allocate memory for the cached collision data if not allocated yet
if ((*cachedCollisionData) == NULL) {
*cachedCollisionData = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
*((int*)(*cachedCollisionData)) = 0;
// If the edges information is used to speed up the collision detection
if (mIsEdgesInformationUsed) {
assert(mEdgesAdjacencyList.size() == mNbVertices);
uint maxVertex = cachedSupportVertex;
uint maxVertex = *((int*)(*cachedCollisionData));
decimal maxDotProduct =[maxVertex]);
bool isOptimal;
@ -143,7 +149,7 @@ Vector3 ConvexMeshShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direct
} while(!isOptimal);
// Cache the support vertex
cachedSupportVertex = maxVertex;
*((int*)(*cachedCollisionData)) = maxVertex;
// Return the support vertex
return mVertices[maxVertex];
@ -235,29 +241,3 @@ bool ConvexMeshShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, decimal
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Constructor
ProxyConvexMeshShape::ProxyConvexMeshShape(ConvexMeshShape* shape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass)
:ProxyShape(body, transform, mass), mCollisionShape(shape),
mCachedSupportVertex(0) {
// Destructor
ProxyConvexMeshShape::~ProxyConvexMeshShape() {
// Raycast method
bool ProxyConvexMeshShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Raycast method with feedback information
bool ProxyConvexMeshShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;

View File

@ -93,6 +93,17 @@ class ConvexMeshShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Recompute the bounds of the mesh
void recalculateBounds();
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin.
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
public :
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
@ -113,14 +124,6 @@ class ConvexMeshShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
uint& cachedSupportVertex) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin.
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
uint& cachedSupportVertex) const;
/// Return the local bounds of the shape in x, y and z directions
virtual void getLocalBounds(Vector3& min, Vector3& max) const;
@ -143,85 +146,12 @@ class ConvexMeshShape : public CollisionShape {
/// collision detection
void setIsEdgesInformationUsed(bool isEdgesUsed);
/// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
virtual ProxyShape* createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class ProxyConvexMeshShape;
// Class ProxyConvexMeshSphape
* The proxy collision shape for a convex mesh shape.
class ProxyConvexMeshShape : public ProxyShape {
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Pointer to the actual collision shape
ConvexMeshShape* mCollisionShape;
/// Cached support vertex index (previous support vertex for hill-climbing)
uint mCachedSupportVertex;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Private copy-constructor
ProxyConvexMeshShape(const ProxyConvexMeshShape& proxyShape);
/// Private assignment operator
ProxyConvexMeshShape& operator=(const ProxyConvexMeshShape& proxyShape);
/// Return the non-const collision shape
virtual CollisionShape* getInternalCollisionShape() const;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ProxyConvexMeshShape(ConvexMeshShape* shape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Destructor
/// Return the collision shape
virtual const CollisionShape* getCollisionShape() const;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return the current collision shape margin
virtual decimal getMargin() const;
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint);
// Allocate and return a copy of the object
@ -306,48 +236,10 @@ inline void ConvexMeshShape::setIsEdgesInformationUsed(bool isEdgesUsed) {
mIsEdgesInformationUsed = isEdgesUsed;
// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
inline ProxyShape* ConvexMeshShape::createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator,
CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform,
decimal mass) {
return new (allocator.allocate(sizeof(ProxyConvexMeshShape))) ProxyConvexMeshShape(this, body,
transform, mass);
// Return the non-const collision shape
inline CollisionShape* ProxyConvexMeshShape::getInternalCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the collision shape
inline const CollisionShape* ProxyConvexMeshShape::getCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
inline size_t ProxyConvexMeshShape::getSizeInBytes() const {
return sizeof(ProxyConvexMeshShape);
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxyConvexMeshShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(direction, mCachedSupportVertex);
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxyConvexMeshShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction, mCachedSupportVertex);
// Return the current object margin
inline decimal ProxyConvexMeshShape::getMargin() const {
return mCollisionShape->getMargin();
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
inline bool ProxyConvexMeshShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) {
return mBody->mWorld.mCollisionDetection.mNarrowPhaseGJKAlgorithm.testPointInside(worldPoint,this);
inline bool ConvexMeshShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const {
// TODO : Implement this
return false;

