git-svn-id: 92aac97c-a6ce-11dd-a772-7fcde58d38e6

This commit is contained in:
chappuis.daniel 2009-02-04 14:52:37 +00:00
parent 3b75190781
commit af8c031758
5 changed files with 2101 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
* Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Chappuis *
* This file is part of ReactPhysics3D. *
* *
* ReactPhysics3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* ReactPhysics3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with ReactPhysics3D. If not, see <>. *
// Libraries
#include "../TestSuite/Test.h"
#include "../../mathematics/Matrix3x3.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
// Namespaces
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Class MatrixTest
class Matrix3x3Test : public TestSuite::Test {
private :
Matrix3x3 matrix1;
Matrix3x3 matrix2;
public :
// Constructor
Matrix3x3Test() {
matrix1.setAllValues(3, 7, -5, 13, -1, 2, 6, 5, 9);
matrix2.setAllValues(-13, 8, 2, 5, -25, 11, -7, 6, 21);
// Run method of the Test
void run() {
testSetAllValues() ;
// Test the constructors
void testConstructors() {
// Constructor without argument
Matrix3x3 matrix; // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix.getValue(0,0) == 0);
test_(matrix.getValue(1,2) == 0);
test_(matrix.getValue(0,2) == 0);
// Constructor with arguments
Matrix3x3 matrix3(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
test_(matrix3.getValue(0,0) == 1);
test_(matrix3.getValue(0,1) == 2);
test_(matrix3.getValue(0,2) == 3);
test_(matrix3.getValue(1,0) == 4);
test_(matrix3.getValue(1,1) == 5);
test_(matrix3.getValue(1,2) == 6);
test_(matrix3.getValue(2,0) == 7);
test_(matrix3.getValue(2,1) == 8);
test_(matrix3.getValue(2,2) == 9);
// Copy-constructor
Matrix3x3 matrix4 = matrix3;
test_(matrix4.getValue(0,0) == 1);
test_(matrix4.getValue(0,1) == 2);
test_(matrix4.getValue(0,2) == 3);
test_(matrix4.getValue(1,0) == 4);
test_(matrix4.getValue(1,1) == 5);
test_(matrix4.getValue(1,2) == 6);
test_(matrix4.getValue(2,0) == 7);
test_(matrix4.getValue(2,1) == 8);
test_(matrix4.getValue(2,2) == 9);
// Conversion-constructor (Quaternion --> Matrix3x3)
// Rotation matrix of a rotation of 180 degrees around x axis
Matrix3x3 rotation1(1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1);
Quaternion quaternion1(1, 0, 0, 0);
Matrix3x3 matrix5(quaternion1); // Convert the quaternion into a matrix
test_(matrix5 == rotation1); // Check if the matrix result and the rotation matrix are the same
// Rotation matrix of a rotation of 180 degrees around y axis
Matrix3x3 rotation2(-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1);
Quaternion quaternion2(0, 1, 0, 0);
Matrix3x3 matrix6(quaternion2); // Convert the quaternion into a matrix
test_(matrix6 == rotation2); // Check if the matrix result and the rotation matrix are the same
// Rotation matrix of a rotation of 180 degrees around z axis
Matrix3x3 rotation3(-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
Quaternion quaternion3(0, 0, 1, 0);
Matrix3x3 matrix7(quaternion3); // Convert the quaternion into a matrix
test_(matrix7 == rotation3); // Check if the matrix result and the rotation matrix are the same
// Test getValue()
void testGetValue() {
// Try a valid getValue()
try {
test_(matrix1.getValue(0, 0) == 3); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix1.getValue(1, 0) == 13); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix1.getValue(1, 2) == 2); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix1.getValue(1, 1) == -1); // This shouldn't throw an exception
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
fail_("Valid getValue() call throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid getValue() call
try {
matrix1.getValue(-1, 0); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getValue() call undetected");
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid getValue() call
try {
matrix1.getValue(0, 3); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getValue() call undetected");
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test setValue()
void testSetValue() {
Matrix3x3 matrix;
// Try a valid setValue()
try {
matrix.setValue(0, 0, 18); // This shouldn't throw an exception
matrix.setValue(0, 2, -6); // This shouldn't throw an exception
matrix.setValue(1, 0, -44); // This shouldn't throw an exception
matrix.setValue(1, 2, 21); // This shouldn't throw an exception
matrix.setValue(1, 1, 5); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 0) == 18);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 2) == -6);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 0) == -44);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 2) == 21);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 1) == 5);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
fail_("Valid setValue() call throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid setValue() call
try {
matrix.setValue(-1, 0, 42); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid setValue() call undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid setValue() call
try {
matrix1.setValue(0, 3, 53); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid setValue() call undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test setAllValues()
void testSetAllValues() {
Matrix3x3 matrix;
test_(matrix.getValue(0,0) == 1);
test_(matrix.getValue(0,1) == 2);
test_(matrix.getValue(0,2) == 3);
test_(matrix.getValue(1,0) == 4);
test_(matrix.getValue(1,1) == 5);
test_(matrix.getValue(1,2) == 6);
test_(matrix.getValue(2,0) == 7);
test_(matrix.getValue(2,1) == 8);
test_(matrix.getValue(2,2) == 9);
// Test getTranspose()
void testGetTranspose() {
// Get the transpose of matrix1
Matrix3x3 matrix = matrix1.getTranspose();
// Test the transpose matrix
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 0) == 3);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 1) == 13);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 2) == 6);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 0) == 7);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 1) == -1);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 2) == 5);
test_(matrix.getValue(2, 0) == -5);
test_(matrix.getValue(2, 1) == 2);
test_(matrix.getValue(2, 2) == 9);
// Test getInverse()
