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948 lines
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nanogui/glutil.h -- Convenience classes for accessing OpenGL >= 3.x
NanoGUI was developed by Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>.
The widget drawing code is based on the NanoVG demo application
by Mikko Mononen.
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
/** \file */
#pragma once
#include <nanogui/opengl.h>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <map>
namespace half_float { class half; }
/// Ensures that ``GL_HALF_FLOAT`` is defined properly for all platforms.
#define GL_HALF_FLOAT 0x140B
// bypass template specializations
template <typename T> struct type_traits;
template <> struct type_traits<uint32_t> { enum { type = GL_UNSIGNED_INT, integral = 1 }; };
template <> struct type_traits<int32_t> { enum { type = GL_INT, integral = 1 }; };
template <> struct type_traits<uint16_t> { enum { type = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, integral = 1 }; };
template <> struct type_traits<int16_t> { enum { type = GL_SHORT, integral = 1 }; };
template <> struct type_traits<uint8_t> { enum { type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, integral = 1 }; };
template <> struct type_traits<int8_t> { enum { type = GL_BYTE, integral = 1 }; };
template <> struct type_traits<double> { enum { type = GL_DOUBLE, integral = 0 }; };
template <> struct type_traits<float> { enum { type = GL_FLOAT, integral = 0 }; };
template <> struct type_traits<half_float::half> { enum { type = GL_HALF_FLOAT, integral = 0 }; };
template <typename T> struct serialization_helper;
using Eigen::Quaternionf;
class GLUniformBuffer;
// ----------------------------------------------------
* \class GLShader glutil.h nanogui/glutil.h
* Helper class for compiling and linking OpenGL shaders and uploading
* associated vertex and index buffers from Eigen matrices.
// this friendship breaks the documentation
template <typename T> friend struct detail::serialization_helper;
* \struct Buffer glutil.h nanogui/glutil.h
* A wrapper struct for maintaining various aspects of items being managed
* by OpenGL. Buffers are created when \ref GLShader::uploadAttrib is
* called.
struct Buffer {
GLuint id; ///< The identifier used with OpenGL.
GLuint glType; ///< The OpenGL type of this buffer.
GLuint dim; ///< The dimension of this buffer (typically the row width).
GLuint compSize;///< The size (in bytes) of an individual element in this buffer.
GLuint size; ///< The total number of elements represented by this buffer.
int version; ///< The current version if this buffer.
/// Create an unitialized OpenGL shader
: mVertexShader(0), mFragmentShader(0), mGeometryShader(0),
mProgramShader(0), mVertexArrayObject(0) { }
* \brief Initialize the shader using the specified source strings.
* \param name
* The name this shader will be registered as.
* \param vertex_str
* The source of the vertex shader as a string.
* \param fragment_str
* The source of the fragment shader as a string.
* \param geometry_str
* The source of the geometry shader as a string. The default value is
* the empty string, which indicates no geometry shader will be used.
bool init(const std::string &name, const std::string &vertex_str,
const std::string &fragment_str,
const std::string &geometry_str = "");
* \brief Initialize the shader using the specified files on disk.
* \param name
* The name this shader will be registered as.
* \param vertex_fname
* The path to the file containing the source of the fragment shader.
* \param fragment_fname
* The path to the file containing the source of the vertex shader.
* \param geometry_fname
* The path to the file containing the source of the geometry shader.
* The default value is the empty string, which indicates no geometry
* shader will be used.
bool initFromFiles(const std::string &name,
const std::string &vertex_fname,
const std::string &fragment_fname,
const std::string &geometry_fname = "");
/// Return the name of the shader
const std::string &name() const { return mName; }
* Set a preprocessor definition. Custom preprocessor definitions must be
* added **before** initializing the shader (e.g., via \ref initFromFiles).
