80 lines
1.9 KiB
80 lines
1.9 KiB
import argparse
import random
import string
import torch
from functools import cache
from pathlib import Path
from phonemizer import phonemize
from phonemizer.backend import BACKENDS
from tqdm import tqdm
def _get_graphs(path):
with open(path, "r") as f:
graphs = f.read()
return graphs
cached_backends = {}
def _get_backend( language="en-us", backend="espeak" ):
key = f'{language}_{backend}'
if key in cached_backends:
return cached_backends[key]
if backend == 'espeak':
phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend]( language, preserve_punctuation=True, with_stress=True)
elif backend == 'espeak-mbrola':
phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend]( language )
phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend]( language, preserve_punctuation=True )
cached_backends[key] = phonemizer
return phonemizer
def encode(text: str, language="en-us", backend="espeak") -> list[str]:
if language == "en":
language = "en-us"
text = [ text ]
backend = _get_backend(language=language, backend=backend)
if backend is not None:
tokens = backend.phonemize( text, strip=True )
tokens = phonemize( text, language=language, strip=True, preserve_punctuation=True, with_stress=True )
tokens = list(tokens[0])
tokenized = " ".join( tokens )
merges = [ "\u02C8", "\u02CC", "\u02D0" ]
for merge in merges:
tokenized = tokenized.replace( f' {merge}', merge )
return tokenized.split(" ")
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("folder", type=Path)
parser.add_argument("--suffix", type=str, default=".txt")
args = parser.parse_args()
paths = list(args.folder.rglob(f"*{args.suffix}"))
for path in tqdm(paths):
phone_path = path.with_name(path.stem.split(".")[0] + ".phn.txt")
if phone_path.exists():
graphs = _get_graphs(path)
phones = encode(graphs)
with open(phone_path, "w") as f:
f.write(" ".join(phones))
if __name__ == "__main__":