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* ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/ *
* Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis *
* *
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. *
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the *
* use of this software. *
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* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, *
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it *
* freely, subject to the following restrictions: *
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* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim *
* that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a *
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* appreciated but is not required. *
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* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be *
* misrepresented as being the original software. *
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* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. *
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// Libraries
#include "CapsuleShape.h"
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include <cassert>
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Constructor
CapsuleShape::CapsuleShape(decimal radius, decimal height)
: CollisionShape(CAPSULE, radius), mRadius(radius), mHalfHeight(height * decimal(0.5)) {
assert(radius > decimal(0.0));
assert(height > decimal(0.0));
// Private copy-constructor
CapsuleShape::CapsuleShape(const CapsuleShape& shape)
: CollisionShape(shape), mRadius(shape.mRadius), mHalfHeight(shape.mHalfHeight) {
// Destructor
CapsuleShape::~CapsuleShape() {
// Return a local support point in a given direction with the object margin.
/// A capsule is the convex hull of two spheres S1 and S2. The support point in the direction "d"
/// of the convex hull of a set of convex objects is the support point "p" in the set of all
/// support points from all the convex objects with the maximum dot product with the direction "d".
/// Therefore, in this method, we compute the support points of both top and bottom spheres of
/// the capsule and return the point with the maximum dot product with the direction vector. Note
/// that the object margin is implicitly the radius and height of the capsule.
Vector3 CapsuleShape::getLocalSupportPointWithMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
// If the direction vector is not the zero vector
if (direction.lengthSquare() >= MACHINE_EPSILON * MACHINE_EPSILON) {
Vector3 unitDirection = direction.getUnit();
// Support point top sphere
Vector3 centerTopSphere(0, mHalfHeight, 0);
Vector3 topSpherePoint = centerTopSphere + unitDirection * mRadius;
decimal dotProductTop = topSpherePoint.dot(direction);
// Support point bottom sphere
Vector3 centerBottomSphere(0, -mHalfHeight, 0);
Vector3 bottomSpherePoint = centerBottomSphere + unitDirection * mRadius;
decimal dotProductBottom = bottomSpherePoint.dot(direction);
// Return the point with the maximum dot product
if (dotProductTop > dotProductBottom) {
return topSpherePoint;
else {
return bottomSpherePoint;
// If the direction vector is the zero vector we return a point on the
// boundary of the capsule
return Vector3(0, mRadius, 0);
// Return a local support point in a given direction without the object margin.
Vector3 CapsuleShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction,
void** cachedCollisionData) const {
// If the dot product of the direction and the local Y axis (dotProduct = direction.y)
// is positive
if (direction.y > 0.0) {
// Return the top sphere center point
return Vector3(0, mHalfHeight, 0);
else {
// Return the bottom sphere center point
return Vector3(0, -mHalfHeight, 0);
// Return the local inertia tensor of the capsule
void CapsuleShape::computeLocalInertiaTensor(Matrix3x3& tensor, decimal mass) const {
// The inertia tensor formula for a capsule can be found in : Game Engine Gems, Volume 1
decimal height = mHalfHeight + mHalfHeight;
decimal radiusSquare = mRadius * mRadius;
decimal heightSquare = height * height;
decimal radiusSquareDouble = radiusSquare + radiusSquare;
decimal factor1 = decimal(2.0) * mRadius / (decimal(4.0) * mRadius + decimal(3.0) * height);
decimal factor2 = decimal(3.0) * height / (decimal(4.0) * mRadius + decimal(3.0) * height);
decimal sum1 = decimal(0.4) * radiusSquareDouble;
decimal sum2 = decimal(0.75) * height * mRadius + decimal(0.5) * heightSquare;
decimal sum3 = decimal(0.25) * radiusSquare + decimal(1.0 / 12.0) * heightSquare;
decimal IxxAndzz = factor1 * mass * (sum1 + sum2) + factor2 * mass * sum3;
decimal Iyy = factor1 * mass * sum1 + factor2 * mass * decimal(0.25) * radiusSquareDouble;
tensor.setAllValues(IxxAndzz, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, Iyy, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, IxxAndzz);
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
bool CapsuleShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
const decimal diffYCenterSphere1 = localPoint.y - mHalfHeight;