* See also: \ref mDefinitions.
void define(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) { mDefinitions[key] = value; }
* Select this shader for subsequent draw calls. Simply executes ``glUseProgram``
* with \ref mProgramShader, and ``glBindVertexArray`` with \ref mVertexArrayObject.
void bind();
/// Release underlying OpenGL objects
void free();
/// Return the handle of a named shader attribute (-1 if it does not exist)
GLint attrib(const std::string &name, bool warn = true) const;
/// Return the handle of a uniform attribute (-1 if it does not exist)
GLint uniform(const std::string &name, bool warn = true) const;
/// Upload an Eigen matrix as a vertex buffer object (refreshing it as needed)
template <typename Matrix> void uploadAttrib(const std::string &name, const Matrix &M, int version = -1) {
uint32_t compSize = sizeof(typename Matrix::Scalar);
GLuint glType = (GLuint) detail::type_traits<typename Matrix::Scalar>::type;
bool integral = (bool) detail::type_traits<typename Matrix::Scalar>::integral;
uploadAttrib(name, (uint32_t) M.size(), (int) M.rows(), compSize,
glType, integral, M.data(), version);
/// Download a vertex buffer object into an Eigen matrix
template <typename Matrix> void downloadAttrib(const std::string &name, Matrix &M) {
uint32_t compSize = sizeof(typename Matrix::Scalar);
GLuint glType = (GLuint) detail::type_traits<typename Matrix::Scalar>::type;
auto it = mBufferObjects.find(name);
if (it == mBufferObjects.end())
throw std::runtime_error("downloadAttrib(" + mName + ", " + name + ") : buffer not found!");
const Buffer &buf = it->second;
M.resize(buf.dim, buf.size / buf.dim);
downloadAttrib(name, M.size(), M.rows(), compSize, glType, M.data());
/// Upload an index buffer
template <typename Matrix> void uploadIndices(const Matrix &M, int version = -1) {
uploadAttrib("indices", M, version);
/// Invalidate the version numbers associated with attribute data
void invalidateAttribs();
/// Completely free an existing attribute buffer
void freeAttrib(const std::string &name);
/// Check if an attribute was registered a given name
bool hasAttrib(const std::string &name) const {
auto it = mBufferObjects.find(name);
if (it == mBufferObjects.end())
return false;
return true;
/// Create a symbolic link to an attribute of another GLShader. This avoids duplicating unnecessary data
void shareAttrib(const GLShader &otherShader, const std::string &name, const std::string &as = "");
/// Return the version number of a given attribute
int attribVersion(const std::string &name) const {
auto it = mBufferObjects.find(name);
if (it == mBufferObjects.end())
return -1;
return it->second.version;
/// Reset the version number of a given attribute
void resetAttribVersion(const std::string &name) {
auto it = mBufferObjects.find(name);
if (it != mBufferObjects.end())
it->second.version = -1;
/// Draw a sequence of primitives
void drawArray(int type, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count);
/// Draw a sequence of primitives using a previously uploaded index buffer
void drawIndexed(int type, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count);
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a 4x4 matrix (float)
template <typename T>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, const Eigen::Matrix<T, 4, 4> &mat, bool warn = true) {
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform(name, warn), 1, GL_FALSE, mat.template cast<float>().data());
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a 3x3 affine transform (float)
template <typename T>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, const Eigen::Transform<T, 3, 3> &affine, bool warn = true) {
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform(name, warn), 1, GL_FALSE, affine.template cast<float>().data());
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a 3x3 matrix (float)
template <typename T>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, const Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 3> &mat, bool warn = true) {
glUniformMatrix3fv(uniform(name, warn), 1, GL_FALSE, mat.template cast<float>().data());
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a 2x2 affine transform (float)
template <typename T>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, const Eigen::Transform<T, 2, 2> &affine, bool warn = true) {
glUniformMatrix3fv(uniform(name, warn), 1, GL_FALSE, affine.template cast<float>().data());
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a boolean value
void setUniform(const std::string &name, bool value, bool warn = true) {
glUniform1i(uniform(name, warn), (int)value);
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with an integer value
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<detail::type_traits<T>::integral == 1, int>::type = 0>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, T value, bool warn = true) {
glUniform1i(uniform(name, warn), (int) value);