View File

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ CylinderShape::CylinderShape(decimal radius, decimal height, decimal margin)
mHalfHeight(height/decimal(2.0)) {
assert(radius > decimal(0.0));
assert(height > decimal(0.0));
assert(margin > decimal(0.0));
// Private copy-constructor
@ -50,10 +49,11 @@ CylinderShape::~CylinderShape() {
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
Vector3 CylinderShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) const {
Vector3 CylinderShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
// Compute the support point without the margin
Vector3 supportPoint = getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction);
Vector3 supportPoint = getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction, NULL);
// Add the margin to the support point
Vector3 unitVec(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ Vector3 CylinderShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction)
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
Vector3 CylinderShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const {
Vector3 CylinderShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
Vector3 supportPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
decimal uDotv = direction.y;
@ -103,27 +104,3 @@ bool CylinderShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Constructor
ProxyCylinderShape::ProxyCylinderShape(CylinderShape* cylinderShape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass)
:ProxyShape(body, transform, mass), mCollisionShape(cylinderShape){
// Destructor
ProxyCylinderShape::~ProxyCylinderShape() {
// Raycast method
bool ProxyCylinderShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Raycast method with feedback information
bool ProxyCylinderShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;

View File

@ -69,8 +69,16 @@ class CylinderShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Private assignment operator
CylinderShape& operator=(const CylinderShape& shape);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
public :
@ -94,12 +102,6 @@ class CylinderShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const;
/// Return the local bounds of the shape in x, y and z directions
virtual void getLocalBounds(Vector3& min, Vector3& max) const;
@ -109,81 +111,12 @@ class CylinderShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Test equality between two cylinder shapes
virtual bool isEqualTo(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape) const;
/// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
virtual ProxyShape* createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class ProxyCylinderShape;
// Class ProxyCylinderShape
* The proxy collision shape for a cylinder shape.
class ProxyCylinderShape : public ProxyShape {
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Pointer to the actual collision shape
CylinderShape* mCollisionShape;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Private copy-constructor
ProxyCylinderShape(const ProxyCylinderShape& proxyShape);
/// Private assignment operator
ProxyCylinderShape& operator=(const ProxyCylinderShape& proxyShape);
/// Return the non-const collision shape
virtual CollisionShape* getInternalCollisionShape() const;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ProxyCylinderShape(CylinderShape* cylinderShape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Destructor
/// Return the collision shape
virtual const CollisionShape* getCollisionShape() const;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return the current collision shape margin
virtual decimal getMargin() const;
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint);
/// Allocate and return a copy of the object
@ -235,49 +168,6 @@ inline bool CylinderShape::isEqualTo(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape)
return (mRadius == otherShape.mRadius && mHalfHeight == otherShape.mHalfHeight);
// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
inline ProxyShape* CylinderShape::createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass) {
return new (allocator.allocate(sizeof(ProxyCylinderShape))) ProxyCylinderShape(this, body,
transform, mass);
// Return the non-const collision shape
inline CollisionShape* ProxyCylinderShape::getInternalCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the collision shape
inline const CollisionShape* ProxyCylinderShape::getCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
inline size_t ProxyCylinderShape::getSizeInBytes() const {
return sizeof(ProxyCylinderShape);
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxyCylinderShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(direction);
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxyCylinderShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction);
// Return the current object margin
inline decimal ProxyCylinderShape::getMargin() const {
return mCollisionShape->getMargin();
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
inline bool ProxyCylinderShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) {
const Transform localToWorld = mBody->getTransform() * mLocalToBodyTransform;
const Vector3 localPoint = localToWorld.getInverse() * worldPoint;
return mCollisionShape->testPointInside(localPoint);