const decimal diffYCenterSphere2 = localPoint.y + mHalfHeight;
const decimal xSquare = localPoint.x * localPoint.x;
const decimal zSquare = localPoint.z * localPoint.z;
const decimal squareRadius = mRadius * mRadius;
// Return true if the point is inside the cylinder or one of the two spheres of the capsule
return ((xSquare + zSquare) < squareRadius &&
localPoint.y < mHalfHeight && localPoint.y > -mHalfHeight) ||
(xSquare + zSquare + diffYCenterSphere1 * diffYCenterSphere1) < squareRadius ||
(xSquare + zSquare + diffYCenterSphere2 * diffYCenterSphere2) < squareRadius;
// Raycast method
bool CapsuleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
// Transform the ray direction and origin in local-space coordinates
const Transform localToWorldTransform = proxyShape->getLocalToWorldTransform();
const Transform worldToLocalTransform = localToWorldTransform.getInverse();
Vector3 origin = worldToLocalTransform * ray.origin;
Vector3 n = worldToLocalTransform.getOrientation() * ray.direction.getUnit();
const decimal epsilon = decimal(0.00001);
Vector3 p(decimal(0), -mHalfHeight, decimal(0));
Vector3 q(decimal(0), mHalfHeight, decimal(0));
Vector3 d = q - p;
Vector3 m = origin - p;
decimal t;
decimal mDotD = m.dot(d);
decimal nDotD = n.dot(d);
decimal dDotD = d.dot(d);
decimal mDotN = m.dot(n);
decimal a = dDotD - nDotD * nDotD;
decimal k = m.dot(m) - mRadius * mRadius;
decimal c = dDotD * k - mDotD * mDotD;
// If the ray is parallel to the cylinder axis
if (std::abs(a) < epsilon) {
// If the origin is outside the surface of the cylinder, we return no hit
if (c > decimal(0.0)) return false;
// Here we know that the segment intersect an endcap of the cylinder
// If the ray intersects with the "p" endcap of the capsule
if (mDotD < decimal(0.0)) {
// Check intersection with the sphere "p" endcap of the capsule
return raycastWithSphereEndCap(origin, n, p);
else if (mDotD > dDotD) { // If the ray intersects with the "q" endcap of the cylinder
// Check intersection with the sphere "q" endcap of the capsule
return raycastWithSphereEndCap(origin, n, q);
else { // If the origin is inside the cylinder, we return no hit
return false;
decimal b = dDotD * mDotN - nDotD * mDotD;
decimal discriminant = b * b - a * c;
// If the discriminant is negative, no real roots and therfore, no hit
if (discriminant < decimal(0.0)) return false;
// Compute the smallest root (first intersection along the ray)
decimal t0 = t = (-b - std::sqrt(discriminant)) / a;
// If the intersection is outside the cylinder on "p" endcap side
decimal value = mDotD + t * nDotD;
if (value < decimal(0.0)) {
// Check intersection with the sphere "p" endcap of the capsule
return raycastWithSphereEndCap(origin, n, p);
else if (value > dDotD) { // If the intersection is outside the cylinder on the "q" side
// Check intersection with the sphere "q" endcap of the capsule
return raycastWithSphereEndCap(origin, n, q);
// If the intersection is behind the origin of the ray, we return no hit
return (t0 >= decimal(0.0));
// Raycast method with feedback information
bool CapsuleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape,
decimal distance) const {
// Transform the ray direction and origin in local-space coordinates
const Transform localToWorldTransform = proxyShape->getLocalToWorldTransform();
const Transform worldToLocalTransform = localToWorldTransform.getInverse();
Vector3 origin = worldToLocalTransform * ray.origin;
Vector3 n = worldToLocalTransform.getOrientation() * ray.direction.getUnit();
const decimal epsilon = decimal(0.00001);
Vector3 p(decimal(0), -mHalfHeight, decimal(0));
Vector3 q(decimal(0), mHalfHeight, decimal(0));
Vector3 d = q - p;
Vector3 m = origin - p;
decimal t;
decimal mDotD = m.dot(d);
decimal nDotD = n.dot(d);
decimal dDotD = d.dot(d);
decimal mDotN = m.dot(n);
decimal a = dDotD - nDotD * nDotD;
decimal k = m.dot(m) - mRadius * mRadius;
decimal c = dDotD * k - mDotD * mDotD;
// If the ray is parallel to the capsule axis
if (std::abs(a) < epsilon) {
// If the origin is outside the surface of the capusle's cylinder, we return no hit
if (c > decimal(0.0)) return false;
// Here we know that the segment intersect an endcap of the capsule
// If the ray intersects with the "p" endcap of the capsule
if (mDotD < decimal(0.0)) {
// Check intersection between the ray and the "p" sphere endcap of the capsule
Vector3 hitLocalPoint;
decimal hitDistance;
if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(origin, n, p, distance, hitLocalPoint, hitDistance)) {
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.distance = hitDistance;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = localToWorldTransform * hitLocalPoint;
Vector3 normalDirection = (hitLocalPoint - p).getUnit();
raycastInfo.worldNormal = localToWorldTransform.getOrientation() * normalDirection;
return true;
return false;
else if (mDotD > dDotD) { // If the ray intersects with the "q" endcap of the cylinder
// Check intersection between the ray and the "q" sphere endcap of the capsule
Vector3 hitLocalPoint;
decimal hitDistance;