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a floating point value
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<detail::type_traits<T>::integral == 0, int>::type = 0>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, T value, bool warn = true) {
glUniform1f(uniform(name, warn), (float) value);
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a 2D vector (int)
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<detail::type_traits<T>::integral == 1, int>::type = 0>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, const Eigen::Matrix<T, 2, 1> &v, bool warn = true) {
glUniform2i(uniform(name, warn), (int) v.x(), (int) v.y());
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a 2D vector (float)
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<detail::type_traits<T>::integral == 0, int>::type = 0>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, const Eigen::Matrix<T, 2, 1> &v, bool warn = true) {
glUniform2f(uniform(name, warn), (float) v.x(), (float) v.y());
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a 3D vector (int)
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<detail::type_traits<T>::integral == 1, int>::type = 0>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, const Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> &v, bool warn = true) {
glUniform3i(uniform(name, warn), (int) v.x(), (int) v.y(), (int) v.z());
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a 3D vector (float)
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<detail::type_traits<T>::integral == 0, int>::type = 0>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, const Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> &v, bool warn = true) {
glUniform3f(uniform(name, warn), (float) v.x(), (float) v.y(), (float) v.z());
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a 4D vector (int)
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<detail::type_traits<T>::integral == 1, int>::type = 0>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, const Eigen::Matrix<T, 4, 1> &v, bool warn = true) {
glUniform4i(uniform(name, warn), (int) v.x(), (int) v.y(), (int) v.z(), (int) v.w());
/// Initialize a uniform parameter with a 4D vector (float)
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<detail::type_traits<T>::integral == 0, int>::type = 0>
void setUniform(const std::string &name, const Eigen::Matrix<T, 4, 1> &v, bool warn = true) {
glUniform4f(uniform(name, warn), (float) v.x(), (float) v.y(), (float) v.z(), (float) v.w());
/// Initialize a uniform buffer with a uniform buffer object
void setUniform(const std::string &name, const GLUniformBuffer &buf, bool warn = true);
/// Return the size of all registered buffers in bytes
size_t bufferSize() const {
size_t size = 0;
for (auto const &buf : mBufferObjects)
size += buf.second.size;
return size;
* \brief (Advanced) Returns a reference to the specified \ref GLShader::Buffer.
* \rst
* .. danger::
* Extreme caution must be exercised when using this method. The user is
* discouraged from explicitly storing the reference returned, as it can
* change, become deprecated, or no longer reside in
* :member:`mBufferObjects <nanogui::GLShader::mBufferObjects>`.
* There are generally very few use cases that justify using this method
* directly. For example, if you need the version of a buffer, call
* :func:`attribVersion <nanogui::GLShader::attribVersion>`. If you want
* to share data between :class:`GLShader <nanogui::GLShader>` objects,
* call :func:`shareAttrib <nanogui::GLShader::shareAttrib>`.
* One example use case for this method is sharing data between different
* GPU pipelines such as CUDA or OpenCL. When sharing data, you
* typically need to map pointers between the API's. The returned
* buffer's :member:`Buffer::id <nanogui::GLShader::Buffer::id>` is the
* ``GLuint`` you will want to map to the other API.
* In short, only use this method if you absolutely need to.
* \endrst
* \param name
* The name of the desired attribute.
* \return
* A reference to the current buffer associated with ``name``. Should
* not be explicitly stored.
* \throws std::runtime_error
* If ``name`` is not found.
const Buffer &attribBuffer(const std::string &name);
/* Low-level API */
void uploadAttrib(const std::string &name, size_t size, int dim,
uint32_t compSize, GLuint glType, bool integral,
const void *data, int version = -1);
void downloadAttrib(const std::string &name, size_t size, int dim,
uint32_t compSize, GLuint glType, void *data);
/// The registered name of this GLShader.
std::string mName;
/// The vertex shader of this GLShader (as returned by ``glCreateShader``).
GLuint mVertexShader;
/// The fragment shader of this GLShader (as returned by ``glCreateShader``).
GLuint mFragmentShader;
/// The geometry shader (if requested) of this GLShader (as returned by ``glCreateShader``).
GLuint mGeometryShader;
/// The OpenGL program (as returned by ``glCreateProgram``).
