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435 lines
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NanoGUI was developed by Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>.
The widget drawing code is based on the NanoVG demo application
by Mikko Mononen.
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
* \file nanogui/formhelper.h
* \brief Helper class to construct forms for editing a set of variables of
* various types.
#pragma once
#include <nanogui/screen.h>
#include <nanogui/label.h>
#include <nanogui/checkbox.h>
#include <nanogui/textbox.h>
#include <nanogui/combobox.h>
#include <nanogui/colorpicker.h>
#include <nanogui/layout.h>
#include <cassert>
* \class FormWidget formhelper.h nanogui/formhelper.h
* \brief A template wrapper class for assisting in the creation of various form widgets.
* \rst
* The partial template specializations are:
* - Inheritance from :class:`nanogui::ComboBox` for ``enum`` types:
* .. code-block:: cpp
* template <typename T>
* class FormWidget<T, typename std::is_enum<T>::type> : public ComboBox
* - Inheritance from :class:`nanogui::IntBox` for integral types:
* .. code-block:: cpp
* template <typename T>
* class FormWidget<T, typename std::is_integral<T>::type> : public IntBox<T>
* - Inheritance from :class:`nanogui::FloatBox` for floating point types:
* .. code-block:: cpp
* template <typename T>
* class FormWidget<T, typename std::is_floating_point<T>::type> : public FloatBox<T>
* The full template specializations are:
* - Inheritance from :class:`nanogui::CheckBox` for booleans:
* .. code-block:: cpp
* template <>
* class FormWidget<bool, std::true_type> : public CheckBox
* - Inheritance from :class:`nanogui::TextBox` for strings:
* .. code-block:: cpp
* template <>
* class FormWidget<std::string, std::true_type> : public TextBox
* - Inheritance from :class:`nanogui::ColorPicker` for :class:`nanogui::Color` types:
* .. code-block:: cpp
* template <>
* class FormWidget<Color, std::true_type> : public ColorPicker
* Please refer to the bottom of :ref:`program_listing_file_nanogui_formhelper.h`
* for the implementation details.
* \endrst
template <typename T, typename sfinae = std::true_type> class FormWidget { };
* \class FormHelper formhelper.h nanogui/formhelper.h
* \brief Convenience class to create simple AntTweakBar-style layouts that
* expose variables of various types using NanoGUI widgets
* **Example**:
* \rst
* .. code-block:: cpp
* // [ ... initialize NanoGUI, construct screen ... ]
* FormHelper* h = new FormHelper(screen);
* // Add a new windows widget
* h->addWindow(Eigen::Vector2i(10,10),"Menu");
* // Start a new group
* h->addGroup("Group 1");
* // Expose an integer variable by reference
* h->addVariable("integer variable", aInt);
* // Expose a float variable via setter/getter functions
* h->addVariable(
* [&](float value) { aFloat = value; },
* [&]() { return *aFloat; },
* "float variable");
* // add a new button
* h->addButton("Button", [&]() { std::cout << "Button pressed" << std::endl; });
* \endrst
class FormHelper {
/// Create a helper class to construct NanoGUI widgets on the given screen
FormHelper(Screen *screen) : mScreen(screen) { }
/// Add a new top-level window
Window *addWindow(const Vector2i &pos,
const std::string &title = "Untitled") {
mWindow = new Window(mScreen, title);
mLayout = new AdvancedGridLayout({10, 0, 10, 0}, {});
mLayout->setColStretch(2, 1);
return mWindow;
/// Add a new group that may contain several sub-widgets
Label *addGroup(const std::string &caption) {
Label* label = new Label(mWindow, caption, mGroupFontName, mGroupFontSize);
if (mLayout->rowCount() > 0)
mLayout->appendRow(mPreGroupSpacing); /* Spacing */
mLayout->setAnchor(label, AdvancedGridLayout::Anchor(0, mLayout->rowCount()-1, 4, 1));
return label;
/// Add a new data widget controlled using custom getter/setter functions
template <typename Type> detail::FormWidget<Type> *
addVariable(const std::string &label, const std::function<void(const Type &)> &setter,
const std::function<Type()> &getter, bool editable = true) {
Label *labelW = new Label(mWindow, label, mLabelFontName, mLabelFontSize);