void testGetInverse() {
// Construct a 3x3 matrix
Matrix3x3 matrix(0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, -3, 8);
// Try to inverse a invertible matrix
try {
Matrix3x3 result = matrix.getInverse(); // This shouldn't thrown an exception
test_(result.getValue(0, 0) == -4.5);
test_(result.getValue(0, 1) == 7);
test_(result.getValue(0, 2) == -3.0/2.0);
test_(result.getValue(1, 0) == -2);
test_(result.getValue(1, 1) == 4);
test_(result.getValue(1, 2) == -1);
test_(result.getValue(2, 0) == 3.0/2.0);
test_(result.getValue(2, 1) == -2);
test_(result.getValue(2, 2) == 1.0/2.0);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("Valid getInverse() call throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to inverse a square non-invertible matrix (determinant equal to zero)
try {
Matrix3x3 matrix4;
matrix4.getInverse(); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getInverse() call undetected (non-invertible matrix)"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test getDeterminant()
void testGetDeterminant() {
Matrix3x3 matrix;
test_(matrix.getDeterminant() == 0);
test_(matrix1.getDeterminant() == -1147);
test_(matrix2.getDeterminant() == 5937);
// Test getTrace()
void testGetTrace() {
Matrix3x3 matrix;
test_(matrix.getTrace() == 0);
test_(matrix1.getTrace() == 11);
test_(matrix2.getTrace() == -17);
// Test getQuaternion()
void testGetQuaternion() {
// Rotation matrix of a rotation of 180 degrees around x axis
Matrix3x3 rotation1(1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1);
// Convert the matrix into a quaternion
Quaternion quaternion1 = rotation1.getQuaternion();
test_(quaternion1.getX() == 1);
test_(quaternion1.getY() == 0);
test_(quaternion1.getZ() == 0);
test_(quaternion1.getW() == 0);
// Rotation matrix of a rotation of 180 degrees around y axis
Matrix3x3 rotation2(-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1);
// Convert the matrix into a quaternion
Quaternion quaternion2 = rotation2.getQuaternion();
test_(quaternion2.getX() == 0);
test_(quaternion2.getY() == 1);
test_(quaternion2.getZ() == 0);
test_(quaternion2.getW() == 0);
// Rotation matrix of a rotation of 180 degrees around z axis
Matrix3x3 rotation3(-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
// Convert the matrix into a quaternion
Quaternion quaternion3 = rotation3.getQuaternion();
test_(quaternion3.getX() == 0);
test_(quaternion3.getY() == 0);
test_(quaternion3.getZ() == 1);
test_(quaternion3.getW() == 0);
// Test identityMatrix()
void testIdentityMatrix() {
Matrix3x3 matrix = Matrix3x3::identity();
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 0) == 1);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 1) == 0);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 2) == 0);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 0) == 0);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 1) == 1);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 2) == 0);
test_(matrix.getValue(2, 0) == 0);
test_(matrix.getValue(2, 1) == 0);
test_(matrix.getValue(2, 2) == 1);
// Test operator+()
void testOperatorAddition() {
Matrix3x3 result = matrix1 + matrix2;
test_(result.getValue(0,0) == -10);
test_(result.getValue(0,1) == 15);
test_(result.getValue(0,2) == -3);
test_(result.getValue(1,0) == 18);
test_(result.getValue(1,1) == -26);
test_(result.getValue(1,2) == 13);
test_(result.getValue(2,0) == -1);
test_(result.getValue(2,1) == 11);
test_(result.getValue(2,2) == 30);
// Test operator-()
void testOperatorSubstraction() {
Matrix3x3 result = matrix1 - matrix2;
test_(result.getValue(0,0) == 16);
test_(result.getValue(0,1) == -1);
test_(result.getValue(0,2) == -7);
test_(result.getValue(1,0) == 8);
test_(result.getValue(1,1) == 24);
test_(result.getValue(1,2) == -9);
test_(result.getValue(2,0) == 13);
test_(result.getValue(2,1) == -1);
test_(result.getValue(2,2) == -12);
// Test operator* (multiplication with a constant number)
void testOperatorMultiplicationWithConstant() {
Matrix3x3 result = matrix1 * 2;
test_(result.getValue(0,0) == 6);
test_(result.getValue(0,1) == 14);
test_(result.getValue(0,2) == -10);
test_(result.getValue(1,0) == 26);
test_(result.getValue(1,1) == -2);
test_(result.getValue(1,2) == 4);
test_(result.getValue(2,0) == 12);
test_(result.getValue(2,1) == 10);
test_(result.getValue(2,2) == 18);
// Test operator* (multiplication with matrix)
void testOperatorMultiplicationWithMatrix() {
Matrix3x3 result = matrix1 * matrix2;
test_(result.getValue(0,0) == 31);
test_(result.getValue(0,1) == -181);
test_(result.getValue(0,2) == -22);
test_(result.getValue(1,0) == -188);
test_(result.getValue(1,1) == 141);
test_(result.getValue(1,2) == 57);
test_(result.getValue(2,0) == -116);
test_(result.getValue(2,1) == -23);
test_(result.getValue(2,2) == 256);
// Test operator=()
void testOperatorAssignment() {
Matrix3x3 matrix;
matrix = matrix1;
test_(matrix.getValue(0,0) == 3);
test_(matrix.getValue(0,1) == 7);
test_(matrix.getValue(0,2) == -5);
test_(matrix.getValue(1,0) == 13);
test_(matrix.getValue(1,1) == -1);
test_(matrix.getValue(1,2) == 2);
test_(matrix.getValue(2,0) == 6);
test_(matrix.getValue(2,1) == 5);
test_(matrix.getValue(2,2) == 9);
// Test operator==()
void testOperatorEquality() {
Matrix3x3 matrix(3, 7, -5, 13, -1, 2, 6, 5, 9);
test_(matrix == matrix1);
test_(matrix1 == matrix);
test_(matrix == matrix);
matrix.setValue(1,1, 100);
test_(!(matrix == matrix1));
test_(!(matrix1 == matrix));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
* Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Chappuis *
* This file is part of ReactPhysics3D. *
* *
* ReactPhysics3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* ReactPhysics3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with ReactPhysics3D. If not, see <>. *
// Libraries
#include "../TestSuite/Test.h"
#include "../../mathematics/Matrix.h"
#include <stdexcept>
// Namespaces
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Class MatrixTest
class MatrixTest : public TestSuite::Test {
private :
Matrix matrix1;
Matrix matrix2;
Matrix matrix3;
public :
// Constructor
MatrixTest() : matrix1(2,3), matrix2(2,3), matrix3(3,2) {
matrix1.setValue(0, 0, 4);
matrix1.setValue(0, 1, 5);
matrix1.setValue(0, 2, 7);
matrix1.setValue(1, 0, 2);
matrix1.setValue(1, 1, 3);