if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(origin, n, q, distance, hitLocalPoint, hitDistance)) {
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.distance = hitDistance;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = localToWorldTransform * hitLocalPoint;
Vector3 normalDirection = (hitLocalPoint - q).getUnit();
raycastInfo.worldNormal = localToWorldTransform.getOrientation() * normalDirection;
return true;
return false;
else { // If the origin is inside the cylinder, we return no hit
return false;
decimal b = dDotD * mDotN - nDotD * mDotD;
decimal discriminant = b * b - a * c;
// If the discriminant is negative, no real roots and therfore, no hit
if (discriminant < decimal(0.0)) return false;
// Compute the smallest root (first intersection along the ray)
decimal t0 = t = (-b - std::sqrt(discriminant)) / a;
// If the intersection is outside the finite cylinder of the capsule on "p" endcap side
decimal value = mDotD + t * nDotD;
if (value < decimal(0.0)) {
// Check intersection between the ray and the "p" sphere endcap of the capsule
Vector3 hitLocalPoint;
decimal hitDistance;
if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(origin, n, p, distance, hitLocalPoint, hitDistance)) {
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.distance = hitDistance;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = localToWorldTransform * hitLocalPoint;
Vector3 normalDirection = (hitLocalPoint - p).getUnit();
raycastInfo.worldNormal = localToWorldTransform.getOrientation() * normalDirection;
return true;
return false;
else if (value > dDotD) { // If the intersection is outside the finite cylinder on the "q" side
// Check intersection between the ray and the "q" sphere endcap of the capsule
Vector3 hitLocalPoint;
decimal hitDistance;
if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(origin, n, q, distance, hitLocalPoint, hitDistance)) {
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.distance = hitDistance;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = localToWorldTransform * hitLocalPoint;
Vector3 normalDirection = (hitLocalPoint - q).getUnit();
raycastInfo.worldNormal = localToWorldTransform.getOrientation() * normalDirection;
return true;
return false;
t = t0;
// If the intersection is behind the origin of the ray or beyond the maximum
// raycasting distance, we return no hit
if (t < decimal(0.0) || t > distance) return false;
// Compute the hit information
Vector3 localHitPoint = origin + t * n;
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.distance = t;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = localToWorldTransform * localHitPoint;
Vector3 v = localHitPoint - p;
Vector3 w = (v.dot(d) / d.lengthSquare()) * d;
Vector3 normalDirection = (localHitPoint - (p + w)).getUnit();
raycastInfo.worldNormal = localToWorldTransform.getOrientation() * normalDirection;
return true;
// Raycasting method between a ray one of the two spheres end cap of the capsule
bool CapsuleShape::raycastWithSphereEndCap(const Vector3& rayOrigin, const Vector3& rayDirection,
const Vector3& sphereCenter, decimal maxDistance,
Vector3& hitLocalPoint, decimal& hitDistance) const {
Vector3 m = rayOrigin - sphereCenter;
decimal c = m.dot(m) - mRadius * mRadius;
// If the origin of the ray is inside the sphere, we return no intersection
if (c < decimal(0.0)) return false;
decimal b = m.dot(rayDirection);
// If the origin of the ray is outside the sphere and the ray
// is pointing away from the sphere and there is no intersection
if (c >= decimal(0.0) && b > decimal(0.0)) return false;
// Compute the discriminant of the quadratic equation
decimal discriminant = b * b - c;
// If the discriminant is negative, there is no intersection
if (discriminant < decimal(0.0)) return false;
// Compute the solution "t" closest to the origin
decimal t = -b - std::sqrt(discriminant);
assert(t >= decimal(0.0));
// If the intersection distance is larger than the allowed distance, return no intersection
if (t > maxDistance) return false;
// Compute the hit point and distance
hitLocalPoint = rayOrigin + t * rayDirection;
hitDistance = t;
return true;
// Raycasting method between a ray one of the two spheres end cap of the capsule
/// This method returns true if there is an intersection and false otherwise but does not
/// compute the intersection point.
bool CapsuleShape::raycastWithSphereEndCap(const Vector3& rayOrigin, const Vector3& rayDirection,
const Vector3& sphereCenter) const {
Vector3 m = rayOrigin - sphereCenter;
decimal c = m.dot(m) - mRadius * mRadius;
// If the origin of the ray is inside the sphere, we return no intersection
if (c < decimal(0.0)) return false;
decimal b = m.dot(rayDirection);
// If the origin of the ray is outside the sphere and the ray
// is pointing away from the sphere and there is no intersection
if (c >= decimal(0.0) && b > decimal(0.0)) return false;
// Compute the discriminant of the quadratic equation
decimal discriminant = b * b - c;
// If the discriminant is negative, there is no intersection
return (discriminant >= decimal(0.0));