auto widget = new detail::FormWidget<Type>(mWindow);
auto refresh = [widget, getter] {
Type value = getter(), current = widget->value();
if (value != current)
Vector2i fs = widget->fixedSize();
widget->setFixedSize(Vector2i(fs.x() != 0 ? fs.x() : mFixedSize.x(),
fs.y() != 0 ? fs.y() : mFixedSize.y()));
if (mLayout->rowCount() > 0)
mLayout->setAnchor(labelW, AdvancedGridLayout::Anchor(1, mLayout->rowCount()-1));
mLayout->setAnchor(widget, AdvancedGridLayout::Anchor(3, mLayout->rowCount()-1));
return widget;
/// Add a new data widget that exposes a raw variable in memory
template <typename Type> detail::FormWidget<Type> *
addVariable(const std::string &label, Type &value, bool editable = true) {
return addVariable<Type>(label,
[&](const Type & v) { value = v; },
[&]() -> Type { return value; },
/// Add a button with a custom callback
Button *addButton(const std::string &label, const std::function<void()> &cb) {
Button *button = new Button(mWindow, label);
if (mLayout->rowCount() > 0)
mLayout->setAnchor(button, AdvancedGridLayout::Anchor(1, mLayout->rowCount()-1, 3, 1));
return button;
/// Add an arbitrary (optionally labeled) widget to the layout
void addWidget(const std::string &label, Widget *widget) {
if (label == "") {
mLayout->setAnchor(widget, AdvancedGridLayout::Anchor(1, mLayout->rowCount()-1, 3, 1));
} else {
Label *labelW = new Label(mWindow, label, mLabelFontName, mLabelFontSize);
mLayout->setAnchor(labelW, AdvancedGridLayout::Anchor(1, mLayout->rowCount()-1));
mLayout->setAnchor(widget, AdvancedGridLayout::Anchor(3, mLayout->rowCount()-1));
/// Cause all widgets to re-synchronize with the underlying variable state
void refresh() {
for (auto const &callback : mRefreshCallbacks)
/// Access the currently active \ref Window instance
Window *window() { return mWindow; }
/// Set the active \ref Window instance.
void setWindow(Window *window) {
mWindow = window;
mLayout = dynamic_cast<AdvancedGridLayout *>(window->layout());
if (mLayout == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Internal error: window has an incompatible layout!");
/// Specify a fixed size for newly added widgets.
void setFixedSize(const Vector2i &fw) { mFixedSize = fw; }
/// The current fixed size being used for newly added widgets.
Vector2i fixedSize() { return mFixedSize; }
/// The font name being used for group headers.
const std::string &groupFontName() const { return mGroupFontName; }
/// Sets the font name to be used for group headers.
void setGroupFontName(const std::string &name) { mGroupFontName = name; }
/// The font name being used for labels.
const std::string &labelFontName() const { return mLabelFontName; }
/// Sets the font name being used for labels.
void setLabelFontName(const std::string &name) { mLabelFontName = name; }
/// The size of the font being used for group headers.
int groupFontSize() const { return mGroupFontSize; }
/// Sets the size of the font being used for group headers.
void setGroupFontSize(int value) { mGroupFontSize = value; }
/// The size of the font being used for labels.
int labelFontSize() const { return mLabelFontSize; }
/// Sets the size of the font being used for labels.
void setLabelFontSize(int value) { mLabelFontSize = value; }
/// The size of the font being used for non-group / non-label widgets.
int widgetFontSize() const { return mWidgetFontSize; }
/// Sets the size of the font being used for non-group / non-label widgets.
void setWidgetFontSize(int value) { mWidgetFontSize = value; }
/// A reference to the \ref nanogui::Screen this FormHelper is assisting.
ref<Screen> mScreen;
/// A reference to the \ref nanogui::Window this FormHelper is controlling.
ref<Window> mWindow;
/// A reference to the \ref nanogui::AdvancedGridLayout this FormHelper is using.
ref<AdvancedGridLayout> mLayout;
/// The callbacks associated with all widgets this FormHelper is managing.
std::vector<std::function<void()>> mRefreshCallbacks;
/// The group header font name.
std::string mGroupFontName = "sans-bold";
/// The label font name.
std::string mLabelFontName = "sans";
/// The fixed size for newly added widgets.
