2021-08-09 17:08:22 +02:00

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* ReactPhysics3D physics library, *
* Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Daniel Chappuis *
* *
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. *
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the *
* use of this software. *
* *
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, *
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it *
* freely, subject to the following restrictions: *
* *
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim *
* that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a *
* product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be *
* appreciated but is not required. *
* *
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be *
* misrepresented as being the original software. *
* *
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. *
* *
// Libraries
#include "Test.h"
#include <reactphysics3d/mathematics/Transform.h>
#include <reactphysics3d/mathematics/Matrix3x3.h>
/// Reactphysics3D namespace
namespace reactphysics3d {
// Class TestTransform
* Unit test for the Transform class
class TestTransform : public Test {
private :
// ---------- Atributes ---------- //
/// Identity transform
Transform mIdentityTransform;
/// First example transform
Transform mTransform1;
/// Second example transform
Transform mTransform2;
const float mEpsilon = 0.0001;
public :
// ---------- Methods ---------- //
/// Constructor
TestTransform(const std::string& name) : Test(name) {
Vector3 unitVec(1, 1, 1);
decimal sinA = std::sin(PI_RP3D/8.0f);
decimal cosA = std::cos(PI_RP3D/8.0f);
mTransform1 = Transform(Vector3(4, 5, 6), Quaternion(sinA * unitVec, cosA));
decimal sinB = std::sin(PI_RP3D/3.0f);
decimal cosB = std::cos(PI_RP3D/3.0f);
mTransform2 = Transform(Vector3(8, 45, -6), Quaternion(sinB * unitVec, cosB));
/// Run the tests
void run() {
/// Test the constructors
void testConstructors() {
Transform transform1(Vector3(1, 2, 3), Quaternion(6, 7, 8, 9));
Transform transform2(Vector3(4, 5, 6), Matrix3x3(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1));
Transform transform3(transform1);
rp3d_test(transform1.getPosition() == Vector3(1, 2, 3));
rp3d_test(transform1.getOrientation() == Quaternion(6, 7, 8, 9));
rp3d_test(transform2.getPosition() == Vector3(4, 5, 6));
rp3d_test(transform2.getOrientation() == Quaternion::identity());
rp3d_test(transform3 == transform1);
/// Test getter and setter
void testGetSet() {
rp3d_test(mIdentityTransform.getPosition() == Vector3(0, 0, 0));
rp3d_test(mIdentityTransform.getOrientation() == Quaternion::identity());
Transform transform;
transform.setPosition(Vector3(5, 7, 8));
transform.setOrientation(Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 1));
rp3d_test(transform.getPosition() == Vector3(5, 7, 8));
rp3d_test(transform.getOrientation() == Quaternion(1, 2, 3, 1));
rp3d_test(transform.getPosition() == Vector3(0, 0, 0));
rp3d_test(transform.getOrientation() == Quaternion::identity());
/// Test the inverse
void testInverse() {
Transform inverseTransform = mTransform1.getInverse();
Vector3 vector(2, 3, 4);
Vector3 tempVector = mTransform1 * vector;
Vector3 tempVector2 = inverseTransform * tempVector;
rp3d_test(approxEqual(tempVector2.x, vector.x, decimal(10e-6)));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(tempVector2.y, vector.y, decimal(10e-6)));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(tempVector2.z, vector.z, decimal(10e-6)));
/// Test methods to set and get transform matrix from and to OpenGL
void testGetSetOpenGLMatrix() {
Transform transform;
Vector3 position = mTransform1.getPosition();
Matrix3x3 orientation = mTransform1.getOrientation().getMatrix();
decimal openglMatrix[16] = {orientation[0][0], orientation[1][0],
orientation[2][0], 0,
orientation[0][1], orientation[1][1],
orientation[2][1], 0,
orientation[0][2], orientation[1][2],
orientation[2][2], 0,
position.x, position.y, position.z, 1};
decimal openglMatrix2[16];
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[0], orientation[0][0], mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[1], orientation[1][0], mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[2], orientation[2][0], mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[3], 0, mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[4], orientation[0][1], mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[5], orientation[1][1], mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[6], orientation[2][1], mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[7], 0, mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[8], orientation[0][2], mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[9], orientation[1][2], mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[10], orientation[2][2], mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[11], 0, mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[12], position.x, mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[13], position.y, mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[14], position.z, mEpsilon));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(openglMatrix2[15], 1, mEpsilon));
/// Test the method to interpolate transforms
void testInterpolateTransform() {
Transform transformStart = Transform::interpolateTransforms(mTransform1, mTransform2,0);
Transform transformEnd = Transform::interpolateTransforms(mTransform1, mTransform2,1);
rp3d_test(transformStart == mTransform1);
rp3d_test(transformEnd == mTransform2);
decimal sinA = sin(PI_RP3D/3.0f);
decimal cosA = cos(PI_RP3D/3.0f);
decimal sinB = sin(PI_RP3D/6.0f);
decimal cosB = cos(PI_RP3D/6.0f);
Transform transform1(Vector3(4, 5, 6), Quaternion::identity());
Transform transform2(Vector3(8, 11, 16), Quaternion(sinA, sinA, sinA, cosA));
Transform transform = Transform::interpolateTransforms(transform1, transform2, 0.5);
Vector3 position = transform.getPosition();
Quaternion orientation = transform.getOrientation();
rp3d_test(approxEqual(position.x, 6));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(position.y, 8));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(position.z, 11));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(orientation.x, sinB));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(orientation.y, sinB));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(orientation.z, sinB));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(orientation.w, cosB));
/// Test the identity methods
void testIdentity() {
Transform transform = Transform::identity();
rp3d_test(transform.getPosition() == Vector3(0, 0, 0));
rp3d_test(transform.getOrientation() == Quaternion::identity());
Transform transform2(Vector3(5, 6, 2), Quaternion(3, 5, 1, 6));
rp3d_test(transform2.getPosition() == Vector3(0, 0, 0));
rp3d_test(transform2.getOrientation() == Quaternion::identity());
/// Test the overloaded operators
void testOperators() {
// Equality, inequality operator
rp3d_test(mTransform1 == mTransform1);
rp3d_test(mTransform1 != mTransform2);
// Assignment operator
Transform transform;
transform = mTransform1;
rp3d_test(transform == mTransform1);
// Multiplication
Vector3 vector(7, 53, 5);
Vector3 vector2 = mTransform2 * (mTransform1 * vector);
Vector3 vector3 = (mTransform2 * mTransform1) * vector;
rp3d_test(approxEqual(vector2.x, vector3.x, decimal(10e-6)));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(vector2.y, vector3.y, decimal(10e-6)));
rp3d_test(approxEqual(vector2.z, vector3.z, decimal(10e-6)));