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src/theme.cpp -- Storage class for basic theme-related properties
The text box widget was contributed by Christian Schueller.
NanoGUI was developed by Wenzel Jakob <>.
The widget drawing code is based on the NanoVG demo application
by Mikko Mononen.
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
#include <nanogui/theme.h>
#include <nanogui/opengl.h>
#include <nanogui_resources.h>
Theme::Theme(NVGcontext *ctx) {
mStandardFontSize = 16;
mButtonFontSize = 20;
mTextBoxFontSize = 20;
mWindowCornerRadius = 2;
mWindowHeaderHeight = 30;
mWindowDropShadowSize = 10;
mButtonCornerRadius = 2;
mDropShadow = Color(0, 128);
mTransparent = Color(0, 0);
mBorderDark = Color(29, 255);
mBorderLight = Color(92, 255);
mBorderMedium = Color(35, 255);
mTextColor = Color(255, 160);
mDisabledTextColor = Color(255, 80);
mTextColorShadow = Color(0, 160);
mIconColor = mTextColor;
mButtonGradientTopFocused = Color(64, 255);
mButtonGradientBotFocused = Color(48, 255);
mButtonGradientTopUnfocused = Color(74, 255);
mButtonGradientBotUnfocused = Color(58, 255);
mButtonGradientTopPushed = Color(41, 255);
mButtonGradientBotPushed = Color(29, 255);
/* Window-related */
mWindowFillUnfocused = Color(43, 230);
mWindowFillFocused = Color(45, 230);
mWindowTitleUnfocused = Color(220, 160);
mWindowTitleFocused = Color(255, 190);
mWindowHeaderGradientTop = mButtonGradientTopUnfocused;
mWindowHeaderGradientBot = mButtonGradientBotUnfocused;
mWindowHeaderSepTop = mBorderLight;
mWindowHeaderSepBot = mBorderDark;
mWindowPopup = Color(50, 255);
mWindowPopupTransparent = Color(50, 0);
mFontNormal = nvgCreateFontMem(ctx, "sans", roboto_regular_ttf,
roboto_regular_ttf_size, 0);
mFontBold = nvgCreateFontMem(ctx, "sans-bold", roboto_bold_ttf,
roboto_bold_ttf_size, 0);
mFontIcons = nvgCreateFontMem(ctx, "icons", entypo_ttf,
entypo_ttf_size, 0);
if (mFontNormal == -1 || mFontBold == -1 || mFontIcons == -1)
throw std::runtime_error("Could not load fonts!");