GLuint mProgramShader;
/// The vertex array associated with this GLShader (as returned by ``glGenVertexArrays``).
GLuint mVertexArrayObject;
* The map of string names to buffer objects representing the various
* attributes that have been uploaded using \ref uploadAttrib.
std::map<std::string, Buffer> mBufferObjects;
* \rst
* The map of preprocessor names to values (if any have been created). If
* a definition was added seeking to create ``#define WIDTH 256``, the key
* would be ``"WIDTH"`` and the value would be ``"256"``. These definitions
* will be included automatically in the string that gets compiled for the
* vertex, geometry, and fragment shader code.
* \endrst
std::map<std::string, std::string> mDefinitions;
// ----------------------------------------------------
* \class GLUniformBuffer glutil.h nanogui/glutil.h
* \brief Helper class for creating OpenGL Uniform Buffer objects.
class NANOGUI_EXPORT GLUniformBuffer {
/// Default constructor: unusable until you call the ``init()`` method
GLUniformBuffer() : mID(0), mBindingPoint(0) { }
/// Create a new uniform buffer
void init();
/// Release underlying OpenGL object
void free();
/// Bind the uniform buffer to a specific binding point
void bind(int index);
/// Release/unbind the uniform buffer
void release();
/// Update content on the GPU using data
void update(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data);
/// Return the binding point of this uniform buffer
int getBindingPoint() const { return mBindingPoint; }
GLuint mID;
int mBindingPoint;
// ----------------------------------------------------
* \class UniformBufferStd140 glutil.h nanogui/glutil.h
* \brief Helper class for accumulating uniform buffer data following the
* 'std140' packing format.
class UniformBufferStd140 : public std::vector<uint8_t> {
using Parent = std::vector<uint8_t>;
using Parent::push_back;
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value, int>::type = 0>
void push_back(T value) {
uint8_t *tmp = (uint8_t*) &value;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(T); i++)
template <typename Derived, typename std::enable_if<Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime, int>::type = 0>
void push_back(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &value) {
const int n = (int) value.size();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
const int pad = n == 1 ? 1 : (n == 2 ? 2 : 4);
while ((i++) % pad != 0)
push_back((typename Derived::Scalar) 0);
template <typename Derived, typename std::enable_if<!Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime, int>::type = 0>
void push_back(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &value, bool colMajor = true) {
const int n = (int) (colMajor ? value.rows() : value.cols());
const int m = (int) (colMajor ? value.cols() : value.rows());
const int pad = n == 1 ? 1 : (n == 2 ? 2 : 4);
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
push_back(colMajor ? value(j, i) : value(i, j));
while ((j++) % pad != 0)
push_back((typename Derived::Scalar) 0);
// ----------------------------------------------------
* \class GLFramebuffer glutil.h nanogui/glutil.h
* \brief Helper class for creating framebuffer objects.
class NANOGUI_EXPORT GLFramebuffer {
/// Default constructor: unusable until you call the ``init()`` method
GLFramebuffer() : mFramebuffer(0), mDepth(0), mColor(0), mSamples(0) { }
/// Create a new framebuffer with the specified size and number of MSAA samples
void init(const Vector2i &size, int nSamples);
/// Release all associated resources
void free();
/// Bind the framebuffer object
void bind();
/// Release/unbind the framebuffer object
void release();
/// Blit the framebuffer object onto the screen
void blit();
/// Return whether or not the framebuffer object has been initialized
bool ready() { return mFramebuffer != 0; }
/// Return the number of MSAA samples
int samples() const { return mSamples; }
/// Quick and dirty method to write a TGA (32bpp RGBA) file of the framebuffer contents for debugging
void downloadTGA(const std::string &filename);
GLuint mFramebuffer, mDepth, mColor;
Vector2i mSize;
int mSamples;
// ----------------------------------------------------
* \struct Arcball glutil.h nanogui/glutil.h
* \brief Arcball helper class to interactively rotate objects on-screen.