matrix1.setValue(1, 2, -4);
matrix2.setValue(0, 0, -12);
matrix2.setValue(0, 1, 3);
matrix2.setValue(0, 2, 16);
matrix2.setValue(1, 0, -7);
matrix2.setValue(1, 1, 4);
matrix2.setValue(1, 2, 6);
matrix3.setValue(0, 0, -4);
matrix3.setValue(0, 1, -2);
matrix3.setValue(1, 0, 7);
matrix3.setValue(1, 1, 9);
matrix3.setValue(2, 0, 18);
matrix3.setValue(2, 1, 33);
// Run method of the Test
void run() {
// Test the constructors
void testConstructors() {
// Try a valid constructor call
try {
// Constructor
Matrix matrix(4,6); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix.getNbRow() == 4);
test_(matrix.getNbColumn() == 6);
test_(matrix.getValue(0,0) == 0);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
fail_("Valid constructor call throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid constructor call
try {
// Constructor
Matrix matrix(-2,6); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid constructor call undetected (argument -2) "); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid constructor call
try {
// Constructor
Matrix matrix(3,0); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid constructor call undetected (argument 0)"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Copy-constructor
Matrix matrix4 = matrix1;
test_(matrix4.getNbRow() == 2);
test_(matrix4.getNbColumn() == 3);
test_(matrix4.getValue(0, 0) == 4);
test_(matrix4.getValue(0, 1) == 5);
test_(matrix4.getValue(0, 2) == 7);
test_(matrix4.getValue(1, 0) == 2);
test_(matrix4.getValue(1, 1) == 3);
test_(matrix4.getValue(1, 2) == -4);
// Test getValue()
void testGetValue() {
// Try a valid getValue()
try {
test_(matrix1.getValue(0, 0) == 4); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix1.getValue(0, 2) == 7); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix1.getValue(1, 0) == 2); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix1.getValue(1, 2) == -4); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix1.getValue(1, 1) == 3); // This shouldn't throw an exception
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
fail_("Valid getValue() call throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid getValue() call
try {
matrix1.getValue(-1, 0); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getValue() call undetected");
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid getValue() call
try {
matrix1.getValue(0, 3); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getValue() call undetected");
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test setValue()
void testSetValue() {
Matrix matrix(2,3);
// Try a valid setValue()
try {
matrix.setValue(0, 0, 18); // This shouldn't throw an exception
matrix.setValue(0, 2, -6); // This shouldn't throw an exception
matrix.setValue(1, 0, -44); // This shouldn't throw an exception
matrix.setValue(1, 2, 21); // This shouldn't throw an exception
matrix.setValue(1, 1, 5); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 0) == 18);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 2) == -6);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 0) == -44);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 2) == 21);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 1) == 5);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
fail_("Valid setValue() call throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid setValue() call
try {
matrix.setValue(-1, 0, 42); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid setValue() call undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid setValue() call
try {
matrix1.setValue(0, 3, 53); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid setValue() call undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test getNbRow()
void testGetNbRow() {
test_(matrix1.getNbRow() == 2);
test_(matrix3.getNbRow() == 3);
// Test getNbColumn()
void testGetNbColumn() {
test_(matrix1.getNbColumn() == 3);
test_(matrix3.getNbColumn() == 2);
// Test getCofactor()
void testGetCofactor() {
// Try a valid getCofactor()
try {
Matrix matrix = matrix1.getCofactor(0,1); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix.getNbRow() == 1);
test_(matrix.getNbColumn() == 2);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 0) == 2);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 1) == -4);
Matrix matrix4 = matrix1.getCofactor(1,2); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix4.getNbRow() == 1);
test_(matrix4.getNbColumn() == 2);
test_(matrix4.getValue(0, 0) == 4);
test_(matrix4.getValue(0, 1) == 5);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
fail_("Valid getCofactor() call throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid getCofactor() call
try {
matrix1.getCofactor(-1,0); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getCofactor() call undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try an invalid getCofactor() call
try {
matrix1.getCofactor(0,3); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getCofactor() call undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test getTranspose()
void testGetTranspose() {
// Get the transpose of matrix1
Matrix matrix = matrix1.getTranspose();
// Test the transpose matrix
test_(matrix.getNbRow() == 3);
test_(matrix.getNbColumn() == 2);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 0) == 4);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 1) == 2);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 0) == 5);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 1) == 3);
test_(matrix.getValue(2, 0) == 7);
test_(matrix.getValue(2, 1) == -4);
// Test getInverse()
void testGetInverse() {
// Construct a 3x3 matrix
Matrix matrix(3,3);
matrix.setValue(0, 0, 0);
matrix.setValue(0, 1, 1);
matrix.setValue(0, 2, 2);
matrix.setValue(1, 0, 1);
matrix.setValue(1, 1, 0);
matrix.setValue(1, 2, 3);
matrix.setValue(2, 0, 4);
matrix.setValue(2, 1, -3);
matrix.setValue(2, 2, 8);
// Try to inverse a invertible matrix
try {
Matrix result = matrix.getInverse(); // This shouldn't thrown an exception
test_(result.getValue(0, 0) == -4.5);
test_(result.getValue(0, 1) == 7);
test_(result.getValue(0, 2) == -3.0/2.0);
test_(result.getValue(1, 0) == -2);
test_(result.getValue(1, 1) == 4);
test_(result.getValue(1, 2) == -1);
test_(result.getValue(2, 0) == 3.0/2.0);