View File

@ -63,27 +63,3 @@ bool SphereShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Constructor
ProxySphereShape::ProxySphereShape(SphereShape* shape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass)
:ProxyShape(body, transform, mass), mCollisionShape(shape){
// Destructor
ProxySphereShape::~ProxySphereShape() {
// Raycast method
bool ProxySphereShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
// Raycast method with feedback information
bool ProxySphereShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, decimal distance) const {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;

View File

@ -59,8 +59,16 @@ class SphereShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Private assignment operator
SphereShape& operator=(const SphereShape& shape);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
public :
@ -81,12 +89,6 @@ class SphereShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const;
/// Return the local bounds of the shape in x, y and z directions.
virtual void getLocalBounds(Vector3& min, Vector3& max) const;
@ -99,83 +101,12 @@ class SphereShape : public CollisionShape {
/// Test equality between two sphere shapes
virtual bool isEqualTo(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape) const;
/// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
virtual ProxyShape* createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class ProxySphereShape;
// Class ProxySphereShape
* The proxy collision shape for a sphere shape.
class ProxySphereShape : public ProxyShape {
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Pointer to the actual collision shape
SphereShape* mCollisionShape;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Private copy-constructor
ProxySphereShape(const ProxySphereShape& proxyShape);
/// Private assignment operator
ProxySphereShape& operator=(const ProxySphereShape& proxyShape);
/// Return the non-const collision shape
virtual CollisionShape* getInternalCollisionShape() const;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ProxySphereShape(SphereShape* shape, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Destructor
/// Return the collision shape
virtual const CollisionShape* getCollisionShape() const;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const;
/// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction);
/// Return the current collision shape margin
virtual decimal getMargin() const;
/// Raycast method
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint);
/// Allocate and return a copy of the object
@ -194,7 +125,8 @@ inline size_t SphereShape::getSizeInBytes() const {
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
inline Vector3 SphereShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) const {
inline Vector3 SphereShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
// If the direction vector is not the zero vector
if (direction.lengthSquare() >= MACHINE_EPSILON * MACHINE_EPSILON) {
@ -209,7 +141,8 @@ inline Vector3 SphereShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direct
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
inline Vector3 SphereShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const {
inline Vector3 SphereShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
// Return the center of the sphere (the radius is taken into account in the object margin)
return Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
@ -255,50 +188,6 @@ inline bool SphereShape::isEqualTo(const CollisionShape& otherCollisionShape) co
return (mRadius == otherShape.mRadius);
// Create a proxy collision shape for the collision shape
inline ProxyShape* SphereShape::createProxyShape(MemoryAllocator& allocator, CollisionBody* body,
const Transform& transform, decimal mass) {
return new (allocator.allocate(sizeof(ProxySphereShape))) ProxySphereShape(this, body,
transform, mass);
// Return the non-const collision shape
inline CollisionShape* ProxySphereShape::getInternalCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the collision shape
inline const CollisionShape* ProxySphereShape::getCollisionShape() const {
return mCollisionShape;
// Return the number of bytes used by the proxy collision shape
inline size_t ProxySphereShape::getSizeInBytes() const {
return sizeof(ProxySphereShape);
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxySphereShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(direction);
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin
inline Vector3 ProxySphereShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) {
return mCollisionShape->getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(direction);
// Return the current object margin
inline decimal ProxySphereShape::getMargin() const {
return mCollisionShape->getMargin();
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
inline bool ProxySphereShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) {
const Transform localToWorld = mBody->getTransform() * mLocalToBodyTransform;
const Vector3 localPoint = localToWorld.getInverse() * worldPoint;
return mCollisionShape->testPointInside(localPoint);

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
// Libraries
#include "ContactPoint.h"
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
using namespace reactphysics3d;
using namespace std;

