193 lines
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193 lines
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nanogui/tabwidget.h -- A wrapper around the widgets TabHeader and StackedWidget
which hooks the two classes together.
The tab widget was contributed by Stefan Ivanov.
NanoGUI was developed by Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>.
The widget drawing code is based on the NanoVG demo application
by Mikko Mononen.
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
/** \file */
#pragma once
#include <nanogui/widget.h>
#include <functional>
* \class TabWidget tabwidget.h nanogui/tabwidget.h
* \brief A wrapper around the widgets TabHeader and StackedWidget which hooks
* the two classes together.
* \rst
* .. warning::
* Unlike other widgets, children may **not** be added *directly* to a
* TabWidget. For example, the following code will raise an exception:
* .. code-block:: cpp
* // `this` might be say a nanogui::Screen instance
* Window *window = new Window(this, "Window Title");
* TabWidget *tabWidget = window->add<TabWidget>();
* // this label would be a direct child of tabWidget,
* // which is forbidden, so an exception will be raised
* new Label(tabWidget, "Some Label");
* Instead, you are expected to be creating tabs and adding widgets to those.
* .. code-block:: cpp
* // `this` might be say a nanogui::Screen instance
* Window *window = new Window(this, "Window Title");
* TabWidget *tabWidget = window->add<TabWidget>();
* // Create a tab first
* auto *layer = tabWidget->createTab("Tab Name");
* // Add children to the created tabs
* layer->setLayout(new GroupLayout());
* new Label(layer, "Some Label");
* A slightly more involved example of creating a TabWidget can also be found
* in :ref:`nanogui_example_1` (search for ``tabWidget`` in the file).
* \endrst
class NANOGUI_EXPORT TabWidget : public Widget {
TabWidget(Widget *parent);
* \brief Forcibly prevent mis-use of the class by throwing an exception.
* Children are not to be added directly to the TabWidget, see
* the class level documentation (\ref TabWidget) for an example.
* \throws std::runtime_error
* An exception is always thrown, as children are not allowed to be
* added directly to this Widget.
virtual void addChild(int index, Widget *widget) override;
void setActiveTab(int tabIndex);
int activeTab() const;
int tabCount() const;
* Sets the callable objects which is invoked when a tab is changed.
* The argument provided to the callback is the index of the new active tab.
void setCallback(const std::function<void(int)> &callback) { mCallback = callback; };
const std::function<void(int)> &callback() const { return mCallback; }
/// Creates a new tab with the specified name and returns a pointer to the layer.
Widget *createTab(const std::string &label);
Widget *createTab(int index, const std::string &label);
/// Inserts a tab at the end of the tabs collection and associates it with the provided widget.
void addTab(const std::string &label, Widget *tab);
/// Inserts a tab into the tabs collection at the specified index and associates it with the provided widget.
void addTab(int index, const std::string &label, Widget *tab);
* Removes the tab with the specified label and returns the index of the label.
* Returns whether the removal was successful.
bool removeTab(const std::string &label);
/// Removes the tab with the specified index.
void removeTab(int index);
/// Retrieves the label of the tab at a specific index.
const std::string &tabLabelAt(int index) const;
* Retrieves the index of a specific tab using its tab label.
* Returns -1 if there is no such tab.
int tabLabelIndex(const std::string &label);
* Retrieves the index of a specific tab using a widget pointer.
* Returns -1 if there is no such tab.
int tabIndex(Widget* tab);
* This function can be invoked to ensure that the tab with the provided
* index the is visible, i.e to track the given tab. Forwards to the tab
* header widget. This function should be used whenever the client wishes
* to make the tab header follow a newly added tab, as the content of the
* new tab is made visible but the tab header does not track it by default.
void ensureTabVisible(int index);
* \brief Returns a ``const`` pointer to the Widget associated with the
* specified label.
* \param label
* The label used to create the tab.
* \return
* The Widget associated with this label, or ``nullptr`` if not found.
const Widget *tab(const std::string &label) const;
* \brief Returns a pointer to the Widget associated with the specified label.
* \param label
* The label used to create the tab.
* \return
* The Widget associated with this label, or ``nullptr`` if not found.
Widget *tab(const std::string &label);
* \brief Returns a ``const`` pointer to the Widget associated with the
* specified index.
* \param index
* The current index of the desired Widget.
* \return
* The Widget at the specified index, or ``nullptr`` if ``index`` is not
* a valid index.
const Widget *tab(int index) const;
* \brief Returns a pointer to the Widget associated with the specified index.
* \param index
* The current index of the desired Widget.
* \return
* The Widget at the specified index, or ``nullptr`` if ``index`` is not
* a valid index.
Widget *tab(int index);
virtual void performLayout(NVGcontext* ctx) override;
virtual Vector2i preferredSize(NVGcontext* ctx) const override;
virtual void draw(NVGcontext* ctx) override;
TabHeader* mHeader;
StackedWidget* mContent;
std::function<void(int)> mCallback;