* The Arcball class enables fluid interaction by representing rotations using
* a quaternion, and is setup to be used in conjunction with the existing
* mouse callbacks defined in \ref nanogui::Widget. The Arcball operates by
* maintaining an "active" state which is typically controlled using a mouse
* button click / release. A click pressed would call \ref Arcball::button
* with ``down = true``, and a click released with ``down = false``. The high
* level mechanics are:
* 1. The Arcball is made active by calling \ref Arcball::button with a
* specified click location, and ``down = true``.
* 2. As the user holds the mouse button down and drags, calls to
* \ref Arcball::motion are issued. Internally, the Arcball keeps track of
* how far the rotation is from the start click. During the active state,
* \ref mQuat is not updated, call \ref Arcball::matrix to get the current
* rotation for use in drawing updates. Receiving the rotation as a matrix
* will usually be more convenient for traditional pipelines, however you
* can also acquire the active rotation using \ref Arcball::activeState.
* 3. The user releases the mouse button, and a call to \ref Arcball::button
* with ``down = false``. The Arcball is no longer active, and its internal
* \ref mQuat is updated.
* A very simple \ref nanogui::Screen derived class to illustrate usage:
* \rst
* .. code-block:: cpp
* class ArcballScreen : public nanogui::Screen {
* public:
* // Creating a 400x400 window
* ArcballScreen() : nanogui::Screen({400, 400}, "ArcballDemo") {
* mArcball.setSize(mSize);// Note 1
* }
* virtual bool mouseButtonEvent(const Vector2i &p, int button, bool down, int modifiers) override {
* // In this example, we are using the left mouse button
* // to control the arcball motion
* if (button == GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1) {
* mArcball.button(p, down);// Note 2
* return true;
* }
* return false;
* }
* virtual bool mouseMotionEvent(const Vector2i &p, const Vector2i &rel, int button, int modifiers) override {
* if (button == GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1) {
* mArcball.motion(p);// Note 2
* return true;
* }
* return false;
* }
* virtual void drawContents() override {
* // Option 1: acquire a 4x4 homogeneous rotation matrix
* Matrix4f rotation = mArcball.matrix();
* // Option 2: acquire an equivalent quaternion
* Quaternionf rotation = mArcball.activeState();
* // ... do some drawing with the current rotation ...
* }
* protected:
* nanogui::Arcball mArcball;
* };
* **Note 1**
* The user is responsible for setting the size with
* :func:`Arcball::setSize <nanogui::Arcball::setSize>`, this does **not**
* need to be the same as the Screen dimensions (e.g., you are using the
* Arcball to control a specific ``glViewport``).
* **Note 2**
* Be aware that the input vector ``p`` to
* :func:`Widget::mouseButtonEvent <nanogui::Widget::mouseButtonEvent>`
* and :func:`Widget::mouseMotionEvent <nanogui::Widget::mouseMotionEvent>`
* are in the coordinates of the Screen dimensions (top left is ``(0, 0)``,
* bottom right is ``(width, height)``). If you are using the Arcball to
* control a subregion of the Screen, you will want to transform the input
* ``p`` before calling :func:`Arcball::button <nanogui::Arcball::button>`
* or :func:`Arcball::motion <nanogui::Arcball::motion>`. For example, if
* controlling the right half of the screen, you might create
* ``Vector2i adjusted_click(p.x() - (mSize.x() / 2), p.y())``, and then
* call ``mArcball.motion(adjusted_click)``.
* \endrst
struct Arcball {
* \brief The default constructor.
* \rst
* .. note::
* Make sure to call :func:`Arcball::setSize <nanogui::Arcball::setSize>`
* after construction.
* \endrst
* \param speedFactor
* The speed at which the Arcball rotates (default: ``2.0``). See also
* \ref mSpeedFactor.
Arcball(float speedFactor = 2.0f)
: mActive(false), mLastPos(Vector2i::Zero()), mSize(Vector2i::Zero()),
mSpeedFactor(speedFactor) { }
* Constructs an Arcball based off of the specified rotation.
* \rst
* .. note::
* Make sure to call :func:`Arcball::setSize <nanogui::Arcball::setSize>`
* after construction.