test_(result.getValue(2, 1) == -2);
test_(result.getValue(2, 2) == 1.0/2.0);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("Valid getInverse() call throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to inverse a non-square matrix
try {
matrix1.getInverse(); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getInverse() call undetected (non-square matrix)"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to inverse a square non-invertible matrix (determinant equal to zero)
try {
Matrix matrix4(2,2);
matrix4.setValue(0, 0, 3);
matrix4.setValue(0, 1, 2);
matrix4.setValue(1, 0, 3);
matrix4.setValue(1, 1, 2);
matrix4.getInverse(); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getInverse() call undetected (non-invertible matrix)"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test getDeterminant()
void testGetDeterminant() {
// Try to compute the determinant of a square matrix
try {
Matrix matrix(2,2);
test_(matrix.getDeterminant() == 0); // This shouldn't throw an exception
matrix.setValue(0,0, 4);
matrix.setValue(0,1, -9);
matrix.setValue(1,0, 0);
matrix.setValue(1,1, 5);
test_(matrix.getDeterminant() == 20); // This shouldn't throw an exception
matrix.setValue(0,0, 6);
matrix.setValue(0,1, -9);
matrix.setValue(1,0, -4);
matrix.setValue(1,1, 6);
test_(matrix.getDeterminant() == 0); // This shouldn't throw an exception
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("Valid getDeterminant() call throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute the determinant of a non-square matrix
try {
Matrix matrix5(2,8);
matrix5.setValue(0, 2, 3);
matrix5.setValue(1, 1, 2);
matrix5.getDeterminant(); // This should throw an exception
fail_("getDeterminant() call with a non-square matrix undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test getTrace()
void testGetTrace() {
// Try to compute the trace of a square matrix
try {
// Construct a 3x3 matrix
Matrix matrix(3,3);
matrix.setValue(0, 0, -2);
matrix.setValue(0, 1, 1);
matrix.setValue(0, 2, 2);
matrix.setValue(1, 0, 1);
matrix.setValue(1, 1, 5);
matrix.setValue(1, 2, 3);
matrix.setValue(2, 0, 4);
matrix.setValue(2, 1, -3);
matrix.setValue(2, 2, 8);
test_(matrix.getTrace() == 11); // This shouldn't throw an exception
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("Valid getTrace() call throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute the trace of a non-square matrix
try {
Matrix matrix5(2,8);
matrix5.getTrace(); // This should throw an exception
fail_("getTrace() call with a non-square matrix undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test identityMatrix()
void testIdentityMatrix() {
// Try to compute a valid identity matrix
try {
Matrix matrix = Matrix::identity(2); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix.getNbRow() == 2);
test_(matrix.getNbColumn() == 2);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 0) == 1);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 1) == 0);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 0) == 0);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 1) == 1);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
fail_("Valid identity() call throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid identity matrix
try {
Matrix matrix5 = Matrix::identity(0); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid identity() call (argument 0) undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid identity matrix
try {
Matrix matrix5 = Matrix::identity(-1); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid identity() call (argument -1) undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test operator+()
void testOperatorAddition() {
// Try to compute a valid addition
try {
Matrix result = matrix1 + matrix2; // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(result.getNbRow() == 2);
test_(result.getNbColumn() == 3);
test_(result.getValue(0,0) == -8);
test_(result.getValue(0,1) == 8);
test_(result.getValue(0,2) == 23);
test_(result.getValue(1,0) == -5);
test_(result.getValue(1,1) == 7);
test_(result.getValue(1,2) == 2);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("Valid matrix addition throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid addition
try {
Matrix matrix5(2,4);
matrix1 + matrix5; // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid matrix addition undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid addition
try {
Matrix matrix5(1,3);
matrix1 + matrix5; // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid matrix addition undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test operator-()
void testOperatorSubstraction() {
// Try to compute a valid substraction
try {
Matrix result = matrix1 - matrix2; // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(result.getNbRow() == 2);
test_(result.getNbColumn() == 3);
test_(result.getValue(0,0) == 16);
test_(result.getValue(0,1) == 2);
test_(result.getValue(0,2) == -9);
test_(result.getValue(1,0) == 9);
test_(result.getValue(1,1) == -1);
test_(result.getValue(1,2) == -10);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("Valid matrix substraction throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid substraction
try {
Matrix matrix5(2,4);
matrix1 - matrix5; // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid matrix substraction undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid substraction
try {
Matrix matrix5(1,3);
matrix1 - matrix5; // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid matrix substraction undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test operator* (multiplication with a constant number)
void testOperatorMultiplicationWithConstant() {
Matrix matrix = matrix1 * 2;
test_(matrix.getNbRow() == 2);
test_(matrix.getNbColumn() == 3);
test_(matrix.getValue(0,0) == 8);
test_(matrix.getValue(0,1) == 10);
test_(matrix.getValue(0,2) == 14);
test_(matrix.getValue(1,0) == 4);
test_(matrix.getValue(1,1) == 6);
test_(matrix.getValue(1,2) == -8);
// Test operator* (multiplication with matrix)
void testOperatorMultiplicationWithMatrix() {
// Try to compute a valid multiplication
try {
Matrix result = matrix1 * matrix3; // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(result.getNbRow() == 2);
test_(result.getNbColumn() == 2);
test_(result.getValue(0,0) == 145);
