216 lines
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216 lines
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* ReactPhysics3D physics library, http://code.google.com/p/reactphysics3d/ *
* Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Daniel Chappuis *
* *
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. *
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the *
* use of this software. *
* *
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, *
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it *
* freely, subject to the following restrictions: *
* *
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim *
* that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a *
* product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be *
* appreciated but is not required. *
* *
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be *
* misrepresented as being the original software. *
* *
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. *
* *
// Libraries
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include "mathematics/mathematics.h"
#include "Profiler.h"
#include "body/CollisionBody.h"
#include "collision/RaycastInfo.h"
#include "OverlappingPair.h"
#include "collision/CollisionDetection.h"
#include "constraint/Joint.h"
#include "constraint/ContactPoint.h"
#include "memory/MemoryAllocator.h"
#include "EventListener.h"
/// Namespace reactphysics3d
namespace reactphysics3d {
// Declarations
class CollisionCallback;
// Class CollisionWorld
* This class represent a world where it is possible to move bodies
* by hand and to test collision between each other. In this kind of
* world, the bodies movement is not computed using the laws of physics.
class CollisionWorld {
protected :
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Reference to the collision detection
CollisionDetection mCollisionDetection;
/// All the bodies (rigid and soft) of the world
std::set<CollisionBody*> mBodies;
/// All the collision shapes of the world
std::list<CollisionShape*> mCollisionShapes;
/// Current body ID
bodyindex mCurrentBodyID;
/// List of free ID for rigid bodies
std::vector<luint> mFreeBodiesIDs;
/// Memory allocator
MemoryAllocator mMemoryAllocator;
/// Pointer to an event listener object
EventListener* mEventListener;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Private copy-constructor
CollisionWorld(const CollisionWorld& world);
/// Private assignment operator
CollisionWorld& operator=(const CollisionWorld& world);
/// Return the next available body ID
bodyindex computeNextAvailableBodyID();
/// Remove a collision shape.
void removeCollisionShape(CollisionShape* collisionShape);
/// Create a new collision shape in the world.
CollisionShape* createCollisionShape(const CollisionShape& collisionShape);
/// Reset all the contact manifolds linked list of each body
void resetContactManifoldListsOfBodies();
public :
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
virtual ~CollisionWorld();
/// Return an iterator to the beginning of the bodies of the physics world
std::set<CollisionBody*>::iterator getBodiesBeginIterator();
/// Return an iterator to the end of the bodies of the physics world
std::set<CollisionBody*>::iterator getBodiesEndIterator();
/// Create a collision body
CollisionBody* createCollisionBody(const Transform& transform);
/// Destroy a collision body
void destroyCollisionBody(CollisionBody* collisionBody);
/// Ray cast method
void raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastCallback* raycastCallback,
unsigned short raycastWithCategoryMaskBits = 0xFFFF) const;
/// Test if the AABBs of two bodies overlap
bool testAABBOverlap(const CollisionBody* body1,
const CollisionBody* body2) const;
/// Test if the AABBs of two proxy shapes overlap
bool testAABBOverlap(const ProxyShape* shape1,
const ProxyShape* shape2) const;
/// Test and report collisions between a given shape and all the others
/// shapes of the world
virtual void testCollision(const ProxyShape* shape,
CollisionCallback* callback);
/// Test and report collisions between two given shapes
virtual void testCollision(const ProxyShape* shape1,
const ProxyShape* shape2,
CollisionCallback* callback);
/// Test and report collisions between a body and all the others bodies of the
/// world
virtual void testCollision(const CollisionBody* body,
CollisionCallback* callback);
/// Test and report collisions between two bodies
virtual void testCollision(const CollisionBody* body1,
const CollisionBody* body2,
CollisionCallback* callback);
/// Test and report collisions between all shapes of the world
virtual void testCollision(CollisionCallback* callback);
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class CollisionDetection;
friend class CollisionBody;
friend class RigidBody;
friend class ConvexMeshShape;
// Return an iterator to the beginning of the bodies of the physics world
inline std::set<CollisionBody*>::iterator CollisionWorld::getBodiesBeginIterator() {
return mBodies.begin();
// Return an iterator to the end of the bodies of the physics world
inline std::set<CollisionBody*>::iterator CollisionWorld::getBodiesEndIterator() {
return mBodies.end();
// Ray cast method
inline void CollisionWorld::raycast(const Ray& ray,
RaycastCallback* raycastCallback,
unsigned short raycastWithCategoryMaskBits) const {
mCollisionDetection.raycast(raycastCallback, ray, raycastWithCategoryMaskBits);
// Test if the AABBs of two proxy shapes overlap
inline bool CollisionWorld::testAABBOverlap(const ProxyShape* shape1,
const ProxyShape* shape2) const {
return mCollisionDetection.testAABBOverlap(shape1, shape2);
// Class CollisionCallback
* This class can be used to register a callback for collision test queries.
* You should implement your own class inherited from this one and implement
* the notifyRaycastHit() method. This method will be called for each ProxyShape
* that is hit by the ray.
class CollisionCallback {
/// Destructor
virtual ~CollisionCallback() {
/// This method will be called for contact
virtual void notifyContact(const ContactPointInfo& contactPointInfo)=0;