* \endrst
Arcball(const Quaternionf &quat)
: mActive(false), mLastPos(Vector2i::Zero()), mSize(Vector2i::Zero()),
mSpeedFactor(2.0f) { }
* \brief The internal rotation of the Arcball.
* Call \ref Arcball::matrix for drawing loops, this method will not return
* any updates while \ref mActive is ``true``.
Quaternionf &state() { return mQuat; }
/// ``const`` version of \ref Arcball::state.
const Quaternionf &state() const { return mQuat; }
/// Sets the rotation of this Arcball. The Arcball will be marked as **not** active.
void setState(const Quaternionf &state) {
mActive = false;
mLastPos = Vector2i::Zero();
mQuat = state;
mIncr = Quaternionf::Identity();
* \brief Sets the size of this Arcball.
* The size of the Arcball and the positions being provided in
* \ref Arcball::button and \ref Arcball::motion are directly related.
void setSize(Vector2i size) { mSize = size; }
/// Returns the current size of this Arcball.
const Vector2i &size() const { return mSize; }
/// Sets the speed at which this Arcball rotates. See also \ref mSpeedFactor.
void setSpeedFactor(float speedFactor) { mSpeedFactor = speedFactor; }
/// Returns the current speed at which this Arcball rotates.
float speedFactor() const { return mSpeedFactor; }
/// Returns whether or not this Arcball is currently active.
bool active() const { return mActive; }
* \brief Signals a state change from active to non-active, or vice-versa.
* \param pos
* The click location, should be in the same coordinate system as
* specified by \ref mSize.
* \param pressed
* When ``true``, this Arcball becomes active. When ``false``, this
* Arcball becomes non-active, and its internal \ref mQuat is updated
* with the final rotation.
void button(Vector2i pos, bool pressed) {
mActive = pressed;
mLastPos = pos;
if (!mActive)
mQuat = (mIncr * mQuat).normalized();
mIncr = Quaternionf::Identity();
* \brief When active, updates \ref mIncr corresponding to the specified
* position.
* \param pos
* Where the mouse has been dragged to.
bool motion(Vector2i pos) {
if (!mActive)
return false;
/* Based on the rotation controller from AntTweakBar */
float invMinDim = 1.0f / mSize.minCoeff();
float w = (float) mSize.x(), h = (float) mSize.y();
float ox = (mSpeedFactor * (2*mLastPos.x() - w) + w) - w - 1.0f;
float tx = (mSpeedFactor * (2*pos.x() - w) + w) - w - 1.0f;
float oy = (mSpeedFactor * (h - 2*mLastPos.y()) + h) - h - 1.0f;
float ty = (mSpeedFactor * (h - 2*pos.y()) + h) - h - 1.0f;
ox *= invMinDim; oy *= invMinDim;
tx *= invMinDim; ty *= invMinDim;
Vector3f v0(ox, oy, 1.0f), v1(tx, ty, 1.0f);
if (v0.squaredNorm() > 1e-4f && v1.squaredNorm() > 1e-4f) {
v0.normalize(); v1.normalize();
Vector3f axis = v0.cross(v1);
float sa = std::sqrt(axis.dot(axis)),
ca = v0.dot(v1),
angle = std::atan2(sa, ca);
if (tx*tx + ty*ty > 1.0f)
angle *= 1.0f + 0.2f * (std::sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty) - 1.0f);
mIncr = Eigen::AngleAxisf(angle, axis.normalized());
if (!std::isfinite(mIncr.norm()))
mIncr = Quaternionf::Identity();
return true;
* Returns the current rotation *including* the active motion, suitable for
* use with typical homogeneous matrix transformations. The upper left 3x3
* block is the rotation matrix, with 0-0-0-1 as the right-most column /
* bottom row.
Matrix4f matrix() const {
Matrix4f result2 = Matrix4f::Identity();
result2.block<3,3>(0, 0) = (mIncr * mQuat).toRotationMatrix();
return result2;
/// Returns the current rotation *including* the active motion.