View File

@ -166,4 +166,16 @@ void CollisionWorld::removeCollisionShape(CollisionShape* collisionShape) {
/// Raycast method
bool CollisionWorld::raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance) {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
bool CollisionWorld::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, decimal distance) {
// TODO : Implement this method
return false;

View File

@ -121,13 +121,11 @@ class CollisionWorld {
void destroyCollisionBody(CollisionBody* collisionBody);
/// Raycast method
// TODO : Implement this method
bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
bool raycast(const Ray& ray, decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE);
/// Raycast method with feedback information
// TODO : Implement this method
bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo,
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE) const;
decimal distance = RAYCAST_INFINITY_DISTANCE);
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
// Libraries
#include "ContactManifold.h"
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "../collision/shapes/CollisionShape.h"
/// ReactPhysics3D namespace

View File

@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
Transform mLocalShape2ToWorld;
// Collision Shapes
ProxyBoxShape* mBoxShape;
ProxySphereShape* mSphereShape;
ProxyCapsuleShape* mCapsuleShape;
ProxyConeShape* mConeShape;
ProxyConvexMeshShape* mConvexMeshShape;
ProxyConvexMeshShape* mConvexMeshShapeEdgesInfo;
ProxyCylinderShape* mCylinderShape;
ProxyShape* mBoxShape;
ProxyShape* mSphereShape;
ProxyShape* mCapsuleShape;
ProxyShape* mConeShape;
ProxyShape* mConvexMeshShape;
ProxyShape* mConvexMeshShapeEdgesInfo;
ProxyShape* mCylinderShape;
public :
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
convexMeshShape.addVertex(Vector3(2, 3, 4));
convexMeshShape.addVertex(Vector3(-2, 3, -4));
convexMeshShape.addVertex(Vector3(2, 3, -4));
mConvexMeshShape = mConvexMeshBody->addCollisionShape(convexMeshShape, shapeTransform);
mConvexMeshShape = mConvexMeshBody->addCollisionShape(convexMeshShape, mShapeTransform);
ConvexMeshShape convexMeshShapeEdgesInfo(0);
convexMeshShapeEdgesInfo.addVertex(Vector3(-2, -3, 4));
@ -158,14 +158,14 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
CylinderShape cylinderShape(3, 8, 0);
mCylinderShape = mCylinderBody->addCollisionShape(cylinderShape, shapeTransform);
mCylinderShape = mCylinderBody->addCollisionShape(cylinderShape, mShapeTransform);
// Compound shape is a cylinder and a sphere
Vector3 positionShape2(Vector3(4, 2, -3));
Quaternion orientationShape2(-3 *PI / 8, 1.5 * PI/ 3, PI / 13);
Transform shapeTransform2(positionShape2, orientationShape2);
mLocalShape2ToWorld = mBodyTransform * shapeTransform2;
mCompoundBody->addCollisionShape(cylinderShape, shapeTransform);
mCompoundBody->addCollisionShape(cylinderShape, mShapeTransform);
mCompoundBody->addCollisionShape(sphereShape, shapeTransform2);

