182 lines
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182 lines
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nanogui/tabheader.h -- Widget used to control tabs.
The tab header widget was contributed by Stefan Ivanov.
NanoGUI was developed by Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>.
The widget drawing code is based on the NanoVG demo application
by Mikko Mononen.
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
/** \file */
#pragma once
#include <nanogui/widget.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <iterator>
* \class TabHeader tabheader.h nanogui/tabheader.h
* \brief A Tab navigable widget.
class NANOGUI_EXPORT TabHeader : public Widget {
TabHeader(Widget *parent, const std::string &font = "sans-bold");
void setFont(const std::string& font) { mFont = font; }
const std::string& font() const { return mFont; }
bool overflowing() const { return mOverflowing; }
* Sets the callable objects which is invoked when a tab button is pressed.
* The argument provided to the callback is the index of the tab.
void setCallback(const std::function<void(int)>& callback) { mCallback = callback; };
const std::function<void(int)>& callback() const { return mCallback; }
void setActiveTab(int tabIndex);
int activeTab() const;
bool isTabVisible(int index) const;
int tabCount() const { return (int) mTabButtons.size(); }
/// Inserts a tab at the end of the tabs collection.
void addTab(const std::string& label);
/// Inserts a tab into the tabs collection at the specified index.
void addTab(int index, const std::string& label);
* Removes the tab with the specified label and returns the index of the label.
* Returns -1 if there was no such tab
int removeTab(const std::string& label);
/// Removes the tab with the specified index.
void removeTab(int index);
/// Retrieves the label of the tab at a specific index.
const std::string& tabLabelAt(int index) const;
* Retrieves the index of a specific tab label.
* Returns the number of tabs (tabsCount) if there is no such tab.
int tabIndex(const std::string& label);
* Recalculate the visible range of tabs so that the tab with the specified
* index is visible. The tab with the specified index will either be the
* first or last visible one depending on the position relative to the
* old visible range.
void ensureTabVisible(int index);
* Returns a pair of Vectors describing the top left (pair.first) and the
* bottom right (pair.second) positions of the rectangle containing the visible tab buttons.
std::pair<Vector2i, Vector2i> visibleButtonArea() const;
* Returns a pair of Vectors describing the top left (pair.first) and the
* bottom right (pair.second) positions of the rectangle containing the active tab button.
* Returns two zero vectors if the active button is not visible.
std::pair<Vector2i, Vector2i> activeButtonArea() const;
virtual void performLayout(NVGcontext* ctx) override;
virtual Vector2i preferredSize(NVGcontext* ctx) const override;
virtual bool mouseButtonEvent(const Vector2i &p, int button, bool down, int modifiers) override;
virtual void draw(NVGcontext* ctx) override;
* \class TabButton tabheader.h
* \brief Implementation class of the actual tab buttons.
class TabButton {
constexpr static const char* dots = "...";
TabButton(TabHeader& header, const std::string& label);
void setLabel(const std::string& label) { mLabel = label; }
const std::string& label() const { return mLabel; }
void setSize(const Vector2i& size) { mSize = size; }
const Vector2i& size() const { return mSize; }
Vector2i preferredSize(NVGcontext* ctx) const;
void calculateVisibleString(NVGcontext* ctx);
void drawAtPosition(NVGcontext* ctx, const Vector2i& position, bool active);
void drawActiveBorderAt(NVGcontext * ctx, const Vector2i& position, float offset, const Color& color);
void drawInactiveBorderAt(NVGcontext * ctx, const Vector2i& position, float offset, const Color& color);
TabHeader* mHeader;
std::string mLabel;
Vector2i mSize;
* \struct StringView tabheader.h nanogui/tabheader.h
* \brief Helper struct to represent the TabButton.
struct StringView {
const char* first = nullptr;
const char* last = nullptr;
StringView mVisibleText;
int mVisibleWidth = 0;
using TabIterator = std::vector<TabButton>::iterator;
using ConstTabIterator = std::vector<TabButton>::const_iterator;
/// The location in which the Widget will be facing.
enum class ClickLocation {
LeftControls, RightControls, TabButtons
TabIterator visibleBegin() { return std::next(mTabButtons.begin(), mVisibleStart); }
TabIterator visibleEnd() { return std::next(mTabButtons.begin(), mVisibleEnd); }
TabIterator activeIterator() { return std::next(mTabButtons.begin(), mActiveTab); }
TabIterator tabIterator(int index) { return std::next(mTabButtons.begin(), index); }
ConstTabIterator visibleBegin() const { return std::next(mTabButtons.begin(), mVisibleStart); }
ConstTabIterator visibleEnd() const { return std::next(mTabButtons.begin(), mVisibleEnd); }
ConstTabIterator activeIterator() const { return std::next(mTabButtons.begin(), mActiveTab); }
ConstTabIterator tabIterator(int index) const { return std::next(mTabButtons.begin(), index); }
/// Given the beginning of the visible tabs, calculate the end.
void calculateVisibleEnd();
void drawControls(NVGcontext* ctx);
ClickLocation locateClick(const Vector2i& p);
void onArrowLeft();
void onArrowRight();
std::function<void(int)> mCallback;
std::vector<TabButton> mTabButtons;
int mVisibleStart = 0;
int mVisibleEnd = 0;
int mActiveTab = 0;
bool mOverflowing = false;
std::string mFont;