Vector2i mFixedSize = Vector2i(0, 20);
/// The font size for group headers.
int mGroupFontSize = 20;
/// The font size for labels.
int mLabelFontSize = 16;
/// The font size for non-group / non-label widgets.
int mWidgetFontSize = 16;
/// The spacing used **before** new groups.
int mPreGroupSpacing = 15;
/// The spacing used **after** each group.
int mPostGroupSpacing = 5;
/// The spacing between all other widgets.
int mVariableSpacing = 5;
* A specialization for adding a CheckBox to a FormHelper.
template <> class FormWidget<bool, std::true_type> : public CheckBox {
/// Creates a new FormWidget with underlying type CheckBox.
FormWidget(Widget *p) : CheckBox(p, "") { setFixedWidth(20); }
/// Pass-through function for \ref nanogui::CheckBox::setChecked.
void setValue(bool v) { setChecked(v); }
/// Pass-through function for \ref nanogui::Widget::setEnabled.
void setEditable(bool e) { setEnabled(e); }
/// Returns the value of \ref nanogui::CheckBox::checked.
bool value() const { return checked(); }
* A specialization for adding a ComboBox to a FormHelper.
* \tparam T
* The type being used inside the ComboBox.
template <typename T> class FormWidget<T, typename std::is_enum<T>::type> : public ComboBox {
/// Creates a new FormWidget with underlying type ComboBox.
FormWidget(Widget *p) : ComboBox(p) { }
/// Pass-through function for \ref nanogui::ComboBox::selectedIndex.
T value() const { return (T) selectedIndex(); }
/// Pass-through function for \ref nanogui::ComboBox::setSelectedIndex.
void setValue(T value) { setSelectedIndex((int) value); mSelectedIndex = (int) value; }
/// Pass-through function for \ref nanogui::ComboBox::setCallback.
void setCallback(const std::function<void(const T &)> &cb) {
ComboBox::setCallback([cb](int v) { cb((T) v); });
/// Pass-through function for \ref nanogui::Widget::setEnabled.
void setEditable(bool e) { setEnabled(e); }
* A specialization for adding an IntBox to a FormHelper.
* \tparam T
* The **integral** type being used for the IntBox.
template <typename T> class FormWidget<T, typename std::is_integral<T>::type> : public IntBox<T> {
/// Creates a new FormWidget with underlying type IntBox.
FormWidget(Widget *p) : IntBox<T>(p) { this->setAlignment(TextBox::Alignment::Right); }
* A specialization for adding a FloatBox to a FormHelper.
* \tparam T
* The **floating point** type being used for the FloatBox.
template <typename T> class FormWidget<T, typename std::is_floating_point<T>::type> : public FloatBox<T> {
/// Creates a new FormWidget with underlying type FloatBox.
FormWidget(Widget *p) : FloatBox<T>(p) { this->setAlignment(TextBox::Alignment::Right); }
* A specialization for adding a TextBox to a FormHelper.
template <> class FormWidget<std::string, std::true_type> : public TextBox {
/// Creates a new FormWidget with underlying type TextBox.
FormWidget(Widget *p) : TextBox(p) { setAlignment(TextBox::Alignment::Left); }
/// Pass-through function for \ref nanogui::TextBox::setCallback.
void setCallback(const std::function<void(const std::string&)> &cb) {
TextBox::setCallback([cb](const std::string &str) { cb(str); return true; });
* A specialization for adding a ColorPicker to a FormHelper.
template <> class FormWidget<Color, std::true_type> : public ColorPicker {
/// Creates a new FormWidget with underlying type ColorPicker.
FormWidget(Widget *p) : ColorPicker(p) { }
/// Pass-through function for \ref nanogui::ColorPicker::setColor.
void setValue(const Color &c) { setColor(c); }
/// Pass-through function for \ref nanogui::Widget::setEnabled.
void setEditable(bool e) { setEnabled(e); }
/// Returns the value of \ref nanogui::ColorPicker::color.
Color value() const { return color(); }