View File

@ -28,14 +28,14 @@
// Libraries
#include "../../Test.h"
#include "../../src/engine/CollisionWorld.h"
#include "../../src/body/CollisionBody.h"
#include "../../src/collision/shapes/BoxShape.h"
#include "../../src/collision/shapes/SphereShape.h"
#include "../../src/collision/shapes/CapsuleShape.h"
#include "../../src/collision/shapes/ConeShape.h"
#include "../../src/collision/shapes/ConvexMeshShape.h"
#include "../../src/collision/shapes/CylinderShape.h"
#include "engine/CollisionWorld.h"
#include "body/CollisionBody.h"
#include "collision/shapes/BoxShape.h"
#include "collision/shapes/SphereShape.h"
#include "collision/shapes/CapsuleShape.h"
#include "collision/shapes/ConeShape.h"
#include "collision/shapes/ConvexMeshShape.h"
#include "collision/shapes/CylinderShape.h"
/// Reactphysics3D namespace
namespace reactphysics3d {
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
// ---------- Atributes ---------- //
// Physics world
DynamicsWorld* mWorld;
CollisionWorld* mWorld;
// Bodies
CollisionBody* mBoxBody;
@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
Transform mLocalShape2ToWorld;
// Collision Shapes
ProxyBoxShape* mBoxShape;
ProxySphereShape* mSphereShape;
ProxyCapsuleShape* mCapsuleShape;
ProxyConeShape* mConeShape;
ProxyConvexMeshShape* mConvexMeshShape;
ProxyConvexMeshShape* mConvexMeshShapeEdgesInfo;
ProxyCylinderShape* mCylinderShape;
ProxyShape* mBoxShape;
ProxyShape* mSphereShape;
ProxyShape* mCapsuleShape;
ProxyShape* mConeShape;
ProxyShape* mConvexMeshShape;
ProxyShape* mConvexMeshShapeEdgesInfo;
ProxyShape* mCylinderShape;
public :
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
TestRaycast() {
// Create the world
mWorld = new rp3d::CollisionWorld();
mWorld = new CollisionWorld();
// Body transform
Vector3 position(-3, 2, 7);
@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
mBodyTransform = Transform(position, orientation);
// Create the bodies
mBoxBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(bodyTransform);
mSphereBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(bodyTransform);
mCapsuleBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(bodyTransform);
mConeBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(bodyTransform);
mConvexMeshBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(bodyTransform);
mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo = mWorld->createCollisionBody(bodyTransform);
mCylinderBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(bodyTransform);
mBoxBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
mSphereBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
mCapsuleBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
mConeBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
mConvexMeshBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
mConvexMeshBodyEdgesInfo = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
mCylinderBody = mWorld->createCollisionBody(mBodyTransform);
// Collision shape transform
Vector3 shapePosition(1, -4, -3);
@ -112,16 +112,16 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
// Create collision shapes
BoxShape boxShape(Vector3(2, 3, 4), 0);
mBoxShape = mBoxBody->addCollisionShape(boxShape, shapeTransform);
mBoxShape = mBoxBody->addCollisionShape(boxShape, mShapeTransform);
SphereShape sphereShape(3);
mSphereShape = mSphereBody->addCollisionShape(sphereShape, shapeTransform);
mSphereShape = mSphereBody->addCollisionShape(sphereShape, mShapeTransform);
CapsuleShape capsuleShape(2, 5);
mCapsuleShape = mCapsuleBody->addCollisionShape(capsuleShape, shapeTransform);
mCapsuleShape = mCapsuleBody->addCollisionShape(capsuleShape, mShapeTransform);
ConeShape coneShape(2, 6, 0);
mConeShape = mConeBody->addCollisionShape(coneShape, shapeTransform);
mConeShape = mConeBody->addCollisionShape(coneShape, mShapeTransform);
ConvexMeshShape convexMeshShape(0); // Box of dimension (2, 3, 4)
convexMeshShape.addVertex(Vector3(-2, -3, 4));
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
convexMeshShape.addVertex(Vector3(2, 3, 4));
convexMeshShape.addVertex(Vector3(-2, 3, -4));
convexMeshShape.addVertex(Vector3(2, 3, -4));
mConvexMeshShape = mConvexMeshBody->addCollisionShape(convexMeshShape, shapeTransform);
mConvexMeshShape = mConvexMeshBody->addCollisionShape(convexMeshShape, mShapeTransform);
ConvexMeshShape convexMeshShapeEdgesInfo(0);
convexMeshShapeEdgesInfo.addVertex(Vector3(-2, -3, 4));
@ -160,14 +160,14 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
CylinderShape cylinderShape(2, 5, 0);
mCylinderShape = mCylinderBody->addCollisionShape(cylinderShape, shapeTransform);
mCylinderShape = mCylinderBody->addCollisionShape(cylinderShape, mShapeTransform);
// Compound shape is a cylinder and a sphere
Vector3 (Vector3(4, 2, -3));
Vector3 positionShape2(Vector3(4, 2, -3));
Quaternion orientationShape2(-3 *PI / 8, 1.5 * PI/ 3, PI / 13);
Transform shapeTransform2(positionShape2, orientationShape2);
mLocalShape2ToWorld = mBodyTransform * shapeTransform2;
mCompoundBody->addCollisionShape(cylinderShape, shapeTransform);
mCompoundBody->addCollisionShape(cylinderShape, mShapeTransform);
mCompoundBody->addCollisionShape(sphereShape, shapeTransform2);
@ -674,8 +674,8 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
// CollisionBody::raycast()
RaycastInfo raycastInfo2;
test(mConeBody->raycast(ray, raycastInfo2));
test(raycastInfo2.body == mConeShape);
test(raycastInfo2.proxyShape == mBoxShape);
test(raycastInfo2.body == mConeBody);
test(raycastInfo2.proxyShape == mConeShape);
test(approxEqual(raycastInfo2.distance, 6));
test(approxEqual(raycastInfo2.worldPoint.x, hitPoint.x));
test(approxEqual(raycastInfo2.worldPoint.y, hitPoint.y));