test_(result.getValue(0,1) == 268);
test_(result.getValue(1,0) == -59);
test_(result.getValue(1,1) == -109);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("Valid matrix multiplication throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid multiplication
try {
Matrix matrix5(1,3);
matrix1 * matrix5; // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid matrix substraction undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid multiplication
try {
Matrix matrix5(2,2);
matrix1 * matrix5; // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid matrix substraction undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test operator=()
void testOperatorAssignment() {
// Try to compute a valid assignment
try {
Matrix matrix(2,3);
matrix = matrix1; // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 0) == 4);
test_(matrix.getValue(0, 2) == 7);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 0) == 2);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 2) == -4);
test_(matrix.getValue(1, 1) == 3);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("Valid matrix assignment throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid assignment
try {
Matrix matrix(2,2);
matrix = matrix1; // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid matrix assignment undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test operator==()
void testOperatorEquality() {
// Try to test a valid equality
try {
Matrix matrix(2,3);
matrix.setValue(0, 0, 4);
matrix.setValue(0, 1, 5);
matrix.setValue(0, 2, 7);
matrix.setValue(1, 0, 2);
matrix.setValue(1, 1, 3);
matrix.setValue(1, 2, -4);
test_(matrix == matrix1); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix1 == matrix); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(matrix == matrix); // This shouldn't throw an exception
matrix.setValue(1,1, 5);
test_(!(matrix == matrix1)); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(!(matrix1 == matrix)); // This shouldn't throw an exception
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exceptions have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("Valid matrix equality test throws an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to test a invalid equality
try {
Matrix matrix(2,2);
matrix == matrix1; // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid matrix assignment undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown

View File

@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
* Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Chappuis *
* This file is part of ReactPhysics3D. *
* *
* ReactPhysics3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* ReactPhysics3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with ReactPhysics3D. If not, see <>. *
// Libraries
#include "../TestSuite/Test.h"
#include "../../mathematics/Quaternion.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
// Namespaces
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Class MatrixTest
class QuaternionTest : public TestSuite::Test {
private :
Quaternion quaternion1;
Quaternion quaternion2;
public :
// Constructor
QuaternionTest() : quaternion1(2,3,4,5), quaternion2(6,7,8,9) {
// Run method of the Test
void run() {
// Test the constructors
void testConstructors() {
// Constructor without argument
Quaternion quaternion;
test_(quaternion.getX() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getY() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getZ() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getW() == 0);
// Constructor with argument
Quaternion quaternion3(1,2,3,4);
test_(quaternion3.getX() == 1);
test_(quaternion3.getY() == 2);
test_(quaternion3.getZ() == 3);
test_(quaternion3.getW() == 4);
// Constructor with vector
Vector3D vector(2,3,4);
Quaternion quaternion4(5, vector);
test_(quaternion4.getX() == 2);
test_(quaternion4.getY() == 3);
test_(quaternion4.getZ() == 4);
test_(quaternion4.getW() == 5);
// Copy-constructor
Quaternion quaternion5 = quaternion3;
test_(quaternion5.getX() == 1);
test_(quaternion5.getY() == 2);
test_(quaternion5.getZ() == 3);
test_(quaternion5.getW() == 4);
// Test getX()
void testGetX() {
test_(quaternion1.getX() == 2);
test_(quaternion2.getX() == 6);
// Test getY()
void testGetY() {
test_(quaternion1.getY() == 3);
test_(quaternion2.getY() == 7);
// Test getZ()
void testGetZ() {
test_(quaternion1.getZ() == 4);
test_(quaternion2.getZ() == 8);
// Test getW()
void testGetW() {
test_(quaternion1.getW() == 5);
test_(quaternion2.getW() == 9);
// Test setX()
void testSetX() {
Quaternion quaternion;
test_(quaternion.getX() == 3);
test_(quaternion.getY() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getZ() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getW() == 0);
// Test setY()
void testSetY() {
Quaternion quaternion;
test_(quaternion.getX() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getY() == 3);
test_(quaternion.getZ() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getW() == 0);
// Test setZ()
void testSetZ() {
Quaternion quaternion;
test_(quaternion.getX() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getY() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getZ() == 3);
test_(quaternion.getW() == 0);
// Test setW()
void testSetW() {
Quaternion quaternion;
test_(quaternion.getX() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getY() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getZ() == 0);
test_(quaternion.getW() == 3);
// Test vectorV()
void testVectorV() {
Vector3D vector1(2,3,4);
Vector3D vector2(6,7,8);
Vector3D vectorTest1 = quaternion1.vectorV();
Vector3D vectorTest2 = quaternion2.vectorV();
test_(vectorTest1 == vector1);
test_(vectorTest2 == vector2);
// Test length()
void testLength() {
Quaternion quaternion;
test_(quaternion.length() == 0);
Quaternion quaternion3(3, 4, 0, 0);
test_(quaternion3.length() == 5);
Quaternion quaternion4(0, 4, 3, 0);
test_(quaternion4.length() == 5);
Quaternion quaternion5(0, 0, 3, 4);
test_(quaternion5.length() == 5);
// Test getUnit()
void testGetUnit() {
// Try to compute a valid unit quaternion
try {
Quaternion quaternion(3, 4, 0, 0);
Quaternion unit = quaternion.getUnit(); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(unit.getX() == 3.0/5.0);
test_(unit.getY() == 4.0/5.0);