Quaternionf activeState() const { return mIncr * mQuat; }
* \brief Interrupts the current Arcball motion by calling
* \ref Arcball::button with ``(0, 0)`` and ``false``.
* Use this method to "close" the state of the Arcball when a mouse release
* event is not available. You would use this method if you need to stop
* the Arcball from updating its internal rotation, but the event stopping
* the rotation does **not** come from a mouse release. For example, you
* have a callback that created a \ref nanogui::MessageDialog which will now
* be in focus.
void interrupt() { button(Vector2i::Zero(), false); }
/// Whether or not this Arcball is currently active.
bool mActive;
/// The last click position (which triggered the Arcball to be active / non-active).
Vector2i mLastPos;
/// The size of this Arcball.
Vector2i mSize;
* The current stable state. When this Arcball is active, represents the
* state of this Arcball when \ref Arcball::button was called with
* ``down = true``.
Quaternionf mQuat;
/// When active, tracks the overall update to the state. Identity when non-active.
Quaternionf mIncr;
* The speed at which this Arcball rotates. Smaller values mean it rotates
* more slowly, higher values mean it rotates more quickly.
float mSpeedFactor;
// ----------------------------------------------------
* \brief Projects the vector ``obj`` into the specified viewport.
* Performs a homogeneous transformation of a vector into "screen space", as
* defined by the provided model and projection matrices, and the dimensions
* of the viewport.
* \param obj
* The vector being transformed.
* \param model
* The model matrix.
* \param proj
* The projection matrix.
* \param viewportSize
* The dimensions of the viewport to project into.
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT Vector3f project(const Vector3f &obj,
const Matrix4f &model,
const Matrix4f &proj,
const Vector2i &viewportSize);
* \brief Unprojects the vector ``win`` out of the specified viewport.
* The reverse transformation of \ref project --- use the same matrices and
* viewport dimensions to easily transition between the two spaces.
* \param win
* The vector being transformed out of "screen space".
* \param model
* The model matrix.
* \param proj
* The projection matrix.
* \param viewportSize
* The dimensions of the viewport to project out of.
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT Vector3f unproject(const Vector3f &win,
const Matrix4f &model,
const Matrix4f &proj,
const Vector2i &viewportSize);
* \brief Creates a "look at" matrix that describes the position and
* orientation of e.g. a camera
* \param origin
* The position of the camera.
* \param target
* The gaze target of the camera.
* \param up
* The up vector of the camera.
* \rst
* .. warning::
* These are used to form an orthonormal basis. The first basis vector is
* defined as ``f = (target - origin).normalized()``.
* \endrst
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT Matrix4f lookAt(const Vector3f &origin,
const Vector3f &target,
const Vector3f &up);
* Creates an orthographic projection matrix.
* \param left
* The left border of the viewport.
* \param right
* The right border of the viewport.
* \param bottom
* The bottom border of the viewport.
* \param top
* The top border of the viewport.
* \param nearVal
* The near plane.
* \param farVal
* The far plane.
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT Matrix4f ortho(float left, float right,
float bottom, float top,
float nearVal, float farVal);
* Creates a perspective projection matrix.
* \param left
* The left border of the viewport.
* \param right
* The right border of the viewport.
* \param bottom
* The bottom border of the viewport.
* \param top
* The top border of the viewport.
* \param nearVal
* The near plane.
* \param farVal
* The far plane.
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT Matrix4f frustum(float left, float right,
float bottom, float top,
float nearVal, float farVal);
* \brief Construct homogeneous coordinate scaling matrix
* Returns a 3D homogeneous coordinate matrix that scales the X, Y, and Z
* components with the corresponding entries of the 3D vector ``v``. The ``w``
* component is left unchanged
* \param v
* The vector representing the scaling for each axis.
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT Matrix4f scale(const Vector3f &v);
* \brief Construct homogeneous coordinate translation matrix
* Returns a 3D homogeneous coordinate matrix that translates the X, Y, and Z
* components by the corresponding entries of the 3D vector ``v``. The ``w``
* component is left unchanged
* \param v
* The vector representing the translation for each axis.
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT Matrix4f translate(const Vector3f &v);