@ -1174,6 +1174,9 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
/// CollisionWorld::raycast() methods.
void testCompound() {
// ----- Test feedback data ----- //
const Matrix3x3 mLocalToWorldMatrix = mLocalShapeToWorld.getOrientation().getMatrix();
// Raycast hit agains the sphere shape
Ray ray1(mLocalShape2ToWorld * Vector3(4, 1, 2), mLocalToWorldMatrix * Vector3(-4, 0, 0));
Ray ray2(mLocalShape2ToWorld * Vector3(1, 4, -1), mLocalToWorldMatrix * Vector3(0, -3, 0));
@ -1182,34 +1185,35 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
Ray ray5(mLocalShape2ToWorld * Vector3(0, -4, 1), mLocalToWorldMatrix * Vector3(0, 3, 0));
Ray ray6(mLocalShape2ToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, -11), mLocalToWorldMatrix * Vector3(0, 0, 8));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray1, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray1, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray1, raycastInfo3, 2));
RaycastInfo raycastInfo;
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray1, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray1, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray1, raycastInfo, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray2, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray2, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray2, raycastInfo3, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray2, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray2, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray2, raycastInfo, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray3, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray3, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray3, raycastInfo3, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray3, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray3, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray3, raycastInfo, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray4, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray4, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray4, raycastInfo3, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray4, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray4, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray4, raycastInfo, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray5, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray5, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray5, raycastInfo3, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray5, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray5, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray5, raycastInfo, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray6, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray6, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray6, raycastInfo3, 4));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray6, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray6, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray6, raycastInfo, 4));
// Raycast hit agains the cylinder shape
@ -1220,34 +1224,34 @@ class TestRaycast : public Test {
Ray ray15(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -9, 1), mLocalToWorldMatrix * Vector3(0, 3, 0));
Ray ray16(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, -7), mLocalToWorldMatrix * Vector3(0, 0, 8));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray11, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray11, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray11, raycastInfo3, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray11, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray11, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray11, raycastInfo, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray12, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray12, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray12, raycastInfo3, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray12, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray12, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray12, raycastInfo, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray13, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray13, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray13, raycastInfo3, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray13, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray13, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray13, raycastInfo, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray14, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray14, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray14, raycastInfo3, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray14, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray14, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray14, raycastInfo, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray15, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray15, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray15, raycastInfo3, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray15, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray15, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray15, raycastInfo, 2));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray16, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray16, raycastInfo3));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray16, raycastInfo3, 4));
test(mCompoundBody->raycast(ray16, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray16, raycastInfo));
test(mWorld->raycast(ray16, raycastInfo, 4));