test_(unit.getZ() == 0);
test_(unit.getW() == 0);
Quaternion quaternion3(0, 0, 4, 3);
Quaternion unit2 = quaternion3.getUnit(); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(unit2.getX() == 0);
test_(unit2.getY() == 0);
test_(unit2.getZ() == 4.0/5.0);
test_(unit2.getW() == 3.0/5.0);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("Valid getUnit() call throw an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid unit quaternion
try {
Quaternion quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
quaternion.getUnit(); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getUnit() call undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test getConjugate()
void testGetConjugate() {
Quaternion conjugate1 = quaternion1.getConjugate();
test_(conjugate1.getX() == -2);
test_(conjugate1.getY() == -3);
test_(conjugate1.getZ() == -4);
test_(conjugate1.getW() == 5);
Quaternion conjugate2 = quaternion2.getConjugate();
test_(conjugate2.getX() == -6);
test_(conjugate2.getY() == -7);
test_(conjugate2.getZ() == -8);
test_(conjugate2.getW() == 9);
// Test getInverse()
void testGetInverse() {
// Try to compute a valid inverse quaternion
try {
Quaternion quaternion(3, 4, 0, 0);
Quaternion inverse = quaternion.getInverse(); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(inverse.getX() == -3.0/25.0);
test_(inverse.getY() == -4.0/25.0);
test_(inverse.getZ() == 0);
test_(inverse.getW() == 0);
Quaternion quaternion3(0, 0, 4, 3);
Quaternion inverse2 = quaternion3.getInverse(); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(inverse2.getX() == 0);
test_(inverse2.getY() == 0);
test_(inverse2.getZ() == -4.0/25.0);
test_(inverse2.getW() == 3.0/25.0);
succeed_(); // Succeed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("Valid getInverse() call throw an exception"); // Failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid unit quaternion
try {
Quaternion quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
quaternion.getInverse(); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getInverse() call undetected"); // Failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // Succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test operator+()
void testOperatorAddition() {
Quaternion result = quaternion1 + quaternion2;
test_(result.getX() == 8);
test_(result.getY() == 10);
test_(result.getZ() == 12);
test_(result.getW() == 14);
// Test operator-()
void testOperatorSubstraction() {
Quaternion result = quaternion1 - quaternion2;
test_(result.getX() == -4);
test_(result.getY() == -4);
test_(result.getZ() == -4);
test_(result.getW() == -4);
// Test operator* (multiplication with a constant number)
void testOperatorMultiplicationWithConstant() {
Quaternion result = quaternion1 * 3;
test_(result.getX() == 6);
test_(result.getY() == 9);
test_(result.getZ() == 12);
test_(result.getW() == 15);
// Test operator* (multiplication with quaternion)
void testOperatorMultiplicationWithQuaternion() {
Quaternion result = quaternion1 * quaternion2;
test_(result.getX() == 44);
test_(result.getY() == 70);
test_(result.getZ() == 72);
test_(result.getW() == -20);
// Test operator=()
void testOperatorAssignment() {
Quaternion quaternion;
quaternion = quaternion1;
test_(quaternion.getX() == 2);
test_(quaternion.getY() == 3);
test_(quaternion.getZ() == 4);
test_(quaternion.getW() == 5);
// Test operator==()
void testOperatorEquality() {
Quaternion quaternion(2,3,4,5);
test_(quaternion == quaternion1);
test_(quaternion1 == quaternion);
test_(!(quaternion2 == quaternion1));
test_(!(quaternion1 == quaternion2));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
* Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Chappuis *
* This file is part of ReactPhysics3D. *
* *
* ReactPhysics3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* ReactPhysics3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with ReactPhysics3D. If not, see <>. *
// Libraries
#include "../TestSuite/Test.h"
#include "../../mathematics/Vector3D.h"
#include <stdexcept>
// Namespaces
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Class Vector3DTest
class Vector3DTest : public TestSuite::Test {
private :
Vector3D vector1;
Vector3D vector2;
public :
// Constructor
Vector3DTest() : vector1(1,2,3), vector2(-3,5,7) {
// Run method of the Test
void run() {
// Test the constructors
void testConstructors() {
// Constructor without arguments
Vector3D vector;
test_(vector.getX() == 0);
test_(vector.getY() == 0);
test_(vector.getZ() == 0);
// Constructor with arguments
Vector3D vector3(4, -67, 21);
test_(vector3.getX() == 4);
test_(vector3.getY() == -67);
test_(vector3.getZ() == 21);
// Copy-constructor
Vector3D vector4 = vector1;
test_(vector4.getX() == 1);
test_(vector4.getY() == 2);
test_(vector4.getZ() == 3);
// Test getX()
void testGetX() {
test_(vector1.getX() == 1);
// Test getY()
void testGetY() {
test_(vector1.getY() == 2);
// Test getZ()
void testGetZ() {
test_(vector1.getZ() == 3);
// Test setX()
void testSetX() {
Vector3D vector(5, 6, 7);
test_(vector.getX() == 8);
test_(vector.getY() == 6);
test_(vector.getZ() == 7);
// Test setY()
void testSetY() {
Vector3D vector(5, 6, 7);
test_(vector.getX() == 5);
test_(vector.getY() == 8);
test_(vector.getZ() == 7);
// Test setZ()
void testSetZ() {
Vector3D vector(5, 6, 7);
test_(vector.getX() == 5);
test_(vector.getY() == 6);
test_(vector.getZ() == 8);
// Test setAllValues()
void testSetAllValues() {
Vector3D vector(5, 6, 7);
test_(vector1.getX() == 4);
test_(vector1.getY() == 3);
test_(vector1.getZ() == 9);
// Test length()
void testLength() {
Vector3D vector3;
test_(vector3.length() == 0);
vector3.setAllValues(3, 4, 0);
test_(vector3.length() == 5);
vector3.setAllValues(0, -3, 4);
test_(vector3.length() == 5);
// Test getUnit()
void testGetUnit() {
Vector3D vector3(-23, 0, 0);
test_(vector3.getUnit().length() == 1);
test_(vector3.getUnit().getX() == -1);
test_(vector3.getUnit().getY() == 0);
test_(vector3.getUnit().getZ() == 0);
vector3.setAllValues(0, 6, 0);
test_(vector3.getUnit().length() == 1);
test_(vector3.getUnit().getX() == 0);
test_(vector3.getUnit().getY() == 1);
test_(vector3.getUnit().getZ() == 0);
vector3.setAllValues(0, 0, 13);
test_(vector3.getUnit().length() == 1);
test_(vector3.getUnit().getX() == 0);
test_(vector3.getUnit().getY() == 0);
test_(vector3.getUnit().getZ() == 1);
vector3.setAllValues(0, 0, 0); // Vector of length equal to zero
try {
vector3.getUnit(); // This should throw an exception
fail_("getUnit() with a vector of length equals to zero undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test scalarProduct()
void testScalarProduct() {
Vector3D vector3(2, -3, 5);
Vector3D vector4(7, 4, 6);
// Test the scalar product result
test_(vector3.scalarProduct(vector4) == 32);
// Test crossProduct()
void testCrossProduct() {
Vector3D vector3(4, -5, 2);
Vector3D vector4(3, 2, 6);
// Compute the cross product
Vector3D result = vector3.crossProduct(vector4);
// Test the result
test_(result.getX() == -34);
test_(result.getY() == -18);
test_(result.getZ() == 23);
// Test operator+()
void testOperatorAddition() {
Vector3D vector3(4, -5, 2);
Vector3D vector4(3, 2, 6);
// Compute the sum
Vector3D result = vector3 + vector4;
// Test the result
test_(result.getX() == 7);
test_(result.getY() == -3);
test_(result.getZ() == 8);
// Test operator-()
void testOperatorSubstraction() {
Vector3D vector3(4, -5, 2);
Vector3D vector4(3, 2, 6);
// Compute the substraction
Vector3D result = vector3 - vector4;
// Test the result
test_(result.getX() == 1);
test_(result.getY() == -7);
test_(result.getZ() == -4);
// Test operator*() (with a constant number)
void testOperatorConstantMultiplications() {
Vector3D vector3(4, -5, 2);
// Compute the multiplication
Vector3D result = vector3 * 5;
// Test the result
test_(result.getX() == 20);
test_(result.getY() == -25);
test_(result.getZ() == 10);
// Test operator=()
void testOperatorAssignment() {
Vector3D vector3(4, -5, 2);
// Assignment
Vector3D result;
result = vector3;
// Test the result
test_(result.getX() == 4);
test_(result.getY() == -5);
test_(result.getZ() == 2);
// Test operator==()
void testOperatorEquality() {
Vector3D vector3(4, -5, 2);
Vector3D vector4(4, -5, 2);
Vector3D vector5(3, -5, -2);
// Test the equality
test_(vector3 == vector4);
test_(vector4 == vector3);
test_(vector3 == vector3);
test_(!(vector3 == vector5));
test_(!(vector5 == vector3));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
* Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Chappuis *
* This file is part of ReactPhysics3D. *
* *
* ReactPhysics3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* ReactPhysics3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with ReactPhysics3D. If not, see <>. *
// Libraries
#include "../TestSuite/Test.h"
#include "../../mathematics/Vector.h"
#include <stdexcept>
// Namespaces
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Class VectorTest
class VectorTest : public TestSuite::Test {
private :
Vector vect2; // Vector of dimension 2
Vector vect4; // Vector of dimension 4
public :
// Constructor
VectorTest() : vect2(2), vect4(4) {
vect2.setValue(0, 3);
vect2.setValue(1, 5);
vect4.setValue(0, 1);
vect4.setValue(1, -5);
vect4.setValue(2, 10);
vect4.setValue(3, 3);
// Run method of the Test
void run() {
// Test the constructors
void testConstructors() {
// Try a valid constructor call
try {
// Constructor
Vector vector(3); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(vector.getValue(0) == 0);
test_(vector.getValue(1) == 0);
test_(vector.getValue(2) == 0);
succeed_(); // Test succeed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
fail_("Valid constructor call throws an exception"); // Test failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try a invalid constructor call
try {
// Constructor
Vector vector3(-1); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid constructor (argument -1) call undetected"); // Test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try a invalid constructor call
try {
// Constructor
Vector vector4(0); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid constructor call (argument 0) undetected"); // Test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // Test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Copy-Constructor
Vector vector5 = vect2;
test_(vector5.getValue(0) == 3);
test_(vector5.getValue(1) == 5);
// Test getValue()
void testGetValue() {
test_(vect2.getValue(0) == 3);
test_(vect2.getValue(1) == 5);
// Try to get an invalid value
try {
vect2.getValue(-1); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getValue(-1) undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to get an invalid value
try {
vect2.getValue(2); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid getValue(2) undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test setValue()
void testSetValue() {
Vector vector(5);
// Try to set valid values
try {
vector.setValue(0, 5);
vector.setValue(3, -1);
vector.setValue(4, 14);
test_(vector.getValue(0) == 5);
test_(vector.getValue(3) == -1);
test_(vector.getValue(4) == 14);
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
fail_("Valid setValue() throws an exception"); // The failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to set an invalid value
try {
vector.setValue(-1, 4); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid setValue(-1,4) undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to set an invalid value
try {
vector.setValue(5, 2); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid setValue(5,2) undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test getNbComponent()
void testGetNbComponent() {
test_(vect2.getNbComponent() == 2);
test_(vect4.getNbComponent() == 4);
// Test length()
void testLength() {
Vector vector1(2);
test_(vector1.length() == 0);
vector1.setValue(0, 4);
test_(vector1.length() == 4);
vector1.setValue(1, -3);
test_(vector1.length() == 5);
// Test getUnit()
void testGetUnit() {
Vector vector1(3);
vector1.setValue(0, 3);
test_(vector1.getUnit().length() == 1);
test_(vector1.getUnit().getValue(0) == 1);
test_(vector1.getUnit().getValue(1) == 0);
test_(vector1.getUnit().getValue(2) == 0);
Vector vector2(8);
vector2.setValue(2, 54);
test_(vector2.getUnit().length() == 1);
test_(vector2.getUnit().getValue(0) == 0);
test_(vector2.getUnit().getValue(1) == 0);
test_(vector2.getUnit().getValue(2) == 1);
Vector vector3(7); // Vector of length equal to zero
try {
vector3.getUnit(); // This should throw an exception
fail_("getUnit() with a vector of length equals to zero undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test scalarProduct()
void testScalarProduct() {
Vector vector1(2);
vector1.setValue(0, 4);
vector1.setValue(1, -5);
Vector vector2(2);
vector2.setValue(0, 3);
vector2.setValue(1, 2);
// Try to compute a valid scalar product
try {
test_(vector1.scalarProduct(vector2) == 2);
succeed_(); // The test succeed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("scalarProduct() thrown an exception during a valid scalar product computation"); // The test failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute a invalid scalar product
Vector vector3(5);
try {
vector1.scalarProduct(vector3); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid dimensions in scalarProduct() undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test crossProduct()
void testCrossProduct() {
Vector vector1(3);
vector1.setValue(0, 4);
vector1.setValue(1, -5);
vector1.setValue(2, 2);
Vector vector2(3);
vector2.setValue(0, 3);
vector2.setValue(1, 2);
vector2.setValue(2, 6);
// Try to compute a valid scalar product
try {
Vector result = vector1.crossProduct(vector2);
test_(result.getValue(0) == -34);
test_(result.getValue(1) == -18);
test_(result.getValue(2) == 23);
succeed_(); // The test succeed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("crossProduct() thrown an exception during a valid cross product computation"); // The test failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute a invalid cross product
Vector vector3(5);
try {
vector1.crossProduct(vector3); // This should throw an exception
fail_("Invalid dimensions in crossProduct() undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test operator+()
void testOperatorAddition() {
Vector vector1(4);
vector1.setValue(0, 3);
vector1.setValue(3, -2);
Vector vector2(4);
vector2.setValue(0, 9);
vector2.setValue(2, 6);
vector2.setValue(3, 9);
// Try to compute a valid sum (two vectors with the same dimensions)
try {
// Compute the sum
Vector sum = vector1 + vector2; // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(sum.getValue(0) == 12);
test_(sum.getValue(1) == 0);
test_(sum.getValue(2) == 6);
test_(sum.getValue(3) == 7);
succeed_(); // The test succeed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("A valid sum of two vectors throws an excception"); // The test failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid sum (vectors with different dimensions)
Vector vector3(3);
Vector vector4(5);
try {
// Compute the sum
Vector sum = vector3 + vector4; // This should throw an exception
fail_("An invalid sum of two vectors undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test operator-()
void testOperatorSubstraction() {
Vector vector1(4);
vector1.setValue(0, 3);
vector1.setValue(3, -2);
Vector vector2(4);
vector2.setValue(0, 9);
vector2.setValue(2, 6);
vector2.setValue(3, 9);
// Try to compute a valid subtraction (two vectors with the same dimensions)
try {
// Compute the substraction
Vector sub = vector1 - vector2; // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(sub.getValue(0) == -6);
test_(sub.getValue(1) == 0);
test_(sub.getValue(2) == -6);
test_(sub.getValue(3) == -11);
succeed_(); // The test succeed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("A valid subtraction of two vectors throws an excception"); // The test failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid substraction (vectors with different dimensions)
Vector vector3(3);
Vector vector4(5);
try {
// Compute the substraction
Vector sub = vector3 - vector4; // This should throw an exception
fail_("An invalid substraction of two vectors undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test operator*() (with a constant number)
void testOperatorConstantMultiplications() {
Vector vector(4);
vector.setValue(0, 3);
vector.setValue(3, -2);
// Compute the multiplication
Vector sum = vector * 3.0;
test_(sum.getValue(0) == 9);
test_(sum.getValue(1) == 0);
test_(sum.getValue(2) == 0);
test_(sum.getValue(3) == -6);
// Test operator=()
void testOperatorAssignment() {
Vector vector1(2);
vector1.setValue(0, 4);
vector1.setValue(1, 7);
Vector vector2(8);
// Try to compute a valid assignment (two vectors with the same dimensions)
try {
Vector vector(2);
vector = vector1; // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(vector == vector1);
vector = vector; // This shouldn't throw an exception
succeed_(); // The test succeed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("A valid vector assignment throws an excception"); // The test failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid assignment (vectors with different dimensions)
try {
Vector vector3(2);
vector3 = vector2; // This should throw an exception
fail_("An invalid vector assignment undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to compute an invalid assignment (vectors with different dimensions)
try {
Vector vector3(2);
vector2 = vector3; // This should throw an exception
fail_("An invalid vector assignment undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown
// Test operator==()
void testOperatorEquality() {
Vector vector1(2);
vector1.setValue(0, 4);
vector1.setValue(1, 7);
Vector vector2(2);
vector2.setValue(0, 4);
vector2.setValue(1, 7);
Vector vector3(2);
vector3.setValue(0, 5);
vector3.setValue(1, 7);
Vector vector4(8);
// Try to test a valid equality (two vectors with the same dimensions)
try {
test_(vector1 == vector2); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(vector2 == vector1); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(vector1 == vector1); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(!(vector1 == vector3)); // This shouldn't throw an exception
test_(!(vector3 == vector1)); // This shouldn't throw an exception
succeed_(); // The test succeed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
fail_("A valid vector equality test throws an excception"); // The test failed if an exception has been thrown
// Try to test an invalid equality (vectors with different dimensions)
try {
vector4 == vector1; // This should throw an exception
fail_("An invalid equality test of two vectors undetected"); // The test failed if no exception have been thrown
catch(MathematicsException& ex) {
succeed_(); // The test succeed if an exception has been thrown